Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 279 Arriving at Vigilante

Chapter 279 Arriving at Vigilante

"Come back? You took care of that iron man?"

Wang Ming walked up to that Astarte, and asked him with a smile, "Small boy, you still want to pretend to be a human being, you are an artificial intelligence that can have human emotions, and dare to pretend to be a human being."

"Yes, uh... Primarch..."

The artificial intelligence looked at Wang Ming in front of it, and searched the brain for the name of Wang Ming, the modified person, the original body, it should be called so.

He doesn't have the complete memory of the traversers, only some fragments of consciousness, and he only knows some basic names, such as Wang Ming's Primarch, and the smaller ones are called Astartes.

"Are you still pretending?"

Wang Ming smiled, he grabbed Astartes' head, and then crushed Astartes' head with force, the power of the Primarch was so great that even the Terminator's helmet couldn't resist it.

"How did you find out?"

The artificial intelligence was grabbed by Wang Ming's head and held in his hand. His tone was still flat, without any sense of fear. It seemed that he was not afraid of death. Even if his carrier was caught by Wang Ming, he didn't have any fear. panic.

"It's really strange that you took my body away."

The traverser looked at the artificial intelligence caught by Wang Ming, and moved closer to Wang Ming. He looked at the artificial intelligence in front of him that had taken away his body, and started pointing for a while. He even stabbed the artificial intelligence with his power sword. intelligent body.

"Consciousness deprivation technology, you should know that we often use this technology to sneak into your world during wartime."

The artificial intelligence did not respond to the damage caused by the power sword on his body, completely ignoring the damage, he did not feel normal life at all, he was just manipulating a corpse.

"The kind of technology possessed by the great sage of Kaul?"

After hearing the artificial intelligence's words, the traveler asked Wang Ming curiously. According to the traveler, the sage Kaur seemed to have this kind of technology.

"It's the same type, but not the same kind. This kind of consciousness deprivation technology will directly kill humans, while Kaur's technology is to transfer consciousness."

Wang Ming also heard the words of the artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence has been invading the communication channels of the traversers, and everyone can hear his words.

"Okay, let's die."

Wang Ming looked at the artificial intelligence in his hand, and didn't want to say anything more to this thing. He crushed its head completely with force. It turned into a pile of scrap iron.

"Let's go, the threat has been resolved, we continue to search for records of that era in these ruins."

Wang Ming threw the artificial intelligence's body on the ground. This artificial intelligence has been completely solved. The moment he seized the body of the traverser, he was actually ready to die. He was just betting that humans would find Can't see him, but he lost the bet, humans found him and killed him completely.

The ships above the orbit are constantly monitoring the ground, and the troops on the ground are also reduced. There is no need for so many troops to search for the ship's database in the ruins. Only one company of traversers is left on the ground in the ruins. After sorting out some of the collected items, Wang Ming himself returned to the Sun Fortress.

In this way, time passed day by day, and after almost a week, the navigator finally reported to Wang Ming that the subspace storm had slowed down, and the fleet could finally continue to the Vigilante.

"Report, the last batch of materials has been transported onto the ship, and the first company has returned to the ship. Boss, we can set sail. The mechanical priests are praying for the subspace engine, and the subspace transition ceremony is about to be completed."

In Wang Ming's office, a traverser walked into it. He was wearing a camouflage uniform and stood upright in front of Wang Ming's desk. After paying Wang Ming an extremely standard military salute, he will report the information he needs to report. All reports were reported to Wang Ming.

"Well, I see, which regiment are you recruiting from?"

After Wang Ming heard the words of the traverser, he put down the data pad in his hand, and asked curiously to the traverser, the veteran would never be as serious as him, this is definitely someone who just finished the Casatos military class recruits.

"The boss of the second regiment, I am a soldier of the No.11 company of the second regiment."

The traverser reported his identity to Wang Ming solemnly, and he was a soldier of the newly expanded eleventh company of the second regiment.

