Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 429 The angel has arrived

In the Governor's Mansion, the Planetary Governor looked at the soldiers who had fled to the defense circle inside the Governor's Mansion. He was in despair. These guys didn't know that they believed in that false god and got the power of the false god. Their abilities were no longer what humans could. Achieved.

The morale of his troops has collapsed, and now he is in a desperate situation. It is really foolish to expect those soldiers whose morale has collapsed to continue fighting. This is the first time that he is so pious to the great god. He hopes that his prayers can be heard by the great God. How much he hopes that the great God can save him, but he knows that all this is impossible. How can the great God hear his prayers? How can it be possible? Send His angels to save him?

"To whom is the blood sacrifice made, and to whom is the head sacrificed..."

Just when the Planetary Governor was completely desperate, the soldiers of the Planetary Governor's troops whose morale had collapsed suddenly heard a voice. This voice suddenly appeared in their minds. They listened to this sudden voice, They all answered subconsciously.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!!"

As the soldiers roared loudly, the entire front finally collapsed completely. The soldiers opened their blood-red eyes and quickly rushed to the Governor's Mansion. They had become believers of the Blood God, and the Blood God asked them to seize The coward of the Planetary Governor, this loser who dared not come out of the Governor's Mansion, was not worthy of their protection at all. They must chop off the Planetary Governor's head.

"Your Majesty, our brothers have betrayed us."

While the Planetary Governor continued to pray to the statue of the Great God, a soldier ran to his side. He looked at the Planetary Governor who was praying, and did not care about the issue of blasphemy when interrupting the prayer. He just appeared They told the Planetary Governor about the situation, and then immediately pulled the Planetary Governor and ran to their defensive position inside the Governor's Mansion.

"What are you doing?"


The planetary governor was pulled by the soldiers. He was just about to ask the soldiers what they wanted to do. Just as he spoke, a series of huge explosions suddenly came from the room where he was just now. They were grapeshot from an artillery piece. Entered the Governor's Mansion.

The planetary governor looked at the smoke floating out of the room, and his heart was full of fear. He was a person who was very afraid of death, and just now, he almost died without knowing it. Fortunately, the soldier reacted, otherwise He is really going to die inexplicably.

"Uncle Christopher Poulsen, can you react faster? The two of us almost went to meet the great god."

The soldier looked at the planetary governor who was caught and ran away by him. He also looked at the previous room. If he hadn't just seen the small black dots in the sky through the window, they would probably be all over the floor now. He looked at Looking at the nervous look on his face, the planetary governor made a joke to his powerful uncle.

"Alec, why are you here? You are not a soldier. You should take your mother and your sister to the place I gave you..."

After the Planetary Governor and his soldiers all spoke, he looked at the soldier's face. The soldier was a blond and blue-eyed young man. He was very young, only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The planetary governor immediately exploded after seeing the soldier's appearance. Most of the younger generation of his entire family were in his planetary defense force. The old man was almost dead, so he was counting on the young man in front of him to stay in his family. He is a fire starter, but why is this guy here? Who transferred this guy here? The Planetary Governor wants to shoot the guy who transferred this guy here.

"Ah..., this is Uncle Christopher Poulson. My mother asked me to bring my sister here. She said you are the safest place in the world."

The young man looked at his uncle, and he said to him innocently, but his words almost caused the Planetary Governor to have a myocardial infarction. The Planetary Governor endured the pain in his chest, took a deep breath for a long time and suppressed his pain. blood pressure.

The planetary governor looked at the silly young man in front of him. His heart was completely numb. His family, Poulsen, who had ruled the Deckard world for thousands of years, was about to disappear. Great God, look here, look. Look at your servants.

Just when the Planetary Governor was desperate again, meteors suddenly appeared in the sky of the Governor's Mansion. The destination of these meteors was very clear, and they were heading for the battlefield of the Governor's Mansion.

The cultists also saw meteors in the sky. They looked at those meteors and didn't know what they were. However, some old people who had experienced tax collection fleets had already thrown down their weapons. They knew what those meteors were. What kind of light is that? It's the fire that appears when those transport planes enter the atmosphere. This is not a meteor at all, but a transport plane from the Empire. The Empire is coming.

The cargo airdrop pod hit the crowd of cultists without any evasion. The decelerating plasma tail flame of the reverse thruster turned a large number of cultists into fly ash. When it actually landed, the hatch on it slowly Opening it, the fatal passengers quickly rushed out.

"Demon, it's still the demon of Khorne. This world is being targeted by this thing. I hope it can be saved."

A time traveler just got off the airdrop pod and saw the Khorne demon among the cultists. He stared at the red-skinned monster and silently prayed to the world in his heart. Then he and other battle brothers Like tanks rushing into the crowd, rushing into the crowd of cultists, the power of the Astartes running is extremely terrifying, at least to mortals.

The moment the time travelers started running, broken limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere on the battlefield, and the wails of the cultists also sounded like a chorus. A cargo airdrop pod was a company of Astartes. Their appearance changed the entire battlefield situation instantly.

Under the power of these one hundred demigods, the mortal cultists are like a bunch of wheat being cut down. Their weapons are completely impossible to cause any harm to the Astartes, and the musket projectiles are not even possible. Scratching the paint on its power armor.

Even the cultist who had received the blessing of Khorne could not put up any struggle when killing the planetary governor's troops like a chicken. It was grabbed by a time traveler and torn into pieces by its head. The time traveler who killed the cultist didn't even hesitate for a tenth of a second before throwing down its body and continuing to charge towards the cultists. .

