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Chapter 355 Forbidden Army

Chapter 355 Forbidden Army
"Come on! Come on! Aliens! Come on! Kill me! Come on!"

In the sea of ​​​​insects, the scarred Zhou Heng was constantly killing bugs. Beside him, tens of thousands of Tyranid bugs had covered the ground. A large number of node creatures were killed by him. Those creatures that had lost node The controlled Tyranid creatures all have the most primitive emotion of creatures, which is fear.

The Tyranid creatures looked at Zhou Heng. They kept roaring, but they did not dare to take another step towards Zhou Heng. At this moment, lasers and explosive bombs instantly hit these bugs. .

Rengar and Edwin's bodies were burning with psychic flames. They stood up from the corpses of the insects, and then continued to use their weapons to shoot at the insects.

When Rengar passed by the corpse of a Tyranid tyrant, he pulled out Luna who was suppressed by the corpse. For these four guys who had experienced the golden age, Wang Ming did not arrange specific tasks for them, but just joined them. Killing as many node creatures in the Tyranid swarm as possible, they did this, especially Zhou Heng, who continued to kill Tyranid bugs in a Terran month, and died in his hands There are already millions of bugs in his body, and his killing skills are comparable to those of Wang Ming, the Primarch.

As a golden age weapon, Zhou Heng embodies his terror very well. Various golden age individual weapons are activated on his body, including force fields that cut space, laser knives that decompose all armor, and There is the light speed rifle he used when he killed Wang Ming before.

"Zhou Heng! Zhou Heng! Tactical shift, those damn Tyranid psychic units are coming!"

Rengar grabbed Luna with one hand, yelled at Zhou Heng, and then ran towards the human position in the distance. Zhou Heng heard Rengar's words and also ran towards the human position.

The combat capabilities of these four guys are strong, but their psychic abilities are not. Once they encounter the Tyranid's psychic units, one of Edway and Rengar will definitely die. In this case, they can only divert tactics.

"What is the leader looking at?"

On a human position, the deputy captain asked the captain who was looking ahead with a telescope. There were bugs everywhere. I really didn’t know what the captain was looking at.

"Gather your brothers together, we don't have much time."

The leader did not answer the deputy leader's words. He put down the telescope, and then said to the deputy leader in a calm tone.

"I see…"

When the deputy commander saw the regiment leader's expression, he seemed to understand something. He saluted the regiment leader and then quickly gathered the soldiers.

The leader looked at the soldiers in front of him and took a deep breath. He knew that he and his brothers were about to return to the Golden Throne. Facing the overwhelming sea of ​​insects, they did not have much power, but even so, they could not There will be no retreat, they are the troops of the Primarch, the guardians of humanity, and they must fight until the end.

"Guys, we could die here today."

The leader looked at his brothers. He didn't beat around the bush. His first sentence told them their results.

"Captain, we all know that we have been prepared for a long time."

When a soldier heard the captain's words, he spoke loudly to the captain. The other soldiers nodded in unison. They all knew about this matter. They had already done it since they set foot on the traverser's fleet from Terra. Get ready to die in the sea of ​​stars.

"I know that brothers are all warriors of the empire and will not be afraid of those twisted aliens, but we must eliminate them as much as possible, even if this is an impossible task!"

The regiment leader looked at the soldier, he nodded, and then continued to speak to them. His voice was very loud, just like a normal lecture. All the soldiers listened carefully. They looked at their regiment leader, Thinking about his final fate, he silently clenched the energy rifle in his hand.

"The artillery brothers will help us with a wave of fire coverage, but they will also be exposed, and the bug's air units will attack them desperately. They can only help us this time. We must seize this opportunity and kill as many as possible. All the bugs, do you understand?"

The regiment leader looked at the sky. He suddenly spoke loudly to the soldiers. Just as he finished speaking, a sound like thunder appeared in the sky. It was the sound of artillery troops firing.

"Understood! The stars are immortal! Humanity will live forever!"

The soldiers listened to the loud noise in the sky, and they all responded to their commander.

