Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 243 Inertialess Engine

Chapter 243 Inertialess Engine

After such a long battle, there are more or less wounds caused by necromantic weapons on the ships of the empire. The armor is atomized by the Gauss rays of the necromancers. The void shield cannot protect the safety of the ships. Void shields can also block Gauss weapon attacks, but those strike cruisers can't do it, their void shields are not as powerful as the Federation's void shields.

The attack of the undead completely ignores the void shields of strike cruisers. Most of the time, the particle whip will ignore the void shields and destroy them instantly. Of course, this will also happen to the Federation ships in some cases, but the Federation ships are equipped with Not only the void shield, there are three layers of energy shield inside the void shield, which is a lesson learned in the war with a certain alien race.

This kind of energy shield can't block the attack of the undead for a long time, and the attack of the antimatter particle beam will make it collapse in an instant. However, thanks to the powerful reactor of the Federation ship, the energy shield can be quickly rebuilt after being destroyed. .

"Turning, rendezvous with the "Imperial Truth"."

"Received, "Indestructible", pay attention to the wreckage of the ship, don't hit it."

"I am the "Starry Sky". There is a necromancer warship chasing me, asking for support."

"The drone swarm is passing, please wait a moment."

The fleet is fighting against the Necromancer fleet in an orderly manner. The "Sun Fortress" shines in this battle. A large number of light spear arrays and macro cannon arrays make it even have the great feat of sinking five Necromancer warships, but because For its size, it also receives the most attacks, but the multi-layer armor makes it resist those attacks.

Federation ships actually have some similarities with Necromancer warships, such as the repair function. Necromancer warships have a terrifying repair function. Just made a hole in the forefoot, and it was restored in the blink of an eye. Federation ships also have this repair function. , although slower than the Necromancer Warship, it is still very useful.

The captured necromancer warship was also in this battle, and was pulled into the imperial fleet by a cruiser. It has now been completely occupied by the traversers. The first engineer company is now boarding the necromancer warship collectively. I am frantically collecting all the information about the Necromancer's inertialess engine.

"How many undead warships are there?"

Wang Ming looked at the disappearing dots on the radar chart. Many battleships in the Imperial fleet had sunk. The strike cruisers equipped for each regiment had been completely wiped out, and the Federation ships had also suffered a lot of losses. The four cruisers had already sunk. The sinking, if Wang Ming hadn't immediately replenished the battleships, it is estimated that the imperial fleet would not have lasted so long.

"There are still fifteen Necromancer warships, ten of which have been severely damaged by our fleet and are constantly bombarded to prevent their repair, and five warships are wandering around the fleet, and they are constantly attacking us under the cover of ten other warships. square ship."

Captain Jiang Tao heard Wang Ming's question, and replied to Wang Ming that although the Necromancer Fleet was powerful, it was consumed abruptly under the attack of Wang Ming's fleet.

After all, the warships of the Necromancers are limited, but Wang Ming's warships are endless, and a hard pile can pile up the Necromancer fleet.

"Huh... Maybe the technology of the undead is stronger than ours, but my fleet is endless!"

Listening to Captain Jiang Tao's answer, Wang Ming smiled. He suddenly remembered the time when he played "Stars" before crossing. At that time, his endless sea of ​​frigates forced the natural disaster back.


Just when Wang Ming was recalling before he crossed, the "Sun Fortress" suddenly trembled slightly, and the "Sun Fortress" was hit again.

"In the second area, Warehouse No. [-] has been damaged, and the nanorobots are repairing the damaged area."

The artificial intelligence of the "Sun Fortress" reported to Wang Minghui that a particle beam just passed through the energy shield and hit the "Sun Fortress".

"Hey~ Let each regiment divide 100 people, and all of them will be concentrated on the "Sun Fortress". If the quality is not enough, we will use the quantity!"

Wang Ming listened to the artificial intelligence's report, thought for a while, and then said to the artificial intelligence.

If this continues, the fleet will still be unable to defeat the Necrons' fleet. The Necrons' warships can easily break through the defenses of the Federation ships, and completely ignore the shields of the Imperial ships. Quantitative changes can only lead to qualitative changes.

