Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 406: The Cursed Legion

Chapter 406: The Cursed Legion
The golden flames burned the earth. On the ground around Wang Ming, the golden flames had entered the ground and burned into glass. Wang Ming looked at the sea of ​​​​insects in front of him. He gritted his teeth slightly. He had already absorbed all his subspace essence. To be honest, the feeling of fully opening the subspace essence made Wang Ming very uncomfortable. His physical strength was being consumed crazily, but his spirit was very clear.

He felt that there were countless humans standing beside him. They stood beside Wang Ming and fought alongside Wang Ming with various weapons. They shouted their human names and charged towards the aliens together with Wang Ming.

But only Wang Ming could feel this scene. Thousands of soldiers were surrounding Wang Ming. They all smiled when they looked at Wang Ming, who represented them.

The golden flames burned the Tyranid creatures. Wang Ming looked at the endless sea of ​​insects. The golden flames around him suddenly jumped. Countless people appeared in the golden flames, and they turned into silhouettes made of golden flames. A huge mass of them killed the insect sea.

Wang Ming walked step by step towards the depths of the Insect Sea. Wherever he went, Tyranid creatures were reduced to ashes by golden flames. The time travelers and the mortal auxiliary army stared at Wang Ming and the golden flames that burned the sky. They They don't understand what happened, why Wang Ming suddenly had this "psionic" ability.

Only Edwin and Rengar on the battlefield knew that Wang Ming's golden flames were not psychic spells, but an energy related to subspace, and its relationship was even closer to subspace than spiritual energy. It's like a moving subspace.

As Wang Ming advanced, the Insect Sea was even forced back by Wang Ming. The Hive Mind was not a fool. It knew the terror of Wang Ming. None of the Tyranid biological ships that touched the golden flames were alive. They were all in the golden flames. It was reduced to ashes in the flames.

"No, it's too much physical exertion..."

Wang Ming looked at the sea of ​​insects that he had forced back. He felt that his physical strength was being consumed faster and faster. As a Primarch, even he, the Primarch, could not bear this kind of physical exertion. As a Primarch, Wang Ming, who was physically weak, had always felt tired, but now he felt a real lack of physical fitness.

"I'm going to run out of energy if I keep going like this."

Wang Ming looked at the sea of ​​insects. He took a deep breath, and then narrowed the scope of the golden flame. His physical strength could not sustain it for long.

"Huh..., it seems that this is my limit, but..., but my life is unlimited, if I don't have enough physical strength, I will risk my life!!"

Wang Ming looked at the sea of ​​insects. He felt the physical energy he was consuming. He looked at the insects and took out his Yongcun knife to chop off his own head.

Wang Ming stared at the cold sun in front of him, shook his head, and then followed the power of a spiritual power to exit the subspace directly, and then returned to the real universe.


In the cold subspace, a sigh suddenly appeared after Wang Ming left. The sound seemed like it had never appeared before, and it seemed like it had always been here.

"Huh, it's completely restored. This is the correct way to use immortality."

Wang Ming stood up from the ground. The golden flame was still burning, and the insects around him were still turning to ashes. He felt the strength restored in his body, and then walked towards the sea of ​​insects again with a smile. Wang Ming had no other choice. , the ability of immortality is still there, Wang Ming wants to see whether it is the Zerg sea of ​​insects that is stronger or his life-burning fighting style that is stronger.

Just when Wang Ming was frantically burning his life, the time travelers and the mortal auxiliary troops were all stunned. They looked at the golden sea of ​​fire and didn't understand what was happening now. Why did the original body suddenly come to the position? On top of that, he also blocked the entire sea of ​​​​insects with one person.

"Damn it! Did the boss die once?"

Wang Ming's death also affected the travelers on the battlefield. They suddenly felt a cold chill on their necks, and then an unspeakable anger appeared in their hearts. They knew this was the feeling. Every time Wang Ming died, They all feel this extremely uncomfortable feeling.

"Boss, what is going on? Why does he suddenly have this ability?"

Hu Jin looked at Wang Xiaofa next to him and asked him. They knew Wang Ming's ability. They had seen the golden flame more than once, but this was the first time for such a huge sea of ​​​​fire.

