Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 417 Wang Ming misses Guilliman

Chapter 417 Wang Ming misses Guilliman
Wang Ming stood on the edge of the transport ship. He looked at the assassins who were dealt with. He felt that the Assassin Court was really generous this time. Hundreds of assassins. All the assassins in the close combat were killed by Wang Ming. And those assassin snipers They were all cleaned up by the imperial guards who arrived.

Wang Ming looked at the assassin corpses on the ground and returned to the transport ship. He had already anticipated this incident and had equipped the transport ship with several sets of power armor in advance.

After Wang Ming re-equipped the power armor, he went to the palace. Along the way, he was accompanied by the Forbidden Army. They looked at Wang Ming and were alert to investigate the surrounding environment. They also had some understanding of Wang Ming's reforms. , they also felt that this was an opportunity for the empire to rise again. After 1 years, it was time to do something serious.

Wang Ming was walking on the road to the palace. After seeing the emperor's Son of God, the surrounding pilgrims took the initiative to get out of the way. There was no stampede or noise. They looked at the great Son of God and the people around him. The emperor's bodyguards, they quietly praised the sanctity of the God-Emperor and the sanctity of the Primarch.

No one dared to speak loudly in front of the Primarch. They just thanked the God-Emperor for his blessing. The great God-Emperor allowed them to see the sacred Primarch.

Wang Ming was walking and suddenly stopped. He looked at a pilgrim who was about to starve to death and walked in front of him. There was a child beside this pilgrim who was also about to starve to death.

The life of these pilgrims is actually very difficult. It is said that they are carrying out devout pilgrimage to the most sacred place in the empire, but they may starve to death at any time and at any time. There are so many pilgrims that the terrifying number even makes They starve to death in large numbers every year on their pilgrimage.

Wang Ming looked at the two pilgrims, one old and one young, who were about to starve to death. He took out two pieces of bread and two bottles of water and handed them to them. This situation was Wang Ming's problem. He had not thought about pilgrimage before. In order to solve the problem of the starvation of the emperor, there will be a large number of pilgrims in Terra every year. Although these pilgrims cannot make much contribution to the empire, they can strengthen the power of the Emperor's faith. Although this kind of strengthening the Emperor The emperor does not want to strengthen himself, which will turn his thoughts into divinity.

But at the subspace level, it can give the Emperor more ability to deal with those four disgusting things. Wang Ming looked at the two people. The old man among the two tremblingly took the hand that Wang Ming handed him. Food and water, and the child tremblingly performed an eagle salute to Wang Ming. His body was already shaky, but he still tried hard to maintain his piety and humility.

"Hand these out."

Wang Ming looked at the old man and the young man in front of him. He took out a large amount of food and water from the system, and then said to the Imperial Guards around him that he couldn't bear to watch these devout pilgrims starve to death. They may have no value to the empire. Any role, but their piety is a kind of loyalty, and loyal people will definitely get a chance to live.

"Your Highness, our mission is to protect you."

When the Forbidden Army heard Wang Ming's words, they did not take any action. When Wang Ming looked at the Forbidden Army in confusion, a Forbidden Army beside Wang Ming suddenly said to Wang Ming.

Their mission is to protect Wang Ming. Apart from this, they don't want to interfere with other things. This is the case with the Imperial Army. They are the emperor's guards and the most loyal imperial warriors, but their rigidity and obedience to orders are absolute. .

"Zhou Heng, please take the brothers to share."

Wang Ming looked at the Forbidden Army, he finally sighed, and then said to Zhou Heng, he could not order the Forbidden Army, at least not the Forbidden Army on Terra. The only ones he could order were a hundred on the fleet. It's just a forbidden army, this kind of thing still needs to be done by the time travelers.

"it is good."

Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming, nodded towards him, and then led the travelers to get food and water. Wang Ming's behavior was not that simple in the eyes of the Forbidden Army. They believed that this Primarch's They acted very smartly and gained the support and trust of the civilians of the empire from these pilgrims. Under the public opinion of Terra, the high lords also need to consider how to deal with Wang Ming. After all, they do not want another Terran riot.

