Chapter 196 Ambush

"Teacher, are we really going to go to the tower for an undetermined news?"

On a Mechanicus ship in the subspace, a technical priest looked ahead and asked the great sage who was looking at the relief of the Mechanicus logo.

The Tech Priest didn't understand that he went through the subspace storm and went to the Tali galaxy for an undetermined news, what if the news was false.

"Gamma 24587811A, you are too young, you still have a lot to learn, have you heard the story of that distant era, about the Great Mechanicus leaving Mars to other worlds in order to pursue the creation of the God of Mechanisms s story."

After hearing the words of his most proud student, the Great Sage Supervisor slowly turned his body and looked at his student.

"Teacher, I know this story. It is recorded in the database of Karid No. [-] that the first batch of mechanical priests, in order to pursue the great God of Myriad Machines, drove those Myriad Machines before the end of the old night. The great ship of the god went to the stars."

Gamma 24587811A looked at the great sage in charge of construction in front of him, and truthfully replied to him that he knew these stories.

"Those great servants of the God of Myriad Chances were in a worse situation than us at that time. They didn't know where their destination was at the time, but they still did not hesitate to protect the great creations of the God of Myriad Chances." Traveling to the stars, now that we have definite information on an Astartes Chapter, what is there to worry about?"

The great sage who supervised the construction looked at the young mechanical priest in front of him, and his mechanical arm clenched his gear giant axe. He is over 400 years old. Although the transformation of his body can still give him strength and energy, he still knows his own strength very well. Life will come to an end one day.

He can't transfer his consciousness to prolong his life like that one. He just wants to find and study every great creation of the God of All Things within his limited time, no matter whether they really exist or not. go and see.

"I understand, teacher, I still have a lot to learn, praise the God of Myriad Machines, and may his incarnation in the mortal world bless us to obtain these great technologies."

Gamma 24587811A looked at his teacher, made a gear salute to him, and said as he was taught.

"God of all machines, we will get those technologies."

The Great Sage Supervisor looked at the students in front of him, turned around again, looked at the exquisite reliefs on the wall, and whispered to himself.

On the wilderness outside the hive capital of "Taricomo", a convoy composed of a group of tattered Land Raiders is speeding across the wilderness. Behind the convoy, a group of Chaos Space Marines are driving Followed closely by the vehicles corrupted by Chaos.

"Ka Ka Ka..., I'm Chen Cheng, I'm Chen Cheng, and I'm guiding the Chaos Space Marines to the ambush circle. Can the Fourth Armored Company hear you?"

In a Land Raider at the head of the convoy, a traverser was holding a communicator, contacting Li Weihua, the commander of the [-]th Armored Company, who was waiting for the prey to be set in the ambush circle.

"I hear it, I hear it, it's clear, come on, the game is loaded, the shells are ready."

In the communicator, Li Weihua's voice came from there. They were already ready in the ambush circle, and they just waited for the traversers to bring their prey.

"Understood, it is expected to contact in 2 minutes."

After hearing Li Weihua's words, the traverser estimated the contact time and replied to him.

"Got it, they will all be swallowed by the emperor's wrath."

After Li Weihua replied to the traverser, he directed all the crews to take cover, and when the convoy brought the Chaos Space Marines over, they could be wiped out instantly.

"Anton, this is the first time you have actually operated a tank's main gun, don't let me miss it."

Li Weihua put down the communicator, then patted Anton's head beside him, and said seriously to him.

"Understand the company commander, I will definitely hit the enemy."

After being patted on the head by Li Weihua, Anton replied firmly to Li Weihua that this was the first time he had really used the main gun to kill an enemy, and he must not disappoint the company commander.

"Okay, I believe you."

Li Weihua looked at Anton with a determined face, and said to him with a smile, he did not expect Anton, a recruit, to kill the enemy. He really hoped that he could accumulate some experience and truly adapt to the battlefield.

