Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 457 The War on Tello 3

Chapter 457 The Battle of Troll III

"Holy angels, welcome to Trolo-3. I am the planetary governor of Trolo-3, Karen Van Wheelton. On behalf of my family, my world, and my people, I welcome the Holy The arrival of the God-Emperor’s Angel.”

The Planetary Governor looked at Hu Jin in front of her. She lowered her body humbly and held her hands in the posture of an eagle. She displayed her identity in a very humble way. As a Planetary Governor who had never seen a Space Marine, she had no idea about these things. Demigods are respected just like ordinary mortals.

"Planetary Governor, how did you know we would land here, how did you know about us?"

Hu Jin did not respond much to the planetary governor's compliment. He directly asked the question that they were concerned about. If there was any question in the planetary governor's answer, he would immediately lead the time travelers to kill those soldiers.

You know, a planetary governor knows the location of the Astartes drop pod and its landing place. This in itself is very abnormal.

"Great angel, your arrival was predicted by my great wizard, who according to the Empire is the Astropath mentor of our world."

After the planetary governor heard Hu Jin's words, he raised his head and looked at Hu Jin's suddenly giant-like body with his blue eyes. She answered to Hu Jin respectfully.

Hu Jin listened to the words of the planetary governor. He looked at Hou Xu who was beside him. Hou Xu also looked at Hu Jin. He nodded towards Hu Jin and then retreated back among the time travellers.

Although Hou Xu is a think tank who can only play explosive spells, he can still see through the heart of a mortal. He can feel the emotional changes of a mortal who is actually an Astartes. In fact, all the think tanks of the 21st Legion have this skill. This is the result of the think tanks forcing Edwige and Rengar to study day and night.

Hou Xu had just checked the words of the Planetary Governor, and there was no problem with her. Just as Hu Jin was staring at the rare female Planetary Governor in front of him, an old man in a robe walked out from behind the Planetary Governor.

The old man looked at Hu Jin. He suddenly knelt on the ground and performed the Eagle Salute with both hands reverently. He lowered his head, almost wanting to bury his head deeply in the ground.

"Holy lords, thank you for coming to Trolo-3. His Majesty has told me about your arrival. You will bring light to Trolo-3 and drive away the blood-red madness."

The old man slowly raised his head and stared at Hu Jin with his blind silver-white pupils. He told Hu Jin the revelation given to him by the emperor, which came from the great god on the sacred golden throne. The emperor's personal revelation.

"Blood red madness..., I understand."

Hu Jin looked at the great wizard. He stared at the old man, then nodded and prepared to walk to Castle Casado. At the same time, the honor guard who saw Hu Jin moving immediately started playing. As the music played, Under the leadership of the planetary governor, Hu Jin and the traversers entered Castle Castle.

"Have you sent a distress message to the empire before?"

In the Governor's Mansion of Cassadore Castle, Hu Jin and Planetary Governor Kallen Van Wilton were sitting in the Planetary Governor's Palace. Hu Jin looked at the Planetary Governor in front of him, and he asked the Planetary Governor.

"Yes, sir, when you arrived, we thought you had received our star message for help."

The planetary governor looked at Hu Jin. She respectfully replied to Hu Jin that the world of Trollon III had once sent a distress message to the empire, but it always came to nothing. Hu Jin had also expected this situation. The dark side of the empire In that environment, astrological communication is like a line of drifting bottles in the ocean. It may be accepted by others, or it may be completely lost among the stars.

"Huh..., I understand. Now let's talk about the specific situation of this world and the scale of those heresies."

Hu Jin listened to the planetary governor's answer. He took a long breath, and then asked the planetary governor about the situation of heretics in this world.

"Sir, there are two groups of heretics in the world of Tero No. 3. One is the cult called Praise of Blood, and the other is..., and the other is the lord country united by a group of civilians..."

After the Planetary Governor heard Hu Jin's words, he immediately began to talk to Hu Jin about the heretics in this world. However, when he talked about the rebels, the Planetary Governor's expression was a little strange.

"Lord's country?"

Hu Jin listened to the Planetary Governor's words, and he saw the change in the Planetary Governor's expression. He suddenly became interested in the so-called lord country, so he asked the Planetary Governor about that lord country.

"No sir, they were formed spontaneously. A year ago, a group of civilians formed this lord country in the wilderness. They are not my lords, but a group of..., well, how should I say, they They are a group of common people who want independence. You should also know the situation in the feudal world. The lords under us all want independence more or less, not to mention the common people..."

The planetary governor looked at Hu Jin in front of her. She said to Hu Jin a little embarrassed. In her opinion, this was because she had not managed her own world well, and the angels of the God Emperor had seen the joke.

"Okay, let's deal with them first, and then deal with the cultists."

Hu Jin looked at the planetary governor, he nodded and said to him, the time travelers have experience with this situation. When they were on the world of Eden, they also saw the appearance of the feudal world, where heroes competed for hegemony. Situations abound, and this is a very normal thing, not worth thinking too much about.

After confirming all this, Hu Jin took a company directly to the territory of those civilian armies. Speaking of which, these civilians were also very ruthless. They actually fought against the planetary defense of the world of Troll III for a year. Many, as a force with few automatic guns in their hands, they are also very good. Hu Jin thought that if they were not contaminated by Chaos, they could be adapted into a mortal auxiliary legion and let them accept the system. Transformed training to conquer the stars for mankind. The transport plane passed through the sky and soon arrived at the territory of the civilian army. It was a large plain. A city stood on the plain. Hu Jin looked at the city and already had some feelings for those civilians in his heart. learn.

