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Chapter 201 "Midnight Spirit"

Chapter 201 "Midnight Spirit"

In the bottom nest of the "Taricomo" hive capital, the corpses of gangsters were disemboweled one by one, and they were all hung on the streets of the bottom nest. , I know how to be afraid of that wandering soul in the dark.

They all stayed in their homes and kept praying to the emperor's icon. Even the cultists also began to pray to the emperor's icon, because they knew that only the Lord of Humanity could protect themselves.

Of course, some people in the Bottom Nest also tried to resist. The biggest gangster in the Bottom Nest, the "Blood Ax Gang", once assembled dozens of gangsters, large and small, and launched a hunt for the wandering souls hidden in the darkness.

But the final result is that he participated in the hunt and killed all the bottom nest gangsters, and all of them were destroyed by the wandering souls in the dark within a few days. , Not a single one died in a few days.

And because of the destruction of these gangsters, those Bottom Hive residents finally learned how to avoid being killed by wandering souls in the dark, and stayed at home with their most devout beliefs, praying to the Emperor, only in this way can they slightly lower their hearts. of fear.

"I am fear, I am death, and I am justice."

"Midnight Wandering Soul" stood on a high platform, looked down at the empty street below, took a deep breath of the slightly foul-smelling air from the bottom nest, and said something to himself.

"Why am I still alive? I should be dead. Is that person unwilling to give up using me? No, he can't be like this. It's those chaotic gods. They re-recognized me and came to this universe. I have clearly accepted it. own fate."

"Midnight Haunter" looked at the deserted and lonely street, and kept thinking about why he was still alive.

At the same time, the "Star Travelers" in the upper nest also learned of the changes in the lower nest. A gang member dragged his scarred body and forcibly rushed into the lower nest. We saw it.

That's when the mortal auxiliaries wanted to ask what happened to the gang member, why he suddenly went from the bottom hive to the lower hive.

But at this moment, a huge shadow rushed out of the gang members from the passage from the bottom nest to the bottom nest. The great shadows engaged in an exchange of fire.

But their firepower had no effect on that shadow. These mortal auxiliaries were all killed by the shadow in the end. The video of their death was found in place. During this special period, any unexpected situation It's a huge change.

"This behavior..., this familiar appearance..., "Midnight Haunter" Conrad Koz, this is impossible. Didn't he already die in the great rebellion?"

In the headquarters of Shangchao, Wang Ming looked at the video of the death of the mortal auxiliary army in the holographic projection in front of him and said to himself.

"Bring Roses Bynes over here and let him see what this guy is. He absolutely cannot be Conrad Curz. "Midnight Haunter" is dead."

Wang Ming looked at the scene on the holographic projection with a gloomy face, and watched the video together with his side, the silent Wang Xiaofa said.

"Boss, I understand, I'll go right away."

After Wang Xiaofa heard Wang Ming's words, he nodded solemnly, then left the headquarters and went to the barracks to find the "Midnight Lord" who was training the think tank.

"Master, your psychic control method doesn't work either. Look at me, look at my fire control skills."

Standing in front of Roses Bynes, An Haixiu manipulated her psionic energy to gather into a ball of flames, and danced vividly in front of Roses Bynes.

While controlling the flames, An Haixiu kept showing off to Roses Bynes how good her fire control skills were.

"Well, it's really good, but An Haixiu prepares the think tank, should you know that I am a psychic with the power system, and your flame is too weak."

Roses Bynes looked at An Haixiu in front of him with a flat face. He was very speechless about this preparatory think tank. This preparatory think tank only mastered a little skill of controlling psionic energy.

He couldn't wait to show it off to himself, it was placed in the previous legion, and he would have to repair it severely, but now he is in the No.20 first legion, "Star Traveler", he still has to take care of it Let's talk about Wang Ming.

