Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 318 Hu Jin's Demon Sword

Da Kela was instantly surrounded by traversers. They brandished their power weapons and attacked Da Kela's limbs respectively. Travelers all know the truth. In the face of such an enemy with superior size and strength, only this method is the best. Carat Armor.

In just an instant, several wounds were chopped off on Da Kela's limbs. Hu Jin looked at the traversers who attacked Da Kela, and a very happy smile appeared on his face. For such a powerful opponent He was so happy.

"The boss has been notified. Before the boss comes, I must have a good rest!"

Hu Jin looked at Da Kela in front of him, and thought happily in his heart that Hu Jin took advantage of the opportunity of the traversers to besiege Da Kela, raised the devil's long knife and chopped Da Kela's head.


Dakla looked at the devil's long knife coming towards his head. He felt that his life was threatened. He roared, and his body twisted quickly. In an instant, those time travelers were blown away by a huge force.


After Da Kela dealt with the traversers who surrounded him, he hurriedly dodged the knife on his head, but Hu Jin succeeded, and the devil's blade grazed Da Kela's ears, like a knife cutting tofu, Da Kela One of Carat's ears was cut off directly.


Hu Jin watched Da Kela dodge, he cursed angrily, and then rushed towards Da Kela again, he would not let Da Kela recover from the battle, if he wanted to fight, he would do it in one step, or he would kill Da Kela, Either he was killed by Dakla.


In front of Hu Jin who was pressing every step of the way, Dakla quickly raised his big knife. At the same time that Hu Jin slashed at it again, Dakla also slashed at Hu Jin. trend.

The servo motors on the power armor of the two are roaring, and their speed has exceeded the normal speed. Hu Jin is completely struggling, while Da Kela is thinking about what he can do.



There was a huge explosion, followed by an inhuman scream, one person and one green skin all flew out due to the huge impact.

"Damn it..., this green skin..."

Hu Jin hit a wall, and the gravel flew. Hu Jin quickly climbed out of the wall. Looking at the trembling impact knife in his hand, the broken power armor and the burst tiger's mouth, he thought in shock.

Just when the two knives collided, the demon in Hu Jin's demon long knife was hurt by Da Kela's blow. It is still talking in Hu Jin's mind, asking Hu Jin to avenge it, go Hack that alien like a real fighter.

Obviously, the demon's temper that was suppressed by Hu Jin came out again at this moment, and it yelled at Hu Jin crazily, like a younger brother who was beaten, telling his boss how badly he was beaten , and desperately wants his boss to avenge himself.

"Kill it, hack it, hack this alien, it is our enemy, it hurts me, I want to kill it, kill it, I will give you strength, kill it!!"

The devil's words are a bit rambling and messy, but it is obvious that it has become extremely angry, and it is even willing to release its abilities for Hu Jin to use, but this may also be a trap. Hu Jin's trap.

"Get out! I don't need your strength, disgusting demon, you are a coward, if you have the ability to come out on your own, fight this guy! You can only talk shit!"

Hu Jin is now being beaten by Da Kela, and at the same time he has to listen to the devil's chatter. He is also very annoyed. He cursed at the devil angrily, and he will come out to fight if he has the ability, and he will only talk loudly every day.

"Do you think I dare not!? Say my real name! Call me out, I'll come! How long has it been since you're useless!"

The demon was also hit with real fire, and regardless of whether it might be completely killed by Wang Ming if it came out, it directly told Hu Jin the real name of how to summon itself and control itself, wishing to jump out and give Da Kela a few knives .

"Lying trough..."

When Hu Jin heard those summoning spells and the real name of the demon, he finally calmed down. The demon was obviously overwhelmed by anger.

"Okay... it's not bad for a dog to bite a dog..."

Hu Jin thought for a while, he laughed, and then recited the spell. Hu Jin was not worried that the spell would affect him, just kidding. He was taken in by a dead dog, but it cannot be ruled out that he was pretending before, but does Hu Jin care about this?At worst, it would be enough to be killed by the boss, anyway, they are all demons in a certain sense, and they still trust the emperor very much.


After Hu Jin finished chanting the summoning spell, blood-red mist suddenly appeared on the devil's long knife. The mist gathered in front of Hu Jin like a living one, and finally formed a five-meter-tall red-skinned demon. As soon as the demon took shape, it snatched the long knife in Hu Jin's hand, and then roared and rushed towards Da Kela. Judging by its appearance, it should be completely crazy.

Hu Jin looked at the demon, his face was full of surprise, the spell was very short, as a summoning spell, it was actually too short, and it was only when Hu Jin realized that he was not a psychic, how did he summon this guy?

"Could it be that it's not a summoning spell, but a release spell? Now that it's released, it won't be easy... But if a dog bites a dog, both sides will suffer in the end. Let's pick peaches at that time."

Hu Jin looked at the demon rushing towards Dakla, and sat on the ground at once. He stared at the back of the demon, thinking in his heart that after the demon killed Dakla, they would kill the demon again. Anyway, the boss is already on his way. , when the time comes to kill two birds with one stone, and hit that enemy of mankind all at once, that would be really good.


The demon grabbed the long knife and rushed in front of Da Kela. Da Kela was also blown away before. Although his injuries were not as serious as Hu Jin's, they were not too bad. He still got some damage, but the green skin's body structure made him It can alleviate the impact to the greatest extent. After Dakla came back to his senses, the first thing he saw was the demon. Its bewildered head was full of bewilderment. What's going on? Big red-skinned guy, where are the big shrimps?

