Chapter 182 Starfall
The Tali World is a relatively peaceful world. War is an unfamiliar word to this world. The only war in this world was when the world was just colonized, with a small local alien civilization. It took the Empire just one Tyra month to wipe out all the native xenos.

Now the tower world has become a fortress world under construction to deal with the upcoming apocalypse-level war.

In the tower world, the main hive capital "Taricomo", the entrance of the hive capital gate, on the imperial position.

Baiyumen's huge hive city fixed-point macro-cannons stand on top of the various buildings in the hive city, and their muzzles point to the outside of the hive city and the tarina sky that has been polluted by heavy industry for thousands of years.

On the platform where each macrocannon is located, a large number of slave laborers pull on industrial cranes, shouting and sending a huge macrocannon shell into the barrel of the macrocannon.

A large number of PDFs, led by the mortal auxiliaries, are patrolling each position, and beside them, Astartes are holding various weapons and fighting iron men, pointing at the dim sky , discussing something intensely.

"Company Commander Wu Xuhua, there are some flaws in your deployment plan. Please take a look at my analysis. These places are the best positions for street fighting."

An artificial intelligence of Combat Ironman is talking with a traveler leader, and they are discussing the defense plan of the hive city.

"A67-568, what the hell is that name? I'll call you 67, 67, we don't want to fight in the streets, our purpose is to defend the hive with the least casualties, not to fight the enemy in the streets, if the enemy enters the hive Our mission has failed."

Wu Xuhua looked at the holographic screen projected on the head of the battle iron man in front of him, looked at the strategic layout map on it, shook his head at the battle iron man, and then said to it.

"Sorry, it's my problem, Company Commander Wu Xuhua, I'm rearranging the defense plan, and it's expected to be completed within 2 minutes."

The artificial intelligence apologized to Wu Xuhua in a very humane manner, and then quickly arranged the best defense plan. Wu Xuhua looked at the fighting iron man in front of him, sighed and left it alone.

Wu Xuhua looked at the yellow sky, thinking about when and how the chaos attack would come.

Wu Xuhua looked at the huge warship wreckage in the orbit, and kept greeting the mother of Chaos in his heart. The wreckage in the orbit was the destroyed Chaos warship. After they were smashed into pieces by the "Star Conqueror", they directly surrounded the tower. The orbit of the world began to move.

These wreckages are so massive that they even obscure some of the tower's sun.

"Company Commander Wu Xuhua, defensive plan..."

Just as Wu Xuhua was looking at the huge wreckage in the sky, the battle iron man completed the defense plan. When he was about to tell Wu Xuhua the plan, he was suddenly interrupted by Wu Xuhua raising his hand.

"67, scan the debris in the sky, are they getting bigger?"

Wu Xuhua looked at the wreckage of the ship that was getting bigger and bigger in the sky, and asked the fighting iron man beside him.

The combat iron man raised his head, and the sophisticated equipment continuously zoomed in on the wreckage of the ship in the sky, observing its movement process.

"Company Commander Wu Xuhua, the wreckage of those ships is falling to the ground, and some of them are falling towards my location."

The fighting iron man looked at the wreckage of the ships in the sky, and said to Wu Xuhua.

"Damn it! Hurry up and tell the hive capital consul to open the void shield!"

Wu Xuhua looked at the wreckage of the ship that was getting bigger and bigger in the sky, and after hearing what the fighting iron man said, he hurriedly said to the fighting iron man.

After the battle iron man heard Wu Xuhua's order, he quickly notified the governor of the nest capital. The governor of the nest capital was stupid at the time, and hurriedly led people to open the void shield of the nest capital.

Wu Xuhua watched the flashing Void Shield activation light in the sky of the hive capital, and let out a long breath in his heart. The current situation is obviously that Abaddon used the wreckage of the ship to carry out orbital bombing on the hive capital.

The hives have also observed this situation, and the void shields of all hives have been activated to deal with the upcoming orbital bombing.

