Chapter 27 No.20 [-] Delaying Time
For some reason, looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Ming suddenly saw the appearance of the emperor asking the imperial army to pull out Guilliman in the "talker", and he even subconsciously glanced at the imperial army around him.

"Get ready to fight." Wang Ming said to the people around him.

Wang Xiaofa also knew the plot, he looked at Wang Ming's movements and looked at the ceiling together.


At this moment, the huge wreckage of a Thunderhawk gunboat smashed through the dome of the Hall of Truth full of exquisite murals. Several black Legion raptors in jetpacks accompanied the wreckage of the Thunderhawk gunboat and entered the holy place through the breach in the dome. Temple interior.

It has to be said that the raid of the Raptor Squad was very successful, using a huge wreck to open the way directly into the enemy's headquarters. If this happened in the headquarters of mortals or some Astartes chapters, it would undoubtedly be very successful Tactical operations, but this time they assaulted the two Primarchs and the established Astartes, and the first thing to greet them was the explosive bombs from the Ultramarines.

The Ultramarines, who had originally pointed their guns at Kaul and his party, turned their guns directly to the sudden intruders, and the dense fire net tore the raiding Chaos Raptor team to pieces.

However, the goal of the Chaos Birds of Prey was achieved. A Chaos Teleportation Beacon was planted on the ground of the temple by the Chaos Birds of Prey.

Almost instantly, reality disintegrated in the temple. Accompanied by thunderous and terrifying sounds, the space in the temple shattered like glass, and the chaos terminators of the Black Legion appeared in the holy holy place. In the hall, its powerful firepower poured towards the Ultramarines in an instant.

These terminators are the elite veterans of the Son of Horus period, with strong fighting qualities and powerful weapons and firepower.

Behind the Chaos Terminator, the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion were continuously teleported into the Temple.

The Ultramarines reacted quickly, relying on the collapsed buildings in the temple to fight against the enemies of Chaos.

The battle between the two sides was like the relief on the wall of the temple coming to life, and the war thousands of years ago started again at this moment.

No, maybe this war has never ended. It has been going on for thousands of years in the stars of the galaxy without stopping, and no one can stop it.

Wang Ming and Fulgrim also drew their weapons and joined the battlefield.

The two Primarchs joined the battle, which directly boosted the morale of the Empire. They fought with the Primarchs against the traitors just as they did thousands of years ago.

Calgar activated the power gauntlets on his fists, and together with the space fighters of the black templar, they fought towards the enemy of chaos.

Wang Ming told Fulgrim the details and process of resurrecting Guilliman in advance, and Wang Ming also told him the importance of the Black Legion raid to Guilliman's resurrection.

Because the Black Legion's raid on the Temple turned the attention of the Ultramarines to the Chaos Space Marines, giving Kaul and the Eldar time to revive Guilliman, without this raid, it would be absolutely impossible for Calgar to allow Cawl and the resurrection of the Eldar Primarch action.

Wang Ming and Fulgrim fought back and forth with the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion. According to common sense, the two Primarchs should be able to completely block the Chaos Space Marines.

But Wang Ming and Fulgrim fought back and forth with Chaos. After a while, Chaos beat Wang Ming and Fulgrim back a few meters and let the Ultramarines come up to support them. After a while, it was Wang Ming and Fulgrim again. Drive back Chaos with the support of the Ultramarines.

All of this is Wang Ming and Fulgrim's plan, the purpose is to delay the time for Kaur and the Eldar to revive Guilliman quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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