Tengger is the wild world of the Empire. The humans on it are still in the tribal age. The entire planet is larger than Holy Terra. It is covered with a large number of grasslands and lakes. The largest source of survival materials for humans on it is with the Empire. Trading a large local animal, a large animal that looks like a sheep. Although this animal is five meters high at the shoulder, it has a very docile personality. However, it can only survive in this world. Although it can still live after leaving this world, However, it will lose its reproductive capacity, and it is impossible to popularize breeding on a large scale.

Just when Wang Ming and the others were still building the fortress world on Algro, the world was already in a mess. Because of the big rift, the world was cut off from the empire, and all kinds of living materials could not be produced by themselves. The various tribes actually went to war because of those living supplies, and the Chaos cult also took advantage of this opportunity to launch an uprising.

However, although the Chaos Cult launched the uprising, in terms of facing foreign enemies, the planetary governor of this world, the Great Khan, still knows that the empire is terrifying. There is no problem with his own tribes fighting back and forth, but if the Chaos Cult takes over the world , not to mention that he, the planetary governor, will be killed by them, this world will also be liquidated by the imperial fleet that may come later, the extermination order and the imperial fleet, the Great Khan still knows what they are.

It’s okay for all the tribes to fight back and forth, but you must draw out troops to deal with the cultists, otherwise the Great Khan’s troops will come to his door and ask them to force a “truce”, and if they don’t send troops, the Great Khan The living materials in their hands will not be given to them.

All tribes know the strength of the Great Khan. When the imperial fleet arrived, he got a lot of weapons through his status as a nobleman. Several tribes still use bolt-action rifles, while the Great Khan's troops use them. It is an automatic gun, and the Great Khan's personal guard even has some second-hand laser guns, which is completely crushing for those tribes.

Those tribes in this world had no choice but to mobilize several troops to fight the cultists. In the process of fighting the cultists, these tribes suddenly realized a big problem. It seems that fighting cultists can be used for training. .

In this way, the cultists almost became a training ground for various tribes. The army that originally believed in the Blood God of Khorne was beaten in turn by the troops of various tribes, and their mentality was a bit broken.

Although the current situation in this world is very good, the Great Khan still knows the time to threaten. Sooner or later, the empire's supplies will be exhausted. They have no industrial system, so they can only try to contact the empire. Ye sent astronomical messages, but they all came to nothing.

Gradually, the Khorne cultists summoned demons. This monster of unreal cosmic creatures made the human army very uncomfortable. It was either impossible to kill, or the number of casualties required to kill a demon was too great.

To "kill" the inhuman thing, they need to pay half a cavalry regiment. A local regiment has 4000 people. For a charge of the demon group, they need to pay at least 2000 casualties.

In the local Governor's Mansion, before the Khan's big tent, a group of people are entering the Khan's big tent noisily. They are the patriarchs of various tribes. The Great Khan ordered them all to cease fighting today and come to the Great Khan's territory to discuss matters.

"Great Khan, the great wolf lord on the grassland, your loyal subordinates offer you praise."

After the patriarchs of the various tribes entered the Khan's tent, they all knelt before a throne in the tent.

"Get up. You should all know the reason for inviting you here this time."

The man on the throne squinted his eyes. After the words of the patriarchs fell to the ground, he opened himself and looked at the patriarchs. His words fell softly, and his eyes without any emotion scanned the patriarchs under the throne.

The patriarchs under the throne did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the Great Khan. They listened to the words of the Great Khan, and their bodies were trembling crazily. This was because of extreme fear. They all wondered what the Great Khan was Man, he is a nobleman of that empire, the only one directly connected with the empire among the stars (the human empire), he can become the Great Khan not because of his father, but because of his tough methods.

At first, when he came to power, there were some who were dissatisfied, but the next day all the dissatisfied tribes were eliminated. Not just the troops of those tribes, but the entire tribe, no one was left, including the elderly, children, and women. This was the case with the Great Khan. One person, otherwise he would not be able to control the tribes on the grassland. This is the rule of this world. They admire the strong.

"Great Great Khan, we will all carry out your orders, but those supplies..."

A patriarch raised his head tremblingly, and then mustered up the courage to tell the Great Khan about their difficulties. They could not disobey the Great Khan's order, but they would try their best to fight for their own interests.

"I will give you enough supplies, but you must do your best, otherwise... the punishment of the Star Empire will be upon us, and at that time, both you and me will be liquidated."

The Great Khan looked at the patriarch, he pondered for a while, and then said to all the patriarchs present that he knew the importance of this matter, and the empire could tolerate him doing anything on his own territory, but only about the emperor The belief of the emperor, this matter cannot be tolerated, as long as those heretics who are about to establish a country are discovered by the empire, then his world and all the population in his world will be liquidated. He knows the empire's bewilderment degree.

"Yes Great Khan."

The tribal chiefs all knelt down and saluted the Great Khan. They actually didn't obey the Great Khan, but they couldn't do it. This guy was a tyrant. Whoever disobeyed would be punished on the spot.

After confirming that the patriarchs were obedient, the Great Khan let them retreat. He looked at the empty tent, picked up the cup inlaid with gorgeous gemstones, and took a sip of the local specialty milk wine .

"The enemy wants to get my world, it's impossible, no matter how much you pay, no matter how many troops die, mine is mine, I will kill them all, this is the world left to me by my ancestors, this is my world !"

The Great Khan looked at the glass in his hand, drank the wine in one gulp, and then smashed the glass hard on the ground. The remaining wine in the glass spilled on the gorgeous carpet, but the Great Khan didn't care about it. Without any response, he slowly stood up from the throne, then quickly drew out the laser pistol on his waist, and raised his hand to shoot at a corner of the big tent.


