Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 305 Bugs and Insects

The battle iron man fought with the bugs. Although after two rounds of bombing, the Tyranids reacted quickly. The bugs quickly converted the biological battleship into biomass, and a large number of knife bugs will be produced in these biomass. When they came out, they roared and wrestled with the combat iron man.

The Zerg still made some gargoyles, but these things were immediately shot down by various anti-aircraft firepower as soon as they took off.

Wang Ming looked at the barrage and lasers flying in the air, as well as those fighting iron men and Zerg fighting on the ground.

"Look, this is the power of man, this is man."

Looking at the battle on the battlefield, Wang Ming thought in his heart that for these technological weapons, Wang Ming realized their great power. Look, this is the technology of human beings. Even in the face of natural disasters in the Milky Way, human beings are still fearless and fearless. They will also be wiped out completely.


Suddenly there was a loud roar from the insect swarm that was fighting with the fighting iron men. Wang Ming immediately looked towards the source of the roar, and saw a huge Tyrann war beast crazily killing surrounded by the fighting iron men. It is almost the size of a Wardog-class Titan. It is a powerful biological weapon created by a Tyranid biological battleship using a large amount of biomass. After the battle iron men were killed, they were released by the Tyranid biological battleship.

"Well, I haven't seen it, record it, a new type of Tyranid creature."

Wang Ming looked at the Tyranid Beast, and said to Wang Xiaofa beside him that the things of the Tyranid Zerg may change at any time, depending on the situation and the will of the Great Devourer, which drives the swarm , He is the true master of the swarm.

"Oh..., this thing is actually?!"

Suddenly, Wang Ming saw a fragment of the battle iron man flying above the battlefield. He hurriedly looked at that position, and saw the light of spiritual energy shining on the head of the newly appeared Tyrann Beast, and it The fighting iron men on the ground in front of them were being blasted to pieces by psionic explosions.

Wang Ming stared at the exploding battle iron men. Those battle iron men exploded from the inside. This is a psychic method. The Tyranid Zerg has many psychic units. They don’t know why. This kind of psychic method is very strange. The biological sages of the empire have studied it. Regarding the source of its spiritual power, each biological sage has his own ideas, but the conclusions reached so far have some big and small problems.

"Sure enough, it won't be that easy."

Wang Ming drew out the long knife, thinking helplessly in his heart, and then he immediately disappeared in place, Wang Ming did not let the traversers follow, he would not let the traversers go, if the traversers died, what would happen? Provide the worms with a lot of biomass, and it would be better if Wang Ming is alone, at least the nanobots can quickly recover his body, and Wang Ming doesn't think he will die at the hands of these worms.

Calgar was not killed by bugs back then, could he be killed by this as a Primarch?

Wang Ming's figure flashed quickly on the battlefield. Wang Ming chopped all the sword worms in front of him into pieces. The fighting iron men on the battlefield covered Wang Ming, and most of the sword worms were cleared by the fighting iron men. It came out, which brought Wang Ming in front of the Tailun Beast in an instant.

As soon as Wang Ming arrived in front of the Tailun Beast, he felt something was wrong with his body. He felt that his internal organs were surging under an invisible force, and a sense of nausea appeared in Wang Ming's heart, just like It's like throwing up.

Wang Ming gritted his teeth. He knew that he had been affected by the power of the Tyrannosaurus, but the body of the Primarch was hard, and Wang Ming's body had the physique of an immortal. The internal organs also quickly recovered after being destroyed.

A piece of internal organs spit out from Wang Ming's mouth, and the feeling of pain gradually came up. This was the first time that Wang Ming suffered such a serious internal injury, but Wang Ming did not stop because of the injury. On the edge of the long knife, phase The force field was activated, and Wang Ming directly chopped off half of the head of the Tailun Beast.

Wang Ming's knife didn't kill the Tailun Beast, but this knife made the bugs lose control, their biological instinct made them retreat, and they didn't dare to fight the battle irons anymore.