"Soldiers, soldiers, today is our end, but it is definitely not the end of the No. 20 Legion. We fight with the angels, we fight with the original body, the original body trusts us, the angels trust us, and we will live up to it The original godhead!"

The captain roared and raised his power sword high. The emotions of all the mortal auxiliary troops were aroused to the highest point. It was still the same old problem. A large number of mortal auxiliary troops had regarded Wang Ming as a god. Most of the mortals in the fleet The auxiliary army has been so loyal to Wang Ming that they are crazy. Imagine that a living faith appears in front of you. What reason do you have not to believe in him fanatically?

As a wave of artillery fire covered the insect sea in front of the position, the battle began. The Tyranid flying units in the sky discovered the artillery position. They withstood the firepower of the air forces and launched towards the artillery position on the ground. attack.

The Hydra above the artillery position roared, but no matter how much it fired into the sky, it could not stop the insects that were covering the sky from attacking the artillery position on the ground. After a brief exchange of fire, the insects arrived on the ground. At the artillery position, when the artillerymen used all their strength to fire out the last artillery fire coverage, then the light of the melt explosion shone on the horizon.

"The artillery brothers have done their best. Now, let's show those bugs the power of mankind!"

The mortal auxiliary legion chief roared, and all the weapons in the entire position opened fire. Lasers and plasma projectiles flew together. Leman Russ and the Emperor's Baneblade also roared on the battlefield, and there were even a large number of Golden Age armored vehicles. They are also running on the battlefield. After thousands of years, they are once again fighting on the battlefield to protect humans.

Blood and fire, this is what is happening all the time on Koledo. Human beings have resisted the alien tentacles of alien galaxies with everything they have. They do not know how powerful their enemies are. Their enemies have swallowed up There are countless worlds, but this world will be their end. One of the largest tentacles of this alien will definitely break here. "Legion Commander, we just received news from Commander Wang Xiaofa that your Excellency may be in danger."

In the nest behind Wang Ming's position, the messenger of the Primarch Guards trotted all the way to Jose. He saluted Jose, and then told Jose the news from Wang Xiaofa.

"Gather in 5 minutes. The master's location is not far from us. We must get there quickly."

When Jose heard what the messenger said, he quickly took out his communicator, yelled at all the soldiers of the Primarch Guard, and then ran to the transport unit of the Primarch Guard. As the Primarch, he trusted him the most. Mortals must devote their lives to protecting the original body.

"The stars are immortal!"

On the leading position of the front line, Wang Ming carried a swarm overlord and roared towards the sea of ​​​​insects ahead. On the ground beside him, the corpses of several swarm overlords were lying on the ground, as well as a large number of warrior insects and overlords. Also lying on the ground, Wang Ming has killed many Tyranid heavy units here. He is now covered in the blood of Tyranid bugs, and the power armor on his body is also pitted by the blood and the attacks of those bugs. , which shows how many Tyranids he killed.

"Humanity lasts forever!"

After the mortal auxiliary troops on the battlefield heard Wang Ming's words, they all responded to him. The voice was shocking. They looked at Wang Ming as if they were watching their living faith walking on the earth.


At this moment, the Tyranid Zerg attack began again. They did not go towards the human position, but rushed towards Wang Ming with a clear goal. The insect sea had only one goal, and that was to kill Wang Ming, the "delicious" one. Eat the food.

"Hehehe... You want to eat me? Come on! The genes of the Primarch are here! Come and get them if you have the ability!"

Wang Ming looked at the insects, and golden flames burned on his body. The corpses of the insects under his feet instantly turned into ashes. Wang Ming roared towards the sea of ​​insects. He knew that the damn Hive Mind must know what he said. , He must be able to see himself, that damn outer space monster.

In response to Wang Ming's provocation, the insect sea only roared one after another. Biological ammunition kept hitting Wang Ming's power armor, and the insects' claws also kept attacking Wang Ming's power armor. Every time A bug that dared to use melee to attack Wang Ming was turned into a puff of ash by the golden flames the moment its sharp claws came into contact with Wang Ming's body.