The cultists are being slaughtered, and the demons are also resisting, but in the eyes of the second group of time-travelers, these demons are like little chickens. There are many time-travelers in the second group who are fighting against the big demon. These ordinary demons are really not a big threat to them.

"Angel..., it's an angel, the great God is above! The angel is here!"

The battle outside the Governor's Mansion was also seen by the people in the Governor's Mansion. They looked at the time-travelers slaughtering the cultists like a massacre. They were all confused. Only the planetary governor discovered the identity of the time-travelers. His father I once told him the empire's legend about space warriors, the body of a demigod and the weapons of a god, a demigod fighting against a city's army.He originally thought it was a superstitious legend, but now he saw the arrival of demigods with his own eyes. He looked at those demigods and praised the great god crazily in his heart. He thought that the great god heard his prayers. , let his angel descend to his side.

"Alec, take that flag out of my room."

The Planetary Governor looked at the angels, and he said to the boy next to him. After hearing the Planetary Governor's words, the boy looked confused. What was going on? How did Uncle Christopher Poulsen think of that strange flag? ah.

“We will receive the true angel of God.”

The planetary governor looked at the confused boy beside him, patted his head, and spoke to him gently.

"Company Commander, look, Aquila, the local planetary government is still there."

Outside the Governor's Mansion, on a messy battlefield, the time travelers have killed all the cultists who besieged the Governor's Mansion. Tens of thousands of mutilated corpses covered the entire land. For this situation, the time travelers have nothing to do. There are too many thoughts. As the group that has followed Wang Ming for the longest time, each of them has over [-] lives in their hands. The lives of these cultists cannot cause them any discomfort.

Again, as long as we fight enough wars, no matter how cowardly the recruits are, they will become veterans who kill without blinking an eye. This is true on the earth, and it is even more true in this desperate universe. The time-travelers have already begun to treat non-human life. In order to show contempt, they are human beings and there is no need to care about the life or death of non-human beings. No matter how many lives are killed, it is still for human beings.

"Let's go and communicate with the planetary government of the local world to see if this world can still be saved."

The time traveler company commander looked at the Sky Eagle flag above the Governor's Mansion, he said to the battle brothers beside him, and then walked towards the Governor's Mansion.

"Clap clap clap..."

The magnetic boots stepped on the ground, crushing the corpses of the cultists and the marble floor above the ground. The planetary governor and his troops looked at the Space Marines, as if they had seen the believers of the gods. They were all trembling, and they were extremely nervous when facing these demigods.

The time travelers stepped on the corpses of the cultists and walked to the planetary governor. They looked at this group of troops that were not even the planetary defense forces, and felt a little strange in their hearts. This was the first time they had seen such troops, even if The troops of the feudal dynasties on the world of Eden are all well-organized, and these troops are more like a group of hive gangs who have received the equipment of the planetary defense forces than the planetary defense forces.

"Where is the Planetary Governor?"

The commander of the time traveler looked at the group of mortals in front of him, and he asked these mortals. Through the fully enclosed helmet, the voice of the company commander of the time traveler was thick and heavy, which frightened the mortals in front of him. Jump, it was the first time they heard this sound.

"My great angels, I am Christopher Poulson, the head of the Poulson family and the planetary governor of Decadi."

Just when the company commander of the time traveler asked who was the planetary governor, a man wearing luxurious clothes walked out of the crowd. He looked at the time traveler in front of him and respectfully told them about his planet. Governor's identity.

"We are the Empire's No. 20 Legion. Now we want to gain control of this world. Do you have any objections?"

The Captain of the Traveler looked at the planetary governor in front of him. He imitated the way and tone of Wang Ming's speech when he was arguing with the high lords in Holy Terra, and said to the planetary governor in front of him.

"We have no objection to the order of the angels. Lord angels, the control of this world is now handed over to the great and holy Empire No. 20 Legion."

The planetary governor looked at the time traveler company commander. He was silent for a moment, and then replied to the time traveler company commander. His silence was not because he had any objections that needed to be raised, but because he was recalling how to say it in Gothic. The commander spoke to him in Gothic, and also used some grammar that he didn't recognize. It took him all his recall ability to piece together what he had just said in reply to the traveler company commander.

"Thanks for your cooperation Governor Christopher, your world will prosper."

The traverser captain looked at the planetary governor in front of him. He listened to what he said in Gothic, took off his helmet, and then smiled and said to him. Regarding this planetary governor, the traverser captain could point it out in an instant. He has 29 grammatical errors in High Gothic, but he also knows that the popularity of High Gothic in the empire is not that many, and he also expresses his understanding.

"Company commander, why did you learn to speak like the boss?"

The time-travelers looked at their company commander, and they were all confused. One time-traveler looked at his company commander, and asked him with a strange expression. They didn't understand how Duan Duan thought of his boss giving Gao Ling It's about the way you speak when you're arguing. Why don't you speak properly? You should use this high-gothic accent.

"Do you understand the sense of ritual? This is our first time talking to the planetary governor of the local world before the boss. Do you understand that there needs to be some sense of ritual?"

The time traveler captain looked at the battle brothers beside him who looked at him with strange expressions. He said to them a little awkwardly that he actually just wanted to imitate the boss's tone, and wouldn't it be better to be more serious?

After the travelers exchanged some information with the planetary governor, they entered the Governor's Mansion. Then the travelers began to quickly understand the situation in the local world. The situation in the local world was not complicated. It was just that the small kingdoms had collectively rebelled against the overlord country. , but they believe in Chaos, so the situation is different. This means that most of the people in this world need to be cleaned up. There happen to be millions of Herol people on the fleet, and they can just fill the local world population. Loss.

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