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Chapter 310 Abaddon Blessed by 4 Powers of God

Above the orbit of Vigilante, among a piece of metal fragments, Wang Ming floated in these fragments, beside him, [-] traversers posed various poses in a weightless environment.

Compared to the traversers who were having fun while suffering, Wang Ming had a gloomy face. He didn't wear a helmet, and his face was directly exposed to the void, but this was a routine operation for the Primarch. Looking at the group of metal fragments in front of them, looking at this chaotic fleet flying towards the Vigilante, their gloomy face turned into a smile again, like a rapidly changing octopus.

But after a while, Wang Ming suddenly discovered that the Chaos Fleet was divided into two, one was heading towards the Vigilante, and the other was far away from the Vigilante. It was obvious that the fleet far away from the Vigilante was the main fleet. The Spirit of Vengeance is among them, and those fleets headed to Vigilante are a joint fleet composed of some Chaos war gangs. They are messy and don't even have the formation of a space wartime fleet.

Wang Ming took out a cruiser from the system, the artificial intelligence of the cruiser started, and dozens of huge mechanical arms protruded from the hull, like claws in a claw machine, like grabbing a doll. Captured the traversers into the cruiser.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

On the bridge of the cruiser, Wang Lei looked at Wang Ming. He asked what to do now. Abaddon used a ship to kill Wang Ming, and it did. Wang Ming even beat the Emperor before. A big bidou of the emperor, the big bidou of the emperor looks a little bit indignant.

He was a little angry that Wang Ming, the Primarch, was conspired against by Abaddon. Wang Ming could feel that this big bidou was obviously a little angry, just like a father saw his son who was not up to date, and then gave It's like a slap on the head.

"Go back to Vigilus, the first part of the plan failed, damn Abaddon..."

Wang Ming looked at the Chaos fleet heading to Vigilante, and he showed a cruel smile. If Abaddon couldn't catch it, he would kill these Chaos warbands. This would also reduce the power of Chaos, anyway. Chaos, just reduce the chaos a little bit, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Chaos must be allowed to leave something on Vigilante, and they must know that the empire's world is not something they can come and go whenever they want.

On Vigilante, all kinds of orbital defense facilities have started to operate, artillery fire and laser energy beams are constantly flying towards the sky, and the flames of explosions are constantly flashing in the air. The mortal auxiliaries and traversers all look at the sky, pulling Colonel Durovich is also constantly looking for the airdrop pods that landed towards Vigilus.

The entire Vigilante is in full swing, troops are constantly transferring civilians, huge armored vehicles are running on the wilderness, and armored troops are deployed all over the world to deal with the airborne forces of Chaos.

"The first part of the plan failed. We didn't kill Abaddon on the ship. Now the Chaos fleet is preparing for a large-scale landing. The fleet immediately returns to defense and we make dumplings."

Wang Ming and the traversers have already returned to the Vigilante headquarters through the transmission beacon, and the cruiser above the orbit has entered the Vigilante's defense system and is besieging the Chaos Fleet together with the ground firepower.

However, even though the orbital defense roared, a large number of chaos airdrop pods still landed. The mortal auxiliaries of the former Cadia regiment looked at the airdrop pods in the sky, and their memories seemed to return to the time when Cadia fell. The airdrop pods of the interstellar fighters fell like raindrops, and the defense system of the planet continued to roar, but it was useless in the face of the chaos airdrop pods and the number of raindrops. In the airdrop pods loaded with mortal cultists, Chaos interstellar warriors also mixed in. , falling towards the ground together.

"Understood, promise to complete the task!"

The commanders of the war zones above Vigilante assured Wang Ming through the communication channel that they would stick to Vigilante. For the sake of the Empire and the Emperor, the world of the Empire must be in the hands of human beings!

"Just hurt him, leave the rest to us..."

On the Spirit of Vengeance, in a dark room, Abaddon stood alone. It looked at the void in front of it, and was talking to four invisible beings. The four supreme beings were talking to Abaddon their plans.

