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Chapter 337 Selection of the Second Regiment

"There is a team of cultists coming over there, do you want to block it!"

In the mass of the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, a signal trooper on a Terra horse ran under an Emperor's Baneblade and shouted at the regimental master on it who was observing the battlefield.

"No, let them merge into the cultist army and destroy them together..."

The regiment leader looked at the cultists with a telescope and said to the communications soldier. However, the regiment leader's words suddenly stopped, and his expression suddenly changed from calm to extremely surprised. He saw a very outrageous scene.

Behind those new cultists, there were actually four figures following. He saw the power armor on the four figures. They were actually four mortal auxiliaries. Four people were chasing at least 300 people. In this scene, mortals The head of the auxiliary army dared not even dream about it.

"Which unit are those four people from? Whose subordinates? So brave!"

The head of the mortal auxiliary army looked at the four mortal auxiliary army chasing three hundred cultists, and asked the communication soldier beside him as if talking to himself.

"four people?"

The communications soldier took out his binoculars with a confused face, and looked at the new cultists, but after a while, he also found the four mortal auxiliary troops, and his expression became extremely shocked , How did four people chase more than 300 people all over the mountains and plains? This is not in line with common sense.

"Detach a company to annihilate those cultists and then bring them over."

The head of the regiment's mortal auxiliary army looked at the four mortal auxiliary army, and after thinking for a while, he said to the communication soldier who was also surprised at the side of the poisonous sword, he needed to know how those soldiers managed to chase after four people. With more than 300 people, this is definitely an elite. If it is the soldiers under my own, I will definitely report their affairs. This is a meritorious service. The more elites there are, the probability of completing the task may also increase.


After saluting the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, the communications soldiers rode Terra horses to deliver orders. A company was soon ready, and they directly faced the cultists. The roar of armored vehicles and the blast of light weapons The shooting made those fleeing cultists despair, and some cultists finally turned their heads. They looked in shock at the "big army of false emperor's lackeys" who chased them all the way. What kind of big army is that? It's just four people, who the hell spread the rumors at the beginning, so that they were actually chased by four people all the way.

But now they know it's useless, a rain of bullets composed of blue plasma bullets covers them, this is the salvo firepower of a mortal auxiliary army company, more than 300 cultists are instantly vaporized They turned into blood red steam, flying over the battlefield.

"Did we find the main force?"

The squad leader of the Mortal Auxiliary Army looked at the company of the Mortal Auxiliary Army coming out of the blood mist, and he happily said to his comrades around him, "I didn't expect it, it was just a pursuit mission. I didn't expect to find the large army by accident. It is Lord Primarch who blesses them.

The squad leader of the Mortal Auxiliary Army has already decided that after returning home, he must make a good offering of the statue of the Primarch that he printed from the printing room, so that Lord Primarch can continue to bless him.

The idea of ​​​​the squad leader of the Mortal Auxiliary Army is actually very normal among the Mortal Auxiliary Army. This is also a standard operation among the Mortal Auxiliary Army. A large number of Mortal Auxiliary Army have regarded Wang Ming as their belief. Those Mortal Auxiliary Army believe that Wang Ming is the heir of the Emperor, the son of the God-Emperor. The God-Emperor is a god, and his son should have inherited his divinity, so Wang Ming is also a god.

Wang Ming and the traversers also knew about the idea of ​​the Mortal Auxiliary Army. The best way to deal with this matter is to ignore it, neither admit it nor deny it. Wang Ming will not have much influence on Wang Ming.

On the contrary, if they let them believe, it can also increase the loyalty of the troops to the empire. Wang Ming and the traversers know that in the desperate universe of Warhammer, only fanatical belief can make a human being unswervingly for his own sake. Since they need psychological support for racial battles, Wang Ming doesn't mind becoming their psychological support and a wall against the corruption of Chaos.

After checking the identities of the four soldiers, the mortal auxiliary army company brought them back to the main force. The head of the mortal auxiliary army immediately went to meet them. He was delighted to find that these four soldiers were actually his soldiers. They were reported to the headquarters. After confirming the authenticity of the matter, the political staff of the headquarters credited them. After the task was over, the four of them could get one. Medals awarded in person, as well as some material rewards.

The reward mechanism is also very perfect in the mortal auxiliary legion. Each mortal auxiliary legion has regiment political commissars. These regiment political commissars will record something. After confirming that it is correct, you can record the credit.

This can guarantee the combat effectiveness of the mortal auxiliary army. After all, no matter what era, ordinary people are the majority. Ordinary living people, for them, have beliefs, but more are material needs.

There is no need to worry about concealing or lying about these things. The operation of the mortal auxiliary army can avoid this situation very well. There will be no unification, and these political commissars have been taught by Casatos, and they have reached a point where they are strict with discipline.

The Mortal Auxiliary Legion was fighting with the cultists. It was a massacre. The tens of thousands of cultists were killed without much resistance. Although there were those who were blessed Cultists, but they also turned into steam under the firepower of plasma projectiles, how could flesh and blood compete with plasma plasma.

"Young wolf! Knock him down! Hahaha!"

Needless to say, the crushing battles of the mortal auxiliaries, now let's turn our perspective to Peppler, a newly built circular building, a group of space wolves are watching the children fighting in the arena shouting Shouting, beside them, the traversers of the second group were holding data pads one by one, constantly checking the situation of the children they had selected.