The damage done by the golden flame to these creatures is still considerable. While Wang Ming continued to kill the insects, the firepower of the mortal auxiliary troops was also constantly shooting. The collision between technology and creatures was very strange.

Various human artillery shells, various heavy weapon firepower, as well as laser weapons and energy weapons collided with the chitinous carapace of the Zerg. This was originally an undoubted crushing. In fact, it was indeed the case. The mortal auxiliary army The weapons equipped can instantly penetrate the chitinous carapace of the Zerg, including those heavy units of the Zerg, and the mortal auxiliaries can also use heavy weapon firepower to destroy them.

But there are too many Zerg. When there are more enemies on the battlefield than the ammunition in your hands, it completely changes. Every mortal auxiliary army and the troops of the time travelers face overwhelming There is a sea of ​​billions of insects, and its quantity and quality are extremely terrifying. Even a fully equipped traverser corps will be submerged under the endless sea of ​​insects.

In the past few days, the number of resurrections of time travelers has been no less than 50 times. Facing the sea of ​​​​insects, the pressure on all units is very high. Only Wang Ming’s vanguard position is relatively good. Of course, this is in the entire world. Comparing the various battlefields, even though Wang Ming attracted a lot of firepower, there were still many sacrifices on the battlefield.

In this war, there are not many disabled people. The bugs are not chaos. There are many tactics or battle preparations. They are a group of pure beasts, and controlling them is just the will of the hive.

The golden flames around Wang Ming continued to burn, and each Tyranid creature was turned into ashes. Wang Ming roared and ran rampant in the sea of ​​​​insects. The savage power of the Primarch's body was very terrifying. For a moment, Wang Ming actually looked like Just like he had repelled a wave of insect sea attacks, Wang Ming was not going on a mindless rampage. After he discovered the node creatures, he would quickly kill them with a knife.

Just as Wang Ming was running rampant in the sea of ​​​​insects, an object like a meteor suddenly appeared above Wang Ming's head and fell straight into the sea of ​​​​insects.

As the object landed, an explosion directly tore up a large number of insects. As the fluctuations of the explosion disappeared, a burst of teleportation light appeared on the battlefield. Where the teleportation light shone, the insects fell down like wheat, as if Just like harvesters harvesting insects one after another, those "harvesters" kept approaching Wang Ming's position.

Wang Ming also saw those "harvesters". He looked at the harvester closest to him and slashed directly at him.

"Why are you here?"

"Eternal Life" stopped in mid-air. He looked at the golden-armored emperor envoy in front of him and asked him with a puzzled face, how did the imperial army come here?
"Your Highness, we have received your Majesty's order and are here to support you."

The Imperial Guard in front of Wang Ming said, and then casually killed a tyrant who was planning a sneak attack. After killing the alien, he said to Wang Ming in a calm tone, as if he had just killed a tiny insect.

"Emperor..., I understand, you go to the position over there to form a formation. This is the vanguard position to resist the Zerg invasion."

Wang Ming looked at the Forbidden Army in front of him and killed a tyrant. He said to the Forbidden Army that he now knew what those "harvesters" were. Those were the Forbidden Army that were killing aliens one by one. Although their killing speed was faster than Not as good as Wang Ming, but compared to the time travellers, it is simply not on the same level.


The Forbidden Army looked at Wang Ming and just replied to him. Then they quickly rushed to the position with the other Forbidden Army who had killed the insect swarm. After entering the position, they quickly formed a battle formation. Some of them held guard spears and shot at the sea of ​​insects. , some commanded the mortal auxiliary troops on the spot. Their command ability was extremely powerful. The firepower of the mortal auxiliary troops was exerted to its maximum effectiveness under their command. Although some forbidden troops would issue orders such as raising the muzzle of the gun by two centimeters, This order, which is extremely abnormal for mortals, will also be corrected in the words of other Custodes.

(End of this chapter)

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