The wreckage of the ship rubbed against the atmosphere of the tower world, and fell to each hive city like huge meteors. These wreckages of the ship were carefully adjusted by Abaddon, and its falling trajectory was calculated so that They hit the hive with precision.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The wreckage of the ship hit the void shield, and its kinetic energy directly overloaded the front void shield. However, there is not only one layer of void shield in the hive capital, but several layers of void shields in the hive capital.

Soon these shipwrecks that broke through the first layer of void shields were blocked by the second layer of void shields. At this moment, both the middle nest and the upper nest of the hive capital could see the doomsday scene of the shipwrecks hitting the void shield.

In the palace of the governor of the Chaodu Capital, he hugged his wife and his children tightly, watching the doomsday scene in the sky and praying to the God Emperor to bless them.

At this moment, the sky of this hive capital was filled with flames, as if the sky was burning. The mortal auxiliary army kept shuttling between the middle hive and the upper hive with PDFs, comforting the imperial civilians who saw this scene. The Ministry is also desperately maintaining the sudden surge in local law and order.

"The sky is burning, death fire and metal from the void."

On the middle nest street of a hive city, a young man wearing the uniform of the mortal auxiliary army looked at the burning sky and said to himself in fear.

"Don't worry, the God Emperor will protect us."

Just as the boy sighed, a big hand covered his head, and a traveler looked at the burning sky and said to the boy.

The traveler is a person who follows the mortal auxiliary army to appease the civilians. He is holding a huge "star traveler" legion banner, and the civilians around him are looking at him, seeking shelter in the emperor's angel.

"Yes, my lord, the God Emperor will bless us, I will be very brave, the God Emperor will not bless the weak."

The young man looked at the traverser, he stared at the traverser holding the huge legion flag, saluted the sky eagle to the traverser, and then excitedly replied to the traverser.

Yes, the God Emperor will protect him, the emperor's angels are by his side, what else can he be afraid of, even if those monsters really landed in this world, then he can follow the emperor's angels to kill them into pieces.

The boy thought in his heart that his previous fear had completely disappeared. He held up his laser rifle, looked at the imperial civilians around him, and made up his mind to use his life to complete the mission assigned by the God Emperor and protect the Human Empire.

The civilians in the middle nest and the upper nest were quickly appeased. Seeing the emperor's angel walking among the crowd, the civilians let go of their fear. They believed that the emperor's angel would protect them.

Some of the cultists in Xiachao who got the information from Zhongchao and wanted to make troubles also fell into a baby-like sleep under the gunpoint of the local Ministry of Justice, completely losing the ability to do things.

In fact, the sky of the Hive City did not burn. The reason why people think that the sky of the Hive City was burning was because Abaddon placed a large number of explosives on the wreckage of these ships. When these explosives touched the second layer of void shields, It exploded, and the huge explosion fireball covered the sky of the entire Hive City.

"It's really spectacular... Let all the anti-aircraft firepower of the hive be aimed at the sky, Abaddon's attack cannot be limited to these."

Xie Ming looked at the burning flames in the sky, sighed, and then said to the mortal communications soldier beside him. After hearing Xie Ming's words, the communications soldier hurriedly conveyed Xie Ming's order to various weapon platforms.

The huge macro artillery matrix in the hive capital gradually turned towards the burning sky. Second Lieutenant Liang Yin, who was connected to the command system, was constantly using various photosensitive devices to search for various targets that might appear in the sky.

As the flames in the sky were gradually extinguished, as Xie Ming expected, a large number of airdrop pods quickly fell towards each nest. Along with the airdrop pods, there were also a large number of demon engines. These flying hell dragons were flying in groups. Covering the fallen airborne capsule, they rushed towards each nest.

"The macro cannon and light spear are ready, the target has been locked, is it allowed to fire?"

In the hive capital headquarters, Second Lieutenant Liang Yin reported the situation of the weapons to Xie Ming. All the weapons were ready and ready to fire at any time.

"Fire allowed."

Xie Ming looked at the densely packed airborne pods and hell dragons on the holographic projection screen, and immediately gave an order to attack.

