Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 320 Mortal Auxiliary Army and Titanium

"Clap clap clap!!!"

The shells landed one after another, and the Tau people hid in the trenches, their bodies trembling constantly, and the threat of death exploded around them, but they couldn't do anything.

"Drip drip!!"

Suddenly, the artillery coverage stopped abruptly, and a whistle sounded on the battlefield. When the Tau people heard the whistle, all of them stood up sparsely. They watched the smoke slowly falling in front of the trench, and acted silently. Armed with their own weapons, they know what to do, the human army is about to attack, and they are about to go to the front as cannon fodder.

"To go home!"

The Tau commander gritted his teeth and stood up from the trench. He held a pulse rifle and yelled at the Tau people around him, and then rushed out of the trench first. The other Tau people looked at the commander who rushed out of the trench, They also rushed out of the trenches together. They knew that if they rushed out of the trenches, the human supervising team would clean them all up. They might survive fighting those robots, but they would definitely die when fighting humans.

The No.13 group has completely made these Tau people think that humans are invincible. After all, they can fight against the undead for so long, but they have no resistance to humans at all. How can this make them resist humans? Heart.

In fact, the people on the Tau planet are too proud of themselves. If there is no orbital bombing support from the imperial fleet, they can last for so long, and they would have been wiped out by the necromancers long ago.

"To go home!"

The Tau people shouted in order to go home, and rushed out of the trenches. They clenched the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the green light in the smoke ahead. They frantically shot towards the green light ahead. The green light that rained bullets flew forward, and when these ammunition hit the green light, a blue light would flicker in the smoke.


The Tau people are charging, and the undead are also attacking at the same time. After the artillery cover is over, there are still many undead alive. They were not blown to pieces in the artillery fire. Their automatic repair protocol repaired them after the artillery fire ended. , it directly joined the battlefield.

A series of Gauss rays shot at dozens of Tau people, and the armor of those fire warriors on their bodies could not protect them at all. These poor aliens did not even make a scream, and turned into balls of ashes.

The other Tau people looked at those companions who were reduced to ashes, and the fear in their hearts intensified. They could only continue to pull the trigger frantically, trying to kill the machine monsters in front of them by their own firepower.

However, the light weapons they are equipped with can only give them some psychological comfort. It is not that their power cannot cause damage to the undead, but the repair protocol of the undead is too perverted. Only a large number of undead who have been shot will be knocked down. , but it will climb up again after a burst of green light, which caused the Tau people to look at those "resurrected" monsters, and the fear in their hearts almost turned into despair.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Just when the morale of the Tau people was about to collapse, a burst of explosive bombs and plasma projectiles suddenly flew from behind them towards the undead, which directly smashed the undead into pieces, so that they could only be sent back The Necropolis has been fixed.

"Humans are coming! Humans are coming! Let's charge!"

The commander of the Tau people looked at the undead who were smashed into pieces by the explosive bombs and plasma projectiles, and shouted to the surrounding Tau people, he knew what the humans wanted them to do, and only those who charged could survive in the hands of humans. Just take a step back and you will be shot and killed by human weapons. This is human beings, and these are those terrible aliens.

The Tau people all knew what their commander meant. They had no way out. In the eyes of those humans, they were not intelligent creatures at all, they could only be regarded as talking animals.

"Kick ah ah ah..."

A sound of tracks suddenly sounded around them, and huge Leman Rus tanks and Emperor Poison Blades ran past them, rushing towards the undead in front, the Tau people looked at those human armored vehicles, They actually forgot to charge forward to follow them for a while. The fear given to them by these human armored vehicles was even greater than the fear given to them by the undead. Their troops were annihilated under these human armored vehicles.

The fear that those steel monsters brought to their hearts made them unable to move for a while. Human troops also appeared with these armored vehicles. Humans ran past them one by one. They didn't look at these aliens. Well, in the eyes of these mortal auxiliaries, these aliens are just cannon fodder to attract firepower, and they don't care how many deaths they have.


At this moment, a human political commissar appeared among those Tau people. He looked at those Tau people who were dumbfounded, and slowly raised his bolt gun. The bomb hit the last Tau star, and the flesh and blood of that Tau star was turned into a bunch of fragments after being hit by the explosive bomb. It was attacked so close, and its death was seen by all the Tau star present.

The Tau people came back to their senses all of a sudden, they hurriedly grabbed their weapons again, and chased after those human armored vehicles. Humans would not stop attacking because of them, they had to follow humans closely, otherwise they themselves and the rear All their people will die.

The Tau people charged again. Human armored vehicles did not cover them like human troops. A large number of Tau people were hit by the Gauss rays of the necromancers and turned into ashes. They stepped on the ashes of their companions As I moved forward, I felt anxious in my heart, fearing that I would be the next to die.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Suddenly there was a shower of Gauss rays in the sky, and the tanks of the human armored forces were bathed in the Gauss rain. A large number of tanks were turned into pieces. Facing the Gauss weapons, the human armored vehicles had little defense.

That is the air force of the Necromancer. In fact, compared to those wars on the Vigilance Star, the battles faced by the Thirteenth Regiment are more comprehensive. At least most of the enemies on the Vigilance Star have no air firepower. Air superiority almost made the Thirteenth Regiment very uncomfortable.

However, human beings also have air forces. Triangular-shaped aircraft flew across the air, and they quickly fought with the aircraft of the undead. Fall in the air.