Even if Anton really missed the hit, a brutal blade arranged by him next to him might make up for him.

The time of 2 minutes was very fast, and the convoy successfully led the Chaos Space Marines into the ambush circle, which was the ruins of a mining factory, this ancient ancient city that passed power to the Tali World and the Empire as early as ten thousand years ago. Creation, will again help the Empire and humanity today.

The armored vehicles of the [-]th Armored Company were hidden in the huge steel ruins, quietly waiting for the appearance of their prey. All the gunners' fingers were already on the fire button, and they could be instantly turned into fire just waiting for the prey to appear. Fragmented.

"Here we come, all ready!"

Li Weihua watched the friendly signal on the auspicious instrument of the brutal blade getting closer, picked up the communicator and ordered to all the crew.


All crews were ordered and they were ready to deal with those enemies.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The convoy passed before the eyes of all the traversers of the armored company, and then the Chaos Space Marines chasing them entered the ambush circle.


When the last armored vehicle of the Chaos Space Marines entered the ambush circle, all the traversers were ordered to fire freely.

In an instant, those giant steel beasts hidden in the steel ruins no longer hid their figures, and they used their powerful cannon barrels to send shells one by one to the chaotic miscellaneous.

Almost instantly, the chaos convoy was cut off by the traversers, and they lost the ability to move forward and escape in an instant, and they will usher in a real massacre.

Cannon fire flashed among the iron ruins, and the armored vehicles of chaos were quickly destroyed by the armored forces of the empire in a short period of time. One by one, the chaos space fighters who realized that something was wrong escaped from the armored vehicles, trying to Hide in the iron ruins to avoid the attack of the empire.

But everything about them was in vain. The moment they got off the car, they were locked on by a trolley-mounted heavy explosive bomb, and what greeted them was a raindrop of explosive bombs. The explosive bomb hit by it turned into countless fragments, which were mixed with the wreckage of its own armored vehicle.

The passers-by of the Land Raider convoy returned to the steel ruins after the fourth armored company finished the battle. They jumped off the Land Raider, holding various weapons and facing towards the Chaos army. The wreck goes.

They'll search for the surviving Chaos Space Marines for a pleasant post-battle finish.

"It has been confirmed that all are wiped out, and the troops are being transferred. The brothers have fought well in this wave of ambush."

When the last surviving Chaos Space Marine was repaired by the traversers, the ambush on the battlefield was completely over. This time the ambush was very successful, and the Chaos troops believed that the traversers were fleeing from the beginning to the end, and they didn't find themselves at all. Being lured into an ambush circle.

This is actually not to blame the Chaos Space Marines, because the Land Raiders who seduced the Chaos Space Marines look really bad, they are obviously a group of rout soldiers who have just lost a battle.

This is the idea of ​​a company commander who traveled through. He planned to use these camouflaged Land raiders to relax the vigilance of the Chaos troops, so as to lure them into the ambush circle.

Facts have proved that this plan is very good. After seeing these tattered Rand raiders, the Chaos Bomber immediately identified them as broken soldiers who were beaten and retreated by the demon army.

In an instant, they were like a group of dogs who saw something, chasing the Land Raider convoy without letting go, without even noticing that they had entered the ambush circle of the Fourth Armored Regiment.

"Thanks to your seduction, brothers continue."

After the battle, Li Weihua thanked the traversers who commanded the convoy. This cooperative battle was really smooth, and all the processes were completed in one go. Even Anton destroyed a Chaos Land Raider.

"Received, after the scouting team finds valuable targets, we will lure another batch."

After hearing Li Weihua's words, the traversers who commanded the convoy smiled and told him that the ambush was very beautiful this time.

Above the tower, in order to fight against the Chaos Space Marines, the traversers really showed their talents. They began to use various ancient Terra tactics, and began to engage in various non-martial arts with the Chaos Space Marines. Germany's sneak attack wiped out the vitality of the chaos space fighters in large numbers.

