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Chapter 386 They are like eagles 1

The remnants of the Human Federation have never forgotten their identity, and they also remember the pain of the Iron Man Rebellion. They initially thought they were the legacy of the Iron Man Rebellion era, but the oldest genetic enhancer told them that these things were not the creation of the Federation. Rather, it was a kind of alien. These things attacked very quickly. Almost as soon as they appeared, a city with a population of [-] million fell.

The troops in this world did not react at all to this sudden war. What is even more incomprehensible to humans is that a strange force field appeared in the world. After some people were affected by the force field, they were like Like losing their souls, even psykers can no longer use their psionic powers.

A large number of troops have been put into the war. There are still a lot of technologies from the Federation era in this world. The sound of shooting of energy weapons comes one after another. All kinds of weapons are taken out of the warehouse. They even have one. Although the high artificial intelligence in the Iron Man Army has been eliminated, its combat effectiveness is still very terrifying.

With the assistance of low artificial intelligence, these Iron Man troops also followed the human troops to fight against the aliens. People chanted the name of the Federation and humanity. They were just like the original soldiers, fighting another Iron Man rebellion. Very similar to war.

"The general offensive cannot be launched at all. We do not have enough artillery support. If the airborne troops jump like this, they will definitely die."

"Then what should we do? Just watch [-] million people being slaughtered by those aliens?"

"This is no longer the problem. It is that we simply cannot provide adequate artillery support. In this case, no matter what we do, the sacrifice will be in vain."

In the human command headquarters in the earth world, several commanders were discussing the issue of population evacuation from a city. The aliens had surrounded that city. There was only one airborne division that could support that city, but the airborne troops only had some light equipment. , without sufficient artillery support, they would not be able to open a breakthrough for civilians to evacuate.

"There is artillery support."

At this moment, an officer with the rank of colonel looked at the commanders and said suddenly. His words made the commanders look at him.

"Everyone, my grandfather once told me about a battle on ancient Earth. At that time, a great army used extremely backward weapons to win a war with a huge gap in strength. I think we can also learn from them. We are completely You can use those metal tubes to make a large number of simple artillery, no matter how powerful it is, as long as the number increases, the effect achieved will still be very good."

The officer looked at the commanders in front of him. He was not timid or uncomfortable. He calmly expressed his thoughts to them, and then handed them a document, which was the tactics he had drawn up in advance.

"This..., this is impossible. Theoretically, the steel pipe cannot withstand the launch of the artillery shell. It cannot be fired at all."

A commander looked at the information in his hand. He still felt that it was impossible. He did not think that the steel pipe could withstand the huge force of the cannonball when it flew out.

"This is not a problem. We can use high-quality steel to make it. The materials do not need to be specially processed. The pneumatic drainage pipes in the city can be used. It is really interesting. This is a good plan."

A commander who was a technical officer refuted the commander's statement. Their engineering troops could easily handle this level of transformation.

"That's it. Do you have any other ideas? Comrade Colonel, you have done a great job."

The commander-in-chief looked at the other commanders. He nodded to the commander who was a technical officer, and then looked at the colonel and saluted.

"For the Federation and humanity!"

The colonel officer also returned the salute, and the plan was finalized. In fact, they didn't have much planning time, because according to the news from the security forces in the city, the aliens had already started siege operations.

"Comrades, the time has come when the Federation and the people need us. From this battle, after calculation, we have no chance of coming back alive, but our sacrifice will give [-] million people a chance to evacuate. We are just like our ancestors , fire towards the darkness and unknown, now, jump down, like an eagle spreading its wings, we will let the aliens know that this world belongs to humans and the Federation, for the Federation! For humanity!"

On the transport ship in the atmosphere, the commander of the airborne division was talking to the airborne troops about pre-war mobilization. In fact, even if the division commander didn't say anything, the airborne troops knew about it. They knew their tasks and responsibilities.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

A large amount of artillery fire continued to hit the ground. In a short period of time, the federal troops fired out [-] artillery shells. These artillery shells were poured into the predetermined evacuation areas. Although these artillery shells did not How accurate it is, but it can't stand up to the large number. These heartless cannons focus their firepower on the same area desperately, which causes a lot of trouble to the undead. Almost all the undead in this area are cleared by these hand-rubbed cannonballs. , and soldiers from the airborne troops also appeared in the sky.

The jetpacks behind them slowed down their landing. Under the red light of the falling star, each of them was like an eagle with spread wings. They would spread their lives on this land for the sake of the people and the Federation. Above, knowing that they would surely die, knowing that their chance to evacuate civilians might fail, they still pressed forward. After landing, the flag of the federal airborne troops was raised by the airborne troops. They are federal troops and the warriors of mankind among the stars. , the humans they protect, behind them is the powerful human federation, they will not surrender to the aliens, even if they shed the last drop of blood, even if they break the last saber.

The majestic military song sounded, guiding the way for civilians to evacuate. The [-] federal soldiers of the airborne troops will escort them and allow them to evacuate as safely as possible. The soldiers on the paratrooper tanks watched Following the civilian evacuation team, they constantly patrolled all locations in sight, watching out for possible alien troops. Other soldiers worked with the security forces to manage the civilian evacuation team. "Pap..."

At this moment, a bag of candy suddenly fell from the paratrooper tank and landed accurately in the hands of a child. It was a gift thrown by a soldier to a child. Other soldiers also did the same. As they watched Since they are about to die, these things are of little use to them. It is better to give them to those children. Food and medicine are always the most needed things for human beings.