Wang Ming looked at the traverser in front of him who was the same as the Earth soldier before crossing, and looked at him curiously. Wang Ming was very curious, was he a soldier before crossing?His tone of voice and imposing manner are too serious, the traversers generally don't talk to Wang Ming like this.


Suddenly, when the traverser reported his identity to Wang Ming in a serious manner, there was a burst of laughter from the door of the office. Wang Ming looked towards the door and saw a group of second regiments led by Hu Jin at the door of the office. The elders are all looking at themselves cheerfully.

"Your boy... you have all of them, come in."

Wang Ming looked at the company commanders of the second regiment, and immediately understood that these guys were obviously fooling the recruits. They definitely told the recruits that they need to be more serious when meeting the Primarch, and then a group of People hide at the door to watch the play.

"Yes, boss."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the commanders and company commanders of the second regiment directly entered the office, and a group of muscular men stood in a row in front of Wang Ming.

"You guys have too little training, you have all of them, double the training, and just think about working hard every day."

Wang Ming looked at the row of muscular men in front of him, and said to them that he hadn't done any serious work every day, and it seemed that he had too little training and was too busy.


A group of people replied to Wang Ming, and then they led the recruits out of the office, didn't they just train, and led the first regiment to continue the exercise.

"Oh... let's take a look at the recycling records."

Looking at the group of people leaving the office, Wang Ming shook his head helplessly. Travelers are also very happy to work hard when they are not fighting. Compared with Astartes, their thinking mode is more like a mortal. Very good, they can retain optimism and courage at all times.

They will not be like those Astartes who treat mortals like ants. They are also mortals, but they are just mortals who have been genetically modified. This mentality is like soldiers of the Human Federation. They are just stronger humans. Ordinary human beings are all human beings, not some other superior thing.

While Wang Ming was thinking this way, he opened the data board recovered from the remains of the battlefield. These data are the battle log of the fleet, which recorded all the battles of the fleet.

"On the zeroth day of the battle, the fleet assembled in the galaxy, and the fleet began to organize the galaxy defense system."

"On the first day before the start of the battle, the fleet of the rebel artificial intelligence arrived at the Mandwell point in the neighboring galaxy, and the fleet began to block the galaxy Mandwell point."

"On the second day before the start of the battle, the blockade continued, and the blockade of the subspace channel of the galaxy was very successful."

Skip the nearly 92 days of galaxy blockade and go directly to the battle start time in the battle log.

"On the first day of the battle, the blockade of the subspace channel was broken, and the rebel artificial intelligence entered the galaxy. Fortunately, the defense of the galaxy was perfect, and the vanguard of the rebel artificial intelligence was destroyed."

"On the second day of the battle, the fleet patrolled the galaxy to guard against the invasion of the galaxy by rebel artificial intelligence."

Skip patrol time.

"251 days after the battle began, a fleet suddenly appeared on the subspace channel. Colonel Karim Gade, the supreme commander of the fleet, thought it was the support of the Federation, but surprisingly, it claimed to be a human from ten thousand years later. The Imperial Fleet is unbelievable."

"Two hundred and fifty-two days into the battle, that fleet departed, and the attack of the Combat Ironmen began, with no support, no friendly forces."

"253 days into the battle, the fleet was destroyed by the rebel artificial intelligence, and the roar of the planetary defense system fell silent."

"254 days after the battle began, the supreme commander, Colonel Karim Gade, ordered to use galaxy destruction weapons. Even if this galaxy cannot be guarded, it cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of rebel artificial intelligence."

"End of record."

"I see…"

Wang Ming looked at the records on the data board, and said softly to himself, he knew why this galaxy became the barren galaxy it is today. When this galaxy was completely destroyed by the rebel Iron Man at the last moment, Karim Gad The colonel used the last galaxy-level weapon to directly destroy the galaxy and the rebel artificial intelligence troops, and contributed to the Human Federation's fight against the Iron Man rebellion.

