Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 404 The war begins and the middle nest is breached

Chapter 404 The war begins and the middle nest is breached
In the void of the universe, a fleet is quickly heading to the galaxy ahead. This fleet is not a fleet of any civilization. It is a group of creatures. Twisted tentacles and terrifying mouths are twisting on these ships. This is A group of living creatures.

The biological fleet quickly entered the galaxy. They had learned that there was a world full of life in this galaxy. They were hungry and wanted to devour this world to relieve their hunger.


In the Thackeray galaxy, a cruiser saw the Zerg fleet through the space telescope. As the Zerg fleet approached, various communication systems in the galaxy were being interfered with, because now the communications of the entire galaxy began to be blocked by the Solar Fortress. quantum communication system takes over.

"Get ready and try to solve them in the void."

On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the intelligence that had just been sent. He silently sat up from the command seat and walked to the airdrop deck. The war finally began. The fleet began to quickly move to the combat position, and the Zerg fleet also began to enter the galaxy. The first thing that greeted the swarm fleet was various satellite forts. In an instant, the area where the Tyranid fleet entered the galaxy was like a star suddenly appearing. The entire galaxy could observe the battle here. The Tyranid fleet entered A large number of biological ships were vaporized.

However, the Tyranid fleet also launched its own counterattack. Countless forts were destroyed by the Tyranid fleet, but these aliens could not obtain the metal of these forts. The forts would self-destruct immediately after being attacked, and the molten light would make everything harmful to the Tyranids. Destroy things that are beneficial to the Zerg.

The Tyran fleet also discovered these, but they did not escape. After all, if they had suffered losses and did not replenish biomass, they would really starve to death. They could only continue to move towards the world of Thackeray, but the Tyranids The Tyran fleet still has countermeasures. A large number of Tyranid creatures are released by the Tyranid ships, and they wrap around the advancing Tyranid fleet. These Tyranid creatures can defend the fleet from the attacks of satellite turrets and void torpedo nets.

Wang Ming actually does not expect these things to be able to withstand the Tyranid fleet. The purpose of these things is only to consume the biomass of the Tyranid fleet. The real main force is still the fleet and the Astartes forces. The fleet will stay as much as possible Most of the Tyranid fleets, if the Tyranid fleet breaks through the fleet's defenses and comes to the world of Thackeray, then the orbital defense system of this world can also consume another wave of their biomass and land on Thackeray. The Tyranids in the world will be wiped out, and ground troops can easily dispatch them.

The Tyranid fleet finally broke through the galaxy defense network after spending a lot of biomass. They were eager to go to the world of Thackeray, but at this moment, the Imperial fleet blocked the way, and the salvo of light spears made the Tyranid fleet Feeling the terror of mankind, the light that shone brighter than the stars swallowed up a large number of Tyranid fleets.

However, the Tyranid fleet can no longer control the human fleet. They can only move towards the world of Thackeray at their fastest speed. They do not have so much biomass to consume.

The outer Tyranid biological ships began to approach the inner Tyranid biological ships. They transferred a large amount of their biomass to those biological ships. I have to say that this tactic was very smart. They abandoned the army to save the commander, and those peripheral creatures The ship resists attacks for the biological ships inside, and then gives its own biomass to the biological ships inside, so as to maximize the ability of these biological ships to devour the world after arriving at the location.

But will the fleet give them a chance?This is impossible. The entire fleet fires a salvo of energy weapons. As for why live ammunition weapons are not used, it is because live ammunition weapons will contain a certain amount of metal. Wang Ming does not want even a small amount of resources to be obtained by these Tyranid fleets.

After the Tyranid fleet lost most of its fleet, they finally arrived over the world of Thackeray. To be honest, if the Hive Mind could speak, it would probably curse Wang Ming. It has never seen such tactics before. It is completely aimed at it. The core of the entire tactic is not to destroy the Tyranid fleet, but to consume their biomass. Those satellite turrets and void torpedoes are completely consumables, and those fleets will not even get close to the Tyranid fleet.

