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Chapter 186 "The Final Battle" The Angry Dakla

Chapter 186 "The Final Battle" The Angry Dakla

"Break it! Break it!"

After the attack began, the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army who had been waiting by the city wall also started to move. The remaining meter of the city wall was quickly cut open, and the traversers took the lead and the mortal auxiliary army followed.

The troops closest to the shelter immediately rushed towards the shelter. They needed to evacuate the civilians, and then the artillery unit could launch a full strike.

As soon as the traversers rushed into the city, they were hit by a series of greenskin firepower. The green leather troop patrol inside the city wall quickly discovered the traversers.

A large number of Grits held local PDF automatic guns and kept shooting at the traversers. Facing the rain of metal bullets, the traversers used bolt guns to quickly kill each Grit, and then quickly advanced towards the city.

Just after the traversers entered the city, Croas and Edwie also took PDFs to protect the civilians and approached the city wall. The PDFs protected the civilians in the middle and continued to fight the greenskins.

The crowd approached the city wall, and the actions of a large number of humans were also discovered by the greenskins. They attacked the crowd, trying to stop their progress. PDF also launched a counterattack against the greenskins, protecting the civilians from advancing.

On a street leading to the evacuation point, a large number of PDFs protect the civilians around, holding automatic guns and shooting the green skins on the surrounding buildings. The PDFs are not dominant, and people are shot from time to time. The bulletproof of the PDFs Armor was unable to defend against the shooting of metal bullets at all, and more than 100 casualties occurred in the PDFs just halfway to the street.

The moment the injured PDFs fell, they were dragged into the crowd by the civilians behind them. The civilians bandaged the injured PDFs with fragments of clothes. A young man took the automatic gun from the PDFs. He ignored PDFs The shouts joined the battle.

"On the roof! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Goddamn bastard!"

At the front of the team, Croas held his bolt pistol aloft and shouted at the surrounding PDFs. The tactical eyepiece on his power armor helmet kept marking the surrounding enemy targets, and he also kept shooting the surroundings with the bolts. The green skin on the roof of the building.

In front of him, a large number of grits were like sardines in a can, blocking the street in front of him. They held weapons made of various waste products and kept approaching the crowd.

"These bloody goblins!"

Croas cursed in his heart, and then a psychic light suddenly appeared on his body.

"leave me alone."

He turned his head, looked at Colonel Galil who was holding an automatic gun and shooting at the green skins and said.

Colonel Galil looked at the psychic light on Croas, nodded and walked towards the large army. Under Galil's command, the crowd quickly retreated and distanced themselves from Croas.

"Huh..., I haven't used it for a long time, give it a try."

Cloyas put the bolt pistol back into the holster around his waist. He looked at the group of farts in front of him and raised his hands. The psychic light flashed on his body, like lightning bolts Psionic energy surrounded his body, and there was a strange burst of electrical noise.

Some subtle psychic lightning gradually emerged from Croas's facial features, and a thin layer of thin ice gradually formed on the ground around him. Even the people who were already far away from Croas could feel the surrounding The temperature dropped significantly, and some people who wore thinner clothes began to shiver.


A large amount of psychic lightning appeared on Croas's body, rushing towards the group of farts in front of him quickly. The moment the psychic lightning came into contact with the farts, it was as if the body of the farts could conduct electricity. The state of diffusion spread rapidly.

The grits hit by the psychic lightning turned into ashes in an instant. The power of the psychic lightning was terrifying. They instantly filled the entire street in front of Croas. Under the attack of lightning, it turned into a piece of dust more than one meter thick.

"After so many years, it seems that my strength is still undiminished."

Cloyas looked at the street full of grit ashes in front of him, and thought in his heart that the psionic lightning on his body was gradually extinguished. Croyas ignored the subspace whispers in his head, and waved it at the crowd behind him. arms, signaling them to move on.

