Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 298 The Woman Who Slaughtered Nobles

"Where have I been? This style of painting is not right."

Zhou Yitang looked at the crying Astartes around him, he already understood where he had traveled to, the Warhammer universe, the extremely dark and hopeless future of human civilization, he said why it was golden light, it turned out to be the subspace fraud of the emperor.

"Cough, cough, cough, brothers, as you can see, you have been conscripted by the emperor, welcome to this..., uh, this... magnificent universe, welcome to fight for mankind."

Wang Ming looked at the [-] traversers in front of him. Fortunately, the warehouse is big enough, but it really can't hold such canned food. But if there is not enough space, they should appear in other places on the ship.

"Subspace deception! I want to go back! Woooooooo..."

"My lord, I was just hit by a car, please let me go, woo woo woo..."

"My lord, I'm really not a human warrior, please let me go, woo woo woo..."

"I'm going to a different world of sword and magic, my elf lady!"

"Brother, you are so brave, even bean sprouts dare to eat."

"Calm down, everyone, and listen to me."

Wang Ming looked at the [-] cans crying into a ball, with a helpless expression on his face, why does this happen every time, this is almost becoming a tradition in the Legion, recruits must cry first when they arrive.

When the traversers heard Wang Ming's words, they subconsciously stopped crying. They had already become Astartes, and their thinking speed was naturally very fast. They knew that if they wanted to survive in this desperate universe, they had to trust the person in front of them who seemed to be the Primarch.

"Tell them about it."

Wang Ming looked at Zheng Daoming beside him and said to him, the veterans are still very skilled in explaining things to the recruits, after all, they have also experienced these things.


Zheng Daoming nodded to Wang Ming, and then took the traversers from the Eighth Regiment to explain to the recruits.

It was still a familiar plot. After explaining their situation to them, the morale of the recruits rose. They yelled to defend the Vigilante, to eliminate all heresies and aliens, and to pull off Abaddon's soaring braid.

"Um... very energetic, okay everyone! Welcome to the No.20 First Legion "Star Travelers". You will become the emperor's sword and the guardians of the empire. Now go to the ground of Vigilance to fill in the troops."

Wang Ming looked at the high-moralized traversers, he smiled, and then assigned tasks to them. The cans for filling the troop line were already in place, and now they can shock the little legions of heretics and aliens.

This time the legion directly expanded to ten regiments, Wang Ming divided some of the veterans of those legions into the ten regiments, and they would lead the new recruits into the battlefield.

"At present, the problem of military strength has been solved, and a lot of talents have been harvested."

Wang Ming looked at the transport planes flying out of the Sun Fortress hangar, as well as the carrying airdrop pod, and said to himself, the problem of military strength has almost been solved, and it is time to think about how to protect the entire Vigilance Star System.

Although the Vigilance Galaxy is now protected by the No.20 Legion, the Vigilance Star and the human worlds within it will not be occupied by heretics and aliens, but the threat of the Vigilance Galaxy still exists. The necromancer dynasty is awakening on Omispyron, and Abaddon’s fleet is playing hide-and-seek with the Imperial fleet in the galaxy.

"Stabilize the situation on Vigilante first, and then go after Abaddon."

Wang Ming thought about it, and then stepped onto a cargo airdrop pod. The conscription has been completed, and now it is time to return to the surface of the planet.

In the dead forest nest area, in the noble's palace, a white-haired maid walked into a room with a tray full of drinks. The guards beside the strange gate didn't check the maid. If you look carefully, you can find that the eyes of the two guards are no longer angry.

The maid walked to the conference table in the room. She looked at the nobles sitting at the conference table, and placed the drinks in the tray in front of the corresponding nobles according to their status.

Those nobles were enjoying their drinks, and loudly commented on their dissatisfaction with being seized of power after Wang Ming came to Vigilante. Many of them were bureaucrats who held power on Vigilante before. After Wang Ming arrived on Vigilante, their powers were all removed by Wang Ming.

"Well... it's a threat..."

The maid looked at those nobles who didn't know what to do, and slowly closed the door of the room.