Wang Ming's order quickly spread among the ships, each regiment sent a company to the "Sun Fortress", and Wang Ming had already prepared ships for them, sixteen strike cruisers They are quietly mooring at the port of the "Sun Fortress". In addition to these cruisers, Wang Ming has also built fifty unmanned frigates. These cheap and easy-to-use unmanned frigates can be incorporated into the command system of each cruiser. In , the escort mission is automatically performed.

"Come on, kind greetings from humans, Necrontyr, this is the world of humans, the galaxy of humans!"

Wang Ming looked at the cruisers leaving the port slowly and the unmanned frigates following the cruisers, and said to the undead warships on the holographic projection screen.

"The anti-matter bomb is launched, the cover decoy is released simultaneously, pay attention to the cross-fire coverage, the light spear matrix turns, and the simultaneous shooting is in progress."

On a cruiser of the second regiment, Ye Fan, the first company commander of the second regiment, looked at the fleet sand table in front of him and was listening to the attack command of the artificial intelligence.

They were teaming up with another cruiser from the [-]rd Regiment to lay siege to a Necron.

"The attack of the enemy ship was detected. The unmanned frigate is defending. The defense is successful. The side of the unmanned frigate has been destroyed by 80.00%. The nano-robots are being repaired. The repair time is estimated to be 10 minutes."

On this kind of battlefield, unmanned frigates are completely used as human shields by cruisers. Their main goal is not to attack enemy ships, but to use their own armor to protect cruisers.

"The unmanned frigate was destroyed, the unmanned frigate was destroyed, the energy shield was activated, and it is resisting the attack... Attention all ship personnel, the energy shield is overloaded, and our ship is under attack."

"Fuck, is there a second? Necromancer's weapon is so perverted?"

Ye Fan looked at the damage of various parts of the ship in front of him, and thought helplessly that the attack power of the Necromancer Battleship was too powerful.

"The subspace engine room is damaged, high-radiation fuel leaks..."

The artificial intelligence alarm sounded in Ye Fan's ears, and he stared angrily at the undead warship they attacked. He felt that all the attacks of the cruiser were trying to skin it. Only antimatter bombs could be useful, but even so Necromancer warships can also restore damage in an instant.

But no matter how angry Ye Fan is, it is useless. On the scale of the universe, even the Primarch is too small, not to mention that he is only a primordial Astarte, and he can only continue to watch the artificial Intelligently operate cruiser battles.

After the cruiser was hit, the nanorobots were quickly released. They lay on the damaged area of ​​the ship and quickly repaired the hull. The way they repaired the ship was like a layer of mercury covering the ship's shell. generally.

The two cruisers attacked the Necromancer on both sides, and the antimatter bombs flew towards the Necromancer without money. The unmanned frigates that originally protected them were all destroyed. Now they can only use Gauss rays and antimatter particles to resist the Necromancer. It's over.

It's not just their two cruisers facing this necromancer warship, the other fourteen cruisers are besieging it, but they are long-range support, after all, they still have other necromancer warships to deal with.

"Humans, interesting species, Wang Ming, we will meet again."

On the broken world engine, Pat Besulik watched the fleet battle in the sky, and it said to itself that the human species left a deep impression on it.

Pat Besulik stared at the void for a long time, and then it walked towards the gate of the tombstone. It left this galaxy in an instant and went to other tomb worlds of the Darukaya dynasty.

The moment Pat Besulik left the Teddaraf galaxy, all the necromancer warships suddenly stopped fighting with the imperial fleet, and all turned in one direction. In the blink of an eye, except for the captured Undead warships, all the undead warships suddenly disappeared on the battlefield.

In fact, Pat Besulik also wanted to take away the warship that was captured by humans, but the traversers knew that the technology of the necromancer was terrifying. During the period when they controlled the warship of the necromancer, they almost killed All important equipment has been dismantled, including the reactor and inertialess engine.

Their disassembly method was also very rough. For fear of harming those precious equipment, they directly cut off the entire wall and floor connecting it with a phase sword. I didn't do anything for a while, so I just dismantled all the key equipment.

