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Chapter 167 Defensive Battle

Chapter 167 Defensive Battle [Noon] The Greenskin Boss and the Mortal Auxiliary Army
The recruitment of conscripts went very smoothly. Everyone in the city knew that someone had to stop the greenskins if they wanted to survive. A large number of middle-aged people watched their families grit their teeth and went to the recruitment site.

The local PDF arsenal was opened, and automatic guns were fired into the hands of middle-aged people. These people were brought to the position as quickly as possible and joined the battle.

The conscripts recruited a total of more than 1000 people, which just made up for the lost number. These people couldn't help shaking when they saw the soldiers with missing arms and legs in the position. Although they were afraid, they knew very well that they had to defend this place. Allow your family to evacuate safely.

The greenskins' attack stopped for a while after the raid just now. The political commissar felt that the greenskins should be waiting for the next wave of artillery cover, and then repeated the old tricks. The political commissar didn't think that these beasts would have any better tactics.

The mortal auxiliary army next to the attack just now was also affected, but because of their excellent equipment and excellent battlefield response, they did not receive too much loss, and they also transferred three Leman Russ to support the position of the noble army .

"Get ready! The beasts may attack again at any time!"

The political commissar walked in the trenches and kept talking to the conscripts. He looked at the conscripts who were shaking with their guns, and shook his head helplessly. These people have no fighting power, they just have their own lives to prevent the orcs from attacking. .

"Sir, will our family survive?"

The political commissar was walking in the trenches when a mobilized soldier suddenly asked him. The political commissar stopped and looked at the middle-aged man who asked him the question. This man should be a worker in a mining factory. The weather-beaten palms proved this. One point, his eyes are a little small due to long-term underground work, and he is now looking at the political commissar with his own eyes, hoping that the political commissar can give him a satisfactory answer.

80.00% of the population of Koser [-] are all mining factory workers. They rely on the mineral mining of Kosr [-] to make a living. This is the most common occupation on Kosr [-]. Most of these conscripts are It's a mining worker.

The other conscripts followed the man and looked at the political commissar. They all came here to keep their family members alive. They hoped that they could get a satisfactory answer, even if it was a lie.

"Yes, Lord Primarch said, we only need to stick to it for one day. It is already noon, and the support will arrive in the afternoon. The God Emperor's angels will burn these hateful monsters!"

The political commissar looked at these mobilized soldiers and said loudly to them that he had received the order in the morning, and he just had to stick to it for a day, and the support would arrive in the afternoon, when the god emperor's angels would burn all those hateful monsters.

"Drip Drip!!!"

At this moment, three loud whistles sounded, and the political commissar knew that the greenskins had started to attack again. He quickly ran to the edge of the trench and looked towards the battlefield ahead.

Countless green skins have already started rushing towards the position. They formed a group of more than a dozen green skins. While running towards the position, they fired at the human position with the guns in their hands.

"Clap clap clap!"

A row of bullets just landed on the ground in front of the political commissar, and the splashed mud and melted snow directly hit the political commissar's face.

"Bah bah bah..."

The political commissar hurriedly retracted his head into the trench, and spat out the dirt that flew into his mouth with all his might.

"Why are you still looking at me, shoot at those monsters!"

The political commissar raised his head, looked around at the conscripts who were watching him, and shouted loudly that they were still looking at him at this time.

After a second, the conscripts finally came to their senses, and the heavy logging gun roared. These conscripts didn't have any training, and they just shot by feeling. The heavy logging gun bullets flew randomly in the green leather, and they didn't hit much. green skin.

But there are still some greenskins who were hit. The armor on their bodies could not stop the bullets of the heavy logging guns. The moment the bullets hit their bodies, the green skins were smashed into pieces. It quickly kills the green skin boy and effectively kills the green skin.

"Don't stop the heavy logging gun! You can't stop when people are dead!"

The political commissar held his own bolter and kept shooting at the greenskins in front of him, shouting loudly to the soldiers of the heavy fire team while shooting.

The momentum of thousands of automatic guns firing on the battlefield is very scary, but the power of the automatic gun is still too small, countless bullets are buried in the green skins, and they do not cause any effective damage. The green skin boys have equipped it now. Armor, its protective ability can even block the burst fire of automatic guns, but continuous shooting will not work.