"Maybe he is possessed by the Emperor, right? But it's strange this time. The Emperor didn't take the boss's body and run naked."

Wang Xiaofa took out a data pad, opened a video file and replied to Hu Jin. In Wang Xiaofa's view, Wang Ming was possessed by the Emperor, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the golden sea of ​​fire created by Wang Ming.

"That should be it. Wait, what is this?"

When Hu Jin heard Wang Xiaofa's answer, he also felt that Wang Xiaofa's statement was reasonable. Then he looked at Wang Xiaofa's data board. A video was playing on the data board, but Hu Jin had not seen this video.

"This is the scene where the boss was possessed by the Emperor and ran around naked to fight the Great Demon Nurgle. You haven't seen it, right?"

Wang Xiaofa looked at Hu Jin next to him, and explained to him with a puzzled look on his face. The travelers in the entire legion basically got a copy of this thing. Why hasn't Hu Jin seen it?
"Look, this temperament and this state are exactly the same as the boss when he was possessed. This is obviously because the emperor came to help."

Wang Xiaofa pointed to Wang Ming in the video who was madly beating the Great Demon of Nurgle, and said to Hu Jin that in his opinion, Wang Ming's situation was the same as before, that is, he was possessed by the Emperor.

"It seems so."

After Hu Jin heard Wang Xiaofa's words, he nodded towards Wang Xiaofa, and then looked at the golden sea of ​​fire. With the help of the Emperor, the war in this world should be resolved quickly.

"Your Majesty, why do I feel like my soul is getting tired? What's going on?"

Just when the time-travelers thought that Wang Ming was possessed by the Emperor and came to help, Wang Ming couldn't hold on in the golden sea of ​​fire. The first few times were fine. His immortal body gave him almost unlimited endurance. But as the number of his deaths increased and his golden flame spread, Wang Ming gradually felt exhausted at the soul level.

After feeling this feeling, he quickly called out to the Emperor in his heart. This had never happened before. He was worried that there was something wrong with his soul.

"It's nothing. You just overused your subspace essence. What did you think? You released your subspace essence desperately for dozens of kilometers. Didn't you notice? Fortunately, your soul is also immortal. Well, you might as well kill yourself to death."

The Emperor's voice appeared in Wang Ming's mind, and he spoke to Wang Ming in the tone of a father scolding his child. "Tens of kilometers?"

After Wang Ming heard the words of the Emperor, he looked at the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire in surprise, and then felt it. Sure enough, he unknowingly enveloped the entire perimeter of the nest capital position.

The release of abilities in this range is completely a method of burning one's own soul. Fortunately, Wang Ming's soul is immortal, otherwise Wang Ming's soul would have been burned out long ago.

"Oh..., let me help you. After this battle is over, go to Baal. You should know what to do then."

The Emperor sighed, and then directly took over Wang Ming's body. With Wang Ming's current soul strength and current body, he could not resist the Emperor's possession, and his consciousness directly entered a sleeping state.

"Huh..., this kid really made the right choice. Take a rest. Now let me find out what's fun in this strange thing Kangkang. By the way, let your brother come out for some air."

"Wang Ming" looked at the golden sea of ​​fire in front of him and suddenly smiled. The Emperor found the system through Wang Ming's soul. He quickly browsed the items in it, and then found something that he was very familiar with in the Federation era.

"Hahaha, come on! Alien! Come and see the crystallization of human technology."

"Wang Ming" took out a weapon from the system, and then he got excited. He laughed and rushed into the sea of ​​insects, grabbed a confused tyrant and used it as a weapon to smash it to death. He was surrounded by tyrant guards.

In the process, the confused tyrant was also smashed into pieces by "Wang Ming". "Wang Ming" looked at the remaining tyrant limbs in his hands. He threw them down with a look of disgust, and then looked at the tyrant in the distance. Huge, mountain-like Tyranid titan creature.

"Hahaha! I am the Lord of Humanity! The Watcher of Humanity! You aliens! How dare you fight against human warriors!!"