Those ghost beetles who were going to repair these equipment were also suppressed with the help of the first and second regiments. It was really not easy to capture a necromancer. Clean up the battleship and prevent the ghost beetles inside the battleship from repairing the battleship equipment , but everything is over, and now they finally got a complete, uh..., maybe not so complete necromancer battleship.

"No inertial engine..."

Wang Ming looked at the Necromancer warships that suddenly disappeared, and for the first time intuitively saw the power of the Necromancer's super-light engine, and in the blink of an eye, they sailed at super-light speed in an instant.

"Hey hey, but we captured a necromancer warship, maybe we can reverse research necromancer technology in the future, hahaha!!"

Wang Ming looked at the battlefield that was empty in an instant, and was shocked for a moment, then laughed nervously.

"What's wrong with Captain Wang Ming? Is it crazy because the fleet lost too much? Do you need Minerva to help him with psychological counseling?"

Captain Jiang Tao and the artificial intelligence of the "Sun Fortress" looked at Wang Ming who was laughing nervously. They communicated with each other and came to a conclusion together. Captain Wang Ming was stimulated and needed some psychological counseling.

"Colonel Radulovich, help me arrange a shuttle. I'm going to the captured enemy warship now."

Wang Ming quickly controlled his excitement, and ordered to the artificial intelligence of "Sun Fortress", he couldn't wait to see the inertialess engine.

"Okay, Captain Wang Ming, I'll arrange it right away."

Radulovich looked at Wang Ming who was back to normal, and replied to him, no matter what happens to the commander, it is always the bounden duty of federal soldiers to carry out his orders.

The shuttle flew out of the "Solar Fortress", passed through the void of the universe, and came to the Necromancer captured by humans. Of course, it didn't enter the Necromancer through the main entrance, but was knocked out by the attacking cruiser. entered through the breakage.

"No inertial engine, no inertial engine..."

Wang Ming was walking in the corridor of the Necromancer Battleship. While walking, he kept repeating the name "inertial-free engine" to himself. Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin, who were walking with him beside him, looked at their own Boss, thinking in his heart whether his boss is already a little dazed.

"Xu Zheng, can you do reverse research?"

Wang Ming walked into the engine room. As soon as he entered the engine room, he asked Xu Zheng who was thinking about the inertial engine with a group of traversers from the First Engineer Company.

"Um... Boss, you'd better not have too much hope, the technology of the Necromancer is far from all the technology we know, Captain Jiang Tao and Minerva have both seen it, and they have no way to understand it Its structure, not to mention that this thing seems to have technological encryption..."

Xu Zheng heard Wang Ming's question, turned around, walked in front of Wang Ming, and answered him.

Wang Ming also naturally understood what Xu Zheng meant. His excitement just now because of the seizure of the inertial engine was immediately poured into a pot of cold water.

"Then... is there a possibility of reverse research? I mean it's possible..."

Wang Ming was poured with cold water, but he still did not give up and asked Xu Zheng a final question.

"Um... Boss, if you have to say it, it's fine. Let's study it for 50 years first. Anyway, as long as there is enough time, we will be able to reverse the research one day sooner or later."

Xu Zheng looked at Wang Ming, who was drooping all over, thought for a while, and then gave a more optimistic result.

"Well, as long as it can be reversed, no matter how long it takes, it is acceptable. It is impossible to study a 10K."

Listening to Xu Zheng's optimistic statement, Wang Ming nodded, as long as he can do reverse research, as long as he can come up with super-light-speed navigation technology that escapes subspace, no matter how long he waits, it is acceptable.

"Let's sort out the equipment. Let's go back to Moers. After sorting everything out there, we're going to the five hundred worlds of Ultramar."

Wang Ming sorted out his mood. Although he couldn't quickly get the super-light speed navigation technology out of the subspace, at least he had a head now, right?With human wisdom, it should be possible to reverse research within 100 years, right?After all, there is a complete sample.

After watching the inertialess engine, Wang Ming returned to the "Sun Fortress". After the battle, the fleet was rearranging itself. "Replenish ammunition and fuel on board.

(End of this chapter)

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