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Chapter 184 The Sanctuary where Human Beings Are Detained

Chapter 184 The Sanctuary where Human Beings Are Detained
The human mechanic and Croas told where the greenskins imprisoned the humans, and those greenskins imprisoned all the humans in the city's sanctuary.

Because of its huge space and one-way passage, the green skins only need to place a few heavy weapons at the gate of the shelter to suppress all humans inside.

"Those monsters also separated us by job type. They asked us mechanics to maintain their weapons and equipment, and let those soldiers help them train troops."

Behind the body of the green skin Leman Russ, the human mechanic named Balor was constantly telling Croas and Edwie how the green skins imprisoned humans, and how barbaric and powerful the green skins were. brutal.

"Adwig, can you affect the vision of those green skins?"

After listening to Balor's words, Croas asked Edwie, Edwie's ability is much stronger than that, Croyas knows that Edwie's ability affects the vision of creatures, so that Self and allies gain stealth.

"Yes, but if it is to save people, I am not sure if I can hide so many people. After all, I have never tried it before, and I have no idea."

Edwie looked at Croyas, thought for a while, and then said to him.

Edwie didn't know if she could let so many people pass under the eyes of the green skins.

"Don't go directly to rescue people, go to the city's arsenal first, let's get some weapons."

Croyas looked at Edwie and said to her, they can't rescue everyone at once, so it's better to let those humans arm themselves and cooperate with the arriving rescue force when the time comes.

"it is good."

Edwie nodded, and after the two confirmed the location of the shelter, Edwie used psionic power to hide Croas from herself.

The two walked in the city of green skins, and the surrounding green skins ignored them. Whether the two walked in front of the green skins, or the two entered the building, none of the green skins noticed their existence. .

"Wait, there's an orc up ahead."

Croas, who was walking in a corridor, stopped suddenly. He stopped Edwie who was about to move forward, and pointed to the green skin beside a gate ahead.

The green skin was sitting at the gate of the armory, holding his big gun and looking at the wall in front of him, thinking meaningfully.

Edwie looked at the green skin, took out her laser pistol and aimed it at the green skin's head, preparing to kill the green skin directly with the laser pistol.

The sound of the laser pistol is very small, and it will only emit a small electric sound when shooting, but this does not mean that its power is weak. The laser of the laser pistol is also deadly. Its laser rays can even kill the body of a mortal. The limbs evaporate, which is enough to deal with the green skins without helmets.

Edwie looked at the green skins, put down the laser pistol after thinking for a while, gestured to Croas to keep up, and then walked towards the green skins.

Edwie and Croas walked in front of the green skins. The green skins didn't notice them at all, and they were still staring ahead as before, thinking about their own affairs.

Edwie pulled out the monomolecular bayonet, and quickly chopped off the green skin's head as before. After cutting off the green skin's head, the psychic flame appeared again, completely evaporating the green skin in this world.

"Let's go."

Croyas looked at Edwie's movements, and instantly felt that he was a little redundant. He looked at the lock on the gate in embarrassment, then took out a monomolecular bayonet, and started cutting on the lock with its serrated teeth. .

Cloyas moved very quickly, and the lock was cut in a short while. Croyas pushed open the door, and the two entered the arsenal together.

In the arsenal, all kinds of locally produced automatic guns were spread on the ground like garbage, with all kinds of ammunition and armor mixed in. Croas even found a few QBZM21 laser rifles that had no energy in one corner. These laser rifles should have been picked up by the green skins on the battlefield.

"How do we take these weapons away?"

Edwie looked at the weapons and equipment all over the floor, and asked Croas, there were too many of these weapons, and she didn't think the two of them could take them away.

"Let me do it."

Croyas walked to the side of the weapons and equipment, and said to Edwie.

Just after Croas said these words to Edwie, Edwie saw a burst of green light suddenly appearing from Croas's spine, and the weapons and equipment on the ground appeared with the green light , all of a sudden it disappeared.

"Necromantic technology?"

Edwie looked at the green light slowly extinguishing on Croas's spine, and asked Croas curiously. As an immortal who has lived for tens of thousands of years, she naturally knows some things about Necrons and science and technology.

After all, in her 3 years, she was not all fishing. During the Great Expedition, she traveled to many places with the empire's expedition fleet. She has seen many things. She has seen the golden age of the Human Federation, and she has seen The rise and fall of the human empire.

"Yes, just a small still position, found from a Necromancer remnant, and died a few times trying to get it."

Cloyas turned his head to look at Edwie, and said to her as if nothing had happened.

He discovered this in the Necromancer ruins in a world during the Great Expedition era. When he discovered this thing, the imprisoned creatures were accidentally released by him.

In the ruins of the Necrons, Croas fought the terrifying creature for several days before finally killing the creature.

During the battle during this period, Croas was even killed by that creature several times, but he still killed that creature by relying on his Eternal Physique.

After killing the creature, Croas took away the space necromancer technology that imprisoned the creature. After a long period of research, he implanted this technology into his spinal prosthesis as a A portable pocket is in use, and it can be said that all of Croas' belongings are in it.

"Let's go, go to that so-called shelter."

Edwie looked at Croyas, and then walked towards the door. She didn't like these alien technologies, because she was a bit psychologically shadowed by these things. Edwie always believed that there was no fully researched alien technology. is very dangerous and unstable.

The two quickly left the arsenal and went to the shelter in the center of the city.

The Vault protected no one when the Greenskins arrived, and when the last mortal auxiliaries guarding the city were torn apart by the Greenskins, all Imperial civilians took refuge in the Vault under the protection of the PDF.

But this shelter did not protect them well. A few days later, the greenskins discovered the underground shelter. They used power weapons to cut through the thick metal gate and entered it.

