Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 274 Conscription on the Road to the Warning Star

Chapter 274 Conscription on the Road to the Warning Star
"Come on, sit down, there are countless thrones in the supreme sky, you just need to sit down, and you can become the supreme being..."

Wang Ming stood there alone on a piece of gray earth. In front of him, pieces of huge thrones stood on the ground. Those thrones were only vaguely exposed in the mist. , but just from those outlines, one can also see what those thrones represent.

That is endless power and the opportunity to become a god. There are already four figures sitting on those thrones. They look at Wang Ming as if they are waiting for him to take the seat.

At this moment, a ray of golden light appeared from far away in the sky. Wherever the golden light went, the space shattered like glass. The throne disappeared, the fog disappeared, and the earth disappeared. To the endless abyss.


Wang Ming sat up from the bed. Looking at the familiar room environment around him, he realized that he was having a nightmare again. This was also the influence of Tzeentch's residual power. Fortunately, he was protected by the Emperor, so he was not created by Tzeentch. All kinds of fantasies are driven crazy.

"Huh..., Tzeentch..."

Wang Ming thought about the pain of being spied on by Tzeentch in his heart. This is not the first time. He asked the emperor, and the emperor said that this was just some influence of Tzeentch's power on Wang Ming's psychological level, and it was nothing. Tzeentch's direct influence, these need to be overcome by Wang Ming himself.

Wang Ming tidied up, put on a brand new power armor with the help of the auxiliary machine, and then prepared to go to the Glory of Macragge to join Guilliman and Fulgrim. He needed to meet Meet the "Great Sage".

"People's power armor is custom-made, and mine is almost mass-produced."

Wang Ming, who was walking in the Sun Fortress, looked at the brand-new power armor on his body, and shook his head helplessly. The power armor of other primarchs are all custom-made, and the power armor of Wang Ming, the original body, is mass-produced. Nerva made dozens of sets of power armor and put them in the warehouse waiting for Wang Ming to consume them.

When heading to the Glory of Macragge, Wang Ming also took Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin with him. There was a primarch around him, and there were always some people around him. Moreover, Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin would be able to complete some tasks at certain times. Things that he, the Primarch, is not good at doing.

Wang Ming, Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin took the shuttle to the Glory of Macragge. This was their first time boarding a "Queen of Glory" class battleship. For this battleship larger than the "Imperial Truth" , The three traversers are still quite curious. Most of the warships they took before were ships from the "Golden Age", and the only contact with the imperial ships was the strike cruiser and some mechanical teaching ships.

The three boarded the Glory of Macragge. They had just boarded the Glory of Macragge. As soon as they got out of the shuttle connection, they saw a group of Ultramarines standing neatly in a phalanx. As far as the eye can see, there are blue mountains and blue seas. Although its scale is not as good as the previous travelers of the Sun Fortress, it is still enough to be regarded as a large-scale military parade.

"My brother, why are your eyes still..."

Fulgrim and Guilliman had already been waiting at the connection port early. Fulgrim looked at Wang Ming's eyes like big headlights, and asked Wang Ming again, why it had been so many days? Dissipate?

"Er..., maybe my father's strength is too strong, and I won't be able to change back in a while."

Wang Ming looked at Fulgrim, and replied to him helplessly, there is no way, Wang Ming is also very helpless, his eyes have not shown any signs of returning to their original appearance since that time, before he let Miner Erva checked it out.

After a series of examinations, she came up with a conservative result, because the color of the iris changed due to the influence of psionic energy. After Wang Ming got this answer, his whole body went numb, and his eyes probably changed in a while. Not coming back.

"Come on, my brother, let's meet the "Great Sage of Kaur."

Guilliman didn't pay much attention to Wang Ming's eyes, he nodded to Wang Ming, then said to him, and led Wang Ming and Fulgrim to the depths of the Glory of Macragge, But Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin stayed at the landing port. The two of them watched the military parade of the Ultramarines with great interest, waiting for Wang Ming to solve the matter.

