Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 420 The interrogation of the judge and the arrival of the brothers

"Your Excellency, Judge, do you want to say something else? You know, I am also a Judge. I don't need to say more about the things in the Tribunal. You should also know how "pleasant" they are."

In an interrogation room in the palace, Rengar looked at the judge in front of him. He tapped his fingers gently on the table and said to him with a playful expression.

"I have nothing to say. I planned the assassination of the Primarch. I confessed to it, but all my actions were to save the empire..."

The judge looked at Rengar. He knew his colleague. This colleague of the Demon Tribunal seemed to be a person who didn't do much serious work. As a Demon Judge, he didn't have many outstanding achievements.

But I don’t know whether it’s because of the life-extending surgery or some other reason. This colleague has been working for the Inquisition for hundreds of years, but his existence is really just a fish in the woods. He has not solved many demons at all. But now, for some reason, he is actually here. No. 20 Interrogating myself in the first legion.

"Saving the Imperium? Do you know what you're doing? Are you possessed by one of those twisted warp things? You're saving the shitty Imperium, you're mobilizing two precious Astra Militarum troops to assassinate the Primarch, assassinate A Son of God, simply because you are dissatisfied with his proposed reforms."

Rengar listened to the inquisitor's words and slapped the table. He stared into the inquisitor's eyes and asked him sternly. In his opinion, people in this era are simply too outrageous, although he also He has experienced other outrageous things and is aware of all the absurdities of this era, but something as outrageous as the Tribunal has never occurred to him.

"You are not saving the Empire at all! You are killing a loyal Primarch, a sacred son of the God Prince, and a hope that can make the Empire rise again!"

Rengar looked at the inquisitor and said loudly to him. He was not actually angry, but because he really couldn't understand the brain circuits of his colleagues. They had not seen better days of human beings, but they just thought that That's enough now. In their view, the empire is a precision-operated machine. It only needs to operate and does not require other changes.

But in fact, they were completely wrong. No matter how sophisticated the machine is, it still needs maintenance. Rusty gears need to be replaced, stuck parts need to be lubricated. Basically, the current system needs to be upgraded, otherwise this machine It will be completely scrapped after all its potential is consumed, and Wang Ming's purpose is to maintain this machine and see if it can be upgraded from some places.

"I'm just saving the empire. The empire doesn't need such a huge reform. The empire is a sophisticated machine. Any changes will cause huge problems in it. This problem has been proven in every millennium in history. I can't turn a blind eye. Watch him destroy the empire."

When the Inquisitor heard Rengar's words, he shook his head with a wry smile, and then replied to Rengar. For the Inquisitor, everything Rengar said was empty talk. History and experience have proven it many times. , every change in the empire is a huge loss.

"Then do you know why so many people betray the Empire and the God-Emperor?"

Suddenly, Rengar's topic suddenly changed, from the assassination of Wang Ming to why there were so many traitors who betrayed the Empire and the God-Emperor. The inquisitor looked at Rengar with a puzzled face. He didn't know why Rengar said With these things, he was clearly interrogating the assassin's Primarch.

"That's because the life of the civilians in the empire is really poor. They don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. These are average, but starvation is a common phenomenon. They are already living in hell, so how can they not long for hell? What about the power? It can at least give them a way to survive."

Rengar didn't understand the confused expression on the Inquisitor's face. He spoke to the Inquisitor to himself, and then took out a data tablet. He put the data tablet in front of the Inquisitor while looking towards the Inquisitor. The officer said.

"You are heresy. No one can betray the empire for such a thing! No one!"

After the Inquisitor listened to Rengar's words, he suddenly roared at Rengar hysterically. In his opinion, Rengar was a complete heretic. No one could betray the empire for food and clothing. Those were those who were not firm-willed. coward.

"No, no, no, my colleagues, these are very common. Why is there such an internal rebellion in the empire? In addition to the bewitchment of those subspace evil gods, it is also because the people's life is so bad. Look at Terra's lair. Well, in this most sacred place in the empire, rebellion still has the breeding ground, think about why this is?"

Rengar looked at the furious inquisitor. He looked at his colleague indifferently. He told him about the cults on Terra. In the most sacred world of the empire, chaos rebellion still has the breeding ground. This It is enough to prove many problems.

"Then...then why are you talking about this..."

The Inquisitor looked at Rengar, he lowered his head and whispered to Rengar. He was not a fool. What Rengar said was indeed right, but he didn't understand why Rengar said this to him. He was obviously interrogating him about his assassination of the Primarch, so why did the topic suddenly change to this?

"You haven't taken a serious look at the reform plan at all. You just believe in what you want to see. The empire cannot withstand a huge change, but gradual change is possible. Even if you take a serious look at the reform plan, Then this situation would not have occurred.”

Rengar looked at the Inquisitor. He picked up the data pad in front of him and held it up in front of the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor also raised his head at this time. He looked at the text on the data pad and quickly read it. , above all Wang Ming's reform plan, his people's livelihood-oriented reform plan, in addition to his plan to slowly change the efficiency of the empire's internal affairs.

The judge looked at the reform plan in front of him and turned his head involuntarily. He couldn't believe what he saw. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it could be carried out. Such a reform to improve people's livelihood, he couldn't believe that he was actually In blocking such a plan, they did not seriously look at the specific plan of the reform plan. They just opposed it blindly, and they did not understand the content at all.

"Prepare a suicide note. The burning is ready. Also, because of your assassination this time, the Tribunal is about to undergo a great purge. What a great achievement. Wang Ming was worrying about how to clean up the Tribunal. You just gave it to him. A legitimate reason."