But what is surprising is that the green skins did not slaughter humans, but sent a grit who understood Gothic to persuade humans to surrender.

The green skins asked the PDFs in the shelter to put down their weapons. As long as the PDFs put down their weapons, the green skins would guarantee the safety of all human beings. Finally, the local colonel PDF looked at the people in the shelter, and for everyone to live, he Accepted the green skin's persuasion.

All the PDFs put down their weapons and surrendered to the green skins. The green skins also fulfilled their promise and did not slaughter humans. The green skins just let humans teach them some human technology and human tactics.

The two sides maintained a strange balance in this way, the green skins gave humans food, and humans taught the green skins human technology.

Cloyas and Edwie soon arrived at the shelter in the center of the city. It was a huge fortress building, a large number of heavy weapons and green skin boys were stationed in it, and there were also a large number of green skin patrols from time to time. Walk past the fort.

It can be said that this shelter is the place where the Greenskins are most heavily guarded except the city government. This is not surprising, after all, most of the humans in this city are imprisoned here.

In order to imprison these humans, the green skins naturally have to guard this shelter tightly, after all, the number of humans in it is not a small number.

"How to get in?"

Edwie asked Croyas, she looked at the green-skinned building with such a tight defense, and couldn't think of a way to get in for a while.

"Did you see those goblins? They should be delivering food. We'll follow them in later."

Cloyas looked at the fortress, pointed to the fart who was carrying things beside a transport truck, and then said to Edwie.

Edwie followed Croas' fingers and saw those farts, she nodded to Croas, and then walked towards those farts with him.

Edwie and Cloyas waited by the side of the transport vehicle. After waiting for a long time, those farts began to walk into the shelter in groups with various foods. Edwie and Croyas Yas also followed the grits into the shelter.

Edwie and Croas entered the refuge, and followed the farts into a downward staircase. In the process of following the farts into the ground, the two also saw clearly that the farts were holding What is the food.

The two of them were very familiar with these foods. This kind of food had accompanied them for countless days and nights. It could be seen in almost every imperial world with a bad environment. It was a piece of pink corpse starch.

There is a cadaver starch factory on Koser [-], and the early Kosser [-] used human corpses that died naturally to make cadaver starch due to food shortages.

Due to the harsh world environment, there are two main sources of food for human beings on Kessel [-], one is the flesh and blood of giant beasts in the ocean, and the other is starch from corpses processed from the flesh and blood of some naturally dead giant beasts.

These dead behemoths will go to the shore and run aground on the beach. The human beings on Koser [-] also rely on the corpses of these dead behemoths to survive in this harsh world.

Later, because the Mechanicus discovered the value of mineral mining on this planet, the food on Kessel [-] was provided by the transport ship of the Mechanicus. Food is exchanged.

"Corpse starch?"

Edwie looked at the pink lump in Grit's hand, and asked Croas, she wasn't sure if it was that thing, but it looked like it should be.

"It's corpse starch."

Cloyas replied to Edwie, he also looked at the pink lumps on the green leather hands, thinking about what the raw materials of these things are, could they be human corpses?

The two followed the Grit for a long time, and finally arrived at the underground shelter, and entered the shelter through a huge door frame aligned with a large number of green skins.

There is also a half piece of huge metal hydraulic door on the huge door frame. The hydraulic door was obviously damaged by a power weapon. The connection and the middle of the door are cut like a mirror.

It was very obvious that the greenskin's door-breaking action was not very skilled. The hydraulic door was directly destroyed in two halves, leaving only half of the door above the door frame, and the outer part had disappeared without a trace.

The refuge is a huge space. Edwie and Croas smelled a strange smell the moment they walked into it. It was the stench of a large number of human beings who had gathered together and hadn't cleaned themselves up for a long time. The smell of excrement mixed together, making both of them pause slightly.

But for the two of them, this smell was nothing. Compared with the various strange smells in the bottom nest, this smell could be described as "fresh air".

There was no human in the huge space, and the two continued to follow the farts, who came to a huge hydraulic door.

A large number of green skins at the door of the hydraulic door are holding local PDF automatic guns, looking at the surrounding empty walls and thinking about their own affairs. They are not worried that the humans behind the hydraulic door will escape, after all, they have been hungry for more than a month. How could the shrimps still have the strength to escape?
The Grits tremblingly said something to the Greenskins, and then the hydraulic door was opened by the Greenskins. Edwie and Croas looked at the Grits and Greenskins in front of them, and suddenly felt something in their hearts. There is a strange feeling that these beasts seem to be very disciplined, with obvious classifications of work.

Grits have jobs for grits, and green skins have jobs for green skins. The two sides don't interfere with each other, they just do the corresponding things well.

It is not surprising that this kind of thing happens in any civilized society, but this is a green skin. It is incredible that the green skin boys would not participate in the war and perform relatively boring jobs such as long-term guards.

In fact, a large number of green skins think this way in a month. If the green skins don't go to war, why do they do guard work?

But these green skins who raised objections were all turned into mushroom sauce by Da Kela within a month. According to Da Kela, only orderly green skins can be favored by the big golden guy.

Dakla's approach also caused many bosses among the greenskins to hack him to death, and then become the boss themselves. They thought that this boss was really strange, why did they make the greenskins look like shrimps.

After the hydraulic door was opened, a stench that was several times stronger than the previous smell rushed over. The two of them frowned slightly when they smelled this smell, and did not react much.

After the hydraulic door was opened, the two finally saw the imprisoned humans. In the huge space behind the hydraulic door, a large number of scrawny humans were staring at those ghosts numbly.

(End of this chapter)

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