Chapter 253
"It's really big..."

The commander of the Ninth Company looked at the Great Nurgle in front of him. The size of this thing was almost the same as that of a war dog. A Nurgle the size of a Titan, the sense of oppression it brought was self-evident. The traversers even They all felt an emotion that had left them for a long time, a sense of fear, this feeling that had not appeared for several years appeared in their hearts again.

"Your uncle! All fire, mobile warfare, this thing can't run fast, lead it away, and open the way for the brothers of the second company!"

The commander of the Ninth Company held the communicator and issued an order to all the armored vehicles. Their "star traveler" is the No.20 First Legion, the Angel of Death of the Emperor, and they will never feel any timidity in front of the enemy of mankind. , All fear comes from insufficient firepower. They must use their own firepower to complete tasks for the brothers of the second company.

"Received, the stars are immortal, and human beings will last forever!"

The captains of all the crews replied, they shouted the battle cry of the No.20 First Legion, started their cars, all armored vehicles started to move, and all kinds of weapons hit the big monster of Nurgle On his body, his body didn't suffer much damage after being hit by various shells, and those rotting flesh and blood directly swallowed the shells into his body.

It laughed and faced the artillery fire of the traversers, and walked slowly towards a brutal blade, which was the command vehicle where the commander of the ninth company was.

"Come to chase me? Yes, yes, Xu Lei, let's go, He Yong, aim the deflagration cannon at its head, and let's give it a brain hole."

The company commander of the Ninth Company said to the driver and the gunner that since the Nurgle Daemon is eyeing him, it will be easy to handle, just attract it away and open the way for the friendly troops.

In this way, an extremely interesting scene appeared on the battlefield, a Brutal Blade was galloping ahead, and behind him, a giant Nurgle, as huge as a Titan, was relying on his pair of bloated legs, Constantly chasing the brutal blade.

The Cruel Blade ran in front, and the Great Demon Nurgle chased after him. With the help of the terrifying figure of the Great Demon Nurgle, the Cruel Blade made a decision. He began to run towards the positions where the death guards were stationed in a planned way.

When the death guards saw the brutal blade running towards them, they all raised their weapons and prepared to fight, but the brutal blade did not attack the death guards, but ran directly past them, and the brutal blade gave them The only loss is one unlucky guy who stood in front of its advancing route and was crushed into a mosaic by the track.

Just when the death guards were looking at the back of the brutal blade that was going away, and were puzzled, a burst of huge footsteps attracted their attention. After the footsteps appeared, the whole ground trembled, as if a Titan was heading towards it. Walking this way, the death guards looked towards where the footsteps came from.

Among the ruins of the city, a huge titan-like Nurgle was walking towards them. As it walked, the corrupt tissues and various maggots on its body fell to the ground, with a strange smile on its face , walking towards the position of the Death Guard.

The death guards were stunned. They seemed to understand why the brutal blade didn't attack them, but they didn't understand why the Nurgle demon was walking towards their position.


The company commander of the death guard was the first to react, and it shouted at its companions with the blessed twisted mouth on its belly.

But before those death guards could react, a big foot stepped on the position of the death guards. Those unlucky death guards were all trampled under by the Nurgle, who didn't care about any friendly forces. , it just wanted to chase that brutal blade.

In this way, the Brutal Blade distracted the Great Demon Nurgle, and by the way, it also used it to destroy several Death Guard strongholds.

"Take the spirit-destroying bomb, let's go in."

The commander of the Second Company watched the Great Demon Nurgle chasing the Brutal Blade in the distance, and issued an order to his company. Since the brothers of the Ninth Company have lured this threat away, they must complete the task quickly and not let the Ninth Company down. Brother Lian's sacrifice.

The passers-by of the Second Company quickly filed into the factory, followed by Felix Yingjie and the Ultramarines. They entered the factory with the killing bomb.

After the imperial troops entered the factory, even the traversers who had prepared themselves were a little surprised after seeing the scene.

Inside the factory, all kinds of strange flesh and blood tissues almost constitute the entire factory. The twisted blood vessels and fascia on the twisted walls are constantly squirming, and disgusting blasphemous monsters are attached to these flesh and blood walls. They looked at the imperial troops entering the factory, constantly baring their teeth and claws.

The traversers looked at those disgusting monsters, and thoughtfully gave each of them a bomb.

"It's disgusting."

A traverser looked at the surrounding scene and said to his companions.

"Well, these things are all manifestations of the power of chaos..."

His companion replied to him that these flesh constructs were all manifestations of the power of Nurgle, whose original metal structure had been twisted into twisted flesh tissue.


While the two traversers were talking, a bomb that suddenly appeared hit a traverser's head directly, and the helmet of the traverser was directly pierced, and the explosive bomb exploded on the traverser's head. The victim's head was instantly blown into pieces.

Beside the killed traverser, his companions reacted quickly, and a group of traversers behind them also reacted. They just paid attention to the flesh and blood structures in the factory, and forgot that there might be other corpses in the factory. enemy.

"Clap clap clap!!"

The traversers kept shooting at the enemies in front of them. They quickly switched on the combat mode. Various weapons were fired in the factory. For a while, it was like the new year in the factory. There were explosions one after another. The high temperature evaporated the flesh and blood in the factory, and the smell of burnt organic matter filled the factory.

While the traversers were exchanging fire with the plague fighters, taking advantage of this time, Felix Yingjie led his company and went to the core area of ​​the factory with the killing bombs, and the traversers provided them with a chance.

Sister Silence, who was acting with the Ultramarines, did not go to the core area with Felix Yingjie and the others. She was left with the traversers under Felix Yingjie's order to assist the traversers against the plague warriors.