"The Inquisitor of the Inquisition planned to assassinate a Primarch. The Primarch used the power of demigods to capture the assassin, thus discovering the Inquisition who was the mastermind of the assassination. Then the Primarch cleaned up the Inquisition. How smooth and reasonable. "

Rengar looked at the inquisitors, he smiled, and then walked out of the interrogation room. He had killed this guy and punished him. At the same time, thanks to these inquisitors, Wang Ming finally had an extremely reasonable reason to clean up. The Inquisition.

The perspective turned to Wang Ming. He was now in the throne room. He stared at the golden throne and felt that his eyes were going blind. If it weren't for the strong physical support of the Primarch, he would definitely have seen the Emperor. Blind a second later. "Why do you look at me like that?"

Nils suddenly appeared next to Wang Ming. He patted Wang Ming and then asked him.

"I'm wondering what your current state is."

Wang Ming looked at Nils beside him, and he replied to him, and then looked at the Emperor again. He looked at the withered bones on the golden throne, and he thought about his next plan and what was behind the golden throne. What is the state of the emperor in heaven now?

Anyway, he has nothing to do. The cleansing of the Tribunal has been handed over to Edwin and Rengar. They are much more familiar with this matter than Wang Ming. They will try their best to ensure the normal operation of the Tribunal. Cleanse the Inquisition.

Regarding this matter, Edwin should be the happiest. She has finally completely escaped the days of being hunted by the Tribunal. Now she is leading two regiments as a mortal officer of the No. 20 First Legion. As the time-travelers headed to the Tribunal, her chance for revenge finally arrived, but with Rengar following her, it shouldn't be too outrageous.

At the same time, Wang Ming also handed over the handling of the empire's internal affairs to the Ministry of the Interior. Speaking of the Ministry of the Interior, let's talk about it. After Wang Ming solved the assassination, he went to the Ministry of the Interior. The current Ministry of the Interior The minister was originally arranged by the time traveler, so he would naturally implement all Wang Ming's orders. After Wang Ming arranged for 1000 million subdivided internal affairs personnel, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began.

After arranging these people, Wang Ming came to the throne room of the palace. He just watched the Emperor thinking about things. In fact, Wang Ming wanted the Emperor to tell him what his brothers were. When the time comes, if they no longer have Holy Terra, then Wang Ming will almost absorb the hatred of the entire empire.

"By the way, Lord Emperor, when will my brothers arrive? If this continues, I will probably be hated by all departments of the entire empire."

Wang Ming looked at the Emperor for a while, then suddenly looked at Niels, and then asked him when his brother would arrive at Holy Terra.

"So that's what you're here to ask. They have arrived in the solar system and will arrive in about a day."

Nils looked at Wang Ming. He answered to Wang Ming without any pause, as if he already knew what Wang Ming was going to ask him.

Regarding this matter, Wang Ming was not surprised at all. As the most powerful psychic in the entire real universe, and a being who is about to become a god, Wang Ming would not be surprised if the Emperor could predict anything.

After Wang Ming got the answer he wanted, Wang Ming walked towards the door of the throne room. When Wang Ming walked to the door, Wang Ming suddenly stopped. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Nils.

"By the way, Emperor, you can see the future, so will my reforms be useful to the empire and mankind?"

Wang Ming looked at Nils or the Emperor, and he suddenly asked him.

"Then you need to see it yourself."

Nils smiled and whispered to Wang Ming. His smile was reflected in Wang Ming's eyes. He looked at Nils and suddenly laughed together. One of them has been working for mankind for ten thousand years. The Lords of Humanity of the Years, one is a soul from the past, they all have the same goal, which is to let mankind rise completely, get rid of the subspace, and get rid of those evil gods.

"I understand, Emperor, oh no, Nils, the direction of human civilization is in human hands, I understand."

Wang Ming looked at Nils, and he walked out of the throne room with a smile. He knew that with the emperor's ability to predict the future, he would know what would happen in the future. Since he did not stop his reforms and actions, he also used this ability to predict the future. Some suggestive expressions answered the question towards him, which proved that his reform plan was definitely useful.

But knowing that the future reform plan is useful does not mean that it will definitely succeed. The waves of subspace can allow people to see the future, but the future also needs people to build it with their hands. Everyone knows this truth, and Wang Ming and I will work hard for this future, even if it takes a thousand years, even if it takes another ten thousand years.

"I will fight for human civilization. Even if it lasts ten thousand years after another, I will never forget my mission. I will always remember my identity as a human being. I will always be a human being."

Wang Ming walked out of the throne room. As he walked towards the exit of the palace, he whispered. The Imperial Guards on his way could also hear his voice. They looked at the Primarch and had some different thoughts in their hearts. Wang Ming is more or less wary. This is because of the legacy of the Great Rebellion. All the Imperial Guards do not trust any Astartes or the Primarch. They believe that it is because of the relationship between the Astartes and the Primarch. The Primarch's overly close relationship, similar to that of father and son, led to the outbreak of the Great Heresy.

What they don't know is that if Wang Ming is really corrupted by Chaos, then the entire No. 20 Legion's time travelers will desperately pursue Wang Ming to the ends of the earth. Even if he hides in front of the evil god, they will not Any hesitation.

After Wang Ming walked out of the palace, he looked at the sky in the palace area and stood quietly. He was like a statue of the Primarchs around him. He didn't know how long it had passed, but when he saw the sky After some spots of light appeared above, he finally moved. He smiled and walked towards the space port in the palace area.

He was going to meet his brothers, who would reform the human empire and give humanity hope again, even if that hope was slim, but it was better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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