After Wang Ming asked the travelers to distribute food and water, he continued to walk towards the palace. The pilgrims were extremely moved by Wang Ming's behavior. They believed that this was the son of the God Emperor, who was so kind. With gentleness, this is the demigod, this is the son of God, he is holy and merciful. Unknowingly, Wang Ming suddenly gathered the faith of countless pilgrims.

However, these beliefs have little effect on Wang Ming. Again, he has subspace projection, but as a human being in the 21st century, the connection between his subspace projection and subspace is extremely small. No matter how many beliefs he has, his It doesn't have much effect on the body either.

If no special circumstances arise, then Wang Ming's soul is the soul of a real ordinary person. His soul will not have much connection with the subspace. Even if those four guys want to corrupt him or become a time traveler, That would have to end in person, and it might not be possible to succeed. After all, none of the four chosen gods listened to them. They all obeyed and disobeyed the orders of the four gods.

Wang Ming looked at the pilgrims praising him around him. He just felt a burst of sadness. The empire had gone forever from the era of belief in science and rationality. What was left was only those fanatical beliefs. The point is, there is no These faith empires have long since fallen apart, and these things have actually become a stabilizer that the empire cannot abandon today.

"My lord the emperor..., today's empire needs these, and I will let them continue, but there will be some changes..."

Wang Ming walked towards the palace step by step. As he walked towards the palace, he told the emperor about his upcoming reforms.

The emperor recognized Wang Ming's reform methods. Although this reform was very slow, these reform methods were effective. The reform of the empire was inevitable, because the empire had now become a dying giant, and it needed to be replaced. Inject a burst of life into it to start moving again.

However, Wang Ming cannot change the empire too quickly. He is not the emperor, and he does not have the hero Malcador. He does not have the ability to make the Ministry of Interior operate as it did during the Great Crusade, but Wang Ming can specialize some departments. , at least it can reduce some of the pressure on the Ministry of Interior, make the empire's internal affairs easier to deal with, and at least allow the empire's various support forces to be mobilized faster.

At least this can reduce the situation that the Astra Militarum reacted to after 200 years after a world requested rescue. Wang Ming can't touch the Ministry of Interior. He can't touch other things, the Assassin's Court, the Inquisition, and the Ministry of Justice. , state education, Wang Ming can more or less move these departments, but they will not move too much, but will change step by step. After all, as long as Wang Ming dares to make big moves, these departments have maintained their own system operation for thousands of years. The department will definitely crash, and Wang Ming doesn't want to be overwhelmed by the time to solve their problems.Wang Ming's idea is just to give them an enforceable code of conduct. He can use this set of codes of conduct to do things better and at least improve the processing capabilities of some departments, although the processing of some departments does not need to be changed.

Unknowingly, Wang Ming walked into the palace. He did not go to the throne room, but to his room in the palace. This room was expanded when he first returned to Terra. After entering his room, he began to plan a specific reform plan.

The first is to reform the living environment of civilians. If they all live in hell, then how can they not long for the power from hell?The current situation of the empire's civilians must be changed to truly change the empire. After all, the cornerstone of the empire is mortals. Only mortals who have the ability to survive will not fall into the embrace of chaos because they have no way to survive.

Wang Ming's policy in Meers is very good. The civilians have a minimum welfare guarantee. At least they will not starve to death, and they will still have certain jobs. However, this policy will not work in the entire empire. After all, There are millions of worlds in the empire, and each of these worlds has its own situation. Some worlds are really in the Stone Age.

The only way is to select those worlds that can be reformed, those worlds where the living conditions of civilians are really extreme to the same extent. Those worlds are the best venues for reform, but the selection problem is a huge problem, Mr. Wang Ming It's impossible to go to the Ministry of Interior to find information. Although the information there is complete, they don't even know the era of their information, and the location of these information is uncertain. Maybe you won't find it at all when you look for it. These materials are either found to be thousands of years old.

