Chapter 255 Preparations
"You can't get peace yet, you can still fight! Your life is the emperor's currency, don't waste her!"

Political commissar Rolando Bianchi looked at the girl, took out a field medical robot, and gave the girl an emergency medical treatment. After stuffing the girl's laser gun into her arms, the political commissar rushed to the front without stopping. Those Kriegs must be watched, or who knows what they will do to atone for their sins.

The flares in the sky illuminated the trenches on the ground. In the trenches, a large number of Krieger soldiers held laser rifles and kept attacking the walking corpses and plague fighters surging forward. Heavy bombs and laser cannons were roaring. Manluth's main gun also began to roar, and an Emperor Baneblade that was just equipped in the regiment also started its own engine, and moved towards the battlefield in front of the position.

"Charging is not allowed! 2557721, come down to me! If you dare to charge with troops today, you are disloyal to Lord Primarch and God Emperor!"

Commissar Rolando Bianchi had just arrived at the position when he instantly saw 2557721 who was about to lead a group of Kriegs to climb out of the trench. He looked at 2557721 and roared angrily.

This loud roar reached 2557721's ears, and he quickly returned to the trench with his brothers who were about to launch a counter charge to beat back the enemy's offensive force.

"Don't fight back. We have enough firepower now. I just sent a message to the adults. They will come to support us soon and fight positional warfare!"

Commissar Rolando Bianchi looked at 2557721 in front of him, and said to him. Commissar Rolando Bianchi's voice was very loud, as if he was afraid that 2557721 might not hear clearly, and he led someone to counterattack again.

2557721 looked at Commissar Rolando Bianchi in front of him, and nodded silently. This is an order issued by the Primarch, and they will definitely carry it out.

Krieger's position is like a nail, firmly inserted in front of the Death Guard and Nurgle demons. Their weapons and legion equipment are all standard "Star Liberator" configurations. There was no shortage of one piece, and all kinds of heavy weapons flew towards the surging tide of magic ahead without any money. They fulfilled the order of the Primarch and carried out the mission of an emperor's currency.

"Hurry up, hurry up, damn pig! Let us not fight, go fight the mortal position!"

Not far from Krieger's position, a large number of traversers rushed towards Krieg quickly. The company commander of the traversers was cursing while running, and the group of plague warriors were placed in an Astartes army. Instead of fighting, they actually went to attack the mortal army.

"I saw the exchange of fire, and I am determining the direction of the enemy's attack. It has been determined, and the position has been transmitted to the artillery regiment."

The traversers are very fast, they don't even use vehicles, they move faster than vehicles, at least they don't need to ignite, and those armored vehicles are still behind them.

"Let's intervene in the battlefield first, and those armored vehicles will arrive later."

The commander of the traverser looked at the flames on the position not far away, and after giving orders to the traversers around him, he rushed to the Krieger's position first.

"The firepower of the armor is pressing forward, covering the infantry salvo, and the power of the laser gun is turned on to the maximum. Our weapons can penetrate the power armor of those traitors!"

Commissar Rolando Bianchi is standing in the trench, he is constantly directing the situation with a communicator, 2557721 That kid is completely unreliable, he is a good soldier, but he is not a good commander, Commissar Rolando Bianchi He could only temporarily take over the duties of the regiment leader and command the Kriegers.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Just when Commissar Rolando Bianchi was about to poke his head out to look at the situation outside the trench, a burst of explosive bombing sounded behind him, and he hurriedly turned his head to look behind him. When he saw the When the huge figure appeared, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Those were the figures he was extremely familiar with, the silver power armor, the red shoulder armor like flames, and the golden imperial sky eagles on their bodies. They were the "Star Trekkers", the angels of the Emperor, the sons of Lord Primarch.

"Build a defense line, disperse in the trenches, try to protect mortals, we can die, they can't, move fast!"