This once caused the Chaos Space Marines to be a little afraid to separate the troops. After all, they have experienced too much of the underworld things created by the traversers in just a few days.

For example, in the melting minefield, the traversers planted a large piece of melting mines directly on their attack route without the Chaos Space Marines noticing. Those melting mines from the [-]st Engineer Company, In that battle, a Chaos armored force was directly annihilated.

During the battles of the past few days, the Chaos Space Marines wanted to attack the hive together with the demon army, but because of the various underworld methods of the traversers, they completely gave up this idea, and could only use mortal cultists every day. Sacrifice and summon more demons to attack the hive.

On the position at the entrance of a small hive city, the battle is in full swing. Laser beams and explosive bombs are flying in the air. The demons roar and rush towards the human position, intending to rush into the hive city to harvest human life.

The traversers of this small hive city are running exhausted on various battlefields. There are too many demons attacking the hive city this time, so the traversers who only have 50 people stationed in the hive city have to disperse in various defensive positions to assist the positions Defend against the attacks of demons.

"Cady! See that monster up ahead?"

A soldier in the trench pointed to a [-]-meter-tall monster in front of the position to his companions and asked.

"I see, what's the matter? That guy is not something we can solve..."

Kaidi held up the laser rifle, looked at the [-]-meter tall monster through the scope, and asked his companion suspiciously.

"I know... the angels have been killed by that monster, and the other angels are still on their way. We can't let the position fall..."

The soldier looked at his companion, and kept strapping melta bombs to his body one by one.

In the battle just now, the ten traversers who were in charge of defending this position were all killed by a Khorne space warrior who suddenly appeared from the group of demons.

This Khorne space warrior should be a Khorne champion blessed by Khorne. It can kill all ten traversers by itself, and it looks like it hasn't used its full strength yet.

"I didn't want you to deal with that monster, but I wanted you to give me cover so that I could use the heat to blow up that monster directly."

The soldier said to his companions that this time not only his companions looked at him suspiciously, but all the soldiers around him who heard his words looked at him with the expression of looking at a fool.

There are too many demons outside the position, it is impossible to just rush to the monster, let alone kill it with heat melt, there is no chance at all.

"Are you crazy? The distance is too far. Even if you can rush to the monster, how can you have a chance to throw the melt? It's not like you don't know the speed of the monster. Even the angels are not as fast as it!" .”

Kaidi looked at the soldier as if looking at a fool, and said to him.

They have all seen the battle just now, the strength of the Khorne space fighters, and all the mortal auxiliaries have seen that the Khorne space fighters are stronger than the time-travelers, faster than the time-travelers, and their fighting skills are also better than the time-travelers. The traversers were even stronger, and the siege of ten traversers did not cause much damage to them.

"Then what can you do? Do you want it to come and kill us? The angels will not be able to arrive for a while, it is now approaching the position, the operator of the laser cannon and the heavy bomber, because it is too fast and aims again Without it, what else can we do now?"

The soldier looked at Caddy in front of him, and said to him helplessly that the Khorne space fighters were approaching the position, and the traversers would not be able to support the position for a while, and the heavy weapons on the position could not attack the Khorne space fighters, except to use Melta bombs launch a suicide attack, and the soldiers are left with nothing to do.

"This..., okay..., we will cover you, as for whether you can attack that monster, you have to think clearly..."

After hearing what the soldier said, Kaidi said helplessly to the soldier. He knew what the soldier said was right. They can only use this method now. After getting close to the Khorne space fighter, he used heat to kill it. The long-range weapon cannot be aimed at all. to it.

"I've already thought about it. If I can't detonate Hotmelt by then, you can help me detonate it."

The soldier looked at Kaidi and handed over the remote control of the melta bomb to him. He knew that he probably had no chance to detonate the melta himself, so he could only entrust this task to his old friend.

(End of this chapter)

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