The nobles heard the sound of closing the door and looked towards the gate, only to see a maid standing by the door, she looked at the nobles and showed a cruel smile.

Before the nobles who didn't know the situation could say anything, the sound of the power weapon being activated resounded in the room. The maid actually pulled out a dagger from her arm. Judging by the flashing disintegration force field on it, it should be a power weapon.

"and many more!!"


"How did she come in with a weapon?!"


When the nobles saw the powered dagger in the woman's hand, they panicked all of a sudden. They shouted to the guards, hoping that the guards outside the door who had been dealt with by the single molecular line would come to rescue them.

But all of this was in vain. The maid took a powered dagger and quickly rushed to a nobleman, beheading him with a single blow, followed by the second, and the third. The blood of the nobleman covered the ground, and the maid kept killing what she thought were potential safety hazards.

The nobles struggled and howled, and some even lowered their noble dignity and knelt down begging the woman to let him go. Only one old nobleman sat motionless on a chair and watched the woman's killing. As the elder of the family, he knew something, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He is not afraid of the killing of women, he is afraid of the future of his family. In his opinion, his family’s attempt to force the Primarch to return to power through political pressure has been discovered by the Primarch. The woman is the assassin deployed by the Primarch, especially to deal with their existence.

"God Emperor..., we shouldn't betray your God Son, this is the biggest mistake we made!"

The old man looked at the room full of corpses in front of him, and he looked at the woman who was slowly walking towards him. The woman's body was covered with blood, and her beautiful face was set off by the blood, like some kind of monster in the ancient Terra mythology.

The woman walked up to the old man. The old man didn't put up any resistance like other nobles. He calmly faced his own death.

The woman didn't talk nonsense, she beheaded the old man with one knife, and her goal was accomplished, cleaning up these imperial insects that might become a threat to Wang Ming.

"Emperor, Emperor, you really should pay me some salary, this job is really troublesome."

The woman looked at the blood all over her body, and quickly took off all the clothes on her body. She looked at the tapestry embroidered with the noble family crest on the wall, and tore it off at once. Holding the tapestry, she quickly cleaned up her body.

After cleaning up the bodies, she looked at the corpses on the ground, picked out a few corpses that were not stained with much blood, and stripped off their clothes.

"Noble clothes are made of good materials."

Feeling the comfortable feeling of the clothes on her body, the woman involuntarily sighed, thinking that she had worked for the empire for thousands of years, but the emperor, a black-hearted boss, hadn't paid a penny.

"Well, the nobles have solved it, and the alien anti-subspace technology has also been arranged. I have done everything I can, and now I will hand it over to the Primarch."

The woman looked at the corpses of nobles all over the floor, and nodded in satisfaction, but at this moment, the door that she had previously locked was suddenly opened, and a group of heavily armed soldiers suddenly rushed into the room, and they quickly aimed their guns at the woman.

"Eh..., I said I was a passing merchant, do you believe it?"

The woman looked at the soldiers in gorgeous power armor. She naturally recognized these soldiers. These people were the mortal auxiliary army of the No. 20 First Legion, and they were also the mortal guard directly under the Primarch.

She definitely doesn't want to fight these guys, it's not that she can't fight, but if she really fights with them, she will definitely be hunted down by the No.20 First Legion. She knows that the Primarch is also very important to the lives of mortals.

Jose, wearing the power armor of the head of the Primarch's Guards, walked into the room. He frowned when he saw the woman and the corpses all over the floor. He came to carry out the order of the Primarch to arrest these nobles, but now that all the nobles are dead, how should he explain to the Primarch?

Jose looked at the woman, he looked at the powered dagger in the woman's hand, and cast his eyes at the soldiers beside him. The soldier understood, raised his energy rifle and shot the woman's arm holding the powered dagger. The woman looked at the plasma projectile flying towards her arm. She didn't dodge, because she knew that if she dodged now, it would completely increase her danger level in the hearts of these soldiers.

