Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 384 Military Parade and Speech

Chapter 384 Military Parade and Speech

"Is this the earth of this era..."

Zhou Heng looked at the crowd cheering for them. He felt as if he was in another world for a moment. This kind of scene seemed to appear in a medieval-themed movie, which made soldiers in this federal era feel very strange.

"This is human beings now, how do you feel?"

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng. He arranged his power armor. Many ancient Chinese-style decorations were added to this golden power armor. This was Wang Ming's ceremonial armor and had been made before. , but Wang Ming was not willing to use his favorite power armor because of its consumable use.

"Just like those people in the Middle Ages who only had faith..."

Zhou Heng was silent for a while, and then said to Wang Ming. There was a sense of sadness in his words. He thought of the earth in the era of the human federation, the prosperous nest city full of technology and the city forcibly protected by various technologies. In the ecological environment that came down, there were still many native creatures on the earth at that time. He still remembered his past when he was on earth.

Beautiful natural scenery and various technologically advanced hives are all over the world. People can sit on the beach and watch the sun sink into the sea in the distance. They do not worry about their own life problems. As the mother planet of mankind, back then Earth's personal welfare benefits are extremely good, and its ability to live on Earth proves its identity. It is either a local or a wealthy alien who has settled there. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and their happiness index is very high compared to other worlds. .

But now on Earth, the ocean has turned into a basin, and the large residential cities that the Federation originally built with a lot of manpower and material resources have turned into dirty and messy places. For Zhou Heng, this is a huge tragedy.

"There is no way, human beings always need a hope, no matter what era. Faith cannot save human beings, but it can make human beings stable, even if the method of stability is not satisfactory."

Wang Ming looked at the sad Zhou Heng and said to him helplessly, faith is the most important in this era. No matter what, you must strengthen your faith in the Lord of Humanity, otherwise those evil gods may find you.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's take a good look at the military parade. I have also arranged a performance for you. Get ready."

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng who was a little depressed. He patted Zhou Heng on the shoulder and walked to the military parade. He and Leman Russ had to attend the military parade. This was the best way to give the people of Terra a sense of security.

The parade ground was prepared very quickly. The law enforcers quickly separated the crowds on the street. As the crowds on the street were separated, there was a burst of neat footsteps on the huge street. People looked towards the footsteps. In the direction, there were clearly rows of neat formations of mortal auxiliary troops. They marched neatly in the goose steps taught to them by Kassatos, and walked slowly on the street. People looked at this neat army, They cheered fiercely. They knew who these people were. Their armors all bore the logo of the No. 20 First Legion. This was the mortal auxiliary army of the No. 20 First Legion.

Their footsteps were uniform, and the footsteps of 10 people merged into one sound. This sound was shocking enough, and their uniform footsteps even drowned out the cheers of the people.

The infantry phalanx quickly walked through the streets, and behind them were huge armored vehicles, various tanks of the Leman Russ series, super-heavy tanks, and those human federal armored units from the federal era. , these steel behemoths made people cheer louder and louder, and people looked excitedly at the armored power of these empires.

In the martial empire of mankind, these steel behemoths are the ones where people can feel the most secure. After those steel behemoths, there are the star travelers who form a phalanx and move forward. Their silver power armor with gold edges is used in various ways. The light shone brightly under the reflection of the light. People looked at these emperor's angels and praised the god's angels. Some excited state religion believers almost fainted from excitement.

When Wang Ming and Leman Russ appeared in the middle of the team, the state religion believers finally fainted. They were too excited. They saw with their own eyes the walking son of the God Emperor in the most sacred palace area of ​​Terra. How sacred and glorious this is in this world.

The reporters looked at the parade ground with enthusiasm. The data tablets in their hands were almost knocked away by them. Some fanatical reporters had even set up drawing boards and began to draw quickly.

Behind Wang Ming are various armored vehicles of the Astartes Legion, and after that are the knights and titans of the empire. There is no space problem for the knights walking on the street. This huge street was originally designed for The parade was established, but the Titans could not do it. Only one Titan participated in the parade, which was a huge predator-class Titan. People looked at the machine of God, and the members of the Mechanicum in the crowd began to praise Ommi. Saiyan's greatness.

After the Titans passed by, the Dreadnoughts of the No. 20 First Legion also appeared. There are many of these Dreadnoughts, most of them are cast iron Dreadnoughts, and there are some other Dreadnoughts. These Dreadnoughts are all used for military parades. After all, they are so big. It’s unreasonable to say that all the legion’s Dreadnoughts are useless, but there is a special existence among these Dreadnoughts, which is a Leviathan Dreadnought. The driver of it is Wu Xuan. This guy has started to live again. Other time travels Everyone has entered a more "comfortable" fearless state, but this guy went the opposite way and entered Leviathan.

People praised these "veterans" who fought for the empire. Even the Imperial Fists who paraded with the travelers lamented that there were so many ancient and sacred warriors in the star traveler army, but in fact they were not You know, these fears are all for the time-travelers on the spot.

"Loyal people of the Empire."

Wang Ming looked at the cheering people. He suddenly raised one of his hands. In an instant, everyone stopped cheering. They looked at Wang Ming piously, looking forward to the great words of the Primarch.

"Loyal people of the empire, I know that you all feel uneasy after the war in the palace area."