The fighter jets that fight the rain and the undead aircraft are all carrier-based aircraft of the Human Federation. They are technology from the golden age. Only after training can one be able to drive this golden age of human technology crystallization.

Nuclear fireballs like the sun exploded in the sky one by one, illuminating the sky and making the battlefield like daylight. Those are miniature nuclear bombs of human fighters, but even if miniature nuclear bombs are used, the necromancer's Not many aircraft were shot down, only the disintegrating force field shells of the airborne cannon and other airborne directed energy weapons could destroy some undead aircraft.

"Necromancer's aircraft, his grandma, these things seem to be endless, and the damage they cause is huge, let the Hydra array increase its firepower, don't save ammunition, the boss will come soon!"

Looking at the combat information in the sky, Xiao Changqing said helplessly to the mortal commander beside him that Xiao Changqing was also very helpless in the air battle with the Necrons. Fighting requires a large number of pilots to fight with their lives. Although artificial intelligence can drive drones to fight, it is still a drop in the bucket. The drones of the Human Federation are still too weak for the aircraft of the Necromancer.

"Let the cruiser conduct fixed-point orbital strikes, but pay attention to the infantry on the battlefield, um..., except for the Tau troops."

Xiao Changqing thought about it for a while, and still gave the order for orbital bombing attack. The fixed-point orbital strike is specially aimed at the aircraft of those Necrons. The light spear is the lore weapon against them, but it is not very friendly to infantry.


The mortal commander saluted Xiao Changqing, and then trotted away from the headquarters. After the mortal commander left, Xiao Changqing frowned again and looked at the holographic projection sand table map of the battlefield. On the holographic projection battlefield sand table map, The undead troops have been surrounded by human troops centered on their tombs. Although they are surrounded by them, and the defense circle is still shrinking, they can't actually destroy the undead.

Orbital strikes can't penetrate the shield of the necromancer's tomb, and they will also be hit by the necromancer's orbital defense system, and the ground troops can't get in. Tens of thousands of Tau people who were used as cannon fodder died, and the mortal auxiliary army also died. Thousands of people were injured or injured, and the battle with the undead was simply a bad battle. It was the same after the traversers entered. Neither side could die, and there was nothing they could do about the other side.

"Boss, hurry up, these alien things are really disgusting and difficult to deal with."

Looking at the battle situation on the holographic projection sand table, Xiao Changqing thought helplessly in his heart that what Xiao Changqing didn't know was that after entering the dark side of the empire, this battle would become an easy war after all.


The angle of view returns to the battlefield, a Tau star is lying on the ground, beside it, Gauss rays fly past it, and there are two things in front of it, one is a man who lost his legs and is crying One is the undead injured by that human, the aiming device of that undead was injured by the human, and its aiming is still recovering, so it cannot be aimed at it at all.

"What should I do? What should I do? Run? No..., no, it will kill me if I leave it on an injured human, and if I run away, it will definitely kill me directly when it recovers..."

The Tau star looked at the undead and the wailing human not far away. It gritted its teeth, then raised its pulse rifle, aimed at the undead's head and pulled the trigger. The pulse rifle ejected clouds of plasma Hit the head of the undead, the Tau people want to kill the undead, and then take the human back.

In the orders issued by humans, they saw that the injured humans must not be ignored. They must do everything possible to save human lives, otherwise they will be killed by humans. There is no concealment in this process. Their battles The recorder has been transmitting images to the human command in the rear.


The Tau star roared and stood up. It looked at the undead hit by it in front of it, and rushed towards it. Although the pulse rifle can penetrate its armor, it can't really kill the opponent. There is a human grenade, with this it can be directly blown to pieces.

The Tau people kept shooting while they were moving. Due to physiological reasons, their aim was very poor. However, at this distance, they would hit a few shots. The plasma cluster kept hitting the head of the undead, constantly repairing it. The targeting equipment was constantly being destroyed, and the Tau finally came to the undead after a charge. It looked at the wailing humans at its feet, grabbed the human's arm, pulled out the grenade and threw it under the undead's feet.

After doing all this, it grabbed the human and dragged it away. It didn't notice that the sections of the human's legs had been rubbing against the ground, and it didn't pay attention to the curses that the human was uttering in Gothic. He just tried his best to bring himself and mankind away from this dangerous place.

"You alien! My leg! Slow down! I'm out of painkillers! It hurts like hell! God-emperor!"

The human beings were howling constantly, and the Tau people were running constantly. Although the human beings were cursing, they did not make any movements. Neither of them affected the other. After all, they both knew that now they had to escape from this dangerous area.


A burst of explosion sound came from behind them, followed by a huge shock wave, and the two people who were fleeing were just blown away by the shock wave.

"Damn it's an alien, why are you holding on so tightly, I'm your father?"

The two of them hit the ground together, and the pitiful wound section of the Mortal Auxiliary hit the ground again. He gasped and almost passed out from the pain. shouted fiercely.

"This..., this is not a grenade, a suicide bomb given to us by humans!"

The Tau people ignored the yelling of the mortal auxiliary army. After it slowed down, it stared blankly at the big pit in front of it. There were still many churning magma in the big pit. This idea appeared in the mind of the big pit. In fact, it was wrong. This grenade is just a more powerful melt bomb. Although Xiao Changqing did ask them to take it when he sent it to them Looking at the idea that this thing will perish with the undead.

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