The plasma projectile exploded on the woman's hand, but it didn't have the same effect as hitting a mortal, directly vaporizing that arm, it just exploded on the woman's arm, and there was only a little scratch on the woman's arm.

"The Reinforcementist? Quick! Bring Remelt!"

Jose looked at the woman's arm, and the words "intensificationist" appeared in his mind instantly. He yelled at the soldiers around him, then raised the bolt pistol Wang Ming gave him and aimed at the woman.

But at this moment, something that no one expected happened. With a snap, the woman threw away the powered dagger and knelt on the ground with her head in her hands.

"My lords, I surrender."

The woman knelt on the ground with her head in her hands, and she said loudly to Jose and the others that she didn't want to be hunted down by the No.20 First Legion after killing this group of mortal auxiliaries.

The woman was hunted down by the Astartes Legion once. It was during the Horus Rebellion. She was hunted down by a group of Alphas during the siege of Terra. Fortunately, the forbidden army in the palace arrived in time, so she was not chopped into pieces by those guys.


Jose and the soldiers looked at the woman kneeling on the ground in a dazed state. Logically speaking, shouldn't this guy resist?Surrender so easily?

"Bring the net here."

Jose looked at the woman, the appearance of this guy was very strange, what purpose did she kill these nobles?Who is she? It is worth investigating carefully. Now the Primarch is worrying about the Vigilante every day, and now he has to perform a mission and encounter this kind of thing again.

"No, I surrendered, as for..."

When the woman heard what Jose said, she said to him helplessly, but before she could finish speaking, a net had already hit her body, covering her whole body in an instant.

Jose looked at the twitching woman in the net, gestured to the soldier, and walked out of the room. He needed to deliver the woman to the Primarch.

On the Great North Continent, on the wilderness outside the hive capital, the No.17 regiment newly formed by the traversers is fighting the orcs here. Cannon fire and gunfire are the main theme of this place, but the huge voices of a large number of orcs are about to cover this main theme.

"Yi Lian, Yi Lian, what are you doing? Why are you rushing out of the position? You are going to have a relationship with the orcs, right? Come back quickly, charging is useless against those orcs, there are too many of them."

"Second Company, our armored firepower is superior, pay attention to those orc garbage trucks on the battlefield."

"Sanlian... Sun Jie, you are still laying minefields for the orcs..."

"Four companies..."

In the headquarters of the No.17 Regiment, Zhou Yitang looked at the holographic projection battlefield sand table in front of him, and issued command orders to each company. As a worker in the military and police unit in his previous life, he was more proficient in battlefield command and battle layout than ordinary traversers. He thought back then that he still wanted to enter the military academy, but it was a pity for his anxious grades.

Anyway, he has a lot of theoretical knowledge. It may be useless before the time travel, but after the time travel, these military abilities have finally come into play. Beside him, Ye Fan, the deputy head, is also watching the holographic projection sand table, and he is constantly expressing his opinions.

As a veteran of the second regiment, he was transferred by Wang Ming to the new regiment to lead the recruits. Not only Ye Fan, but also the first company commanders of several veteran regiments were transferred to the new regiment, and some directly became the head of the new regiment when there was no suitable leader in the new regiment.

"Well, the layout is good. Our general tactics to deal with the orcs is to fight head-on, and those special warfare boys who guard against them. In fact, the first company can charge. They can first force back the orcs' attack. Only the armored units of the second company can cover them and return to the position."

Ye Fan watched the mobilization of troops on the holographic projection sand table, and nodded to Zhou Yitang's approval. He was very satisfied with the head of the new regiment.

There is no class division among the traversers. Their regiment commander, company commander, platoon leader, and squad leader are just professional titles. Anyone can put forward their own tactical suggestions as long as the tactics are suitable.

"I hope to play conservatively. We are different from the orcs. Our logistics needs supplies from the boss. In order to fight defensively, we need to save ammunition properly."

Zhou Yitang replied to Ye Fan that his idea of ​​fighting the orcs was defensive wars and offensive wars. In his opinion, it is impossible to fight at present. He knows what orcs are. These guys can't be killed at all.

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