Guilliman first led them to his residence. He performed some operations in a hidden corner of his room, and then opened a hidden secret door, which was a door leading to an elevator. Liman used the iris scanning method to unlock the elevator, the three of them walked up the elevator, and an instrument protruded out, which checked the physical status of the three Primarchs.

Wang Ming looked at the various flashing data on it. He actually felt that any Primarch could unlock this thing. The genes of the Primarchs were all carefully adapted by the Emperor. Their genes are very unique, but other There are also some commonalities, and it is this commonality that allows the Primarchs to use genetic locks and other combination locks, and their mutual genes can unlock their locks.

This should be the reason why Guilliman can safely take them to the elevator. There are also weapons on the elevator. This is a hidden location, which hides some secrets of Guilliman and Kaur. Well, out of various considerations, it is absolutely impossible for Guilliman to show it to others like Wang Ming. This elevator has a genetic identification system. Of course, it is not ruled out that Guilliman will send Wang Ming and Fulgrim's signature is fed into the detector.

The elevator descended quickly. Wang Ming glanced at the number of floors and it showed that there were more than 200 floors. Guilliman brought Wang Ming and Fulgrim to a gate. Before entering the gate, Guilliman went through a series of identity and identity checks. Various identity tests showed that the security level here is very high. After identification, the three finally entered the room inside the gate.

In the room, an astropath was standing under a machine. He looked very tired. The psychic response when Kaul's avatar was activated made the astropath director of Guilliman very uncomfortable.

Guilliman looked at the astropath, and nodded towards him. He took a deep breath of the stuffy air in the room, and then started the weird machine together with the astropath.

After the two of them used the code to activate the "Cauer clone", the astropath left the room. The psionic reaction when the "Cauer clone" was activated really made him uncomfortable.

The components of various instruments have been activated, the twenty panels on the machine slide open, and twenty heads of people with different appearances appear in front of the three of them. From Wang Ming's perspective, this strange machine that is running is Exudes the light of spiritual energy.

Various psychic runes appeared in the room, and then the heads of twenty people began to twist strangely. Seeing the strange scene in front of him, this made Wang Ming a little shocked. It was really too weird, and Wang Ming also felt it. Some psionic oppression made him a little uncomfortable.

"This is?"

Wang Ming looked at the strange machine in front of him, and asked Guilliman, he naturally knew what it was, an artificial intelligence created by the great sage Kaur, a strange machine with self-awareness.

"A machine that can communicate with the great sage of Kaur, "Cauer clone"."

Guilliman looked at the machine and said to Wang Ming that Guilliman actually felt that this thing was an artificial intelligence. Although this thing has been denying this, Guilliman knew that it was an artificial intelligence.

"Welcome Lord Regent Guilliman, Lord Protector Wang Ming, and Primarch Fulgrim."

"Cauer Clone" greeted the three genes, and it knew everyone present.

"Your Majesty Regent, how did you think about the request I mentioned to you earlier?"

The "Caule Clone" asked Guilliman, and it was obviously more interested in Guilliman, the Regent of the Empire, than the other two Primarchs.

"I have already answered you clearly before, it is impossible, I will not appoint Kaul as the general of Mars casting."

Guilliman looked at the "Cauer clone", he frowned, and then said to the "Cauer clone", this artificial intelligence doesn't know whether it was set up by Kaur, or it wants to be like this, it has been asking Guilliman to Caul was appointed as the Foundry General of Mars.

"We need to meet the Great Sage."

Wang Ming looked at the "Kauer clone", and he also frowned. The feeling of being oppressed by spiritual energy was really uncomfortable. He hoped to complete the purpose of this trip and leave quickly.

"Sorry, Lord Protector, the Great Sage Kaul is busy with other important things right now."

"Kauer Clone" replied to Wang Ming that it was not in direct contact with the great sage, but a thing similar to the consciousness of the great sage, which could restore Kaur to the greatest extent. (actually artificial intelligence)

"Hey... let's let the astropaths send out the star messages."

