Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 216 Jumping to the Chaos Titan

Chapter 216 Jumping to the Chaos Titan
The Thunderhawk gunboat passed through a huge black smoke column and landed on the airfield of "Taricomo". It is the dawn of the Tali World, and the dawn light shines on the fuselage of the Thunderhawk gunboat. It was adorned with imperial eagles, shining in this twilight as if it were itself golden.

Wang Ming got off the Leiying gunboat. Looking at the busy crowd around him, he knew that the earthquake had caused a lot of damage to the airport. The airport was built on an elevated platform. This earthquake directly destroyed A load-bearing column at the bottom of the platform caused the collapse of a large area of ​​the airport platform.

A lot of aircraft were lost, but fortunately, very few personnel were lost, only some servitors and maintenance oil guys were lost.

"Master Primarch, you are back, God Emperor bless you, we have just experienced a huge earthquake, the seismic wave of this earthquake was detected by the priest of Mechanicum..."

As soon as Wang Ming got off Leiying, Jose, who had been waiting here for a long time, trotted up to him and reported to Wang Ming about the "earthquake".

"I see, this matter is over, we must immediately start the reconstruction of the world in the tower."

Wang Ming looked at Jose and nodded to indicate that he understood, and then he arranged the work that needs to be done now.

"My lord Primarch, there is one more thing. The great sage Karl Threan Icahn reported that the Titan Legion has exchanged fire with the enemy Titans and is currently fighting on the outskirts of "Taricomo". We can see here arrive."

Jose continued to report to Wang Minghui that the God Machine of the Titan Legion had exchanged fire with the Chaos Titan Legion, and they were still fighting on the outskirts of "Taricomo".

"Well..., send the Astartes of the first regiment to try to help the Titans on the Thunderhawk gunboat. We can also provide some support for the Titan Legion."

Listening to Jose's report, Wang Ming walked to the edge of the airport platform. He looked at the wilderness in the distance. Just as Jose reported, he could see the Titan Legion fighting here.

The huge body of the God's Machine is as huge as a mountain. The large Titans on both sides are like a group of moving mountains, pouring firepower at each other. The fluctuations of the void shield are constantly flickering, like a pulsar that is constantly erupting.

"Okay, Lord Primarch, I'll go and inform Commander Wang Xiaofa right now."

Jose gave an eagle salute to Wang Ming, and then went to the headquarters to deliver orders to Wang Xiaofa who had just returned to "Taricomo".

"Second Lieutenant Liang Yin, can you mobilize the hive capital's light spear matrix to provide remote support for the Titan Legion?"

Looking at the Titans fighting in the distance, Wang Ming suddenly remembered something. He turned on his personal terminal, contacted Second Lieutenant Liang Yin who was controlling the Hive Capital, and asked her if she could use light spears to support the Titans on the battlefield.

"Yes, Captain Wang Ming, the range and power of the light spear are sufficient, but if you use the light spear to enter the battlefield in this way, it may cause damage to friendly forces. The attack of the light spear is directional, and we can't control it the moment it is fired. , they are already too close, I do not recommend the use of spear support."

Lieutenant Liang Yin received Wang Ming's inquiry, quickly calculated the virtual model, and replied to Wang Ming.

The two Titan legions were already too close, and the attack of the light spear could easily cause friendly fire.


Hearing Second Lieutenant Liang Yin's answer, Wang Ming was a little disappointed. He thought he could use the light spear to kill those Chaos Titans directly, but he seemed to be thinking too much.

In the current situation, it is impossible for the Titan Legion to withdraw. The two sides have already officially fought, and today there is no way to end without all of them dying.

"Arrange a Thunderhawk, and I will join this operation."

After Wang Ming thought about it for a while, he finally decided to witness the mighty power of the God's Machine and decided to join the gang.

Following the delivery of Wang Ming's order, the traversers of the first group also regrouped at the airport. They arrived at "Taricomo" before Wang Ming. Wang Ming was still discussing something with Corax at that time.

The Thunder Eagle gunboats took off again. For this jump to help the Titans, Wang Ming also equipped the traversers with some special equipment, such as flying backpacks. Through this equipment that can provide flying capabilities, the traversers can completely fly. A group of Titans sideways didn't pay attention, and flew to some mechanical equipment that powered the Titans with explosives, directly hitting the Titan's lower body.

