Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 213 The Furious Angron

Chapter 213 The Furious Angron

Wang Ming was resurrected, his soul returned to the real universe, he quickly stood up from the ground, like a rabbit on Terra, Wang Ming's speed was very fast, he first distanced himself from the two demon primarchs, Then a prototype deflagration gun was taken out of the system again.

"Come on, keep going, two traitors!!"

Wang Ming looked at the two demonic primarchs, holding a golden giant sword in one hand and a prototype deflagration gun in the other, and yelled at the two demonic primarchs.

After Wang Ming finished yelling, he didn't give any reaction to the two demon primarchs, and directly raised the prototype deflagration gun, aimed it at Magnus, and quickly pulled the trigger.


Wang Ming pulled the trigger, but it was obvious that his luck was not good this time. The brand-new prototype deflagration gun was clearly displeased.

The prototype deflagration gun exploded in Wang Ming's hands, but luckily the deflagration ray was successfully fired.

The deflagration ray fired, and it hit Magnus just like it hit Fulgrim before, but this time Wang Ming didn't have time to aim at Magnus' head, the deflagration ray only hit Magnus' body That's all, but even so, the deflagration rays directly vaporized half of Magnus' body, and a large area of ​​Magnus' body from his left chest to his left leg was directly vaporized.

Wang Ming's condition was not much better than that of Magnus. More than half of his body was injured by the explosion of the prototype deflagration gun. The left arm holding the gun was vaporized, and a part of the breastplate on his left chest was melted.

"No more unstable stuff like this, even if it's powerful."

Wang Ming looked at the injuries on his body, gritted his teeth and endured the pain of being burned by the high temperature. The physique of the immortals made Wang Ming's body gradually regenerate. After each death, Wang Ming's regeneration ability became more and more powerful. strong.

Wang Ming endured the itching of wound regeneration, and stood up again. He looked at Magnus for the first time. Wang Ming hoped to see the gradual corpse of Magnus. A wounded blast kills Magnus instantly.

However, things went against expectations, Wang Ming saw Magnus, half of its body had been completely vaporized, but its powerful body still allowed it to continue to move in the physical universe.

Magnus' body was also being repaired, and it was using subspace magic to repair its body. At this moment, a high-energy laser hit its head, which was an attack from the traversers.

The attack of the prototype deflagration gun just now was like a sun that suddenly appeared. Everyone present saw it, and the traversers naturally also saw the target of Wang Ming's attack, that Magnus flying in the sky like a living target.

The traversers immediately prepared their weapons and started aiming at Magnus. The traversers had to help their boss. After all, the traversers knew the fighting power of their boss. If Wang Ming fought with Guilliman , it is estimated that some small tricks were used to tie the game, but facing two demonic primarchs at the same time, this is too embarrassing for Wang Ming.

As the first shot of the high-energy laser cannon hit Magnus, the attacks of some other traversers also hit Magnus one after another, but except for the real death hit of the first high-energy laser cannon , all other attacks have no real attacking Magnus, and these attacks have been transferred to the subspace by Magnus.

"Sure enough, this Primarch who is good at using psionic energy is not comparable to the defenseless Fulgrim."

Wang Ming looked at Magnus, his arm had recovered a lot in just a few minutes, his arm had grown a forearm, and his palm was still growing. Magnus' current situation was even worse than Wang Ming's.

Now, in addition to the damage from the prototype deflagration on Magnus, there is also a scorched mark on its head, which is the wound caused by the laser cannon attack, although it does not cause much damage.

Wang Ming wondered if he should give Magnus another shot, but Wang Ming didn't believe that he was so unlucky that he could explode twice in a row.

"Come, my brother Angron, no one interferes with our battle now."

Wang Ming withdrew his gaze from Magnus, looked at the Prince of Blood, and said to it, Wang Ming had fought with these two demon primarchs, and he was very aware of the terrifying fighting power of these two traitors.


After Angron heard Wang Ming's words, he roared and rushed towards Wang Ming.

The tomahawk collided with the golden sword again, and the sonic boom spread tens of meters. Both sides quickly swung their weapons. The golden giant sword kept colliding with the tomahawk, just like two ancient titans fighting earth-shattering.

"Your grandma!"

Wang Ming looked at Angron and roared. Anyway, Wang Ming was not afraid of death. He threw the golden giant sword, and then hit Angron's face with his bare hands. He really felt that he couldn't use a sword. , fighting with Angron being a lunatic feels a bit handicapped.


Angron watched Wang Ming's movements, and threw down his battle axe, ready to fight Wang Ming with his fists.

"Hey hey hey..."

Just after Angron dropped the tomahawk, Wang Ming suddenly laughed sinisterly. He took out a prototype deflagration gun from the system. Although Wang Ming really didn't want to use this unstable thing, he still aimed at it. Angron's head pulled the trigger.

Wang Ming pulled the trigger, and he also whispered the scriptures that he had heard from the machine oil guy to calm the soul of the machine.

Presumably it was the ones that Wang Ming recited. The messy binary codes had an effect. This time, the prototype deflagration gun fired very smoothly and did not explode. There was a burst of scorching gas from the gun body, and the cooling system started to work normally.

The deflagration ray hit the unsuspecting Angron. It didn't expect Wang Ming to do such a thing. The deflagration ray hit Angron's head, but the deflagration ray didn't kill Angron, and it didn't even kill him. As much damage as it does, thermal weapons aren't very effective against the forces of Khorne.

Wang Ming looked at Angron, quickly threw away his weapon, and rushed towards Angron. Wang Ming quickly punched Angron's head, which was still in a state of confusion. Its head was deflected, and its body was carried away by the huge force of Wang Ming's punch.

