Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 329 The Beginning of the Expedition

In the deep space of the universe, a huge crack suddenly appeared, and an ominous light shot from it to the real universe. A fleet escaped from the subspace and came to the real universe.

On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection star map in front of him, and looked at the information about this galaxy on it, frowning.

They came to a civilized world on the edge of the empire. Everything in this world is self-sufficient. Except for the transaction with the Mechanicum and the taxation of the empire, there is not much sense of existence. There are not many records of this world, only records of this world being preached by believers of the state religion on a large scale.

For the situation in this world, it cannot be said that there is not much information, it can only be said that there is not much current information. The last record was the payment of tithes 100 years ago. Other than that, there are not many records. We can only know It was a world with a very high degree of civilization, three-dimensional high-tech cities and personal flying vehicles flying all over the sky, and the planetary government on it was also good, but this was the state of 100 years ago, and now whether the world is loyal or not is a big problem.

In the civilized world of Algro, Wang Ming still has great confidence in this world. After all, the state religion has preached on a large scale, and the people there should still have a very deep belief in the state religion. After all, the information says that the state religion Missions here have been very successful.

"Captain Wang Ming, according to the current information, the world order is likely to be stable, and the state religion shows that it is very stable."

Colonel Radulovich looked at Wang Ming and put forward his own analysis to him. The world order in Algro should not have collapsed due to the opening of the big rift. At least the state religion on it should be able to stabilize the situation.

"Not necessarily. Heretics and traitors are not so easy to find out. They are just a group of rats and bugs. They hide in dark corners most of the time, and they may appear anytime and anywhere to attack the lifeline of the imperial world."

Wang Ming looked at Colonel Radulovich and shook his head, and then explained to him the horror of those heresies. Their horror is that they will hide in the crowd and stab the back of fellow human beings anytime and anywhere.

"Let's go, go to that world, I hope he still belongs to human beings, if he does not belong to human beings, then he will not belong to anyone."

Wang Ming sighed, and then gave the order to go to Algro, this will be the first world they regained from the dark side of the empire.

"Support! Support! Governor! What we need is the real official support of the empire, even the support of the angels, not the guerrilla merchant fleets in the galaxy with the heretics above the orbit. They simply cannot draw much firepower to support us. , and now that the communication is gone, those guys' current orbital strikes are completely based on feeling!"

In Algro's capital "Pepler", in the Governor's Mansion under a towering tower, the top leaders of the two planets are discussing the plan for Algro's next destiny. In the magnificent hall, The planetary general was pressing his hands in front of the conference table made of a single piece of marble, loudly expressing his opinions to the planetary governor who was at least a few meters away from him.

"Delier, I know, I know, but I have no choice. We can't contact the imperial officials of the Obscure Star Field. We may even be the only survivors in this doomsday catastrophe."

When the planetary governor heard what the planetary general said, he put down the pen in his hand that was correcting the document, and then covered his head. The headache caused by the huge pressure appeared again. To be honest, the planetary governor is really not used to it. In this kind of working environment without the emperor's icon, only seeing the holy face of the emperor can relieve his pressure.

"Hey..., don't talk about these unrealistic things anymore. For the time being, we still have an army of soldiers in our hands, and a large number of mobilized troops composed of civilians. Let's think about what we should do next. We don't even know Alger How many of our troops are there on Luo?"

The planetary governor rubbed his temples, and then asked the planetary general what to do next. Originally, this question should have been considered by the previous ten-member council, but six of the previous ten-member council had rebelled, and The two were assassinated by those traitors, and now there are only two loyalists, he and the planetary general.

In fact, the planetary governor doesn't know anything about military affairs. His duties were originally to stabilize the life of the people on the planet, ensure the people's social welfare, and use tough methods to maintain the open and secret struggles among the nobles. But after the rebellion began, he was forced to He took over the military. Although he has a planetary general to help him, he still feels that he is not good enough. After all, as a planetary governor who has served the civilians for most of his life, he really does not have any military command ability, but now the people trust him the most. Yes, he is already stuck.

However, the rebellion did not fail to bring him some benefits. At least he finally did not care about those noble families. The only noble families in the entire Algro Empire that are still alive are his family and the family of the planetary general. The other families were either due to rebellion. It was dealt with collectively, or the young people of the family died on the battlefield. There are not many young people in the family, and it is about to end. Here, the few remaining young people are all sent to the battlefield. After the young people are finished, those guys will probably go on their own.

For these veteran nobles, the planetary governor is quite helpless. He is also a nobleman. The education he has received since he was a child is to protect his own world and all the civilians in his world. After becoming the planetary governor, he has indeed done so. And he also tried his best to make the lives of the commoners better, so he also understood the thoughts of those old guys, Algro is the world that the emperor bestowed on their family, who wants to take this world from them, instead of The lives of the people above must be passed over their corpses first. As long as there is one member of the Aster family alive, the heretics will never get this world and the lives of the civilians they protect.

"We can no longer be so passive. We have just received a radio message. A troop leading civilians is approaching us at a distance of 52 kilometers from Peppler. As noble imperial nobles, we must protect those civilians." Arrived safely at Peppler."

The planetary general heard the words of the planetary governor, he took out a document and put it on the table, and then pushed it in front of the planetary governor.