The laser shot at that corner, followed by a huge scream. After hearing the scream, the guards outside the big tent rushed into the big tent immediately. They looked at the big tent holding the laser light. With a gun in his hand, the big Khan with an indifferent face quickly dragged out a screaming man from the corner.

It was a man with a naked upper body, and one of his arms had been vaporized by the laser. It is worth mentioning that his body was very strange. His skin actually changed after it came into contact with the light in the tent. Just like a chameleon, its body turned into a carpet-like color.

"Great Khan! This is a mutant, and it is the "blesser" of the cultists!"

The guards looked at the man, and the captain of the guard immediately recognized the man's identity. He was a cultist, a mutant who had been blessed by those evil gods, and this kind of thing was the blasphemy of the only true God (Emperor).

"How did you find me?! What kind of evil weapon is that in your hand? Why is it so powerful!"

The man ignored the guards restraining it around him. Its reptile-like eyes were staring at the Great Khan, full of disbelief. Its abilities should be completely invisible to ordinary humans. But the Great Khan raised his hand and fired a shot. How did he find it, and what was the weapon in the Great Khan's hand? It just saw a red light at that time, and then his arm disappeared. This It is something that firearms absolutely cannot do. As a believer in the God of All-Changing Flames, it wants to know everything about this mysterious Great Khan.

"Are you here to assassinate me?"

The Great Khan didn't answer the man's question. He walked towards the man slowly, and while fiddling with his laser pistol, he asked the man. A golden light flashed in his eyes, and the light was fleeting. , no one noticed at all.

"Ask knowingly! The lackeys of the false gods, only the god of ever-changing flames can save us, you bastards who believe in false gods! You are destroying yourself! Only by believing in him can you be saved!"

The man heard the Great Khan's calm words, and it became angry. It roared hysterically at the Great Khan, but the Great Khan was not angry because of its anger, and his expression remained extremely indifferent.

"The God of Ever-changing Flames..., a new cult, take them down for interrogation. They are not human beings, so there is no problem in interrogating them casually. Ask them about their specific situation."

After the Great Khan heard what the cultist said, he thought for a moment, and then his arm suddenly opened, and a data pad popped out of his arm. While he was recording things on the data pad skillfully, he turned to the person beside him. the guards said.

"Monster! Mechanical monster!"

The guards of the Great Khan are used to this behavior, but this is the first time the cultists have seen this kind of thing. They don't know what the prosthetic body transformation is. They watched the Great Khan transform into a mechanical arm, He yelled at the Great Khan in horror.

It’s no wonder that this cultist is afraid. Except for the Great Khan’s confidants and a few people, not many people in this world know about the Empire and the Mechanicus.


No one paid any attention to the yelling cultist. A gun butt hit his head directly. The huge impact made the cultist faint instantly. After the guards saluted the Great Khan who was recording something, Just take the cultist away, and they will use some "little interrogation techniques" to get the information they need from this guy.

What the cultists who wanted to assassinate the Great Khan didn't know was that the Great Khan was a loyal customer of the Mechanicus, and he had all kinds of modifications on his body. If it wasn't for the big rift, the Great Khan had even reserved an armor Skin maintenance ritual service.

The reason why the Great Khan was able to discover the secrets of the cultists was because the Great Khan's eyes were also modified. Thermal imaging and various imaging functions allowed the Great Khan to not worry about being assassinated at all. Besides, the transformation on the Great Khan was It is found all over his body. His skin is armored and can withstand lasers and even single-shot bombs. Various organs have also been replaced with mechanical ones. It can be said that the Great Khan himself is a big killer. These are the treasures left by his ancestors for generations. The Great Khan even believed that these artificial implants were the blessings of his ancestors.

"The only true god and the omnipotent mechanical god, please bless the lord of Tengger, please bless him to protect his own world..."

The Great Khan put away the laser pistol. He looked at the embroidery of the God Emperor on the ceiling of the big tent, closed his eyes and opened his arms, just like a pilgrim, he prayed to the only true god and the powerless mechanical god. Seeing their own world can be sheltered by them.

At the same time, on the battlefield in Tengger and on the vast grassland, strong winds roared across the grassland. The grassland swept by the strong wind danced like waves on the sea. On this beautiful grassland, human beings The troops are fighting against the demons of Chaos.

The cavalrymen riding Terra horses, holding their own bolt-action rifles and sharp monomolecular sabers, shouted the name of the only true God and rushed towards the demon in front.

The demon is so terrifying, there are ten cavalry regiments besieging it, but they can't hurt the demon at all. If there is a traverser here, you can definitely recognize the level of the demon at a glance. A monster of Khorne, roaring, roaring, harvesting mortals one by one, cavalrymen and their mounts were chopped into meat, although this scene was horrifying, brave warriors still rushed towards Big devils, because they know that only the true God sees what they do, and He will not protect the cowardly.

"Batu! Batu! Put those things down!"

The cavalry's attacks continued, but two of the cavalrymen actually started arguing while charging. An older cavalryman grabbed the package of the cavalryman next to him and shouted loudly at such a young cavalryman. With.

"No! If we go there, we will die. There must be something that can hurt it!"

The young cavalryman didn't let go because of the words of the old cavalryman. He grabbed his package and drove his mount away from the old cavalryman.

"That shouldn't be you! Give me those explosives!"

The old cavalryman felt that the package in his hand was moving away from him, he roared anxiously, then grabbed the barrel of his rifle, and smashed the butt of the gun on the hand of the young cavalry, the young cavalry suffered pain, and the package in his hand finally dropped That's right, the old cavalry took advantage of this opportunity, grabbed the package and rushed in the direction of the big devil.


The young cavalry shouted the older cavalry's name, but no matter how hard he drove the horse, he could no longer catch up with him.

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