"I know..., only I can save mankind..."

Abaddon's eyes were fixed on the void in front of him, and he said to the four supreme beings that the four supreme beings would give it the ability to confront Wang Ming head-on, and at the same time, it must complete the four The task of the supreme being.

"Yes, hahahaha..., save humanity, yes, we will let you save humanity..."

"Yes, save mankind, let the corrupt human empire disappear, and you will build a new human civilization... a free human civilization, hehehe..."

"A human civilization teeming with life..."


Four voices spoke to Abaddon about their desire for this new human civilization. Abaddon looked at the void in front of him, and it walked out of the room silently. It accepted the power of the Chaos Gods, but it would definitely not obey the Chaos Gods It will use this power to kill Wang Ming and kill this Primarch forever.

"I am the Warmaster, I am the savior of mankind, the false emperor should be punished!!"

As Abaddon walked towards the subspace portal, he thought in his heart that it would kill Wang Ming, and truly kill this Primarch with the physique of an immortal.

In the subspace, a fleet is about to arrive at the Vigilance galaxy. They have spent a long time in the subspace. The damn subspace storm slowed down their speed, but fortunately, they will finally reach the Vigilance star today. up.

"It's finally here, little 21, here we come, I hope you have stabilized the Vigilante."

Fulgrim stood on the bridge of the Glory of Macragge. Fulgrim saw the display that he was about to jump out of the warp, and said to himself with a smile.

"Wang Ming should have stabilized Vigilante, we need to trust him."

Guilliman looked at Fulgrim beside him. He had already put on the armor. Although the old wound on his chest still made him feel very uncomfortable, the continuous hard work over the years still made him adapt a lot.

On the Vigilante, Wang Ming is running at the forefront of the Vigilante war. The defense of the Hyperia hives has already begun. Countless demons and mortal cultists are constantly attacking the various hives with psychic leylines, but fortunately , because of the previous preparations, the defense of these places is not a problem for the time being, the focus is on the Hive Capital of Hyperia.

All kinds of weird things rushed towards the Hive City of Hyperia. Their goal was the piece of necromancer technology arranged by Luna. Mountains and seas of demons and mortal cultists all rushed towards the Hive City of Hyperia. Coming forward, Wang Ming looked at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in front of him, and really couldn't figure out how Chaos sent so many troops to the ground.

"For the Emperor!"

"For the Primarch!"

"For Humanity!"

"For the No.20 First Legion!"

"The stars are immortal! Human beings live forever!!"

On the various fronts of the Hive City of Hyperia, the battle cries of the mortal auxiliary army and the traversers resounded through the sky, and the recruits of the Planetary Defense Force were also inspired by these resounding battle cries. The gun fired, and it didn't seem like the war had just begun, and I panicked and didn't know what to do.

The plasma projectiles of the energy rifle are constantly flying in the air, and when they fall into the wave of heresy, they will produce small explosions one by one, and the mortal cultists will be broken into pieces under these shots. Under these circumstances, Even the demons were shattered to pieces under the concentrated fire of thousands of energy rifles, and banished back to their homeland, the Supreme Sky.

Thermal weapons can still exile demons under certain circumstances. For example, the power of thermal weapons exceeds the tolerance of the demon's body, and powerful thermal weapons can directly smash demons into pieces.

"Hold the line of defense!!!"

A political commissar of the regiment raised his power sword high, and he shouted at the soldiers around him. The soldiers around him did not look at the political commissar of his regiment. The heretics and monsters in front of him, as well as the light of the energy rifle fire, these things had already occupied the soldiers. all the attention.

Pull the trigger, replace the energy box, and receive the continuous supply from the rear. Every soldier performs this series of actions mechanically. They just need to pull the trigger to knock down the monsters and enemies in front of them. He wanted to keep the monster in front of him as far away from him as possible.

"The torch moves the emperor's will! Burn and destroy the sprites!!"