A trained "Gamma" level psyker, whose psychic ability is very terrifying, since Croas discovered that he is a psyker in his long life, he has been constantly Practice how to control this dangerous ability.

The long period of adaptation and familiarity has allowed him to master his own psionic abilities proficiently, but most of the time he does not know how to use his own psionic abilities, and apart from some negative reactions brought about by using a lot of psionic abilities, he is even more incapable of using them. Love those warp whispers you hear after using a lot of psionic powers.

It feels like someone is whispering in your ear, which is very annoying.

The crowd stepped on the ashes of the Grit on the street, and moved forward. Croyas looked at the map on the arm terminal, and they were not far from the traverser.


In a square near the evacuation point, the traversers were cleaning up, and the surroundings were flooded with grits and greenskin boys. Just as they were fighting with the greenskins, a huge psychic lightning suddenly shot from a The street rushed out.

After the psychic lightning rushed out of the street, it spread radially along the side of the street, killing a group of unlucky green boys before slowly disappearing.

"Psionic lightning?"

A team leader of the traversers looked at the psychic lightning rushing out of the street, and asked the psykers of the psychic battle group of the Mortal Auxiliary Army beside him.

"Yes, my lord, it is indeed spiritual lightning, it comes from the void, with the power to destroy everything..."

The psyker muttered to the traveler and replied, I don't know why, these psykers recruited from the Astral Army are always chattering, and from time to time they will say something unclear to themselves. words.

"Okay... the destructive power coming from the void... just make sure it's psychic lightning."

The leader of the traverser looked at the psionic instructor beside him, and then made a complaint in a low voice.

"Crowas, are you releasing psionic lightning?"

The traverser raised his arm, used the communicator on the arm terminal, and asked Croas. He probably guessed the source of the psychic lightning. If it wasn't for Croyas, then only the green-skinned psychic kid would blow himself up .

"It's me, did you see it? We should be very close to you!"

After a while, Croyas' voice came from the communicator. His voice was a little weak, and the gunshots around him even faintly overshadowed his voice. The subspace whispers were still whispering in his head. The nagging sound made his head start to hurt a little.

"Understood, we will join you immediately."

After hearing what Croas said, he commanded the passers-by around him, went to that street, prepared to join the civilians of the empire, and then evacuated them.

The traversers soon arrived at that street, and they successfully merged with the civilians of the empire. The traversers used bolt guns to quickly clear up the green boys on the surrounding buildings, covering the civilians and quickly evacuating towards the square. The transport vehicle has already driven from the hole to the square, ready to evacuate the civilians from the hole at any time.

In the government building of the Greenskin City, Dakla was looking angrily at several bosses who were in charge of defending the city. It had told these bosses before that they should scout around the city every day.

But there are always people who ignore its orders. Now that human beings have entered the city, they didn't even get any news before that.

"You guys did a great job, allowing the shrimps to easily enter the green-skinned city!"

Da Kela opened his blood-red eyes, looked angrily at the green-skinned bosses in front of him, and yelled at them loudly.

It is really very angry, and now even those humans who are imprisoned have been rescued by humans, humans have entered its city, and its own children are being killed by humans continuously, and it didn't even get any news before this.

Dakla looked at the bosses in front of him, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he felt. It thought that this sudden attack without any news was all due to the dereliction of duty of these bosses. If they could scout around the city every day, they would not be so passive. up.

Thinking of this, Dakla immediately used the power claws, and quickly grabbed a green-skinned boss by the neck. It looked at the pinched green-skinned boss, and the power claws slowly tightened. Under the huge power of the power claws, the green-skinned boss In an instant, it turned into a ball of mushroom sauce, evenly covering the gorgeous carpet in the office, and some even splashed onto the emperor's icon on the wall.

Dakla threw the mushroom sauce on the Power Claw to the ground, then took out a handkerchief from the previous owner from the desk, walked to the emperor's icon, and wiped off the mushroom sauce carefully.