The Tyrann Beast looked at the fleeing knife insect. It roared, and then swung its sharp claws and slashed at Wang Ming. Wang Ming looked at the sharp claws in front of him, and quickly dodged to the side. Wang Ming dodged the sharp claws, Then it completely chopped off the head of the Tailun Beast with a single knife.

Wang Ming looked coldly at the Tyranid Beast that was slowly falling to the ground. Even after the death of this damn thing, its remaining nerves were still moving, and those limbs were still twitching.

After Wang Ming dealt with the Tyranid beasts, he began to clean up those knife insects and some strange small Tyranid beasts. The golden flames ignited, and the extremely high temperature continuously burned the Tyranid creatures. In an instant, these lost The tyrannical creatures that have reached the node and only rely on instinct to move, all felt the fear of death in Wang Ming's body, and all fled in all directions.

The fighting iron man blocked the bugs, and the power weapons and various thermal weapons continued to kill the bugs, but Wang Ming just stood among the fighting iron men, and he secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the killed bugs.

This group of Tyranid bugs didn't have much biomass to use. After the biomass of the Tyranid biological battleship was used up, Wang Ming directly asked the artillery to burn these Tyranid creatures with incendiary bombs when they died. After the Lun creature, a huge burst of dust suddenly appeared on the wilderness, and Wang Ming and the fighting iron man who had just finished fighting looked there.

Wang Ming shrank his golden pupils when he saw the things coming this way. Those things were vehicles made up of various kinds of garbage. On top of those vehicles, groups of purple-skinned humanoid creatures were lying on their backs. In the car, they held all kinds of weapons, with extremely happy expressions on their faces.

Just today, their "star savior" finally arrived, and they were all beaming. This was their happiest day, and they were finally going to meet their savior.

Wang Ming looked at those gene stealers, he smiled cruelly, and then made a gesture to the fighting iron men. When the fighting iron men saw Wang Ming's gesture, the artificial intelligence installed in them immediately understood Wang Ming's order, They quickly rushed towards the gene stealer convoy ahead.

The gene stealers in Blade Cave Hive City were happily preparing to welcome their savior, but just as they were about to arrive, a group of humanoid machines suddenly appeared in front of them.

The gene stealers looked at the metal monsters in front of them. They picked up their weapons in horror and launched a counterattack against the metal monsters. Automatic guns and various self-made weapons kept firing, and the metal bullets hit the metal monsters. , It is of no use to these metal monsters at all, the bullets are bounced off by the armor, those gene stealers who got the laser gun by chance, also desperately found that these laser rifles of the Astra Militarum are useless, just like a Like a flashlight that shines a light.

They looked at these metal monsters and shouted for their savior, but what responded to them was the ruthless slaughter of the combat iron man. In the hands of the combat iron man, the pure-blooded gene stealers would be instantly killed by various hot weapons. These bastards Not to mention, being cut into pieces by powered weapons is where they end up.

"Report, I have led people to search twice, and the gene stealers in the hive city have been completely wiped out!"

In the command vehicle, Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng saluted Wang Ming, and then loudly reported the battle situation to him. Looking at his appearance as a professional soldier, the surrounding recruits even felt that they had seen the cutest people. But it's a pity, they are doomed to never see them again after crossing.

"Well, a major hidden danger of Vigilante has been solved, but we still have to be vigilant. They have been operating in Vigilante for so long, and they must have spread their genes. Look for each nest again, and we must not let one go."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, and subconsciously returned a military salute to him.

"It's time to deal with those nobles who don't know how to die. They want to use political means to make me return my power, hehehe..."

After Wang Ming gave instructions to the commanders of the various troops, he returned to the Hyperia hive area. He needed to solve a few small things, talk heart-to-heart with those imperial insects, and then fully grasp the warning star. .

To be honest, under the guidance of Casatos, the Star Traveler Legion has gradually become a professional army. The concept of the traveler is different from that of the imperial troops. Subconsciously put himself in the position of the guardian.