When all the mortal auxiliaries were a little stunned, Wang Ming led the Primarch guards directly into the group of demons, and golden flames exploded in the group of demons, continuously killing the mortal cultists and demons , some Chaos Space Marines who wanted to sneak attack Wang Ming were also killed by the golden flame thrown by Wang Ming. The golden flame was brought under control.

Although Wang Ming can't be as proficient as the emperor, but he can let the golden flame leave his body. With this long-range attack method, Wang Ming has completely become a killing machine on the battlefield, just like mowing grass on the lawn. Like a machine, Wang Ming and the traversers cleared out an area in the group of demons abruptly.

The Khorne demon army roared, and then rushed towards Wang Ming and the traversers. For the glory of the blood god, even if they would get real death, they could not retreat. The Khorne demon army was like a red tide, The red-skinned monsters waved the blades of hell, and rushed towards their "idols" like fans in a fan meeting.

"Clean up the evil!"

Wang Ming roared angrily, and brandished the phase saber he named "Eternal Existence", and waved out a "sword aura" composed of golden flames. This saber aura was not emitted by Wang Ming's control of the golden flames. The golden flame left his body, but he still couldn't use his arms and fingers. This was just a kinetic energy attack generated by Wang Ming letting the golden flame leave his body and using the kinetic energy of waving "Eternal Existence".

The "sword qi" hit a group of demons, and after cleaning up a large number of demons, it flew to the distance in the wilderness. This "sword qi" almost killed the demon group, but it hit a Khorne demon But it was blocked on its body, and the big demon's body was shining with red light. It looked at Wang Ming in the distance, opened its mouth and let out a roar, then spread its wings and quickly flew towards Wang Ming. It waved the huge The sharp blade went straight to Wang Ming's head.

Wang Ming heard a sound of piercing the sky getting closer and closer to him, he immediately turned around, and then he saw the Great Demon of Khorne rushing towards his face, Wang Ming looked at the Great Demon of Khorne, Not too surprised, he estimated the speed of the Great Demon of Khorne, and then raised the "Eternal Existence" to slash it down.


The Khorne Demon was directly slashed to the ground by Wang Ming. The Khorne Demon was not cut open by "Eternal Existence". He raised his head vigorously, stared at Wang Ming with two blood-red eyes, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and let out an unwilling roar.


Accompanied by the sound of his body being pierced by a sharp weapon, Khorne turned his head in a daze. It looked at Wang Lei who was piercing his body with a golden giant sword in a daze. What is the situation with this guy? A Primarch, shouldn't he be singled out with me?What happened when an Astarte popped out suddenly?

"Boss, kill it quickly."

Wang Lei took the golden giant sword that Wang Ming gave him, and stabbed Khorne one by one. He looked at the Khorne who was enraged by him, and said to Wang Ming.

The golden giant sword that Wang Ming had before, because Wang Ming changed to "Eternal", so Wang Ming gave it to Wang Lei directly. Power, it is still possible to use it.


Wang Ming nodded, and then a golden flame ignited on his body, and the Khorne demon was reduced to ashes amidst the inhuman wailing.

"Wang Ming!!!"

Just when Wang Ming killed Khorne, a subspace portal suddenly appeared in front of him. A sharp claw protruded from the subspace portal. Wang Ming shrank his pupils suddenly when he saw the claw. Ming naturally knew that this was Abaddon's attack, but this speed was wrong, why is Abaddon's speed so fast, it has almost reached the speed of the Primarch.


Wang Ming held "Eternal Existence" on Horus's claw with one hand, while the other hand grabbed Horus's claw, Wang Ming pulled hard, and Abaddon was pulled out directly.


Abaddon was pulled out of the subspace portal by Wang Ming. It didn't panic much. On the contrary, it broke free from Wang Ming's shackles the first time it was pulled out by Wang Ming. The evil power of the subspace made its power comparable to What Wang Ming contended against, it already had the power to kill demigods with the blessing of the power of the four gods.

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