The firepower of the traversers is powerful, but the bodies of those plague warriors blessed by Nurgle are too alive. They are waving various weapons against the firepower of the traversers and walking towards the traversers step by step.

Bombs, plasma, meltdown, and even deflagration and flamethrowers, none of these weapons can stop the plague warriors from advancing. Their bodies have been blessed by the destruction power of the subspace, and the damage caused by various weapons will heal instantly. Even a broken head can heal instantly. Under the power of chaos, they have already stood at the same level as the traversers. The resurrection ability that the traversers are proud of is even suppressed at this time .

Even from a certain point of view, Nurgle's ability even exceeds the resurrection ability of the traversers, at least the traversers cannot be resurrected in situ.

The only one who can completely kill the plague fighters is the Sister of Silence. With her superb martial arts, she shuttled among the plague fighters. The long sword cut off the heads of the plague fighters more than once. Headaches, whenever the nuns of silence approach them, their bodies will lose their chaotic power and return to the real universe. Their rotten brains lose their ability to think. died under the ability.

"Damn Chaos! For the Emperor, brothers!"

The traversers looked at the silent nun who was constantly shuttling among the plague fighters, and they couldn't lag behind. First, one traverser drew out his power sword, then the second, and finally all the traversers drew out their power swords. They faced the plague The warriors rushed, and while they couldn't kill the Plague Warrior, it was still possible to chop it into pieces to slow regeneration.

The company commander of the second company held the flag of the No.20 First Legion. He looked at the charging traversers and wanted to fight with them, but because he was the resurrection point, he could only watch it in a safe place. and they fought.

The Sister of Silence rushed towards a Plague Warrior. The moment the Plague Warrior approached the Plague Warrior, his body lost control. The twisted tentacles on the Plague Warrior's body and the big mouth on his abdomen were all unconsciously dancing around. Then, the corrupted body of the plague warrior also landed on the ground after touching the real universe.

Its already decayed bones could not support its bloated body, and the Sister of Silence quickly ran to the fallen plague warrior, and quickly chopped off his head with a sword.

Just when Sister Silence was about to rush towards a plague warrior again, she suddenly felt that something was grabbing her body, and she quickly slashed at the thing that was grabbing her, but the moment she saw the man clearly, she Jianfeng quickly stopped.

Under the bewildered expression of the Silent Sister, a traverser carried her behind her back, and then the traverser rushed towards the Plague Warriors with the Silent Sister on her back. The original cast Astartes was faster than the Silent Sister. Said, it was more than 01:30, the traverser carried the silent nun on his back and quickly killed the plague warrior.

Sister Silence also understood during this process that the traverser was using her ability to kill the plague warrior. After she understood, she held on to the traverser tightly so that she would not affect the traverser's battle.


Just as the traversers and the plague fighters were hacking and killing, a huge explosion sounded suddenly from the core area of ​​the factory, and then a strange feeling filled the whole factory, and a huge sense of depression and nausea filled everyone. on people.

"Destroyer Bomb..."

The traversers understood what it was. This was the effect of the extermination bomb explosion. Those plague fighters who were still fighting the traversers a second ago were all affected by the extermination bomb. They were isolated from the subspace by the extermination bomb. A large number of people died due to the effect of the plague, and the rotten biological brains could not maintain the life of the plague fighters. After the extermination bomb exploded, reality defeated the evil power of the subspace.

"Quick! Let's go!"

The traversers looked at the plague fighters who had died from the killing bombs, and quickly withdrew their team. They moved very quickly and all evacuated the factory.

Felix Yingjie also evacuated with the traversers, and their mission has been completed, and the rest only needs to be handed over to the fleet above Parmenio.

The imperial troops quickly withdrew from the city along the route they fought all the way before. The armored vehicles of the Ninth Armored Company carried the infantry and quickly moved away from the main city of Hekaton. The spears of light were about to fall on their heads.

"****!****, that Nurgle is still chasing us!"

When all the imperial troops were evacuated, there was still a Cruel Blade crew in the main city of Hekaton that did not evacuate. The command system was handed over to the deputy company commander, and then he went to lure away the Great Demon Nurgle, but he really did not expect that the Great Demon Nurgle had chased them for so long.

Their weapons can't do much damage to Nurgle at all. The deflagration ray of the deflagration cannon shoots at Nurgle. Although it can evaporate a large amount of organic tissues on its body, those vaporized organic tissues will be destroyed within a few seconds. recover within.

The Great Demon Nurgle simply ignored the damage from the Brutal Blade. It kept laughing and chasing the Brutal Blade, never stopping.

The brutal blade ran on the streets of the city. The speed of the brutal blade had reached its limit. It shuttled through the streets, using various buildings that were already empty to stop the Great Demon Nurgle from chasing them.

But even though the speed of the Brutal Blade is already very fast, the Great Demon Nurgle can't wait to catch up in a straight line. Its titan-like body crushes all the buildings in front of it, and it stares at the Brutal Blade. It has but one thought in its head, that it befriends the humans in Brutality Blade, and spreads to them the Father's Mercy.


Suddenly, a huge beam of laser energy landed in the city of Hekaton, and its landing point happened to land on the body of the Great Demon Nurgle. Banished back to the warp by the terrible high-temperature vaporization.

"The fleet has started an orbital strike?"

After the demon Nurgle was banished by the light spear, the brutal blade stopped on the street, and the traversers of the brutal blade team walked out of the brutal blade. They looked at the light that appeared in the sky and understood I finally don't need to run anymore, my mission has been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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