"Your behavior is a blasphemy to the big golden guy. You have no sense of responsibility at all. You only think about fighting every day."

After wiping off the mushroom sauce on the emperor's icon, Dakla turned around, looked at those green skins, and said angrily, Dakla believed that only green skins with a sense of responsibility and order would be protected by the golden big one. Guy's favor.

This is why Dakla does not allow the green skins to slaughter humans. It needs humans to teach the green skins what is a sense of responsibility and what is the real order.

"Now, go do your duty, take the boys and kill those shrimps, don't let them stop our great waaaagh!"

Da Kela yelled at the green-skinned bosses. After hearing what Da Kela said, the green-skinned bosses rushed out of the office immediately and took the boys to fight the humans.

Just after the greenskin bosses rushed out of the office, a grit and a greenskin in a white coat walked into the office.

"Boss Dakla, the Grits have already made those things, we can leave this world at any time and go to other worlds for a bigger waaaagh!"

Grit looked at Da Kela, bouncing around and said to Da Kela, it was very excited, because just today, they finally finished the big ships that can fly out of the world, and they can go to other worlds.

"Lu Wen, we can't go to other worlds now, I have to fight the big golden skin, I have to prove to Dihuang that I am the most waaagh green skin!"

Da Kela looked at the Grit, resisted the anger because of those green-skinned bosses' negligence, and said to the Grit.

"Dakla, I thought I should start those big ships and join this war. This time, the shrimps probably want to catch us all. The greenskins who attacked other cities have sent us a message. The shrimps have already started a full-scale counterattack. "

Mad doctor Ayala looked at Dakla, and said to it, it has roughly analyzed the goal of the shrimps' war this time, and these humans have now made up their minds, to completely remove all green skins from this world, they must It's time to use everything that is available.

"Okay, crazy doctor Ayala, just do as you say, you are always right, I believe you."

Dakla walked up to Mad Doctor Ayala, and said to it, just like a child finally found his own support, Dakla has always regarded Mad Doctor Ayala as his brain, thinking about I'm smart, I'm only responsible for fighting, and let Ayala mad doctor manage the green skins.

"Okay, Lu Wen, you go and inform those farts, let them take the boys, fly to the sky to join the battle, and kill all the shrimps."

Crazy doctor Ayala nodded to Da Kela, and then said to Lu Wen.

After hearing the words of Dr. Dakla and Ayala, Lu Wen quickly ran out of the office and went to the factory. He couldn't wait to see those big ships flying into the sky.

"I'm going to the gate of the city. I have a hunch that the big golden-skinned guy will go there this time. I'm going to fight him. I'm the green-skinned one that Dihuang favors the most."

Da Kela looked at the crazy doctor Ayala, and said to it, Da Kela had a premonition, it felt that Wang Ming would definitely appear there, and Da Kela would fight Wang Ming.

"Don't worry, I will command the green skins. You can rest assured to defeat the big golden skin. You will definitely win. You are the green skins most favored by the "Emperor"."

Mad Doctor Ayala also understood Da Kela's meaning. Da Kela meant that it would fight with Wang Ming during this period, and could not command the green boys. He hoped that Mad Doctor Ayala would command him.

"Hahaha! Crazy doctor Ayala, just watch, this time I will definitely defeat the big gold-skinned guy Wang Ming! waaaagh!!!"

Dakla laughed and walked towards the gate. It was going to the city gate, and the responsibility of commanding the green boys was left to Mad Doctor Ayala.

At the city gate, the traversers are repeatedly competing with the greenskins for control of the city gate. Every time the traversers seize the city gate, a large number of greenskins will use heavy weapons to force the traversers out of the city gate again and regain control of the city gate. Gain control of the city gate.

On the trench not far from the city gate, Wang Ming watched the battle at the gate of the city, raised his golden giant sword, and walked towards the gate of the city with the tiger "Big Mi" with Danatus.

(End of this chapter)

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