A peaceful evacuation was impossible. When the first energy rifle shot sounded, their lives began to count down. They could only use their own lives to give civilians time to evacuate. They used enough transportation vehicles. There are also many transport ships. What they lack is time. In three days, artillery support has cleared a group of enemies for them. The second wave of artillery support will not arrive until one day later. They can only use their own blood and guns in their hands to fight for the enemy. Buy time for the people you want to protect.

Every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood, they turned themselves into time, and turned themselves into walls to protect the people. As long as all the aliens did not kill them all, they would not be able to get close to the evacuation team. This is how it is. The alien race cannot give humans a chance to survive. Maybe, all the rights to survive are fought for by oneself. There is no safe place in the galaxy, and everything is a threat to mankind.

The sound of energy rifle shooting and heavy weapon fire kept coming. When people listened to these sounds, they felt fear and sadness in their hearts. They knew that these airborne troops fought to the death for them. The Human Federation did not abandon civilian soldiers. , they come from the people, and they must use everything they have to protect the people. This reason is very simple. Everyone knows it, and they all know what to do.

On the battle front, glory bombs were fired more than once. Every time they were fired, a federal hero used his own life to destroy a piece of enemy heavy equipment. As airborne troops, they did not have many heavy weapons. Only this method can be used to destroy those alien monsters. The volleys of energy rifles formed a tragic song called death on the battlefield. This song is given by humans to aliens, and it is also given by humans to themselves.

Three days were a long time. There were [-] paratroopers. When the civilian evacuation was finally completed, not even a platoon could be gathered together. During the three days, the aliens broke through the defense line more than once and rushed towards the civilian evacuation. team, and whenever this happens, countless soldiers will rush forward, and they use their lives to protect the people in the evacuation team.


A soldier knelt on the ground. He picked up a piece of soil under his feet and held it in his arms in pain. These were his comrades. They didn't even have a complete body left. Their lives were integrated into this land. , they also completed their mission. Under the sunset, each soldier held his own weapon and silently saluted the ground in front of him. There was sadness in their hearts, but they did not have any regrets. Their sacrifice made 9000 million people civilians evacuated.

"Among the vast sea of ​​people, which one am I..."

The song sung from the mouth of the first person, followed by the second person, and then everyone sang. When they reached the moment when they sang The Motherland Will Not Forget Me, everyone's eyes contained tears, yes, just Just like in the song, the motherland will never forget them, and mankind will never forget all the heroes who fought for mankind.

Under the setting sun, they sang the songs of mankind. In the past ten thousand years, countless warriors of mankind have fought and died against the stars. They may have different purposes, but there is always only one theme, which is to protect mankind and their own world. Aliens and The evil gods of subspace will not let them back down, because they know that they have no way to retreat, with the people behind them and their home beneath their feet. They have only one choice, and that is to protect mankind and their own world.

At the Mandeville Point of the Earth Galaxy, a huge fleet sailed out of the subspace. At the same time, various carrier-based aircraft also flew out of the fleet. For a galaxy with very little information, this kind of exploration is extremely necessary. .

"Wang Ming, I feel a little uncomfortable..."

In the command room of the Sun Fortress, Edwin suddenly covered her head and knelt on the ground. She felt as if she had gone blind instantly. The psychic energy that she used to use like her arms suddenly disappeared at this moment, which made all the psychics feel... It feels very uncomfortable.

"Hmm..., the feeling of exorcizing the dead realm..."

Wang Ming also felt a little uncomfortable feeling, very slight, but with the perception of the original gene, he could clearly feel it. He raised a hand, and the golden flame appeared in his hand instantly. His subspace essence was not disturbed. , just like in the previous battle with the World Engine, he can still use his subspace essence.

Wang Ming was already sure that their sailing direction was correct. They had arrived at their destination, the galaxy where the world called Earth was located.

The fleet quickly headed to that world. The earthly world was an Earth-like planet, and it was not difficult to find it. The fleet quickly arrived on the planet, and at the same time, a communication request also arrived in the fleet. It was the communication of humans on the world.

The humans on the ground were very happy today. They finally waited for the federal army. An old man looked at the fleet in the sky. He immediately knelt on the ground and howled. He was a genetic enhancer and he had survived. It has been 2 years, and he has seen the glory of the former Federation. He knows those battleships, which are the main fleet of the Federation. The Federation has finally arrived, and the Federation has not forgotten them.

People hugged each other and cried. They cried to the fleet in the sky about the difficult history of this world and about ten thousand years of waiting. They never gave up. During the Iron Man rebellion, they fought against the rebel artificial intelligence and lost contact with the Federation. , they also tried their best to maintain the federal government. They are always loyal to mankind and to the federation. Today, their loyalty has finally been responded to.

As the huge airdrop pods fell one after another, people cheered even more enthusiastically. This was the federal cargo airdrop pod. The federation must be dropping supplies for them. But when they came to the cargo airdrop pod, they watched slowly. When the cargo airdrop pod was opened, they were all stunned. It was not rescue supplies, but neat groups of giants. They looked at the civilians and did not say anything, but put boxes of various items. It was unloaded from the airdrop pod, and when a giant walked in front of a local soldier holding a box, people finally moved.

The soldier opened the box and saw bags of emergency food neatly placed inside. The words on the food made people burst into cheers again. "Federal Emergency Supplies" was printed in Chinese on it.

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