The Tyranid fleet finally arrived at the sky above the world after all the hard work. It was in a hurry. In an instant, it frantically created a large number of Tyranid creatures and airdropped them towards the ground. At the same time, Wang Ming watched as they began to gradually turn yellow. He showed a strange smile in the sky, enjoy the gift that humans have given you.

The orbital defense system of the entire world was activated instantly, and a large number of light spears flew out from the hive. A large number of Tyranid spore sacs in the sky that landed on the ground were turned into steam by the light spears. The Hive Mind was confused. What was going on? Ah, how strong is the defense in this world?
Even so, the Zerg has no way out. It can only continue to create Tyranid biological airdrop pods and throw them towards the ground. This is a battle with the defensive firepower of the ground. No matter how many biological airdrop pods the Tyranid Zerg biological ship releases, they will be defeated. was evaporated, but the Tyranid fleet could not stop this process, because it could only rely on the population of this world to replenish its biomass.

The biological airdrop pods continued to fall, and the orbital defense firepower continued to fly into the sky. Finally, the Zerg fleet could not bear it anymore. It could not tolerate this waste of biomass, and the biological ships directly entered the atmosphere. These huge The biological ship renders the planet's orbital defense firepower useless.

They just landed on the planet despite the orbital defense firepower. The landing position of the biological ship was not far outside the hive. This was also an action taken by the hive mind to quickly replenish biomass. After landing, the biological ship They immediately decomposed their own biomass and began to create various Tyranids. Countless warrior bugs quickly appeared in the wilderness. They quickly harvested all the plants and animals in the wilderness that could be converted into biomass. , they did not let go of some small creatures, and they dug out everything that had been dug three feet into the ground.

After collecting all the surrounding biomass, they began to attack the hive. At the same time, the hive also poured out its firepower towards the insect swarm. After the fixed-point light spear was flattened, it launched an attack on the insect swarm. The effect was not the same. It’s not very good. It has the same effect as Colado. There are just too many bugs. However, this time it has a certain advantage over Colado. After all, the sustainability of the Zerg is definitely not as good as Colado’s. They have already lost a lot of them. Biomass and the forces of the Hive Mind are effective in this world, and the time travelers only need to continue to consume them.

The light spears cleaned up the large army of Zerg, and those small troops were handed over to the traversers. The traversers of the first and second regiments tied up with heat and went to the battlefield. They looked at the insects in front of them. Everyone showed excitement. For them, facing the Tyranids was revenge. These bugs owed them a blood debt when they were in Koledo.

"Prepare for gunfire coverage!"

On the artillery position at the gate of the nest city, the artillerymen of the Mortal Auxiliary Army were constantly busy. A molten shell was loaded into the basilisk. With the roar of the artillery regiment commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, it represented the emperor's victory. The emperor's angry cannon fire flew towards the swarm of insects in the distance.This is also the response plan Wang Ming formulated for the Zerg after the Battle of Koledo. The best attack against the Zerg swarm is artillery fire, and the super melt artillery shells developed by the First Engineer Regiment can make the bugs feel the human artillery fire very well. Covering the power, these shells are modified from shells that can be used by Basilisk. There is no need to worry about firepower consumption. Sun Fortress can supply such shells in large quantities, even if it is used to fight all the artillery regiments of the mortal auxiliary army for a whole year. I can’t even finish it.

As the little suns rose above the horizon, the number of Zerg troops was quickly reduced. The impact points of these shells were at the rear or center of the Zerg swarm, because there were traversers in front of the Zerg swarm holding up the front.

The ground tactics formulated by Wang Ming were very simple. The time travelers formed a front to resist the impact of the insect swarm, and then let the artillery and hive firepower continuously consume the insect swarm. The main focus was a war of attrition, because it was almost impossible to eliminate the insect swarm head-on. Yes, all the tactics used to actively attack the insect swarm are to send biomass to the insect swarm, even if it can behead the node creatures. This is the main tentacle of a Tyranids, and their war units are very many, even if Wang Ming didn't dare to attack the insect swarm directly. If he was not careful, he would get into the way of the insects.

"Lord Protector, frontline battle report, the number of insect swarms has been lost by 20.00%."

In the war headquarters in the hive city, a soldier walked up to Wang Ming. After he performed an eagle salute to Wang Ming, he reported to Wang Ming the situation on the front line. The situation on the front line now looks very good. The insect swarm The quantity is effectively consumed.