The commander of the traversers gave an order the moment they entered the trench, and the traversers also dispersed to various positions in the trench following the orders of their commander. They protected those Kriegs behind their bodies, and then they They shot at the traitors ahead.

"Soldiers of the Emperor, report your situation."

The company commander of the traversers walked up to Commander Krieger and asked him about the situation of their regiment. Commissar Rolando Bianchi immediately rushed to Commander Krieger about the situation.

"Master Angel, our regiment has been attacked by the enemy. There are a large number of them, but most of them are walking corpses, and there are a lot of traitors hidden in them. Our losses are not too big. We can maintain 90.00% of our combat capability at present. , can carry out the order of the angel at any time."

Commissar Rolando Bianchi reported the situation to the company commander of the traverser while performing the eagle salute. Naturally, he couldn't let 2557721 report the situation. With 2557721's communication ability, it is estimated that he could make up a sentence within an hour.

"Well, I see. Don't call me an angel. My name is Chang Tianshun. Soldiers, continue to stand firm. Our armored support will arrive in about 10 minutes. For the sake of the Emperor and the Primarch, let us wipe out all those traitors."

The traverser company commander looked at the political commissar in front of him. Although he didn't understand why the political commissar was required to report on the battle within the regiment, he didn't ask too much about it now that the situation was urgent.

"Yes, Lord Chang Tianshun, for the Emperor and Lord Primarch."

Commissar Rolando Bianchi looked at the company commander of the traverser and replied to him.

"My lord, there are still 11 seconds left for the artillery delivery."

The traverser company commander wanted to say something to boost the morale of the soldiers, but at this moment, a communication from the artillery regiment came from his communicator. The artillery regiment had already carried out artillery support, and the shell was expected to land in 11 seconds. .

"Understood, continue to deliver, don't stop the firepower, blow those traitors to pieces."

The traverser company commander listened to the communication from the Auxiliary Army Artillery Regiment, replied to them, and then picked up the bolter and joined the battle.

The artillery delivery arrived soon, and the shells landed precisely on the battlefield in front of the trenches. The explosion of the white phosphorous bombs was like bright fireworks. The high-temperature flames ignited the Nurgle corpses in front of the trenches. However, these flames can't threaten the plague warriors at all. They have power armor on their bodies. Even if the power armor has become very tattered, it can still provide protection for the plague warriors.

Before Wang Ming landed on Pamenio, he equipped the traversers and the mortal auxiliaries with a large number of incendiary weapons. These incendiary weapons were all used to deal with the Nurgle demon army. They were full of viruses. Only pure flames can completely purify them.

"The first batch of white phosphorus bombs has landed, the second batch of napalm bombs is being launched, and the third batch of hot melt cluster bombs is being prepared."

On the position of the Auxiliary Army Artillery Regiment, a large number of petrified lizard self-propelled artillery roared continuously, firing shells from their muzzles, offering the most sincere blessings of mankind to the enemies of mankind.

"Wuhu! That's great, that's it! Those plague fighters are exposed, hurry up, kill them!"

Looking at the burning corpses of Nurgle on the battlefield ahead, Chang Tianshun shouted happily, and then quickly issued an order to snipe and kill the plague fighters who had been exposed from the crowd of corpses.

Those plague fighters have been hiding in the crowd of walking corpses waiting for an opportunity. Now that the crowd of walking corpses is gone, they have exposed their positions.


The laser rays passed through the night sky and hit the heads of the plague fighters precisely. These are the snipers in the traverser company. They are all equipped with laser cannons for sniping operations. For the traversers, it only takes one time Shooting can kill the enemy, and the weapons with high lethality are all sniper rifles.

The precise shooting of the traversers also relies on the good characteristics of the laser cannon. This is the advantage of the laser weapon. As long as it can be seen, it can be hit. After all, nothing can distort the path of light.