As a legion with a Primarch, the "Star Trekkers" have always been very arrogant, and all kinds of weapons and equipment are free to use. This made Roses Bynes, who came from the era of the Great Expedition, feel a little bit surprised. These weapons and equipment were considered extremely arrogant in the era of the Great Expedition.

"Roses Bynes! Master think tank curator!"

Just when Rosesbynes wanted to use psionic energy, and taught An Haixiu slightly how to use psionic energy, a burst of calling suddenly reached his ears.

Ross Bainis quickly dissipated his psychic energy, turned his head to look at the person who came, he heard the voice of the person who came, it was Wang Xiaofa, the leader of the "Star Traverser", and the leader came to him to confirm If there was a big event, Rosesbainis also walked quickly towards Wang Xiaofa.

"Head Wang Xiaofa, may I ask what happened to you looking for me?"

Rosesbainis looked at Wang Xiaofa who was flying in front of him, and asked him suspiciously.

"Yes, hurry up, come with me, the Primarch is looking for you."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the pale-skinned "star traveler" in front of him, and said anxiously to him.

"Master Primarch, okay, let's go right away."

After hearing Wang Xiaofa's words, Roses Bynes hurriedly followed Wang Xiaofa to the headquarters, leaving only An Haixiu on the spot manipulating a ball of psychic flames with a confused face.

"What's wrong, something serious happened?"

An Haixiu extinguished the psychic flame in his hand, and slowly followed the two people who were walking towards the headquarters. He also wanted to know what happened.

An Haixiu followed the two to the headquarters. He met the Primarch for the first time, his boss. Ever since they were pulled into this desperate universe by Laustra, they had been trained by Rosesbynes, and they had never Seen his Primarch.

This is the first time he has seen his own Primarch, and it is the first time he has seen such a magnificent person. Even the gods in the art paintings on the earth do not have the appearance of a Primarch , and has a divine breath.

Like a handsome face carved out of marble, it is completely indescribable by any earth art. The magnificent figure of five meters is a perfect figure. Standing in front of him is like a tall mountain, which makes people feel that he can perfectly protect his side everyone.

"Who the hell told this is not a god, I can fight him."

An Haixiu looked at Wang Ming, and this thought suddenly came to her mind. In fact, this is also the thought of most mortals and believers of the state religion when they see Wang Ming. Just fine.

"Is this Conrad Curz?"

In the headquarters, Wang Ming looked at the screen seriously, and asked Roses Bynes.

"Yes, the Primarch, this is my father, Konrad Curz, he is so likely to appear here, he obviously..."

Roses Bynes looked at the giant in the video in shock, and said to Wang Ming in shock.

"He is obviously dead, and you felt his death ten thousand years ago! But now he is like a ghost, and he has returned to the real universe."

Wang Ming followed the words of Roses Bynes, he stared at the "Midnight Haunter" on the screen, thinking about how to kill this guy, this is a complete lunatic, an anti-social neuropathy.

If it is not managed, it will definitely cause great damage. A complete lunatic is not terrible. The most terrible thing is that a primarch becomes a neuropathy.

"Take the Primarch Guard and come with me to Bottomhive and kill him."

Wang Ming looked at Conrad Curtz on the holographic projection screen, and said to Wang Xiaofa beside him.


After Wang Xiaofa answered Wang Ming, he went directly to the barracks to find the Primarch Guards.

"Master Primarch..."

Rozesbainis looked at Wang Ming, hesitated to speak, he still felt a little uncomfortable about killing his original body.

"I know, Ross Bainis, we will try our best to catch Conrad Curz, after all, we need to figure out how he appeared in the physical universe."

Wang Ming saw the slight change in Roses Bynes' expression, instantly understood his thoughts, and said something to him comfortingly.

"Master Primarch, I have no such intentions. My Primarch participated in the rebellion. I have no problem killing that traitor. I even want to ask you to join this hunt."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Roses Bynes shook his head, and then said to Wang Ming.

Rosesbynes knew that Konrad Curz was a traitor and he had to be killed. He had betrayed his father ten thousand years ago, and it was the same this time. As a Terran veteran, he was loyal To the Emperor, loyal to humanity.