Although I don't understand why a big red-skinned guy suddenly appeared, Dakla still rushed towards him. The green-skinned fighting instinct was triggered. With blood-red eyes open, Dakla rushed towards it with a roar of waaaagh. demon.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

The moment the two five-meter-high monsters collided, the air in front of them was distorted. They fought each other in a short time. The battle between the demon and the green-skinned warboss was like two small knight mechas head-to-head. The momentum made the surrounding traversers dare not act rashly. They didn't want to be killed by Yubo. Although they could be resurrected, being killed by Yubo would definitely make them a joke in their company for a few weeks.

"Dead! Die! Die!"

The devil didn't know if it had been imprisoned for too long, and it felt uncomfortable to let his head out suddenly. It had been repeating the Gothic word death since the beginning of the battle, which made the traversers talk a lot.

They were discussing the state of the demon, and wondered where the demon came from, and why they helped them cut the dakra. The time before Hu Jin released the demon was very short, and the traversers would naturally not know, and Hu Jin should not do this It's easy to say, if the boss knows that he can't beat the demons, maybe the boss can directly throw Hu Jin into the first group to learn what is rational.

"A demon of Khorne?"

Wang Xiaofa walked to Hu Jin's side. Now the traversers of the first group and the traversers of the second group, because the demons have attracted all the firepower of Dakla, so they took this good opportunity to reorganize their teams. The Astartes are the most elite companies of the two veteran regiments. Before the battle broke out, they were scattered for various operations, so their combat capabilities have not been fully utilized, and they can only be exerted after they are assembled now.

"Captain, the green skins that got off the green skin shield machine have been dealt with. They should be Dakla's private guards. The equipment and training are really good. They have a power weapon and a green leather card bomb."

The first company commander of the first regiment looked at Wang Xiaofa. He flicked the green-skinned blood on the power sword, and reported to Wang Xiaofa the results of their battle just now. They are also fighting. They killed all the greenskins that came down from the greenskin shield machine. Those greenskins are the private guards of Dakla, and their name is "Ah Shita", yes, With the rough accent of a green skin, Dakra put the Astartes name on these boys, maybe it wanted to make them as powerful as the Astartes.

In fact, it is the kind of Dakla's psychology of learning human beings. As a qualified boss and the most powerful green skin of the big golden guy, it has to learn everything to make itself an incomparable waaaagh WarBoss, among the things he has learned, he also knows the names of human troops. In order to make his troops as powerful and commanding as humans, he directly uses the names of human troops. , although the accent is a bit strange, but this is also a good meaning.

The battle between Dakra and the demons has become chalky, and they all caused unreasonable damage to each other, especially Dakra, who has already cut off half of the demon's head. If the demons are not normal creatures, they should have been exiled Devil.



Suddenly, two five-meter-tall monsters roared and slashed at each other's heads. Their blades cut into each other's heads together, and the speed of that one was even faster.


As a result, Da Kela was a little faster, and the devil's long knife just entered its skull. You must know that its skull is made of pure gold, which helped it buy a certain amount of time.

The demon killed by Da Kela was not directly exiled. It turned into a blood-red mist and returned to the long knife. Da Kela looked at the demon that turned into mist and entered the long knife. The long knife stuck on it was pulled out directly, and then thrown to the ground fiercely.


Dakra roared cheerfully, it won, it would kill no matter what it was, it was the WarBoss of the green skins, it would become the warBoss of warBosses, it would lead all the green skins in the galaxy.

"Shrimps! It's your turn!"

After Dakla's roar was over, he looked at the traversers. He looked at the traversers angrily, and rushed towards the traversers with a loud roar. It should kill these shrimps, and it can't stay here anymore. They have been exposed here, after all, kill them quickly, then take their weapons and re-enter the tunnel.


Hu Jin seemed to be responding to Da Kela's roar. He stood up from the ground, and the traversers of the second regiment and the first company around him had formed a battle formation. Their battle formation was on the Thunder Warriors. I learned that the Thunder Warrior released by Wang Ming taught them many things before.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Da Kela rushed into the battle formation, and instantly the traversers in the first row were turned upside down by those who hit him, but the traversers in the second row immediately surrounded them, and Da Kela, who had knocked over the traversers in the first row, was shocked. The force was relieved a lot, which gave the passers-by in the second row a chance to attack Da Kela. The blade of the power sword continued to slash towards Da Kela, but it didn't cause too much damage to Da Kela. After all, its size was placed there, and Hu Jin also chopped off its head when it was fighting with it before.

After Dakra was injured, it swung its sword directly. In an instant, a large number of traversers were chopped into pieces by the power sword, and their stumps and broken arms were flying all over the sky. The traversers did not back down because of these things, on the contrary. The traversers of the first group were using long-range firepower to attack Dakla, and the traversers of the second group were frantically fighting Dakla. For a while, Dakla was surprised to find that I was actually dragged down by these big shrimps, and couldn't get out at all.


Just when the traversers held Dakla back, a loud noise suddenly came from above their heads. After hearing the sound, the traversers fought harder with Dakla. They knew it was the aircraft's attack. Voice, the boss is finally here.

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