"My lord, the subspace voyage is about to begin."

Just as Wang Ming put down the data pad, the navigator's communication reached him, and the subspace voyage was about to begin.

"it is good."

Hearing the notification from the navigator, Wang Ming replied to her, then stood up from the chair and walked to the command room.

Vigilance, on the wilderness outside the Hive City, a gust of salty wind blew across the wilderness outside the Hive City, and vehicles with strange shapes rushed past the wilderness.


On top of all kinds of weird vehicles, big green mushrooms full of muscles waved their sides, shouting waaaagh! ! !

"Kadka, why is our car not as fast as Draka?!"

On a strangely shaped car, a green skin grabbed the steering wheel and asked a green skin next to it suspiciously.

"We didn't paint red, only if we put red paint on it, we can go faster!"

The green skin next to the green skin stroked the hair on his head, Skug, and said to his companion, then it took out a bucket of red paint from the box under its feet, and then took a big brush to the His car was painted red.


Seeing his companion's movements, the green skin yelled "waaaagh!!!", then slammed on the accelerator, and rushed towards a strange-shaped tractor in front, um..., with a jet installed behind its rear tractor.

However, the red did not take off as fast as expected. After the green skin stepped on the gas pedal, the gas pedal fell directly, and even the brake cable broke directly.


After a sharp sound of metal rubbing, the green-skinned vehicle fell apart, and all kinds of debris scattered all over the ground, and the two green-skinned vehicles also fell to the ground. what's going on.

"You blew up the cart!"

The green skin named Kadeka looked at the bewildered green skin in front of him, and put the red paint bucket in his hand on the green skin boy's head.

"I think I'm going fast! waaaagh!!!"

The green skin was stunned for a while, then it touched the red paint on its body, then looked at the vehicle debris around it, then quickly climbed up from the ground, holding a red paint bucket, and headed forward towards the nest in the distance. All the hurricane convoy rushed forward.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but Kadeka feels that its speed has become faster. It turns out that red paint is really useful. After thinking about it, Kadeka also picked up the brush in his hand and painted it on himself. A few times, hoping to make my speed so fast.

"They're here!!"

Above the gate of the hive city, groups of gene stealers armed with various weapons launched an attack on the greenskins rushing towards the hive city. The defense of this hive city has been taken over by the gene stealers. They are really incompetent, for the sake of the great "Ancestral Dragon" and the sacred "Day of Ascension", they must protect this world.

Automatic guns and laser guns obtained from no one know where they came from kept shooting at the greenskin convoy. The gene stealers chanted the name of "Father and Ancestral Dragon", and their twisted bodies kept pulling the triggers. The greenskins They were knocked down one by one in their quasi-hearts.

In fact, sometimes, aliens like gene stealers are more "loyal" than the citizens of the empire. Only the mothership of the Tyranid hive has not reached the sky above the planet, so they are a group of hardworking and hardworking citizens of the empire. , a group of extremely good soldiers, and even some gene stealer sects, fought against heretics and other aliens in the name of the God-Emperor.


A shell exploded on the city wall of the hive capital, and a large group of gene stealers were directly blown to pieces by the explosion. However, no one was afraid of this situation. They looked at the corpses of their brothers and sisters and turned towards the green skin Pulling the trigger, their brothers and sisters died on the road of fighting for the "Ancestral Dragon", unable to reach the upcoming "Day of Ascension", but they will inherit their will and continue to protect their world , to wait for the arrival of the "Day of Ascension".

Just as the defensive battle in the ground hive capital started, a fleet jumped out of Mandwell in the galaxy and headed for Vigilus.

"I am the Lord of the No.20 First Legion of the Empire, Primarch Wang Ming, and I have arrived at the Vigilante, many demons! Wait to die! Especially that eighty brother! Wash your neck and wait to die!"

As soon as the fleet entered the galaxy, a communication arrived at Vigilante.

 Dear brothers, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy (^_^)
(End of this chapter)

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