Wang Ming looked at the opened cabin door in front of him, enjoying the strong wind beating on his face, Wang Ming felt himself a little more awake.

The feeling of being possessed by the emperor is definitely not good. The feeling of being occupied by the soul out of the body is a painful memory for anyone. When the soul returns to its own body, it is like a drunk People with fragments wake up as uncomfortable, but this discomfort is magnified a thousand times.

The moment Wang Ming regained consciousness, he felt that he was not himself. Although this feeling only lasted for a while, it was still very uncomfortable.

"Boss, we are already close to a warrior-level Titan, should we just crash into it or something?"

Just as Wang Ming was recalling his experience of being taken by the Emperor, the traverser driving the Thunder Eagle suddenly notified him that they had now entered the battle range of the Titan Legion, and had successfully escaped by flying at low altitude. A warrior-level titan's auspicious instrument, relying on its relatively slow flying speed, Thunderhawk passed through the void shield without any hindrance.

"Bump right in."

Listening to the traveler's inquiry, Wang Ming quickly fixed himself on the seat, and then replied to the traveler.

Because of this operation, Wang Ming specially asked the traversers of the First Engineer Company to make some modifications to the Thunder Eagle, such as installing point-directed melta bombs on the nose to facilitate armor-piercing.

"Okay, hold on to the boss, a happy day starts with dancing!"

The traverser shouted happily, and then directly drove the Thunderhawk towards the Titan's cab. The structure diagram of the Titan had been shown to the traversers before the action, and they all memorized the weak joints and cabins of the Titan. Where, the traversers will attack those places in a targeted manner.

The Thunder Eagle flew towards the head of the Titan, which was where the captain was. In addition to Wang Ming and his party flying towards the head of the Titan, there was another Thunder Eagle that flew towards the plasma reactor in the abdomen of the Warrior-level Chaos Titan. Their The purpose is that weak armor.

The Thunder Eagle quickly flew towards the head of the Chaos Titan, but when it was flying, due to the change in altitude, it was instantly spotted by the Chaos Titan's auspicious instrument, and the two close-in defense lasers of the Chaos Titan immediately aimed at the Thunder Eagle , ready to shoot it down.


The close-in laser fired, and its laser successfully hit the Thunderhawk's fuselage, successfully punching a big hole.

"Your uncle, it's so powerful."

Wang Ming looked at the hole around him that was made by the laser. The molten metal above the hole was emitting a red light.

"Boss caught, we're about to crash."

The traverser now called out Wang Ming, and activated the directional melt bomb at the moment of the head of the ship Titan. These directional melt bombs are all super melt bombs transformed by the First Engineer Company, and their power is enough to melt the starship. armor.

A burst of light like the sun lit up, and in an instant a huge hole appeared on the head of the Chaos Titan. The Thunderhawk gunboat rushed straight into the head of the Titan. Wang Ming looked at the scene outside the cabin and opened the cabin door directly. rushed away.

"Sure enough, you still need to go in manually."

The golden giant sword was inserted into the mechanical structure inside the Chaos Titan, Wang Ming looked at the Thunder Eagle gunboat inserted into a mechanical structure, and thought in his heart.

The Thunder Eagle gunboat didn't directly arrive at the location, but the Thunder Eagle was not far from the driver's cab. Wang Ming grabbed a golden part, which was obviously melted by heat. Wang Ming could feel the temperature on it, scorching hot. The temperature was transmitted to Wang Ming's perception through the palm of his hand.

Wang Ming grabbed the metal parts and quickly climbed up. He recalled the structure of the Chaos Titan and moved towards the cab.

Wang Ming's speed was very fast, just like a gecko that quickly climbed the wall, climbing towards it, Wang Ming climbed to a position, he reckoned, the cab should be at this position, Wang Ming grabbed a raised piece , with one hand holding the power sword that was constantly flickering to disintegrate the force field, the sword pierced through the inner metal wall.

In the chaotic titan cab, the captain of the titan, who has been fused with countless flesh and mechanical cables, is constantly screaming in pain. Swallow it), it can clearly feel every injury on the Titan, feel every pain of the Titan.

