Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 35 The Battle of Macragge 4 The Traverser's First Dreadnought

Chapter 35 The Battle of Macragge 4 The Traverser's First Dreadnought
"It's fucking disgusting."

The two traversers looked at the psyker in front of them and felt extremely disgusted.

It is in the genes of human beings to feel fear and disgust towards the corpses of the same kind. This is the instinct of the human species.

They intensified their efforts to drive the power sword into the psychic barrier, and as long as the psyker was not too advanced a psyker, he could not withstand the power of the two Astartes.

As the two power swords slowly penetrated into the spiritual energy barrier, the psyker's body began to tremble slightly, and his eyes also overflowed with out-of-control spiritual energy.

The psyker looked at the power swords slowly pierced by the two Astartes in front of him, and directly lifted the psychic energy barrier. If this continued, he would lose control of his psychic energy and explode.

When the spiritual energy barrier was suddenly lifted, the two passers-by also staggered according to the original strength because of the sudden disappearance of the spiritual energy barrier.

The two power swords slashed on the ground, leaving two deep marks, but when they wanted to raise their swords and slash at the Chaos Psyker again, they were surprised to find that their bodies could not move.

The Chaos Psyker clasped his hands towards the two Astartes, a large amount of psionic energy emerged from his body, and he barely controlled the two Astartes with all his psionic energy.

However, his body couldn't bear the huge psychic pressure, and the psychic's five sense organs began to ooze blood, and his body trembled more and more violently.

Due to the display of spiritual energy, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower, and even a thin layer of frost formed on the ground.

The psychic's hands were slowly clenched towards the palms, and the psychic power slowly twisted the bodies of the two traversers. The joints of the power armor of the two traversers slowly deformed, and the bones were slowly twisted by invisible forces.

This is already the limit of this psychic user, his current consciousness is gradually disappearing, and psychic power has begun to erode his brain.

In his already chaotic brain, countless strange voices appeared in it, these voices bewitched him, asking him to hand over his body to them, the bewitchment in his words was something he couldn't refuse now.

The psyker was completely out of control, and warp demons began to occupy his body and eat his soul.

His psychic power is also gradually improved under the influence of the subspace demons. He has a sick smile on his face, and his face is full of blood flowing from his facial features.

This is the psykers in 40k. While possessing powerful psychic powers, dangerous psychic powers will also make them likely to be corroded by demons in the subspace.

He frantically clenched his empty hands, completely ignoring that his hands were bloody and bloody due to the power of spiritual energy feedback. The two traversers in front of him had already been torn to pieces by the spiritual energy.

At this moment, a bomb hit the head of the now defenseless psyker, turning his head into a cloud of blood and ending his life.

With the death of the psyker, all surrounding psionic energy disappears.

The temperature returned to normal, and the invisible force exerted on the two traversers disappeared.

However, their limbs have been completely torn apart by spiritual energy, and the pottery steel fragments of the power armor are mixed with the bloody limbs. These two traversers have completely lost their fighting ability.

Holding a bolter with one hand, Wang Lei walked up to two traversers who turned into human sticks.

"How is it? Should we go to the resurrection or go to the second regiment to enter Wuwei?" Wang Lei asked the two traversers on the ground.

Fatal injury is resurrection for the traverser, but this half-dead state is a bit uncomfortable.

"Give me a shot and I'll resurrect."

"I'll go to the second regiment to play fearlessly."

The two traversers said to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei directly shot the traverser who was about to be resurrected, and sent him to be resurrected.

And the traverser who was about to enter Fearless was carried away directly after Wang Lei contacted the traversers of the second group.

(End of this chapter)

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