Wang Ming followed the flying Angron and punched again. This punch directly sent out a shock wave like an explosion. The huge kinetic energy forcefully blasted a large piece of flesh on Angron's face.

After being punched twice, Angron finally reacted. He stared at Wang Ming angrily, and started to fight back with a loud roar. Angron also punched Wang Ming in the face, and Wang Ming stood against Angron He punched Angron back before being sent flying.

The two of them just started punching each other. They used this most primitive method, which was also Wang Ming's plan. After all, his skills and experience in fighting with weapons couldn't compete with these. Compared with the Demon Primarch of the year, only the simplest melee combat without using skills is Wang Ming's advantage. This is a pure competition of strength.

"Wang Ming! You are a coward!!"

Angron punched Wang Ming one by one, and roared at Wang Ming while it was punching. When Wang Ming asked Angron to fight him one-on-one, Angron thought his brother was a brave fighter. But now it seems that his brother is a pure coward.

"Stop nagging, you're a lunatic, I'm a brain, a brain, do you have a brain?"

While blocking Angron's attack, Wang Ming said to it that Angron's power is a bit stronger than Wang Ming's, and this should be the result of Khorne's blessing.

"You... you coward!!!"

Angron seemed to be overwhelmed by Wang Ming. It was extremely angry. Its demonic face began to distort, and it roared angrily at Wang Ming.

"You've always been like this, no matter when you are. Brain is a good thing, but it's a pity you don't have any brains."

Wang Ming looked at Angron, and took advantage of the opportunity Angron appeared because of his extreme anger, and punched Angron in the face. The arm covered with fine gold armor became a big killer in this kind of battle. Every punch of Wang Ming can cause Angron to suffer huge damage.

"You have always been like this, you are a fool who can't use your brain at all, and you are also a poor person. When you were in Nukoria, when you rebelled, if you use your brains, you will not fail in the end. Your Action without any plan, your brothers and sisters died because of your recklessness."

Wang Ming's words constantly stimulated Angron's nerves, and some memories in its mind appeared in front of it, everything in Nukolia, he was a slave, a legendary gladiator, a poor man, he Implanted with the Butcher's Nail, he killed his adoptive father and lost his ability to empathize with others.

He became a butcher and a lunatic. After many years, he finally launched a rebellion. He gathered the gladiators and launched an uprising against the slave owners who enslaved him. At the beginning, he and his brothers and sisters Unstoppable, but he didn't have a long-term plan. His actions were not so much an uprising as pure venting of anger. They just killed everyone who stood in their way. Angron didn't unite Other gladiators and oppressed people.

The end result of their operation was an absolute failure, 2000 people facing a regular army of a planet, even if there is a Primarch among them, this is an operation with little possibility.

His brothers and sisters also died in this operation. In the end, most of his brothers and sisters died in the long-term battle. He and his brothers and sisters were finally surrounded by the troops assembled by Nukolia countries. He and his brothers and sisters rebelled against the slave owners at this "last moment".

Even though they were out of ammunition and food after being surrounded, he didn't give up on his brothers and sisters, he wanted to fight with them to the last moment and die together.

He distributed his blood to his brothers and sisters, so that his brothers and sisters could survive the hunger, and he used the body of the Primarch to protect his brothers and sisters.

But just when he was about to die with his brothers and sisters, his father arrived in front of him, and his father asked him to leave with him, he could not die here with his brothers and sisters, he still had Greater effect.

But he refused, he still stubbornly wanted to die with his brothers and sisters, his father had no choice but to force him to take them away.

He just watched his brothers and sisters being slaughtered, but he couldn't do anything, he was completely filled with anger, and he even killed one of his father's personal guards, but he was finally controlled by his father up.

He reluctantly joined his father's great expedition, and he was finally bewitched by his brother. Bewitched by his brother, he betrayed his father, and finally he was under his brother's plan became it.

Angron is a poor man, he has not unified his world like his other brothers, he has always been enslaved, he is a slave, a poor miserable slave, always has been.

"You! Stop talking!! It's all that person's fault!! I should have fought to the death with my brothers and sisters!!"

Angron listened to Wang Ming's words, and his anger had completely swallowed his heart. At the same time, he also reminded him of the faces of his brothers and sisters. He should have fought and died with them at that time because of his father, that coward. , that hypocrite!

"Totally angry, it's much easier to handle now."

Wang Ming looked at Angron who was completely angry, and felt Angron's more and more terrifying power, Wang Ming thought in his heart.

He told Angron's heart disease, which is its eternal pain, its gladiator brothers and sisters, Wang Ming's purpose is to make Angron completely angry, without any reason, such a fool without thinking Much easier to deal with.

While resisting Angron's attack, Wang Ming slowly approached the golden giant sword. He killed Angron and killed it forever, so that it could not be revived in the subspace.

Wang Ming gradually led Angron to the golden giant sword. He looked at the angry Angron and punched Angron in the face, knocking him back a little. Taking this opportunity, Wang Ming picked up Raised the golden giant sword.

The golden flame instantly covered the sword edge, and Wang Ming watched Angron swinging the golden giant sword towards him. With this blow, Wang Ming had exhausted all the abilities of his original body, speed, strength, and reaction, all of which were defeated by Wang Ming. Used on this sword.

This sword did not disappoint Wang Ming, it hit Angron's head, and the golden flame entered Angron's body in an instant, ready to burn him completely.

But at this moment, a huge red light suddenly erupted from Angron's body, and an extremely thick bloody smell appeared in front of Wang Ming. Angron's body was disappearing, Khorne pay attention When Wang Ming wanted to kill Angron completely, he quickly pulled his Demon Primarch back to the Khorne God's Domain. It couldn't lose a Demon Primarch.

(End of this chapter)

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