It's just that no one can hear its painful roar, it can only swell up a bunch of bubbles in the amniotic fluid compartment, but its painful roar has also received feedback from the titan, a roar that is as loud as a certain creature comes from the body of the chaotic titan , like a beast.

It has already felt that there is something drilled above the head of the titan, what is that?Is it an enemy?Or shells?
At this moment, on the wall made of twisted flesh and metal in the driver's cab, a golden sword edge suddenly broke through the wall. The moment the sword edge broke through the wall, it quickly cut a hole on the wall. At the opening, a huge figure tore through the wall, and quickly got into Titan's cab.

"It's really disgusting, the flesh and metal are growing together, the distortion of the power of chaos is too disgusting."

Wang Ming rushed into the cockpit of the Chaos Titan, and he found the captain of the Titan in an instant. Its body has been wrapped in various tissues fused with flesh and metal, leaving only a shriveled head hanging on the mass of flesh and blood. As weird as it is, as disgusting as it is, it is wrapped in a huge amniotic fluid compartment, and the nutrient solution in the amniotic fluid compartment has turned into a strange liquid that emits a strange red color, just like a human being. like blood.

Wang Ming looked at the captain of the Chaos Titan in front of him, and expressed his understanding of its appearance. After being corrupted by Chaos for so long, the pilot's body and soul must have been swallowed by the Titan's mutated machine soul. It's just a body controlled by the Titan Machine Soul.

Wang Ming looked at Captain Titan who was roaring in pain, and rushed directly in front of it. The golden giant sword was burning with golden flames. When he slashed down with the sword, Captain Titan was instantly burned to death by the golden flames.

The golden flame didn't stop burning after killing the captain of the titan. Following the flesh and blood cable connected to the captain of the titan, it quickly continued to burn inside the chaotic titan. The golden flame burned all the twisted flesh and blood inside the chaotic titan.

After the golden flame burned the flesh and blood structure of the Chaos Titan, its remaining metal body completely collapsed, and the Chaos Titan gradually fell to the ground. When it fell to the ground, golden flames were continuously sprayed from its joints. All the corrupted flesh and blood structures were burned up.

Wang Ming stood in the driver's cab of Chaos Titan, and hurriedly rushed towards the breach he had just entered. Wang Ming rushed into the breach, and instantly saw the traverser who was climbing towards the cab. The traverser had just slipped through the Thunder Eagle Get out and prepare to climb towards the cab.

Wang Ming jumped down from the hole, grabbed the traverser, and fell towards the ground below the hole. Wang Ming landed steadily on the ground. He put the traverser down, then patted his shoulder and disappeared instantly. .

"what's the situation?"

The traverser was still in a dazed state, everything just happened too fast, the boss rushed out of the cab, and then directly brought him out of the Titan.


Just as the traverser was thinking, a burst of grinding metal sounds suddenly came from the top of his head. Following the sound, the traverser looked up and saw that the Chaos Titan was gradually disintegrating and collapsing, smashing towards him.


The traverser let out a cry of surprise, then broke out at full speed, and rushed towards an imperial war dog. When the boss left, he didn't tell him that the titan had fallen.

At the time of the Titan War, there was a sudden change in the crater created by the antimatter bomb. The two humans suddenly re-emerged from the void. They looked around blankly, and then looked at each other in embarrassment.

Both sides are naked, and the immortal can't make his clothes immortal, but the two are just awkward for a while, and Croas takes out some clothes from the space necromancer technology that still exists on his body, He walked up to Edwie and handed it to her. Both of them have passed through thousands of years, and they don't care about these things at all.

"It seems that we have been forgotten?"

While wearing her clothes, Edwie jokingly said to Croas that she was used to being forgotten, after all, only the Tribunal in the entire galaxy remembered her deeply.

"Maybe it's just that we can't be found. After all, we were directly blown to ashes, um..., it might be even worse..."

Cloyas looked at Edwie, shook his head helplessly, and replied to her with a smile, he has died countless times, and he is used to this situation. In the previous era, he did not know how many times he died It is very common for the army to be on the missing list, but every time he returns, he can surprise the army chiefs. These officers thought it was the ghosts of soldiers who came to find him.

"Let's go, I'll contact Captain Jiang Tao and see if I can send a Thunderhawk to pick us up."

Croyas looked at the ground flattened by the huge explosion around him, took out a communicator, and contacted Captain Jiang Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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