A wall of fire appeared on the battlefield. It was the explosion of napalm bombs. It was like a blooming flower of death. The orange-red flame swallowed everything. The pure flame burned Nurgle's pollution, moving towards All the traitors declare that this world is human and that human will win in the end.

Even though the gods in the subspace are invading human beings all the time, intending to drag human beings into endless madness and darkness, human beings, as a species, will continue to have their own flames burning the darkness brought by the chaos.

"Their firepower is too strong, let the brothers back, the test is enough, No. 20 First Legion, their firepower is unlimited?"

On a hill in front of the human position, a death guard looked at the battlefield below the mountain, and said to another death guard beside him.

The firepower of the imperial army is too strong. They estimate that they can only deal with it by using Titans and Knights. However, these are also in the plan of their own Primarch, and it is not a problem for them to worry about. And for some reason, their own Primarch Tian has always been very happy, and sometimes it even laughed out loud for no reason, not knowing what funny things it thought of.

The plague fighters who tested the imperial troops got the order and began to retreat quickly. Trying to the enemy's weaknesses is their old profession, and the retreat is naturally familiar. Under the cover of a big unclean man, they took advantage of the imperial troops. When all the attention was on the great unclean person, he quickly withdrew into the mountains.

These complex mountainous terrains have become their last hiding place these days, and all kinds of twisted and disgusting Nurgle demons and plague fighters are hiding in these mountains, waiting for Mortarion's orders.

"Son, your injury is not too serious, it's just a limb injury. You can recover after returning to the "Sun Fortress". I'm going to give you some minor wound treatment now, it may hurt a little."

A pharmacist of a traveler looked at the girl who had lost her calf in front of her, and gently comforted her emotions while helping her treat the wound.

The traversers dealt with it very quickly. After all, there were still many wounded on the ground. The brothers in the sanitation team were all on the move. Most of these wounded were unable to be dealt with by the medical robots of the mortal auxiliary army. There were too many people missing arms and legs. The bombs of those Plague Warriors are deadly to mortals.

These wounded are still lucky. Most of the mortals affected by the explosion and bombs were turned into fragments on the ground and returned to the golden throne.

The situation that the traverser imagined did not happen. He originally thought that the young girl would make a sound because of the pain during the wound treatment, but the girl insisted on not making a sound during the wound treatment.

"You are a very strong little girl. Someone will take you away later. Be patient, and you will recover soon."

After treating the girl's wound, the traverser said to the girl, then picked up the surgical tools and prepared to go to the location of another wounded person.

"Thank you sir."

The girl looked at the traverser pharmacist, and whispered to him, her voice was very low, as if someone who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke.

"Son, you're welcome, this is what I should do."

The traverser pharmacist smiled, and walked towards another wounded person.

These wounded soldiers were uniformly evacuated to the "Fortress of the Sun". Of course, because of the ability of Nurgle, a disgusting thing, these wounded soldiers will be reviewed and investigated before they can receive medical treatment. It would be terrible if a wounded soldier infected the entire "Sun Fortress" mortals.

"The troops have begun to assemble."

Delos, on the newly established star port landing site, Wang Ming looked at the rising and falling transport planes and airdrop pods, and said to Guilliman and Fulgrim beside him.

"Well, the Titan Legion of Mechanicus has also started to assemble, and our operation will probably start tomorrow morning."

Guilliman looked at those transport planes and airdrop pods. He nodded to Wang Ming, and then calculated the start time of the operation. According to this carrying speed and preparation time, the general attack could start tomorrow morning.

"I have let the knight family pass by. They have joined the traversers and are now waiting for orders. As long as all the troops are ready, we can start. Maybe I can keep that traitor forever. this world."

Wang Ming said to Guilliman that he had already sent those landed knight families to the front line, they were waiting for the order to attack and could enter the battle at any time.

The two Primarchs were talking to each other, at this moment a huge object suddenly passed through the clouds above the sky and came towards the ground. It was a hive city supply ship carrying the Titan Legion.

(End of this chapter)

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