After receiving Xie Ming's order to fire, Second Lieutenant Liang Yin immediately activated all weapons, the macro cannon began to roar, and the light spear shot out beams of destructive energy, like pillars reaching the sky.

As all the weapons in the Hive City opened fire, the sky burned again. The explosion of the macro artillery shells was like the sun suddenly appearing one by one. A shower of fire.

In addition to these powerful orbital defense weapons, a large number of conventional defense weapons also opened fire, and the metal barrage covered the entire sky. The countless metal barrages tore apart the airborne pods one by one, turning them into a part of the rain of fire in the air .

At this moment, the world has become a full-fledged war machine. These explosions and weapon launches can be clearly seen even from space.

"How did they build this planetary defense system in such a short period of time?"

On the "Spirit of Vengeance", Abaddon looked at the various explosions on the planet's ground, and asked Carlos angrily.

Abaddon really couldn't understand how the traversers turned a hive world into a fortress world in such a short period of time.

"They have a lot of STC templates in their hands."

Carlos's two heads were concentrating on a Chinese book found in the traveler's dormitory on the "Star Conqueror". After hearing Abaddon's inquiry, one of his heads slowly looked at Abaddon. it replied.

After answering Abaddon's question with one of Carlos' heads, he turned around again and looked at the book. Carlos is particularly interested in this ancient Terran script recently.

"STC template, they actually have this thing in their hands, yes, they even have a battleship from the golden age, but now it's mine."

After hearing Carlos' answer, Abaddon pondered in his heart, it wanted to get those STC templates, these are very precious items.

Although Abaddon has obtained the "Conquest of the Stars", it is only a hulk. 90.00% of the capacity of the "Conquest of the Stars" has been completely destroyed by the traversers. There is an STC template on it, so naturally it will not be let go.

"Intensify the attack, let those mortals attack together, and the summoning ceremony of the devil must be formed quickly, let the devil appear in this world!"

Abaddon looked at the yellow planet and said to a Chaos Space Marine beside him. The Chaos Space Marine nodded and walked towards the depths of the ship.

Following Abaddon's order, a large number of mortal cultists were also sent to the surface of the planet on transport planes, and chaos psykers and various psychic cans also began to go to the ground, preparing to summon demons on the surface of the planet to join them. The war, the tower world is about to welcome the first demon to come to this world.

Just as the weapons in the hive capital roared, Wang Xiaofa and the other traversers finally returned to the tower world, and Wang Ming directly set their resurrection point on Xie Ming.

"Captain, what's wrong with you guys?"

Xie Ming looked at the revived traversers in front of him, and asked the angry Wang Xiaofa. When these traversers were resurrected, they were all full of anger, and they kept observing the surroundings with their power swords.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't reacted from a battle yet."

Wang Xiaofa looked at Xie Ming in front of him, shook his head to wake himself up, then quickly adjusted his state, and said to Xie Ming.

The battle with the green skins was so crazy that the traversers were almost suffocated by the chaos, and all of them poured on the green skins, and they rushed into the green skins one by one without caring about anything. There was a burst of slashing, and Wang Xiaofa even led a group of traversers, forcibly dismantling an ancient giant the size of a knight with a power sword.


Xie Ming nodded, and then quickly told Wang Xiaofa and the two regiment leaders about the current situation in the tower world. The traversers will naturally have nothing to fear when the backbone is back.

Two days ago, he was still discussing various tactics, worried that Chaos' attack would be too strong, but now he was completely worried that Chaos would not dare to come down, and he would not be able to kick Abaddon hard in the face.

"The current situation is like this. What the boss means is to drag Abaddon to the tower world as long as possible, and then immediately support here after the boss finishes solving the green skins on the fourth star of Kesier, and strive to kill Abaddon."

In the headquarters, Wang Xiaofa looked around at the company commanders who had been in the tower world all the time, and told them what Wang Ming meant.

Wang Ming hoped that the Tali World would try to hold Abaddon down as much as possible, so that they could fight together from inside to outside.

(End of this chapter)

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