"Oh..., this is a big problem..."

Wang Ming looked at the data pad in his hand, and he suddenly remembered the things in the system, which should contain information about various worlds in the empire. However, the screening of these things was very troublesome, so troublesome that even the artificial intelligence would crash on the spot.

But Wang Ming still looked for it. It took Wang Ming some time to finally know the empire's world information, but the information was not kept in storage devices, but pieces of parchment.

Wang Ming looked at the parchments on the system screen. He felt numb. Then he did something that made him extremely regretful. He actually started human flesh screening by himself. I have to say, the Primarch's Wang Ming's thinking speed was really fast. It took Wang Ming a whole night and he finally selected a thousand worlds. Then he looked at the rising sun and the information in the system. He was completely numb.

During these three months, Wang Ming completely stayed in his room. When Wang Ming came out of his room, it was not because he had finished organizing the information, but because something happened in Terra that needed him. solve.

"what's the situation?"

Wang Ming looked at Wang Xiaofa beside him and asked him.

"Holy shit! Boss, what's going on with you? You haven't been out for three months."

The first time Wang Xiaofa saw Wang Ming, he asked him about why he hadn't gone out for three months. After all, this was the first time that Wang Ming had not appeared with the time travelers at such a close distance for so long.

"Boss, look at Xu Zheng's plan for Terra. He wants to transform the Pacific Basin and build various grain cultivation factories."

Wang Xiaofa just made a complaint and got down to business the next moment. He took a data pad and told Wang Ming about Xu Zheng's plan for Terra.

Xu Zheng plans to transform Terra's ocean basins into food cultivation factories so that Terra can produce food independently. This is actually a good thing, but the high lords are opposed to this plan. Although Xu Zheng doesn't care at all, I still asked Wang Ming for permission, even though he had already started his own work.

"Mobilize a group of untouchables and let them sit in those factories. Also, tell the high lords that the things done by the No. 20 Legion are approved by the emperor. Ask them if they want to Disobey the Emperor's will."

Wang Ming took Wang Xiaofa's data pad. He looked at Xu Zheng's plan. Growing food in Terra did have certain difficulties and risks, but as long as it was properly arranged, it would be fine. After all, Nurgle's power was now greatly damaged by the Emperor. Presumably he would not dare to jump in front of the Emperor. If he dared to cause trouble on Terra, the No. 20 Legion could respond quickly.

In this desperate universe, all actions must consider the existence of those four disgusting things. Their influence is everywhere and invisible. Wang Ming knows these things better than anyone else. He understands the four gods. The four gods are not some entities that can be destroyed, but four concepts. These four things are Ya's concept gods, not those star gods who can be omnipotent in the physical universe.

"In addition, we will increase Terra's defense level, provide civilians with the food and jobs necessary for survival, and build various factories that require workers, as well as clean up the cults in the hive, so that as many people as possible on Terra can Threats are reduced, and this is the list of things I have chosen to change the world, and let the guys at the Ministry of Interior go over it..."

Wang Ming looked at the data pad in his hand, thought for a second, and then arranged various tasks. He knew Guilliman's pain. Fighting was really not a problem in front of management.

After Wang Ming arranged various tasks, he returned to his room to deal with the work. After today, in addition to the screening issues in the world, Wang Ming also began to deal with various tasks on Terra. After all, Such a large primarch is useless if it is not used.

Wang Ming was completely numb. He felt like he was a tool for handling work. It was also the first time that he admired the Emperor, Malcador, and his brother Regent Guilliman for making this extremely huge It's really hard for these three people to start this thing, and Prime Minister Ma can still manage it in an orderly manner. He is now looking forward to Guilliman's return to Terra every day. He is really not a person with strong internal affairs skills. The original gene.

(End of this chapter)

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