"Wang Ming" looked at Tai Lun's biological titan. He laughed and said loudly. As he spoke, a figure in the golden sea of ​​fire suddenly solidified. They walked out of the golden flame, and then all He stood behind "Wang Ming". Among these figures, there were two huge figures standing beside "Wang Ming". If the travelers could still see the situation here, they would instantly recognize this figure. The identities of the two giant figures.

Those were Conrad Curze, the Primarch of the Night Lords, and Ferrus Manus, the Primarch of the Iron Hands. Ferrus Manus stood quietly beside "Wang Ming", and Conrad Coates looked at the sea of ​​​​insects a little eager to try.

"Go, my child, you need everything you have to atone for your sins."

"Wang Ming" looked at Conrad Coates, who was watching the Tyranid Titan eager to try, and said to him. After Conrad Coze heard "Wang Ming"'s words, he glanced at "Wang Ming", His eyes were full of fear and hatred, but he still carried out "Wang Ming's" order and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the Tyranid Titan creature.

"The things I prepared for you should belong to you, but those traitors' things were swallowed by those four disgusting things..."

"Wang Ming" looked at Conrad Coates who turned into a black shadow. He sighed helplessly, and then waved towards the sea of ​​​​insects with one hand. Ferrus Manus beside him immediately rushed towards He entered the Sea of ​​Insects, and at the same time, the Cursed Legion behind him also rushed towards the Sea of ​​Insects.

"Wang Ming" looked at the sea of ​​insects fighting against the Cursed Legion. He looked at his palms, and then took out Wang Ming's power halberd from his back. It was finally possible to move around. Of course, he had to use Wang Ming's body. Get some exercise.

"Clap clap clap..."

Wang Ming's power armor was forcibly removed by "Wang Ming", leaving only the nanosuit lining of the power armor on his body. For the Emperor, the power armor was of no use. Wang Ming's The body does not cease to function upon death, and his immortal state allows the Emperor to do anything with his body.


"Wang Ming" waved the power halberd. The Emperor was still very familiar with this long-handled weapon during his years in Gu Terra. Back then, he had a dead eagle tied to his chest, but...

The Emperor felt like he was recalling dark history when he thought back on these things he had done back then.

"It's better not to recall those years."

The more the emperor recalled, he realized that he had done too many things back then, and there were also a lot of weird things among the things he did. Looking back at the time when he went around fighting with a dead eagle tied to his chest, the emperor realized that he had done too many things. The emperor felt that he was really stupid back then.

"Oh, but it was good back then. Humanity didn't need me, and I didn't need to play the role of a leader."

The Emperor recalled the last time he spent fighting for various things with a stone spear in Ancient Terra, and then rushed towards the sea of ​​​​insects with a power halberd. Now he wants to kill through the sea of ​​​​insects and consume the life of the insect nest. Material, he doesn't have much to do against the Zerg. If he directly destroys the Zerg nest, of course he can do it, but that will give the Zerg a dangerous message, that is, humans are the greatest threat. By then, the Tyranid Zerg in the entire galaxy will still be there. I don’t know what it can evolve into. It’s troublesome enough to be transformed into this by the No. 20 Legion. The Emperor doesn’t want the entire galaxy to be filled with a group of terrifying Tyranids.

"The Milky Way belongs to humans!!"

"Wang Ming" roared, and then took out a bottle of Lafite red wine produced in the ancient Terra calendar 4 from the system. He took the red wine and poured it directly into his mouth, tasting the wine from Wine from [-] years ago, he thought about how much of the wine he collected at that time had been drunk by Macha.

Recalling Malcador, the golden flames on "Wang Ming" ignited again. He threw away the empty red wine bottle, then rushed into the sea of ​​​​insects with the power halberd in one hand.

"The Titan Legion has arrived at the combat position, has targeted the Tyranid biological Titan, and begun to attack."

Just when "Wang Ming" led the Cursed Legion to kill everyone in the sea of ​​​​worms, the God Machines of the Titan Legion finally arrived at the front line. They immediately locked on the Tyranids' biological Titans, and then quickly launched attack.

As the first energy beam of the volcanic cannon flew over the heads of the mortal auxiliaries and time travellers, the apocalypse of this war began, and the Hive Mind had noticed the changes on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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