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Chapter 219 The Traveler Saint Judith

Chapter 219 The Traveler St. Judith

"I know you, Roses Bynes, my son, hahaha, you are still alive."

In a prison cell, Konrad Curz, whose limbs and neck were bound by fine gold chains, looked at Roses Bynes wearing the "star traveler" in front of him and said some mockingly.

"I am no longer your son, you have betrayed the empire and the emperor."

Roses Bynes looked at the giant whose spine and limbs had been broken in front of him, and replied to him. Around Roses Bynes, there were ten "Star Travelers" wearing Terminator armor. They were specially monitoring Roses Bynes.

After learning that Conrad Kotz was captured, Roses Bynes kept applying to Wang Ming to see him. Before heading to the Titan battlefield, Wang Ming agreed to his request, but he and Conrad Koz The meeting of Zezi must be watched by the "star traveler". Although the current Conrad Kotz has completely broken his spine and limbs, he is still worried that there will be accidents. The soul is a terrifying existence that can fight two primarchs at the same time.

"Look at you Rosesbynes, you have given up the armor of the legion and put on the armor of other legions, look at you, how glorious you are, you are not a soldier of the traitor legion Night Lords, you Not my son, you are a "star traveler", hahaha."

Conrad Koz smiled, and the sarcasm and ridicule in his tone turned into a sharp knife, directly hitting the heart of Rozesbainis.

"You will always be like this. Rather than you being my Primarch, I hope Sevtar is. At least he can unite us, although he is also a shameless traitor."

Roses Bynes looked into Conrad Curz's eyes, and said to him, with a kind of helplessness in his tone, the painful memory woke up from the depths of his soul when he saw his father for the first time, the legion Betrayal, carnage on Isstvan, fire in the sky, brother's sword from behind played a desperate movement called rebellion.

"Hahaha..., you are all like this. The so-called loyalty is just a group of pathetic children and tools, using their own achievements to pursue their father's praise. A group of pathetic guys, hehehe."

Conrad Koz smiled, his mouth presented a curvature that is absolutely impossible for normal humans, the corners of his mouth almost reached the ears, his dark mouth was like a black hole emitting a foul smell, and he spoke a lot The words with an endless charge tone.

"You are a traitor."

Roses Bynes stared at Conrad Curz's pale face for a while, then left the last sentence before turning and leaving the cell.

"Sevtar, Sevtar, are you still alive?"

After everyone left the cell, Konrad Koz suddenly stared at the void in front of him, and said something to himself, his voice hovered in the empty cell, but there was no answer.

Looking back at the Titan battlefield, Wang Ming stood on the shoulders of a knight mecha. He looked at the battlefield ahead and sighed.

The crazy jumping of the traversers is of great help to the battlefield. Even the God's Machine cannot last long in the endless Thunderhawk suicide attacks. The Thunderhawk's suicide attacks create opportunities for the Imperial Titans.

After handing over the command of the battlefield to Wang Xiaofa, Wang Ming and a knight mecha that took the initiative to lead him headed for "Taricomo". The situation on the battlefield has stabilized, and the advantage of the empire lies there.

Moreover, Wang Ming still has more important matters to solve, that is, Conrad Curtz who is still in the cell. Wang Ming must think clearly about how to deal with him.

It's not okay to kill him directly, as the emperor said, he was resurrected by those disgusting things, so what about using human karma?He burned his soul directly, but in this case, it would be too cheap for this guy, which is really not easy to do.

"My lord, we have arrived."

The knight's voice rang through the communicator on Wang Ming's ear, pulling Wang Ming out of his thinking. Wang Ming raised his head, and the towering city walls of "Taricomo" appeared in front of him. before.

"grown ups."

The "Book Burners" group stationed at the gate of the city wall also found Wang Ming. They quickly ran to the knight mecha, looked at Wang Ming on it, and saluted him with an eagle salute.

"No need to be like this, brave warriors, you are the heirs of Vulcan. I have read your battle report, and you are very brave."

Wang Ming jumped off the knight mech and landed in front of the "book burners". He looked at the dark faces of the "book burners" and praised them.

At the height of the previous war, they and the battle nuns guarded the gate of the city. They held bolt guns and sang hymns in praise of the God Emperor, repelling wave after wave of demons. attack.

"My lord, this is your sword. Thank you, the Emperor. I am very honored to have the honor of keeping your weapon."

Judith walked in front of Wang Ming, she took off the long knife she was carrying on her back, raised her hands and said to Wang Ming.

"Thank you, beautiful Ms. St. Judith, you are a devout follower of the Emperor, I am very relieved to entrust my weapon to you for safekeeping."

Wang Ming looked at Judith in front of him, the boy said to her, and then took the Power Tang Saber from her hand. This Power Long Saber has a scabbard. Wang Ming directly used the magnetic adsorption device on it to , hung it on his waist.

"What a handsome face, the divine aura rushes towards my face, the great Son of God, I can actually see it so close."

Palasena, who was beside Judith, looked at Wang Ming, and thought in her heart excitedly that her body even began to tremble due to over-excitement. To be able to see the Son of God so close is the dream of every devout believer in the state religion. Things that I dare not think about.

"Lord Wang Ming, is your long sword a Tang sword?"

At this moment, Judith suddenly looked into Wang Ming's eyes and said, "She spoke in Chinese, and her voice was very low, but Wang Ming still heard it.

"Yes, you too?"

Wang Ming looked at Judith curiously, and asked her, if he can recognize Tang Dao, this is obviously a hard-fated fellow from the earth.

"Yes, two years..."

Judith looked at Wang Ming, and after hearing his words, her eyes instantly became a little moist. It has been two years, two years after traveling to this damned world, and finally met a fellow. Judith at the time of "Star Travelers" was a little suspicious of the identity of the time travelers. After all, she had never seen the "Star Travelers" in any materials in the original book. This is a legion that suddenly appeared.