The children are fighting in the arena one by one. Ten children form a battle group and fight in an arena. Only the one who wins in the end will have the chance to become a recruit, but it is only a chance. If it is found that the child's psychological endurance is not strong, then he can only be eliminated.

"How about it?"

Hu Jin looked at the children who were fighting, and asked Ye Fan, who was scratching the data pad beside him, about the current selection situation.

"Ten children have passed the selection and are being sent to the Military Academy. The remaining [-] children are here. To be honest, the leader, I feel that if we can select another ten, it will be a day."

Ye Fan looked at his team leader, he swiped the data pad a few times, and then handed the data pad to Hu Jin.

"Ten is not bad. This is a civilized world, not the best recruiting world. Don't worry, there are still quite a few selectors. The 500 will be sent over after the selection."

Hu Jin looked at the information on the data board. It was the information of the ten children. They were all very good fighters and people with strong willpower. They were selected from 500 people, and only ten of them qualified. Personally, others were either eliminated in combat, or failed the test of willpower.

"Well, and, Captain, is it really good to let these space wolves come over? Look at them like that."

When Ye Fan heard Hu Jin's words, he nodded, and then mentioned the names of those space huskies. These space huskies heard that the second regiment was selecting recruits, so they followed. Since there were no combat missions, these guys had nothing to do. Panicking, I saw that there was a popular activity to select new recruits. These guys ran faster than anyone else.

"What's the matter? The boss said that these space huskies are good instructors. Wouldn't it be good to throw a few of them here to teach recruits?"

Hu Jin heard Ye Fan's words, he looked at the space huskies, then hugged Ye Fan, and whispered to him in Chinese in his ear.

He had exchanged with Wang Ming before. Regarding the issue of the commander of the garrison troops, not many traversers wanted to do this. It was the former "Shadow Moon Wolf" who had some ideas, but Wang Ming could not fully trust him. In the end, The two of them discussed a solution, isn’t there a lot of canned food from the Great Crusade in the fleet, that is to let those Astartes of the Great Crusade era become the commanders of the garrison troops, this can solve the training problem of the garrison troops , It can also guarantee the loyalty of the garrison troops.

"Six, Captain."

When Ye Fan heard Hu Jin's words, he laughed casually. The commander of the garrison troops was the Astartes of the Great Expedition Era. This can solve many problems, and can also provide the combat effectiveness of these garrison troops with maximum efficiency.

"However, before the commander is completely determined, a brother is still needed to serve as the commander, otherwise the garrison troops of the No. 20th Legion are all commanded by the Astartes of other Astartes legions, that would be unreasonable, right? "

Hu Jin looked at Ye Fan, patted his shoulder armor again, and then told Ye Fan the specific operation process of this operation, first let a traverser be the commander, and then gradually replaced a can of the Great Expedition , which can minimize the resistance of those big expedition cans.

The operation process is like this. The previous commander was transferred, and there is no suitable candidate. As a powerful warrior in the era of the Great Crusade, can you serve as the commander of the garrison for the empire? Presumably, you are such a powerful warrior. Will object, just like that, can use various reasons to replace all the commanders of the garrison troops with canned food from the Great Expedition.

"I understand, you are still awesome, commander, if you do this, the training problems of these garrison troops can also be solved. Their starting point is even better than ours. They have the Astartes training of the Great Expedition era. And we are completely dead out of combat experience."

Ye Fan looked at those recruits, thinking that they would be trained by professional instructors, he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart. When they first crossed, no one trained them, and almost all their combat experience came from death. Later, after Casatos and the "Shadow Moon Wolf", I learned professional tactics and strategies.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan suddenly recalled that when he just crossed over, he couldn't even open the power sword on the battlefield, and forcibly hacked to death a Chaos Star Warrior with the power sword that didn't decompose the force field. Already a company commander of the No.20 First Corps.

"Woohoo! Well done wolf! Hahaha!"

When Ye Fan recalled the past, the roar of the space huskies disrupted all his thoughts. After hearing the roar of the space huskies, he subconsciously looked at the situation in the arena, wanting to see what it was Get the space husky so excited.

The battle in the arena was over. Among the children all over the place, a child covered in blood stood up from several children. He looked at the children who had been knocked down by himself, and waved his arms excitedly. , he won, and he got the chance to continue to be selected as an angel.

The selection mode of the second regiment is to fight. Only one of the ten people can stand. There is no such thing as a fight that is not fierce enough. As long as others don’t fall down, the selection will not stop, even if someone is dead, it will not stop. As long as you can continue to move, Then the selection is still going on, the medical team and the corpse collection team are ready, and the rest is left to those children to play freely, and things have not disappointed the traversers. Many noble children who dare to participate in the selection are those local Students of military academy.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the nobles of the empire. Except for those insects, the children of the nobles who are extremely martial have been trained since childhood, and the children of those military schools are not bad either. Before that, they were all future Planetary Defense Force officers. When these two groups started fighting, people would die in almost every battle selection. The busiest people these days were not the time-travelers responsible for managing the selection, but the corpse collection team.

As for what those parents think when they look at their children's bodies?The parents of the nobles think that it is honorable to die on the way to become an angel, and those children in the military academy, whose parents are both officers of the Planetary Defense Force, most of them became orphans after the war broke out, and they no longer have parents.

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