They didn't want to see civilians suffer. Wang Ming mobilized a large amount of food and water as soon as he arrived at the Vigilance Star. The travelers arranged resettlement areas in the middle hives of the hive capitals that became war zones. No matter who the traversers are, as long as they are normal people and have not been polluted by chaos and gene stealers, they will be resettled in the resettlement areas. The bottom nest is also the resident of the bottom nest.

In the eyes of the traversers, there is no class division, only human beings, as long as they are human beings, they deserve their protection, and as long as they are human beings, they must be rescued. For this reason, Wang Ming also specially mobilized a group of mortal auxiliary troops as The Medical Rescue Force is responsible for the assistance of civilians.

What the traversers dislike the most is those imperial insects. The education and knowledge they have received makes them subconsciously want to kill these insects. Wang Ming also wants to do this. To do things temporarily keep some people working, but now there is no need, Wang Ming has a better idea.

After Wang Ming returned to the Hive Capital of Hyperia, he immediately went to the Governor's Mansion. In the Governor's Mansion, several insects that should have arrived had already arrived.

"Master Primarch, your father blesses you, and may Lord Son of God be invincible."

As soon as Wang Ming entered the Governor's Mansion, several nobles stood up, and they all saluted Wang Ming. Compared with the pious attitude of other mortal auxiliary troops, these nobles seemed to be performing a mission, which is a necessary etiquette , these nobles were all nobles who were imprisoned before, and they survived the battle between Slaanesh and Li Xin by luck.

Their distrust of Wang Ming has reached a fixed point. They think that Wang Ming just wants to seize their power. What about defending the vigilant star, what about bloody battles with heretics and aliens, these are all lies of this Primarch, he is In order to seize the power of their own family, as the backbone of the family, they do not allow this kind of thing to happen. Humans on Vigilus can protect Vigilance by themselves without the need for Primarch and Legion.

"The Primarch..."

"Do you want to rebel?"

The leader of the nobles was about to say something to Wang Ming, but was interrupted roughly by Wang Ming. Wang Ming's voice was not loud, but in the ears of this group of nobles, the voice of these words was comparable to the sound of shaking the ground. The cannon fired in their ears, and they all looked at Wang Ming in horror, unable to say anything with their terrified faces.

"My lord, we dare not..."

The few insects immediately fell to their knees when they heard Wang Ming's words. They looked at Wang Ming in horror. Beads of sweat rolled down their heads. They didn't understand why the original would know their plan. Is the Primarch really the son of the gods, really omniscient and omnipotent?

When Wang Ming asked these insects to come here before, these insects were already happy. In their view, this was their plan to force Wang Ming to return power, although they didn't understand why they were the only ones. , Why didn't those family elders, but that didn't stop them from preparing to execute the plan.

"Don't you dare?"

Wang Ming looked at the trembling insect kneeling on the ground in front of him, he walked slowly in the hall, his voice echoed in the hall, Wang Ming's words seemed to be asking, but in fact it was a kind of ridicule, he was mocking These insects are still deceiving their ears and stealing their bells.

"My lord, we didn't plan to rebel, you can't blame us loyal people!"

An insect mustered up his few courage, he looked at Wang Ming and said loudly to him, he was still arguing for them, he was betting, he was betting that Wang Ming didn't get their plan, Wang Ming just guessed Some came out, and I'm just here to scare them.

"Hehehe..., you guys want to use political means to oppress me, do you really think I don't know?!"

Wang Ming looked at the insect who was still quibbling, sneered, and then his tone suddenly became extremely harsh, and he said loudly to the insects.

"No, no, no, it's impossible, you can't know..."

The matter was completely exposed. The insects heard Wang Ming's words, and their nerves, which were so tense by Wang Ming before, were completely broken now.

"The Agamemnus family intends to rebel, and now they are rebellious. Well, come in and arrest people."

Wang Ming looked at the disintegrated insects, said nonchalantly, and then walked out of the governor's mansion. Wang Ming didn't care about the political pressure of these guys at all, it was an indifferent matter.

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Jose and the Primarch's personal guards immediately rushed into the Governor's Mansion. They looked at the desperate nobles and walked towards them slowly.

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