Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 324 The Retreating Necrons

"I am the Lord of the No.20 First Legion of the Human Empire, I am the pawn of mankind in the dark universe, I am the son of the emperor, I am the son of mankind!"

While confronting the overlord of the undead, Wang Ming thought in his heart that his rationality quickly overwhelmed his sense of fear, "Eternal Existence" held high the fire of karma and ignited on him, his courage was like cavalry breaking through the formation, breaking through the fear , Wang Ming roared, his offensive became more and more fierce.

The blades are constantly colliding, and the collision of the phase force field resounds in the space. Wang Ming and the overlord of the undead desperately increased their speed. Their battles, ordinary Astartes can't keep up, and only Wang Lei is alone. Holding a high-speed capture camera, he was watching with relish. In front of him, those traversers were fighting with undead structures. Both humans and undead consciously gave way to Wang Ming's battle with the overlord of the undead. Position, king against king, soldier against soldier, this is a battle about the glory of the race.

"He's so fast! I can't stop it! My arm is going to break!"

The Necromancer looked at Wang Ming in front of him, it kept waving the scepter, and it kept thinking about how to kill Wang Ming in its head, and it was just barely supporting Wang Ming's attack now.

Moreover, the overlord of the dead spirits also discovered that his own technology, which can make creatures extremely fearful, has no effect on Wang Ming at all. Well, it can't be said that, Wang Ming's stop before was probably affected, but ya It also only stopped for a while.

"This undead overlord is really powerful. Its combat experience and combat ability are much higher than mine. It is really a difficult opponent."

After Wang Ming pushed away the overlord's attack, he stabbed at the green core of the overlord's chest, but the knife was instantly blocked by the overlord, which made Wang Ming even more afraid of this opponent.

"These two are still fighting, and it's been 10 minutes. Isn't it a bit abnormal for this level of fighting to fight for so long?"

Wang Lei looked at Wang Ming who was fighting against the overlord of the undead, and asked the passers-by who had already solved the structure of the undead and were watching the battle. They didn't intervene in the battle. This was Wang Ming's own battle. They won't interfere.

"It's okay, the boss should be able to kill this alien, but the fighting power of this alien is too strong, the boss just needs some time."

Shen Jian squatted beside Wang Lei. He watched the battle between Wang Ming and the overlord of the undead. He said to Wang Lei with ease that he had joined the Primarch Guard now. Or Power Armor.

"Are you sure? No... what's your posture?"

Wang Lei glanced at Shen Jian beside him. He suddenly found that this guy's posture was very strange. How did he use the power armor to achieve this squatting posture?This is unscientific, Power Armor can't do this pose.

"Ah..., this, I thought this posture is comfortable after all, and then I changed the power armor, and I changed it on the joints."

When Shen Jian heard Wang Lei's question, he smiled and replied to Wang Lei. In order to do this posture, he deliberately changed the power armor himself to increase the flexibility of the joints.

"You made a big change to your power armor just to do this pose?"

Wang Lei looked at Shen Jian, and asked Shen Jian with a shocked face, if the joints on the Terminator power armor are to be so flexible, they must be greatly modified, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to achieve this flexibility.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm a psyker, just a mage. I just need to deal with magic output. There's not much problem with defense. If it doesn't work, I'll kill the enemy with my life."

Shen Jian looked at Wang Lei, waved his hand easily, and then said to Wang Lei that his fighting style doesn't require so much defensive power.

"Okay, then how long do you think it will take for the boss to resolve the battle?"

Wang Lei looked at Shen Jian speechlessly, and returned to the previous words. He asked Shen Jian how long he thought Wang Ming would be able to resolve the battle.

"I have seen it in the waves of the sea of ​​souls, it only takes ten..."

Shen Jian smiled and said to Wang Lei that he had seen the future with the ability of prophecy before.

"Another 10 minutes?"

Wang Lei looked at Shen Jian and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Shen Jian to use the power of psychic prophecy to see the end of Wang Ming's battle.


When Shen Jian heard Wang Lei's question, he said a word in Gothic expressionlessly.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

When Wang Lei heard Shen Jian's words, could he still not know what they meant? He sighed to Shen Jian, and then looked at the battlefield with all his attention, counting silently in his heart.

Wang Ming's battle was just as Shen Jian said, when Wang Lei silently counted to one, Wang Ming suddenly stabbed the Necromancer's chest with a knife, and then at a speed that could not be captured by a high-speed capture camera, the knife killed The overlord of the dead was cut in half vertically.

"Look, I'm right, my prophecy is still very strong."

Shen Jian pointed to Wang Ming, and said to Wang Lei, it was very easy for Shen Jian to predict what happened in such a short period of time.


Wang Lei looked at Shen Jian who was complacent, and said to Shen Jian speechlessly.

"What a terrible enemy..."

The necromancer who was beheaded by Wang Ming regained consciousness from his own body, looked at the empty tomb of the necromancer in front of him, and said to himself.

"The portal has been repaired."

Just when the Necromancer was about to think about what to do next, a message suddenly appeared in the Necromancer's head. It was a message from the tomb technician.

"Finally..., all retreat, don't continue to fight these savage creatures, there are still many worlds that need to be recovered, we must first obtain enough troops."

The overlord of the undead got the news that the portal was repaired, and it immediately went to the portal. On the way, it gave the undead an order to retreat, and they finally didn't have to be in this bad battle.

"What a difficult enemy."

At the same time on the ground, Wang Ming looked at the body of the Necromancer who was being teleported away in front of him, and said to himself, this Necromancer can fight with him for so long, this really makes Wang Ming A little surprised, but what he didn't know was that this overlord of the undead used his most powerful body to achieve this effect. If it used other bodies, it would probably be killed when it first appeared. Wang Ming is in a second.