Thousands of automatic guns are still somewhat useful. As those green skins get closer and closer to the position, the shooting of the automatic guns finally took effect. The armor on the green skin boy was finally pierced by the continuous blows of the automatic gun bullets. , and at this distance, the accuracy of the heavy logging gun has also improved, and the green skins were killed by the heavy logging gun one by one.

However, the greenskins still rushed to the position, and there were too many of them. At this moment, the three Leman Russes on the ground behind the trench opened fire, and the bolt guns on the sides of the vehicle and the front of the vehicle began to shoot. Exploding bombs are like cutting wheat, smashing pieces of green skin into blood foam.

The soldiers in the trenches also used automatic guns, shooting wildly at the green skins on the trenches. The continuous firing of the automatic guns turned the green skins that were hit into a plug full of holes.


At this moment, a strange sound of metal rubbing suddenly came from behind the greenskins, and Leman Russ' main cannon fired at this moment. Hearing the deafening sound of the cannon, the soldiers in the trench felt themselves His ears were about to burst, and many soldiers who didn't wear helmets even had bleeding from their ears.

Leman Russ's main gun hit a green-skinned armored vehicle. The green-skinned vehicle looked like a Leman Russ made out of various waste products. Although it didn't have a turret, its chassis could be seen It turned out that these green skins were imitated after Leman Russ.

These green leather armors followed behind the green skin boys. Although they didn't have turrets, they all dragged a strange big trailer behind the vehicles. Those vehicles that were not hit by Leman Russ stopped at the edge of the trench, one by one. The green-skinned boss jumped out of the trailer and quickly rushed into the trench.

The soldiers looked at the monsters rushing into the trench in horror. These three-meter-tall monsters wearing thick armor, looking at their blood-red eyes, made all the soldiers feel extremely terrified. No one fired at them for a while. .


A conscript next to the green-skinned boss suddenly reacted, raised his automatic gun and pulled the trigger on the green-skinned boss's head.

"Boom boom boom!"

The bullet hit the helmet of the green-skinned boss, and was immediately bounced off. The green-skinned boss looked at the human attacking him, and quickly grabbed his head. The soldier who was caught by the head struggled, and the trigger of the automatic gun in his hand had been released. Because of his fear, he grasped, and the bullets of the automatic gun flew in the trench.


With the sound of skull cracking, the green-skinned boss threw the human corpse on the ground. Looking at the soldiers in front of him, he picked up his power and slashed.


The green-skinned boss roared and rushed towards the soldiers. The soldiers were still immersed in fear and didn't react at all. They were just some civilians, and they had never seen such a terrible scene.


At this moment, the sound of a laser rifle discharge suddenly came from behind the soldiers, and laser rays passed through the soldiers and shot at the green-skinned boss. Melted under the high temperature of the ray, the laser penetrated the armor and vaporized the green-skinned boss's body.

But this couldn't kill the green-skinned boss. With a roar, the green-skinned boss continued to rush towards the soldiers in front. It wanted to tear the attacking humans into pieces.

A figure passed by the soldiers at an extremely fast speed, and rushed to the green-skinned boss. The slight mechanical sound from the force feedback power armor was still ringing around the ears of the soldiers. The power sword in the figure's hand was It has almost reached the neck of the green-skinned boss.

The disintegration force field decomposed the armor of the green-skinned boss, as easily as cutting the air, and chopped off the green-skinned boss's head.

The soldiers finally saw the figure clearly. It was a mortal auxiliary wearing force feedback power armor, and he was looking at the soldiers with a power sword.

"Continue to fight, we will deal with those monsters in the trenches."

The Mortal Auxiliary Army spoke to the soldiers, and the dull electronic sound pierced the ears of the soldiers. They quickly picked up their automatic guns and shot at the green skins outside the trench.

Soldiers of the mortal auxiliary army were running in the trenches. They were wearing force feedback power armor and holding power swords in their hands. They surrounded and killed the green skin bosses in groups. They originally belonged to the supervising team, but now this In this case, they have to play.

These mortal auxiliary soldiers are all veterans of the former Star Border Army. Their combat experience and the fighting style they have developed on the battlefield over the years allow them to kill a green-skinned boss quite easily in groups of five.

But they still suffered casualties, and the battle of the green-skinned bosses was still very strong. These bosses who came out of the green-skinned pile were the strongest among the green-skinned boys.