A legion suddenly appeared, a primarch suddenly appeared, and these people were all Asian in appearance, their lifestyle and some habits made Judith more convinced that there was something wrong with this legion, until she crossed In the dormitory of the fighters, she found a bunch of chess pieces painted by "star traveler" made by someone, and she was completely sure that there was something wrong with this legion.

Sure enough, she later found a Chinese book, a "Militia Military Training Manual", which allowed her to finally confirm the identities of these traversers, and took advantage of this opportunity to directly showdown with Wang Ming.

"Okay, come with me to the headquarters later, I need to discuss some issues with you."

Looking at Judith in front of him, Wang Ming was slightly surprised, but soon calmed down. He said to Judith in Gothic, and he brought Judith to the headquarters in the name of discussing the matter. , Let’s have a good discussion about her time travel.

Wang Ming sat on a chair specially made for the original body in the headquarters. He had already taken off his armor and put on the regular uniform of "Star Traveler".

"Earth name."

Wang Ming took a cup of Mersey tea, took a sip, and then asked Judith who was sitting in front of him.

Without those state believers and Palasena by her side, Judith looked a little careless, lying on the chair sprawled, very relaxed.

"Dynasty, before crossing, was a small employee of a company, and was a receptionist at the window."

Judith looked at Wang Ming and said sadly that her time travel was a sad story. She had just got off work that day, and when she was about to go home, a car out of control suddenly crashed into the car on the sidewalk. She, the moment she lost consciousness, she found herself in a strange place. After a brief adaptation, she was shocked to find that she had become a redemption nun. (The story after that is in the previous article, so I won’t narrate it here)
Listening to Judith's complaint-like narration, Wang Ming felt as if he was listening to a child talking about how wronged he had been outside these years. Dealing with the Astartes, and slashing with all kinds of chaos stuff.

Due to fighting big and small in the past two years, she doesn't have a piece of good skin on her whole body now, and there are all kinds of wounds on her body. The most shocking thing is the deep bone wound on her chest, although this wound has long been there. Palasena's medical treatment healed, but still left a horrific scar on the abdomen extending from the left shoulder.

Even she herself didn't know how she survived this kind of injury, maybe it was because of Palasena's careful care.

"You have been suffering for the past two years. We have someone who has traveled through 80 years. It is not easy to live up to now."

Wang Ming looked at Judith who kept talking about how hard he had lived in the past two years, and said to her, and by the way, sighed the 80 years of hard life of Casatos.

"Year 80?"

Judith was shocked when she heard Wang Ming's words. In the past two years, she felt that she would be free someday. This comrade who has traveled through 80 years is really not easy.

"Lord Wang Ming, the primarch guards have assembled, and Lord Corax is already waiting for you."

Jose came to Wang Ming's side. He looked at Wang Ming respectfully, and said to him that the preparations for going to see Konrad Curz had been completed, and now it's time to solve this problem.

"Let's go and see my brother."

After Wang Ming heard Jose's words, he nodded towards Jose, then stood up, said something to Judith, and walked out of the headquarters.

"His brother? Another Primarch, Guilliman?"

Judith looked at Wang Ming who was walking away from the headquarters, and wondered in her heart that in her impression, only Guilliman, a loyal Primarch, was active in the galaxy in this era.


Wang Ming came to the cell where Conrad Curtz was being held, and walked to Corax's side. Corax looked at Wang Ming who was walking to his side, and asked him.

"Get ready, kill him directly, it can be regarded as a relief for him."

Wang Ming looked at Corax, nodded to him, and then pulled out his powered long knife. Golden flames ignited on the long knife, using the blood of a Primarch as the first drop of blood contaminated by the weapon, This is also a unique number.

"Let's go."

Corax looked at the golden flames on Wang Ming's long knife. He knew that these flames were the essence of Wang Ming's subspace, which could burn out the chaotic human karma. Corax walked into the cell, and Wang Ming followed Corax into the cell. out of the cell.

After the two Primarchs entered the cell, Judith, who had come with Wang Ming, hesitated for a moment, and followed Wang Ming in. After the three of them entered, the [-] Primarch Guards' traversers, The door of the cell was surrounded, which is the basic respect for "Midnight Haunter".

"My brothers, you finally come to see me, hahaha, there is another woman, let me see, um..., a nun who believes in the father, hahaha, how ironic, the deception of "Imperial Truth" is gone Now, it’s replaced by Lorgar’s stuff, hahaha.”

Conrad Curz looked at the three people in front of him, he looked at the only mortal in the room, and said to Wang Ming and Corax mockingly.

"Hey... Conrad Curz, you..."

Wang Ming looked at the laughing Konrad Curtz, and was about to say something to this psychopath.

"I know, you are here to kill me, I have predicted it, you will kill me, use your golden flame like your father, come on, kill me, fulfill the prophecy."

Conrad Koz looked at Wang Ming, he interrupted Wang Ming's words, grinned, the corners of his mouth reached to the ears, stared at Wang Ming with dark eyes, and said excitedly, he was eager to accept his Foretelling, he was also sure that Wang Ming would definitely kill himself.

"Uh... well, the ability to predict."

Looking at the smiling psychopath in front of him, Wang Ming thought helplessly that Conrad Kotz's prophecy ability could allow him to see many things. His prophecy can also help him fight, he can predict the opponent's next move through the prophecy.

"Since you already know, then I can tell you directly, Conrad Curz, you were sentenced to death for betraying the empire and the emperor."

Wang Ming looked at Conrad Curz, heard his mocking laughter, raised the Power Tang Dao and said to him.

(End of this chapter)

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