Wang Ming's words directly pointed out the theme of the matter. People looked at Wang Ming. They were suddenly shocked when they heard Wang Ming's words. The high lords who were watching the military parade were also nervous. They were afraid that Wang Ming's words would It aroused people's fear again. Although this matter has been suppressed, the empire has paid a lot, and they don't want another riot like the one before. "Don't say that you don't feel this way. I know that you are worried that the most sacred world of mankind will be attacked by heretics again, but so what? You should have seen at that time that those monsters are not immortal, they will also Killed, this is Terra, the home planet of mankind, if the next war comes here, are you willing to let Terra be attacked?"

Wang Ming looked at the civilians. He could clearly see the fear on their faces. He knew that it was his words that inspired their memories of that war. What he wanted was this effect. The people who are still alive on Terra are all humans without any problems. The gene stealers and the Chaos Cult were already almost extinct under the cleanup by the time-travelers. There will be follow-up cleanup by the Ministry of Justice and the Inquisitors. He does not need it. Worry about people's beliefs.

"But...but sir, we are not soldiers, we are not demigods, we are mortals, we cannot fight those monsters, we cannot defeat them."

Just after Wang Ming finished speaking, a girl with golden hair suddenly walked up to the crowd. She looked into Wang Ming's golden eyes and used her 3 years of superb acting skills to tremble like an ordinary mortal girl. He said to Wang Ming majestically.

Wang Ming looked at the girl, and he smiled faintly. He knew this girl. This was Edwin who had arranged the mission for him. There was not much hope for her to fight, but after all, she carried out this kind of mission. It's still very simple.

"No, child, things are not what you think. You can kill those monsters with knives, guns, and your own lives. When the great rift unfolded, my father protected each of you, and you are now You should also protect Him. You are not a burden to the empire, but a human being. Every human being has the ability and obligation to protect Terra. You are willing to hide in a dark corner and watch those monsters kill human warriors. , and then kill you?"

Wang Ming looked at Adwei. He walked up to her. Looking at Adwei, who was playing the role of a delicate girl and almost softened in front of the primarch's trembling legs, Wang Ming said this to her. The words were not loud, but they were captured by the pickup on Wang Ming's neck. The entire Terra, and the humans who were paying attention to the military parade, could hear his words.

"Not willing! How could I be willing to let those monsters walk in the most sacred place of mankind! I will fight! No matter where they appear! They will die! I will kill them!"

At this moment, a man in the crowd suddenly waved his arm and shouted loudly to Wang Ming. Wang Ming did not know this man. This was not the person he arranged, but an ordinary civilian of the empire. There is a little girl sitting on his shoulder, who should be his daughter.

What Wang Ming didn't know was that he actually had a son, but after the Second Terra War broke out, both his son and his wife died in the hands of cultists, and their bodies were also used by those cultists. They picked up the sacrifice. In order to protect his daughter, he could do nothing. He could only hide in a ransacked house and cover the mouth of his daughter who wanted to cry. He just looked at his daughter. His son and wife died at the hands of cultists.

He had a gun in his hand at that time, but he did not go out to save his son and wife. On the one hand, it was because of his daughter, and on the other hand, because he did not have the courage to fight at that time. You know, there were only two cultists at that time, and the two were A severely malnourished bottom-hive trash armed with nothing but a tattered machete.

He later regretted and wanted to commit suicide, but when he saw his daughter who had not yet grown up, he gave up the idea more than once. Today, Wang Ming's words stimulated him.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Kill those monsters and heretics! We must protect Terra! Protect the God-Emperor!"

People's emotions were instantly aroused by this man. They shouted loudly that the empire did not ban guns. Almost everyone in the hive city would get themselves a gun for self-defense. Even if they were a group of stragglers, they would be in the war. If you resist, you may be able to survive until you are saved by the imperial troops. At least this is better than being massacred. In war, everyone's life is fragile. The imperial army cannot protect everyone. People must survive for themselves. And fight.

"For the God-Emperor! Fight! You will become heroes who protect the God-Emperor!"

Wang Ming looked at those people and yelled at them. Although this method would allow the civilians to directly fight the demons and cultists, in this desperate universe, only in this way can they survive longer. Resistance and being massacred are two different meanings. Instead of being used as a sacrifice and killed by cultists, it is better to make those who want to kill you pay the price before you die.

Wang Ming's words made the crowd excited, and the high lords also breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that they were afraid that something would happen to the Primarch, which would make them deal with more things. You must know that most of the high lords Lords are usually exhausted.

After the speech, the military parade was still going on. A large number of troops were inspected, and aircraft of various types also flew over the parade ground. The entire human race on Terra finally got rid of that sense of uneasiness. They now know, It turns out that they can protect the God-Emperor and Terra. The God-Emperor protected them when the Great Rift opened, but now they must also use their lives to protect the God-Emperor.

As a cruiser was moored in the sky above the parade ground, the crowd's emotions reached its peak. They looked at the giant ship in the sky and felt the power of the No. 20 Legion. They believed that this legion could protect the empire. , can protect humans and Terra. Terra's uneasiness has finally been alleviated, and people have the courage to fight the enemy, because they know that they are on the home planet of humanity, and they have no way out.

"Behind us is the God-Emperor, and beneath our feet is Terra. Everything about us is here, and everything about humanity is here. We must protect him."

This is the most common sentence spoken by the preachers of Terra now. At the same time, the First Engineer Regiment of the Travelers has also gone to various places in Terra. They need to work with the Imperial Fist to strengthen Terra's defense.

Wang Ming and Leman Russ also went to the throne room of the palace. They needed to meet their father. It is worth mentioning that Leman Russ went to meet his children, and Bjorn finally saw his father's face. return.

(End of this chapter)

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