The strong physical fitness of the green-skinned boss, coupled with the "excellent" equipment produced by Grit Technology, still allowed them to kill some mortal auxiliaries, but with the excellent tactical cooperation of the mortal auxiliaries, the mortal auxiliaries still Most of them were injured, and not many people died.

These mortal auxiliaries with missing arms and legs will return to the Imperial Veritas at that time, and with the help of the equipment in the medical room, they will be replaced with mechanical prostheses, and then continue to serve in the mortal auxiliaries.

In the end, the charge of the green skins was repulsed by the humans, and the humans also suffered huge losses. However, because the mortal auxiliary army joined this time, the number of losses only reached more than 900, and most of them were the losses of the mobilized soldiers. , The Greenskin Boss is too lethal in the trenches.

Because of this loss, the recruitment of conscripts started again in the city. Five mortal auxiliaries held trumpets and recruited conscripts at the evacuation point. They asked about their husbands and children, whether they were still alive, and when they could come back.

In a basement not far from an evacuation point, a tall figure watched the chaotic situation in the evacuation point through the observation window.

He caressed the bolter that accompanied him for 1 years, silently watching the chaotic scene outside the window, his heart was constantly struggling, he looked at those people, and wanted to put on the power armor and rush to the battlefield to fight He died as a soldier of the Emperor, but he didn't want people to see the traitor's symbol on his power armor, which had become a shame.

"I have proved my loyalty to the emperor and the empire in the rebellion 1 years ago. Now I have no reason to fight for the empire that betrayed the "Imperial Truth". They are just mortals. This Countless mortals die every day in the universe, I don't have to fight for them, my duty was done 1 years ago..."

The giant looked at the bolter on his knee, and at the logo of the former Legion era on it, struggling to think.

The Legion logo that used to represent glory has become a shame in his life. He no longer dares to put on that power armor, pick up this bolter with the Legion logo, and appear in front of the world. He should have died in the Died at the hands of those Legion traitors in that damned rebellion.

But he is still alive, he has experienced the rebellion, and together with his loyal cousins ​​stopped the traitors from going to Holy Terra, he has given everything for the empire, and now he just wants to find a quiet place to live in peace life, but why did that damn war appear in front of him again?Why did this scene of mortal despair appear in front of him again?

"I can not……"

The giant caressed the bolter, and he kept telling himself in his heart that he couldn't go out to join the battle, the mark on his body was the mark of a traitor, and he absolutely couldn't let himself die as a traitor.


Suddenly a gunshot came from the evacuation point, and the giant hurriedly looked towards the evacuation point. Superman's vision allowed him to see clearly what happened at the evacuation point. A man with an automatic pistol raised his automatic pistol and shouted at the soldiers in front of him. Shouting something, he should be a nobleman based on his gorgeous attire, and the giant's Lyman's ear allowed him to hear what the man was saying clearly.

"I am a nobleman! I have the right to evacuate early! Why did you let that damned woman and her child get on the transport plane!?"

The nobleman shouted frantically at the soldier in front of him. After hearing what the man said, the giant shook his head helplessly. No matter which world they were in, most of these noblemen's virtues were like this.

"Her husband is on the battlefield, and she has the right to get on the transport plane ahead of time. Now put down the guns in your hands and return to the queue for me to line up safely!"

The soldier looked at the nobleman in front of him, quickly raised the laser rifle in his hand, and said to the nobleman.

"You! I am a nobleman! How dare you!"

The nobleman looked at the muzzle of the laser rifle in front of him, and said in a trembling voice, he looked at the soldier in front of him, although he was a little scared, but thinking of his status as a nobleman, he felt that this big soldier would not dare to do anything to him.

"One last warning! Throw away the gun and get back in line!"

The soldier didn't respond to what the nobleman said. Just kidding, he is a soldier led by the Primarch himself. How can a small local nobleman have the right to order me.

"I'm a nobleman! Let me get on the plane!"

The nobleman was still in a fit of madness, he almost shouted nervously, and raised his pistol, vaguely pointing at the soldiers.


But before he raised his pistol, the soldier would shoot directly, and he had already given that last warning.

The giant in the basement watched the soldiers shoot the nobles directly, his eyes lit up, and he began to think again as he watched the soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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