"Huh? What's the situation, why did the undead retreat?"

Wang Ming looked away from the disappearing overlord of the undead on the ground, and was about to continue fighting those undead structures, but just when he looked at the undead structures, he was surprised to find that the undead actually retreated. No, this is impossible. With the personality of the Necromancer who values ​​glory, how could it be possible to retreat so easily?
"Boss, the undead seem to have retreated completely. Is this a problem?"

Just when Wang Ming was surprised by the retreat of the undead, Wang Lei's voice suddenly appeared in Wang Ming's ears. It was Wang Lei who contacted Wang Ming through the communication channel.

"All the offensive troops stand by and pay attention to vigilance, let the artillery units cover their retreat with firepower, don't save ammunition, and shoot them all out."

When Wang Ming heard Wang Lei's report, he thought for a while, and then issued an order to let the artillery troops continue to attack the undead troops, and the other troops do not need to advance. This kind of possible fraudulent matter is left to the artillery. Try the cannon.


Wang Lei answered briefly to Wang Ming, and then went to contact the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army.

Wang Ming's order was quickly executed, and all the troops stopped attacking. They watched the retreating undead in the distance, set up a simple position on the spot, and aimed all their heavy weapons at the undead in front. , in case it suddenly kills the carbine.

The commanders of the frontline troops of the Mortal Auxiliary Army looked at the aliens in front of them, and ordered the soldiers to be extremely vigilant. During this period of time, their understanding of the necrons has deepened a lot. They know that these metals made of blasphemy How terrifying are the aliens formed. In the face of them, any army's tactics and strategies will have no effect. We can only pray that we have enough heavy weapons in our hands to smash them into slag.

However, this situation did not happen. The undead didn't have any plans to turn back. They just kept retreating towards the tomb. Even though the overwhelming artillery fire killed most of them, they didn't have any intention of rushing towards the human position again. momentum.

"What's the situation? Could it be that their support has arrived? No, the fleet didn't find anything, it's strange, it's really strange..."

In the headquarters of No.13, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection screen in front of him, looked at the aerial image of the Thunderhawk gunboat on it, and kept thinking about why the undead retreated in his mind. He never thought that the undead would escape. Because in Wang Ming's impression, the undead, as the well-deserved ceiling of the physical universe, would not be afraid to fight any race, so how could it be possible to escape?
"Brother Thirteen, Brother Third, what do you think?"

Wang Ming really couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Guilliman and Fulgrim beside him, and asked them what they thought, anyway, he really couldn't figure it out.

"Wang Ming, they want to escape. Judging from their tendency to retreat regardless of everything, the chance of them fleeing is very high."

Guilliman heard Wang Ming's inquiry, and after thinking for a few nanoseconds with his primarch's superhuman brain, he told Wang Ming the most likely thing that would happen under this situation, the troops of this alien race escaped.

"Yes, little 21, judging from the current situation, they are running away. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they are luring the enemy deep, but if they really lure the enemy deep, the consumption of troops is too large. "

Fulgrim also expressed his analysis to Wang Ming. According to the current situation, the troop of the alien race is retreating. Although it is possible to lure the enemy deep, the cost of this lure the enemy deep is indeed a bit high.

"Absolutely impossible, thirteenth brother, third brother, their identities are not ordinary aliens, they are the former overlords of the galaxy, and they are the race with the most powerful technology in the physical universe. It is impossible for them to retreat like this... must be What is the problem…"

Wang Ming looked at his two brothers, and after hearing their analysis, Wang Ming still felt that it was impossible, so he told his two brothers the real identity of the Necron, how could the Necron Dynasty retreat.

"Galaxy Overlord?!"

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Guilliman and Fulgrim also realized the seriousness of the problem. This alien race is actually so powerful. Although they had some contact with Necrons before, they did not expect that this alien race would It's because the origin is so terrifying, it's actually the former overlord of the Milky Way.

You must know that even the human empire of the Great Crusade has not conquered this galaxy. Perhaps only the human federation in the ancient legend has such great power. Then this alien race is at least an order of magnitude civilization than the human federation. Human empires do not have the strength of the Human Federation, not to mention the human empire that is currently suffering from internal and external troubles. This is a alien race that is powerful enough to become a huge threat.

"Well..., we will evacuate this world immediately. Judging from the situation, it must be the world engine. Colonel Radulovich, let the Sun Fortress and the fleet get ready. As long as there is any sign of this, the world will be blown up immediately! "

Wang Ming looked at the two brothers who fell into deep thought after hearing his words, and suddenly thought of a possibility. He immediately contacted all the troops with Colonel Radulovich.

In fact, Wang Ming thought too much. The space necrons he was extremely afraid of, except those on the ground who had not had time to evacuate to the tomb, all escaped through the portal. was demolished.

However, Wang Ming didn't know about this, and his order was quickly carried out, and the troops were quickly transported by the Sun Fortress's transport plane, and all of them were taken to the Sun Fortress. These troops also included those The Tau people, but just after they entered the Sun Fortress, they were imprisoned alone on the one-way spaceship parked on the Sun Fortress.

These Tau people were a little scared at first, they didn't know what humans were doing to lock them up, but after getting the explanation, they immediately hugged each other and started crying. Finally, humans fulfilled their promise and really sent them home.

When they were weeping with joy, they didn't notice the look in the eyes of the passers-by who escorted them. It was a deadly look. These one-way spaceships would send them back to the home world of the Tau Empire, but they used The superlight engine is the human subspace engine, a subspace spaceship without any shields and Geller’s force field, which means that nothing is known better than the traversers. When a creature in the physical universe directly faces the subspace, even a creature like the Tau will fall into endless madness.

And the Tau people also have subspace projection, although it is very weak.

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