Chapter 447 Chaos Landing

The Chaos Fleet just braved the firepower of the entire world, flying above the world of Kyle, constantly shooting at the firepower points on the world of Kyle, but those firepower points seemed to be endless, no matter how many light spears were hit. , there will still be countless light spears flying up from the ground.

This situation made Abaddon very confused. They had obviously destroyed many orbital defense platforms, but the world's resistance firepower was still firing. Abaddon couldn't wait any longer, so he directly ordered the airdrop to continue. This time It also wants to go to Kyle to see what the world's orbital defense firepower is all about, and how it can't be destroyed no matter how hard it explodes.

The airdrop pod once again flew out from the Chaos Fleet, but this time, a Chaos Space Marine Cobra-class frigate directly attracted a lot of firepower to the airdrop pods. In order to respond to the firepower on the planet, Abaddon directly launched the ship The Cobra-class frigate was thrown into the planet's gravity well, using the huge size of the Cobra-class frigate to clear the way for the drop pod.

The Cobra-class frigate had obviously blocked the first wave of attacks, and the ground firepower needed to be recharged. Abaddon knew that, taking advantage of this time, the airdrop pod accelerated directly towards the ground.

"O great God of all machines, this is the prayer of your servants to you. May your light illuminate the dark void, and may your power allow machines to begin to build..."

At the same time, on the ground of the Kyle galaxy, a group of mechanical priests were using nanorobots to quickly rebuild the damaged light spear platform. This is why no matter how Chaos explodes, orbital defense firepower on the ground continues to appear.

Before the travelers went to the void, they handed over the defense task of the local world to the Mechanicus. These Mechanicus personnel all came from Mars. They were all technicians who had followed the Second Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition for a period of time. For those who had obtained They are very happy with this technology. In their opinion, this is a great blessing from the God of Machinery. They feel that the nano-living robot is the skin of Ohm Messiah, which can be ever-changing and automatically repaired. The embodiment of the Messianic power of Ohm.

Although the time-travelers are noncommittal about this situation, they always believe that technology is technology and is not something worthy of worship. At the same time, the time-travelers do not believe in any gods. Their belief in the Emperor is purely because of their belief in the Emperor. They respect the greatness of the Emperor, but as time travelers, this statement is somewhat correct, but they also know that the Emperor is actually a god. He is just a human being, and he is also a father who has not handled his family education well.

"Sir, the enemy's airdrop pod has passed through the fire gap and has reached the surface of the planet."

Just as the Mechanicus Priests were preparing to continue repairing the orbital defense platform, a soldier from the local Planetary Defense Force suddenly ran up to them. After saluting, he told them about the landing of the Chaos Force airdrop pod.

"This world is really...even the Gear Ceremony has not become popular."

The sage looked at the soldier in front of him. After he nodded towards him, he complained silently in his heart. He was really not used to this kind of etiquette other than the gear ceremony.

"Let the Skitarii move and we will fulfill our contract with the Son of God."

The sage looked at the soldiers in front of him. He used his meditator array to issue an order to the Mechanicus personnel around him, and then continued to repair the orbital defense platform.

The Skitarii are a force of the Mechanicus and a force independent of the Empire. They are not under the control and command of the Empire. Even the generals of the Astra Militarum cannot command even a small Guard Corps. The teaching army is also a manifestation of the relationship between the Mechanicus and the Empire.

In the eyes of the civilians of the Empire, the Empire and the Mechanicus are a whole. Some even think that the Mechanicus is just a small department of the Empire. But in fact, the Mechanicus is a huge, independent political entity like the Empire. , which has a great deal of power, and the Martian Forge General always has a position in the High Lords Council.

Its independent status is the product of the Emperor's compromise. The Empire needs the Mechanicus, but the Mechanicus does not need the Empire. This can be seen from the time of the Beast Wars, when the Mars Mechanicus wanted to leave the solar system on Mars.

The reason why Wang Ming was able to allow the Mechanicus to join his revival expedition was at a cost. The Mechanicus was now so powerful that all departments in the entire empire needed supplies from the Mechanicus. The warships of the navy, down to the meditator arrays and servitors used by various departments of the empire, all need the help of the Mechanicus. Facing this huge political entity, Wang Ming can only use profits to tie them onto the ship of the revival expedition. .

Just like the sage now orders the Skitarii to protect the world, this is not because they have the obligation to protect the world. The world does not have the technology they want, but they still have to protect the world. That is because the king The contract signed by Ming and the Mechanicus requires them to protect the world. For the Mechanicus, the existence of the empire only allows them to better pursue technology.

After receiving the order from the Sage, the skitarii immediately dispatched, and these mobile nuclear radiation generators quickly headed to the location of the Chaos troop drop pod.

The Skitarii, a group of cyborg cyborgs, have all undergone high-end mechanical modifications, and many of them have been modified to be able to fight head-on with the Astartes.

Moreover, these skitarii are also movable nuclear radiation generators. Once the weapons they prepare are fired, the radiation index on the battlefield will definitely explode. It can be said that letting them participate in the battle will not affect the enemy or the enemy. For friendly forces, this is a very huge threat.

Therefore, this Skitarii army does not have any troops following them. They can only deal with the Chaos troops by themselves, but this is considered a normal situation for them.

After the Mechanicus troops arrived at the scene, they immediately started a battle with the Chaos Space Marines. Their weapons containing terrifying radiation fired volleys at the Chaos Space Marines in front. This instant attack could make Geiger The calculator crashed instantly, and the terrifying radiation directly filled the battlefield.

Are the Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii powerful? This must be beyond doubt. The powerful black technologies of the Mechanicus ensure the combat effectiveness of the Skitarii. Just like what is happening on the battlefield now, a wave of volleys from the Skitarii instantly killed a large number of people who had just dropped from the air. The cultists who had not yet reacted in the cabin, and at the same time, several unlucky Chaos Space Marines also turned into corpses under the fire of radium spears.