The city looks very new. It is obviously a newly arrived city. It has the appearance of a medieval castle. Mortals are patrolling the city walls with guns with rubbed handles.

"This is the situation. During this time, we took advantage of those mindless cultists to fight against the Van Wilton Kingdom. We quietly knocked down this warehouse and factory, and then moved them back. Then our industrial capacity will definitely be huge. Progress."

In the city, in the newly established Lord's Mansion, a man in luxurious clothing was looking at the parchment map in front of him and talking about his plan to the several knight leaders around him.

"Understood, Lord, we will definitely fulfill your great trust."

Listening to the man's plan, the heads of several knights agreed, and then they immediately rushed to the lord's mansion to prepare the troops needed for this plan.

"Phew, the fight for hegemony in another world didn't give me a system or anything like that, no golden fingers, and they didn't even give me the magic talent of this world. I'm just a Muggle. It's pretty good that I've managed to get to this point. ”

After the man watched the captains of the knights leave, he slumped down on the lord's seat in the hall of the lord's mansion. He looked at the empty lord's mansion and sighed to himself, as a time traveler It has been a year since I traveled to this world similar to the Middle Ages.

During this year, he gathered other lords and civilians exiled from the kingdom, and then formed an army. Through the knowledge of his previous life and the knowledge of war as a military fan, he finally established A small force.

He learned some things about this world in the month he just traveled. According to the novels he read, this world has magic and kingdoms. It must be a fight for hegemony in another world. Although he doesn't know why there are guns. But his technological level is not that high, and he still holds on to a glimmer of hope that he can conquer the world. As a time traveler, he still thinks that he should have a bit of a protagonist's aura.

"Rising in troubled times and unifying the whole world, this is a perfect starting point for the protagonist."

The man stood up from the lord's seat. He looked at a portrait in front of him, thought in his heart, and then began to worship to the portrait. Above this portrait is the god of this world, and also the largest god among other lords and the entire world. Kingdom, the god that the Van Wilton Kingdom forces civilians to believe in. As a time traveler, he knew that there was definitely a god in this different world, so he also began to believe in this god.

He believes that the struggle for hegemony in this other world is this god's chessboard. After he believes in this god, it means that he has become a chess piece on this god's chessboard, and as a chess piece, he will also have the same special abilities as those lords. The power to fight for world domination.

In fact, he was overthinking. The portrait of the god he worshiped was the portrait of the emperor in the local world. The situation in this world was not some other world competing for hegemony, but a huge cesspool with wars everywhere. , apart from that, there is no so-called chess piece that is finally selected as the master of this world. This kind of plot only appears in online novels.

After the man worshiped the portraits of the gods, he took out another book and read it carefully. This is the information of this world. Throughout the year, he has been collecting all the information of this world, and then edited it into A book that he would take out and read from time to time. Every time he read these things, he could find some useful information. Moreover, the book was constantly updated with the efforts of the spies he sent. Now he even connected Kallen. The location of the bedrooms in Van Wheelton's house is even known.

"The night is long. If I want to conquer this world, I must work hard."

The man looked at the book in his hand. He injected himself with some more chicken blood, and then continued to think about the war plan in his mind. He wanted to start with the surrounding lords. Before, he and the captains of the knights under him The plan discussed was to raid a lord's factory and warehouse. Most of that lord's troops had been mobilized by the Van Wilton Kingdom to fight against the cultists.

At this time, the lord's territorial defense is in a very empty state. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wants to continue to expand the scale and resources of his power and make his power stronger.

"Lord, the knights have been assembled and ready to go at any time."

The man was thinking about the follow-up war plan when a soldier suddenly ran into the lord's mansion. He looked at the man and bowed slightly, and then told the man the news that the troops had been assembled.

"Ah, very good."

The man looked at the soldiers, nodded towards them, then picked up his weapons and equipment, and walked out of the lord's mansion. As a time traveler, and as the male protagonist of a novel about fighting for hegemony in another world, he still attaches great importance to his role in the army. From the earliest days, he had been fighting with his brothers. It was his behavior of advancing and retreating with everyone that allowed him to go from being a man in the wilderness to being a leader in just one year. He led his brothers to rob bandits and became a lord with hundreds of thousands of people under his command.

He is very aware of the importance of standing with the soldiers. At the same time, he is also a soldier himself. Although he was just a military fan before time travel, he is an avid military enthusiast. His biggest wish before time travel is It was to join the army. If it weren't for his physical problems, he couldn't join the army... But he didn't give up on his dream because he didn't join the army. Before he traveled through time, he had been training himself according to military standards and read a lot of military theory books. .

After he time-traveled, these things became one of the few good things he had that could be regarded as golden fingers. It was through these that he got to where he is now. He believed that as a time-traveler with knowledge of modern military theory, he would be able to This other world has made its own achievements.

Just when he was about to walk out of the lord's mansion, a sudden burst of gunfire made his whole body tense up. His combat experience made him immediately pick up the weapon in his hand and rush towards the source of the gunfire.

When he came to the source of the gunfire, the scene in front of him was so frightened that he froze in place and did not dare to move. He saw a group of giants wearing silver armor. Next to those giants, one by one of his soldiers It was rolling on the ground wailing.

"Primaris Astartes..., it's impossible..., it's impossible..., why in this universe..., why..."

The man knelt on the ground with a bang. He watched the despair in the hearts of those silver-armored giants swallow him instantly. In his mind, he recalled the desperate world view and the endless flames of war spreading throughout the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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