Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 32 The Battle of Macragge 1

Chapter 32 The Battle of Macragge 1
Guilliman now has a preliminary understanding of the current situation of the Human Empire, and everything about the Human Empire in these ten thousand years made him feel extremely sad.

The empire he used to pay his life for, the great country that once represented the rise and pioneering spirit of mankind is gone, and the current human empire is just a decaying giant dying, using its huge decaying body to continue in this universe. moving forward.

Sadly, the Emperor is worshiped as a god in this day and age, which is exactly what the Emperor was vehemently against
But now, almost every empire's world has a church dedicated to the emperor. Ironically, this thing that the emperor once opposed the most has almost become the only means for this decaying empire to maintain stability in this era.

In his own meditation room, the grieving Guilliman kept venting his grief and indignation towards the gorgeous cloth with the emperor's icon painted on it.

He kept questioning his father, what happened to the empire, why did he wake himself up, why did he let himself see this decaying empire.

"Rather than let me see this rotten empire, I would rather die in the rebellion launched by Horus."

Guilliman sat in the meditation room, muttering to himself.

But he also knew that he could not give up the Empire, even if it was rotten.

"Think about it, at least the empire is still there, it's not as bad as your worst imagination." Wang Ming, Guilliman and Fulgrim stood on the high wall of Hera Fortress and looked down, and were repairing The Ultramarines and traversers of Hera Fortress.

Hearing Wang Ming's words, Guilliman did not speak, but smiled wryly.

"It's not as good as that." Guilliman thought sadly in his heart.

While Guilliman despaired of the current Empire, Macragge's war was not over.

All sorrow and emotion have to be placed after the war is over, now is the time to fight.

Under Guilliman's command, the Ultramarines worked with the mortal auxiliaries to destroy the strongholds and positions of the Chaos Traitors.

Those targets that could only be captured with huge casualties were also overturned by the traversers.

The 2200 traversers also learned some basic tactics with the Ultramarines during this war.

The learning ability of the Astartes is very strong, the memory that is almost photographic and the remodeled neural response allow the traversers to learn the most basic combat skills of an interstellar warrior in the shortest possible time.

"Li Weihua! Li Weihua! Where is your armored company? I am the second company. We have a Goutai in front of us and need fire support." Chen Tao, the second company commander of the first regiment, looked at the battle dog-level Titan in front of the position, in the communication channel Li Weihua, the company commander of the [-]th Armored Company, needed his fire support.

Even the heavy firepower of the traversers could not resist the rebel titan. Its huge feet full of chaotic and profane marks stepped on the traversers' positions, and the double automatic cannons it prepared continuously attacked the traversers.

Although the traversers are immortal, they will still feel pain. Every death is an extremely painful process. If the traversers in the first group are not a last resort, they will generally not be like the traversers in the second group. , all of them regard death as a read, they play tactics.

Just after Chen Tao contacted Li Weihua in the communication channel, not long after, on the flat ground behind the Second Company's position, six Sikaan battle tanks and a brutal blade super heavy tank quickly drove towards the Second Company's position .

"Here we are, we've seen Gou Tai, and we're ready to shoot right now."

Six Sikaran battle tanks and brutal blades fired at the War Dog. The automatic shell rain and the armor-piercing shells of the dual-mounted acceleration cannon directly overloaded the War Dog-level void shield, and its firepower directly hit the War Dog's armor. Beat the war dog into a mass of scrap iron with flames and thick smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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