The Adeptus Mechanicus does not fight like the Astra Militarum. When they fight, there is no so-called morale, or there is insufficient intelligence and investigation. Generally speaking, the governing sages who are responsible for managing the Skitarii will manage the Skitarii well. All questions, and the use of apologetic perspectives to collect a large amount of intelligence on the battlefield. After they discovered that there were Chaos Space Marines in the road troops, they immediately organized dozens of Skitarii armed with radium spears to snipe these Chaos Space Marines. Radium spears, this kind of terror that uses radium, a dangerous radioactive element, Weapons, even the power armor of Space Marines cannot block it, and the deadly radiation will cause the Space Marines hit by it to die quickly in pain due to excessive horrific radiation, even if they do not hit the fatal part.

Just when the Skitarii attacked the Chaos troops, the Chaos troops' counterattack also began. Attacks from automatic guns and laser guns continued to fly towards the Skitarii, but these attacks were too much for these mechanical transformations. There is not much damage. How can they keep shooting under the rain of bullets? All Chaos Space Marines are their targets. These high-threat enemies need to be eliminated quickly.

The Chaos Space Marines did not have any time to fight back. They were targeted by dozens of radium lances in an instant. Facing the rain of bullets from the radium lances, they had no means of defense. The power armor was hit by the live ammunition fired by the radium lances. The ammunition was penetrated, and deadly radiation quickly entered the bodies of these Chaos Space Marines.

Radiation is an extremely deadly thing for both machines and living things. It can destroy the hardware of machines and directly interrupt the gene chain of living things. This thing of the Mechanicus is simply synonymous with loss of conscience.

In an instant, the Chaos troops who were originally preparing for an invasion war were turned into a resistance war by the Skitarii. Then as the fighting time passed, it gradually turned into a massacre. The morale of the Chaos troops collapsed. They looked at The Chaos Space Marines, who were like demigods, were killed in an instant. Seeing their companions around them being turned into charcoal after being hit by galvanic rifles, their morale could no longer be maintained.

"Monsters! These guys are monsters with metal skin!!"

The cultists looked at the skitarii who had arrived in front of them and were ready to fight at close range. They all roared in despair. In their view, these skitarii had no feelings and no emotional response to death and killing. They are just a group of monsters covered with metal skins. Logically speaking, these cultists should not be afraid. You must know that they have all seen demons in subspace, but even demons can see some emotional fluctuations. Yes, but not only did the monsters in front of them show no emotional fluctuations, but each of them was extremely powerful in combat. They even killed Chaos Space Marines who were like demigods.

"Blood sacrifice blood..."

Of course, in addition to those cultists whose morale collapsed, there are also those cultists who did not collapse. They are warriors who believe in Khorne and will not be afraid of any enemy. No, a Khorne cultist yelled about blood sacrifice to the blood god. , the one with the skull seat rushed towards the skitarii.

However, when facing the Skitarii, this Khorne cultist could only be said to be brave. It had just rushed in front of a Skitarii, and before it had time to cut off the battle ax in its hand, The arm was grabbed by the Skitarii.


The Skitarii's mechanical arm exerted a little force, and the Khorne cultist's arm was forcibly dropped from its body in an instant.

"Command, destroy."

The Skitarii threw down his arms. He looked at the Khorne cultist in front of him and knocked his head away with one fist. As the head of the Khorne cultist flew in the air, the Skitarii also began to attack the evil cultist themselves. The killings of the cultists, the continuous shooting of electric currents, and the cultists turned into corpses with their brains roasted under the guns of the skitarii. This is considered a kind of tragedy for this group of traitors who betrayed mankind. Cremated.

They kept shooting the cultists, like soldiers shooting at moving targets in an Astra Militarum training ground, but unlike those soldiers, they were shooting live people.

The Skitarii quickly killed all the cultists. They stepped on the corpses of the cultists and went directly to the next battlefield. The Skitarii did not need to rest, they could fight endlessly until they died.

The landing locations of Chaos troops were not concentrated. They landed in various locations. Some landed in the hive, some landed in the wilderness outside the hive, and some were unlucky because they were faced with ground anti-aircraft fire. Without adjusting its direction, it fell directly into Kyle's ocean full of pollutants.

"The revival expedition must be stopped. I am the only one who has hope for the revival of mankind."

In a hive, Abaddon looked at the frightened Imperial civilians in front of him. He waved to the cultists and Chaos Space Marines around him, then turned and walked towards the center of the hive. He was going to this place. The Governor's Tower in the hive is the capital of the world of Kyle. As long as this hive is mastered, we can fight a protracted war with the time travellers.

After Abaddon waved his hand, the brutal massacre began. Imperial civilians were wailing and slaughtered by Chaos Space Marines and cultists. Their flesh and blood flew in the air, and their lives were lost under the butcher's knife.

The law enforcers in the hive city also quickly sensed the scene, but their firepower was completely ineffective when facing the Chaos Space Marines. They also became the target of massacre by the Chaos Space Marines and cultists.

"Come on, come on! How come you have been training for so many years just to eat and die!?"

In the hive, the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force followed the mortal auxiliaries to the battlefield quickly. The mortal auxiliaries were okay, they had all faced demons and zerg, and they were just fighting against the Chaos Space Marines. , they don’t take it to heart at all, but the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force are different. The Planetary Defense Force of Kyle’s world has not fought many decent wars at all. The only decent war was against evil. The cultists have not yet won the battle. If the second fleet of the Renaissance Expedition had not arrived, they would have been destroyed by the cultists and the Chaos Space Marines they summoned.

(End of this chapter)

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