Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 362 The fellow meets fellow

The meteor shower fell to the ground, just like Cole's heart sinking to the bottom of the valley, but Cole suddenly realized whether the airdrop pod was coming in his direction.

"The real grandma should buy a lottery ticket."

Cole looked at the meteor shower falling towards his manor. He cursed in his heart, and then returned to the manor to make some preparations. Cole still knew a lot about the magical species of canned food. There must be no lack of etiquette and pomp. Maybe the chapter leader has taken a liking to him and it is not impossible to support him to the position of planetary governor.

"It has landed and is ready to communicate with local humans. It should be using a low Gothic language. Pay attention to the adjustment of the translator."

Wang Ming was sitting in the airdrop cabin. He looked at Leman Russ, who was sitting opposite him and was a little away from the terrifying vibration of the cargo airdrop cabin, and issued orders to the airdropped traverser units.


After receiving Wang Ming's order, the various commanders of the time-travelers quickly replied to Wang Ming. After the battle of Koledo, the various units of the time-travelers have matured a lot. Yes, they are mature, veterans. They all have the same ruthlessness as the second regiment, and the new recruits have the same war experience and decisiveness as the veterans.

"Let's go, my brother, you shouldn't feel any discomfort from this level of orbital airdrop."

Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ. He smiled at his brother who had received the cargo airdrop and said that the cargo airdrop cabin did not make the original body feel any discomfort, but when it was airdropped, it was like sitting in a constantly shaking crater. .

"Are all humans in the Golden Age so powerful?"

Leman Russ unbuckled his safety buckle, and then walked out of the airdrop cabin with Wang Ming. He looked at the travelers around him who were unloading their equipment, and thought in confusion that this kind of airdrop cabin could only be used by Astartes. It can only be used if you have good physical fitness, and its vibration and lack of protective measures are simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

Leman Russ didn't know that this airdrop pod was actually used to transport armored vehicles and was not for humans at all. The seats on it were modified by time travelers.

Just when Wang Ming and Leman Russ walked out of the airdrop pod, a large smoke suddenly appeared outside the horizon. After the travelers saw the smoke, they quickly raised their bolt guns and aimed at that side. This was Kordo One of the sequelae of the battle is that now they will immediately become vigilant whenever there is any disturbance.

"lay down your weapon."

Wang Ming and Leman Russ looked at the smoke in the distance. They both saw clearly what was in the smoke. They were blue flags.

"No, are all Guilliman's men here?"

Wang Ming looked at a group of mortals riding horses and holding blue flags in front of him. Above those flags, there were upside-down U's. Wang Ming looked at these flags and thought in doubt.

These mortals were obviously here to greet them, and they felt like they were happy to welcome Master Wang. However, Wang Ming looked at the flags of the No. 13 Legion and found it strange. These things were obviously made on a temporary basis.

"What should I do? They are not Grandpa Lan's troops. Those two are obviously the original body. That one is Leman Russ. When did he return to the empire? There is something wrong with this timeline. Also, the one wearing golden power armor Who is it?"

Cole in the crowd was now very panicked. He looked at the two tall giants and the group of Astartes wearing silver power armor, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

"All great angels, welcome to this world. I am a local imperial noble. I learned of the arrival of all the angels, so I came here to greet you all."

Cole looked at the obviously confused Astartes in front of him and reacted immediately. After giving a signal to the knights, he immediately got off his horse and knelt down before Wang Ming and Leman Lu. In front of Si, he then performed an eagle salute that he had practiced all night, and said respectfully to the two Primarchs in front of him.

"Uh..., okay, what's your name, kid."

Wang Ming looked at the young man at his feet, then at the knights who were quickly changing the flags on the flagpole, and asked the young man in a strange tone. He really didn't understand what these local mortals wanted to do.

"My lord, my name is Cole von Hoggs. I am the second son of the von Hoggs family in the Northern Continent. I have been ordered by my father to welcome you all."

When Cole heard Wang Ming's question, he immediately pushed his father out. Anyway, he had told his father about the situation. With his father's old fox level, he should be able to solve the problem well.

"Well, Cole von Hoggs, good boy, stand up boy, can you take us to your father's territory now?"

Wang Ming looked at this young man. He clearly remembered that not many people in this world knew the true face of the empire. How did this lord know about the emperor's angel?This thing is a bit strange and must be investigated.

"Of course my lord, it is my pleasure."

When Cole heard Wang Ming's words, he immediately stood up from the ground, and then respectfully replied to Wang Ming. Although he kept moving, the Eagle Salute in his hand kept going. Wang Ming looked at him all the time. Walking like a sky eagle also feels very strange. Is this a strange custom in this world?

"Well, child, you can put down your hands. The Eagle Ceremony does not need to take such a long time."

Wang Ming looked at Cole's hands performing the Eagle Salute. He finally couldn't hold back and said to the young man.

"Ah..., yes, sir, this was an oversight on my part. I'm really sorry."

When Cole heard Wang Ming's words, he immediately put down his hands. He said to Wang Ming a little embarrassed, and then led the knights who changed into the Imperial Sky Eagle flag to lead the way for the time-travelers.

"Sir, I noticed that you are different from the other angels. You are taller. Are you the legendary Son of God?" Cole looked at Wang Ming, who was walking with him, and finally asked When this question came up, he believed that his question was absolutely reasonable. After all, most of the Primarchs were normal people. They would also listen to the words of mortals and were not the kind of Grand Astartes.

"Yes, kid, I am the leader of the Empire's No. 20 First Legion, the Imperial Protector Prince Ming, and that is the leader of the Empire's Sixth Legion, Wolf King Leman Russ."