"No, this operation is too dangerous, you are the chief think tank of the legion, I can't let you take risks."

Wang Ming looked at Roses Bynes, and refused to him, Wang Ming would never allow Roses Bynes to join the hunt for Conrad Curz, this action is too dangerous, and can only be let Travelers and themselves do it.

Wang Ming knew the horror of a Primarch. He was a Primarch himself, and no one knew better than him the terrifying destructive power of a Primarch.

Mortals and Astartes are the same in front of the Primarch, they are all just a group of building ants that can be killed at will.

"I..., I understand the Primarch."

Roses Bynes looked at the serious Wang Ming in front of him, replied to him, and then left the headquarters.

"Jose, send a company of Primarch SS to watch him. If there is any problem, stop the first regiment immediately and keep him under control."

After Rosesbainis left, Wang Ming looked at Jose beside him again, and ordered to him.

Astartes cannot be used to monitor Rosesbainis. This is too obvious for an Astartes who has experienced many battles. Instead, it is best to use mortal auxiliaries, which can effectively reduce his Vigilance, after all, a group of weak mortals, can pose a threat to the Astartes.

"Yes, my lord Primarch."

After Jose received Wang Ming's order, he immediately went to the station of the Primarch's Guards, and mobilized a company of the Primarch's Guards to monitor Rozesbainis.

Wang Ming still has some mistrust of the former "Midnight Lord", especially when it comes to the current incident, the "Midnight Lord" Primarch appeared in the physical universe strangely, which is too strange.

After Wang Xiaofa notified a company of traversers from the Primarch's Guards, Wang Ming quickly led the hundred traversers wearing iron-riding Terminator to the Bottom Nest.

"Is this the Bottom Nest? This is a large collection of all kinds of bad products of human civilization. Boss, look at those corpses hanging on the street."

Wang Lei walked on the street, looking at the dilapidated houses and the smelly environment, he said to Wang Ming.

"That is the masterpiece of Conrad Koz, maybe he is watching us from the shadows now."

Wang Ming looked at the corpses on the street and said to Wang Lei.

Just as Wang Ming said, in the shadow of a building, a huge figure was hiding in it, watching the traversers on the street.

"The Primarch? My brother, I have never seen this Primarch, hahaha! It's so interesting!"

Conrad Koz looked at Wang Ming on the street, with a crazy smile on his face. This was a brother he had never seen before, it was really interesting.

Konrad Koz quickly moved his body, moving towards the direction of Wang Ming and the traverser, every movement of him would land perfectly on the Lord of Shadows, he would be like a ghost walking in the dark Usually, silently shuttle in the darkness.


Just as Conrad Koz was moving in the shadows, Wang Ming suddenly turned to the direction of one of his landing points, raised his bolt gun, and quickly fired a shot towards that landing point.

The explosive bomb passed through the space and flew to the landing point. The explosive bomb hit the wall at the landing point, blasting out a cloud of smoke and dust.

Although Wang Ming hit Conrad Curz's landing point, he didn't hit Conrad Curz, because Conrad Curz had already left the landing point.

Wang Ming only heard some tiny noises. As a Primarch, his hearing is terrific. It was just a small mistake of Conrad Kotz, which was also caught by Wang Ming.

Wang Ming immediately shot in the direction of the slightest shot. This was Wang Ming's basic reaction to Conrad Kotz. Facing this dangerous and insane person, Wang Ming was like an extremely frightened cat. As long as there is a slight disturbance, Wang Ming will launch an attack without hesitation.

"Boss, what's the situation?"

Wang Lei looked at Wang Ming who suddenly opened fire, and asked him why Wang Ming opened fire when they obviously didn't hear any movement.

"I heard a little movement, over there."

Wang Ming didn't look at Wang Lei, he was still trying to catch the sound in the space, trying to find the direction of Conrad Curtz.

(End of this chapter)

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