Wang Ming looked at the "Cauer clone", sighed, and said to Guilliman that he had obtained something from the previous transaction with the Figure King, something about the structure and construction method of the Blackstone creation, which were originally Tara Xin didn't want to give it to humans, but after considering the current situation in the Milky Way, it still gave Wang Ming these technologies. However, these technologies are not easy to replicate, and they are not complete. They can only be regarded as a theory at best. To the basic technology that can no longer be theoretical.

It’s like a controllable nuclear fusion reaction and a physics book. There is a certain relationship between the two things, but the degree of understanding depends on the person. These technologies are only for auxiliary purposes, and the real anti-psychic technology has to be taught Human beings explore by themselves, this process may be an extremely long time measured in ten thousand years, and the technical information that Trasin gave Wang Ming only shortened this time in ten thousand years by hundreds of years.

However, this is still obtained by human beings. It is the latest achievement in researching Blackstone's creations. Wang Ming hopes to give these materials to the great sage so that he can better study Blackstone's anti-psychic technology.


Guilliman nodded towards Wang Ming, and then closed the "Cauer clone".

The three of them left this secret room and returned to the broad deck of the Macragge's Glory. After arranging for the astropath to deliver the star message to Kaul, they went to the bridge of the Macragge's Glory , the three Primarchs need to make some arrangements for the next thing.

Wang Ming will go to Vigilus in advance to stabilize the Nachmond Corridor, while Guilliman and Fulgrim will need all the troops of the empire. After Wang Ming's No.20 First Legion stabilizes the war situation on Vigilus, they will You can directly lead the imperial troops to the dark side of the empire and recover those imperial worlds in darkness.

Of course, Guilliman and Fulgrim also have another purpose, which is to re-establish the legion. Fulgrim will expand the number of the battle group and gradually turn the size of the war group into a legion, while Guilliman will All the sub-groups of Ultramarines that can be contacted will gather together, and use the reason that the dark side of the empire needs Astartes troops to subtly transform these sub-groups into legions. This is a long process, but Guilliman can only That's it.

After finishing the conversation, Wang Ming took Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin to the banquet arranged by Guilliman. Obviously, Guilliman hoped that the scale of his banquet would be the same as that at the Fortress of the Sun. After a banquet, Wang Ming and the two regiment leaders returned to Fortress of the Sun.

Day by day, the reconstruction work of Aix has been going on for a week, and its various areas have been cleaned up. When the aftermath work has been carried out here, the work of the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army is basically over. up.

They returned to the Sun Fortress one by one. When all the personnel returned to the fleet, the fleet of the No.20 First Legion set sail again. They traveled through the countless stars between the universes and went to the alert star.

While the fleet was heading towards Vigilante, Wang Ming started the systematic conscription in Fortress of the Sun. Vigilante itself is a big melee. Wang Ming hopes to stabilize it as much as possible, and at the same time he also hopes to give Ah Baa Patton brings some Legion shock.

"Whoa...why is it 40K..."

"Sword and magic that we clearly agreed upon, woo woo woo..."

"Cross-universe and subspace fraud, woo woo woo..."

"Emperor, let me go back, I will go back and continue to be a social animal, I don't think of this universe, woo woo woo..."

"Compulsory conscription across the universe, woo woo woo..."

After Wang Ming's conscription was completed, he saw the traditional recruits of the legion crying together. Ten thousand recruits crowded into a hall of the Sun Fortress, crying collectively. They thought It was the pie that fell from the sky that allowed them to cross over. I didn't expect this girl to be abducted and trafficked in the subspace. Why did the promised sword and magic world turn into a warhammer?

Wang Ming looked at the [-] new recruits and arranged for various veteran troops to receive them. This time they were much more proficient, and the veterans quickly went up to appease them.

Under the double appeasement of infinite resurrection and legion size, these recruits quickly joined various veteran regiments according to their specialties and occupations. This time, Wang Ming did not increase the regiment, but expanded the original regiment. , A regiment expanded to 600 people, and 1 traverser recruits were divided into [-] regiments.

The remaining four hundred recruits were all taken away by Casatos, who planned to form a special operations Astartes force.

(End of this chapter)

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