Wang Ming looked at the young man next to him. He also felt that this guy was very interesting, so he answered to him in as gentle a tone as possible.

"Wang..., Wang Ming?! Sir, can you understand what I say?"

After Cole heard what Wang Ming said, he seemed to understand something. He looked at Wang Ming in shock and tentatively whispered something to Wang Ming in Chinese.

"What's wrong with this..., wait!"

At this moment, Wang Ming and the time travelers stopped, and they all looked at the young man. This suddenly frightened the young man. Imagine that a group of giants suddenly looked at you, No mortal would remain calm in such a situation.

"Are you... a time traveler?"

Wang Ming looked at the boy and said something in Chinese. This made Cole kneel on the ground again. He hugged Wang Ming's calf and cried bitterly.

"Your Excellency, the Emperor, we have finally found an organization. Big brother, the time-travelers need to save the time-travelers..."

Cole hugged Wang Ming's calf and began to talk nonstop. This suddenly made the surrounding travelers who were still on alert collectively relax. After doing it for a long time, it turned out that there was a fellow here. Then It's okay. The time-travelers all smiled when they looked at Cole. When they first time-traveled, they cried much worse than this guy.

"Don't cry, tell me what the world is like."

Wang Ming looked at Cole helplessly and picked him up. Looking at the crying fellow in front of him, he didn't feel much at all. He laughed to death. Most time travelers would cry bitterly after crossing over. Then he greeted the Four Gods and the Emperor crazily. Wang Ming was used to this kind of thing.

"Well, brother, I'm not very clear about this matter. You should know that we are in a feudal world. The technological level is barely up to World War I. I can't even understand the telegraph. We still rely on messengers and messengers to spread information. Woolen cloth."

After Cole was picked up by Wang Ming, he stopped crying. He looked at Wang Ming with an embarrassed face and told him some things about the world.

"Okay, let's go to your father's territory first. Your father must know more than you."

Wang Ming looked at this wild time traveler. This was not the first time he had encountered this kind of thing. It must have been a good deed by that certain sea creature. But why was this guy so kind this time? He was willing to let this fellow traveler to the imperial aristocracy. Yes, it's really strange. It doesn't fit with his old coin character.

"That's right, big brother, let's keep walking and I'll lead the way for you."

When Cole heard Wang Ming's words, he scratched his hair in embarrassment, and then happily led the way with the knights.

"Wang Ming, what did you just say? Is this also a kind of Low Gothic? You know this language."

Leman Russ was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Wang Ming and Cole said. He felt that their communication was very strange. How could this mortal cry in just a few words?Why did you start laughing again after a few more words?Wang Ming is not a psychic. This situation is indeed a bit strange.

"Well, Brother Six, this situation is a bit complicated. Let me make a long story short. This language is indeed a kind of Low Gothic. I happen to know this language. I just told this child something about the situation in his world, the feudal world. Well, you also know that Tian Yuan Di Di’s worldview has collapsed, and it’s normal to cry a little. I comforted him and told him to see what his world looks like, and he became happy again.”

Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ and immediately made up a white lie without blushing or heartbeat.

Leman Russ looked at Wang Ming, thought for a while, and nodded to accept the statement. Although he still felt that there was something wrong between Wang Ming and the child, he had no evidence. He knew Wang Ming's loyalty. But there are actually a lot of little secrets about it. The fleet in the Golden Age secretly uses artificial intelligence, the aliens on the ship, and the humans in the Golden Age...

They use it without hesitation. Of course, it may be because the entire fleet is one of their own. There is a saying that goes well, the referees and the audience are all my people, so why are you fighting with me? This is the case for the time traveler fleet. Needless to say, the mortal auxiliary troops all enjoy the technological products of the golden age. If they are injured, they can be replaced with prosthetics, and if they are poisoned, they can use gene repair surgery.

And what about the stunned Mechanicus?Just kidding, the traverser fleet is their paradise. There is no dogmatic scientific and technological research, but these are all completed under the supervision of the First Engineer Company. It can be said that the entire fleet is bound together by Wang Ming and the traversers. Mortals The Auxiliary Army believes in Wang Ming, and the Mechanicus has been mastered by the First Engineer Company for core technological research. As for those canned people from the Great Expedition era, it’s a joke, they have seen a lot of things, so what do these things mean? Woolen cloth?Some of them have even met the Emperor. In short, they are all grasshoppers in the same boat.

"Well, brother, can you give my troops some weapons? This world is invaded by Chaos things. The weapons my troops want are all World War I weapons. They don't even have tanks."

Cole looked at Wang Ming beside him, and suddenly told him about weapons supplies. He hoped that Wang Ming could give his troops some weapons. After all, the world was being invaded by chaos gadgets, and his troops didn't have much at all. With weapons and equipment that come into contact with the Chaos Space Marines, he must fight for everything to protect his wife and children.

"Kind of. Did you see the things on those armored vehicles? Those are a lot of weapons and equipment for mortals. By the way, Cole, how long have you been traveling through time? If you want to become a Space Marine, I can let you garrison this world."

When Wang Ming heard Cole's question, he looked at this fellow with a smile. He had previously thought about how to guard this world, but now he was dozing off and sent a pillow. It would be perfect to have a wild time traveler to guard this world. .

"Thank you, Brother Wang Ming, but becoming a Space Marine, well... the mortality rate is too high. I still have a wife and children. I don't want to die on the operating table, hahaha."

Cole smiled and replied to Wang Ming that he actually wanted to become a Space Marine, but that was the mortality rate during surgery... He didn't think his body and will could withstand the accident during surgery, and he also With a wife and an unborn child, it was naturally impossible to risk becoming an Astartes. Being a demigod was wonderful, but he still cared more about his current life.

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