"Things will not be simple. Inform the frontline troops and let the 20rd, [-]th, and [-]th regiments, as well as the five artillery regiments and an air defense regiment of the Terra Front of the Mortal Auxiliary Army go up, and then let the No. [-] [-]th Aviation Regiment prepare for the battle. Be prepared, the Hive Mind is not a fool, our enemy is smart."

Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection sand table in front of him. After thinking for a second, he said to the soldiers that he had already thought of a way for the Hive Mind to attack the defense line. It should be to break through from the sky. After all, Judging from the current situation, the battle situation on the ground has been fixed. The insect swarm cannot break through the defense network of the hive city, and the only weak point of defense is the sky.

Ground attacks can disperse the anti-aircraft firepower of the hive city, and the Hive Mind can use the dispersed firepower to allow a large number of aerial Tyranid units to find ways to enter the hive city from the sky. As long as they can enter the hive city, they can find a way to escape from the hive city. Disintegrate the defense of the hive city internally, and then cooperate with the insect swarms on the ground to break through the defense of the hive city.

The development of the matter was exactly as Wang Ming thought. At the same time as Wang Ming mobilized his troops, Tyranid air units also appeared on the battlefield. Huge Tyranid air units that had never been seen before roared in the air, and they brought A large number of gargoyles attacked the air defense network of the hive city.

The anti-aircraft firepower instantly discovered these Zerg aerial units, and all kinds of mobilizable anti-aircraft firepower quickly launched attacks on these Tyranid aerial units, but this had no effect, because the Tyranid aerial unit had never been seen before. It is so big that it can swallow a hive supply ship, and its chitin armor is also very thick. Even a light spear cannot kill this monster in an instant. It is really It's too big.

It roared and broke through the anti-aircraft firepower of the hive city, and rushed into the hive city with the gargoyles who survived the anti-aircraft firepower. Everyone on the position saw this scene, and they looked at the hive city in horror. The middle nest position was knocked open by the monster, and countless metal fragments flew in the air, while the monster was working hard to drill into the nest.

"Don't be stunned, keep fighting, the adults and our comrades will ensure the safety of the hive, and we need to complete our mission!!"

At this moment, the political commissars of the artillery regiment rushed into the middle of the soldiers. They yelled at the stunned soldiers, successfully drawing their attention back to the battlefield.

With the solid military morale of the political commissars of each regiment and the company, the entire front began to operate quickly, and Wang Ming also received the news immediately. He had already expected this incident, but he did not expect that it would turn out like this. It happened soon, and there were also Titan-level air units that had never been seen before among the Tyranids. This was something Wang Ming did not expect.

He expected that the Zerg would use a large number of air units to break through the hive. Unexpectedly, it actually used a Titan-level Tyranid creature to directly break through the hive's aerial defense. These bugs are always evolving, and they will adapt to everything. In a war situation, this is something even the time travelers cannot do.

"The Eighth Regiment of the Terra Front in the Middle Nest, which is currently able to respond quickly, let them get to their position as soon as possible. The Sixth Regiment will soon provide support."

Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection sand table of the hive city. He stared at the breached mid-hive area, and then issued an order. Most of the defense inside the hive city was taken care of by the mortal auxiliary army, and now the Tyranids To break through the defense of the Middle Nest, the only one who can respond quickly is a mortal auxiliary legion.

"Boys, the time has come for the Lord Protector to test us. Those damn aliens have broken through our defenses. We now need to let them know the price of breaking through the human defenses. In the name of our Star Liberator Corps, for the empire, for Humans, burn the aliens!!”

On the position of the Eighth Regiment of the Mortal Auxiliary Army Terra Front, the regiment commander and the regiment political commissar were delivering combat mobilization speeches to the soldiers. Their words made the soldiers muster up their energy and prepare to deal with the next alien troops. Mortals The auxiliary army has never had a morale problem, and it is the same when facing the Tyranids. They have all fought in the Battle of Koledo. Facing the Zerg who caused heavy losses to their comrades in Koledo, they all want to fight for their comrades. Revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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