"Well, it is true, but in this case, we must mobilize troops. We don't have many troops, and to prevent heresy attacks in the eastern cities, I will only send you a planetary defense company and a mobilized army at most."

The planetary governor looked at the document in his hand, analyzed the existing situation, and said to the planetary governor.

"That's enough, Tesler Aster, I, Delier Aster, swear on the honor of my family, I will definitely bring those commoners back."

After the planetary general heard the planetary governor's words, he nodded to him, and then performed an Aster's etiquette to the head of the family.

"Well, Delier Astor, I hope you will protect those civilians for the glory of the imperial nobles to return smoothly, and let your commanders pay attention to safety, we can't lose any more commanders."

The planetary governor nodded to the planetary general, and then took out a document from the pile of documents in his hand and began to correct it. Since the death of the previous planetary governor, he has inherited the position of planetary governor. Before that, he was Alger Luo's planetary people's livelihood consul, compared to enjoying the extravagant life of those nobles, he still prefers to do more for the people.

He has ruled Algro for 200 years, and the common people love this governor very much, after all, he is really doing things.

After talking about some small things, the planetary general left the hall. The planetary governor looked at the back of the planetary general's leaving, and helplessly put the application document for the reduction of civilian food rations on the candle lamp.

"Oh... God Emperor... have you really given up on Algro?"

The planetary governor looked at the documents that disappeared in the flames, and thought in his heart that it would be impossible to reduce the food of the common people. As a planetary governor born as a planetary consul, he was very aware of such adverse effects. The stability of food and the safety of the people Trust is closely related. If the food ration is suddenly reduced, the civilians will definitely complain, and the seeds of rebellion will germinate in the hearts of those civilians who are not full. There is already a huge external problem for them, and the planetary governor does not want to have another internal problem.

After the planetary governor looked at the papers on the table and let the servo skulls knock out most of the irrelevant papers, he started the real work. After finally sorting out the papers, he was helped by a servitor. Standing up, as an ordinary human being who has not undergone much transformation and only received life-extending surgery, the planetary governor's legs and feet are not good due to long-term work day and night. He stood up with the help of the machine servant, and then took a step One step slowly walked towards a gate of the hall, which was the church dedicated to the emperor.

"Great Emperor, Holy Majesty sitting on the golden throne, look at your loyal people, we have never given up our faith in you, please give us some help..."

The planetary governor came to the church, and he knelt down piously in front of the god-emperor icon. Accompanied by the sound of the monks chanting in the church, the planetary governor breathed the incense mixed with milk and various spices in the air, and closed his eyes with peace of mind. eyes, and then prayed devoutly to the Emperor.

On the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the subspace, among the countless human corpses, a girl stood up slowly. She looked at the surrounding environment, walked forward a few steps in confusion, and then stopped immediately. She looked at the A portal suddenly appeared in front of her, and a voice suddenly appeared in her mind. It was a mission, a great mission. She had to go to the real universe to save the human beings in that world.

The girl walked through the portal, and armor and a sharp sword appeared on her body. Her firm belief in her heart was like a raging fire. She will use the power given to her by the Lord of Humanity to save mankind and bring hope to people in despair. .

At the same time in the real universe, in the cosmic space of the Algro galaxy, a huge fleet is passing by the wreckage of a fleet. Behind this fleet, there is also a merchant fleet, and they are heading towards Algro together. and go.

"The Primarch..., the Primarch..., the Son of God..., the great demigod..."

On the "flagship" of the Merchant Fleet, a refitted Luna-class cruiser, a woman sitting high on the command seat is almost in a trance state, and there is a lot of fanaticism mixed in this trance, just Just now she saw a Primarch, a living demigod, and she will never forget his holy face and stalwart figure. As a devout believer of the state religion, she was so excited that she almost passed out just now. Fortunately, the timely rescue of the medical nun prevented her from losing her composure in front of the holy Primarch.

"Er..., Lord Patriarch?"

Beside the command seat, an officer wearing the blue uniform of the family's private commander looked at the woman, and called out to her cautiously. Like a servant, he has completely fallen into a state of absent-mindedness, completely indulging in his own space.

"Uh..., what's the matter? Lawrence, my dear loyal minister, the eternal guardian of my family, and a loyal follower of the Emperor, do you have anything that I need to answer for you?"

The woman finally came to her senses when she heard the officer's words. She looked at the officer and spoke a long series of words in Gothic.

"Well, it's okay, this one speaks the same tone as the knight family, it's a normal patriarch, it's okay, it seems that I just received some stimulation..."

Hearing the woman's eloquent words, the officer finally felt relieved. This is the normal appearance of his patriarch, and the nagging nobleman is the normal patriarch.

"Master Patriarch, Lord Primarch ordered our fleet to follow his fleet to Algro, and asked us to assist in the transportation of relief supplies."

The officer looked at the woman, straightened his body, and then reported to the woman in a loud voice. After she was in a trance, Wang Ming gave them the order to follow the order of the fleet. Loading and mobilizing is what the Patriarch should do.

"Obey all the orders of Lord Primarch, and my family will swear allegiance to Lord Primarch and his legion."

After the woman heard the officer's words, the expression on her face became extremely frantic again, and even brought some abnormal flushes. Looking at the woman who had fallen into religious fanaticism again, the officer shook his head helplessly.

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