"Bring the ammunition up, and tell the adults, we will be able to break into the city in about half an hour."

On Tero-3, on a battle line outside the city, a mortal auxiliary army commander looked at the leader of the Planetary Defense Force in front of him, and he said to him with a smile on his face.

The leader of the Planetary Defense Force looked at the mortal auxiliary commander in front of him who was wearing sophisticated weapons that they had never seen before. He nodded tremblingly, and then followed the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force to carry supplies.

After the Planetary Defense Force's mortal auxiliary troops arrived, they could only be engaged in the work of transporting supplies. For them, frontal combat had been completely handed over to the mortal auxiliary troops.

The soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force have never seen such a force at all. Every shot they shoot will fall on the enemy, and no shot is missed. As well as their organizational strength, they have never seen such a prohibited force The soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force were shocked by their obedience to their commanders. It was impossible for them to achieve the combat qualities of the mortal auxiliary army.

"The combat quality of the Mortal Auxiliary Army is actually that of the Astra Militarum, even more powerful. This war will be left to the Mortal Auxiliary Army. It is not good for us to be the main attacker."

Behind the battlefield, Hu Jin looked at the battle of the mortal auxiliary armies. He nodded, and then thought in his heart that they had already evaluated this war, and it was just right for the mortal auxiliary armies, so they directly let the mortal auxiliary armies The army became the main offensive force in this battle. In case the Khorne cultists did not have so many underworld gadgets, it was just right to let the mortal auxiliary army do the main attack.

"Sir, Captain Custar asked me to tell you that they will be able to break into the city in about half an hour."

Just as Hu Jin was thinking about the battle of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, a soldier from the Planetary Defense Force suddenly ran up to Hu Jin, and then, after performing an eagle salute, conveyed the words of the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army to him.

"Well, it seems that they are very confident... However, I believe they have this ability."

Hu Jin looked at the Planetary Defense Force soldiers, he smiled, and then said to himself.

What would happen if an Astra Militarum fought against a ragtag group of people? It will definitely be a crushing battle. What if there is an Astra Militarum that has been strengthened countless times? The answer is just like before, it is also a crushing battle, but the situation is just that these two crushing battle forms are different.

"Do you still want to fight for hegemony in another world?"

Hu Jin looked at the newly discovered time traveler next to him. He smiled and asked him. He was very interested in this fellow. This fellow was the first planetary government they encountered who wanted to overthrow the local world's planetary government and then stand on his own. Being the king's time traveler really interests them.

"Hehehe..., Brother Hu..., please stop making fun of me. In this universe, different worlds are competing for hegemony..., hehehe..., the empire is not a kind civilization..."

The traveler beside him smiled bitterly, and then looked at his new clothes and equipment.

Since he was discovered by the time-travelers, he and his army were absorbed by the empire. Their current name is the 481st Fusiliers of Troll III. Although they bear the name of the Planetary Defense Force, But the equipment that the time travelers gave them was standard Cadian Lightning Army equipment. Although it was not as good as that of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, it was still many times better than the local planetary defense force.

"When I was playing the game before I traveled through time, I was thinking about what would happen if I traveled to Warhammer and became an Astra Militarum. But now, I'm really wearing the equipment of the Astra Militarum."

The time traveler looked at the green bulletproof armor in his hand, and he said to Hu Jin helplessly, but Hu Jin just patted his head to express comfort.

"You could obviously have an Astartes transformation operation without any risks, so why did you refuse?"

Hu Jin looked at the somewhat bitter time-traveler and asked him. He gave the time-traveler the choice of becoming an Astartes and conquering the stars with them, or stationing in the local world, but the time-traveler rejected him.

"Well...instead of fighting for the Emperor for hundreds of years as an Astartes, I might as well fulfill my responsibilities as a mortal to protect the Empire."

The time traveler smiled bitterly and said to Hu Jin. His smile was filled with endless bitterness. The mortals in this world may be more courageous than him, but they don't know what he knows, the darkness of the empire, the terror of subspace, and With the real enemies of mankind, the four terrible gods, he still felt that it would be good to live out his life as a mortal. At least then he could return to the Golden Throne without being installed into the Dreadnought to continue fighting for the empire for thousands of years.

"There is a brother in our fleet who is in a similar situation to you and has the same idea as you."

When Hu Jin heard what the time traveler said, he laughed again, as if he had heard an interesting joke.

"So how is he doing now?"

The time traveler looked at Hu Jin's smile and felt that there must be something wrong with it, so he asked Hu Jin.

"He..., after being thrown into this universe by the Emperor to fight, he was reincarnated after death. Each time he was reincarnated into an environment where he had a narrow escape from death. The last time he was reincarnated into a child in the hive city. If we hadn't discovered If you kill him, he will cut into pieces a group of genestealers."

Hu Jin looked at the time traveler and said to him with a smile. His words seemed like a big hook, directly hitting the time traveler's soul. He had imagined his own death and the consequences after death, but he did not expect that the emperor I will not let him die at all, but will continue to struggle in this desperate universe. “I thought death was the real peace…”

The time traveler looked at Hu Jin, and he replied to Hu Jin with a desperate look on his face. This is normal. After all, no one would want to do sit-ups constantly in this desperate universe. It would be okay to be reincarnated into an ordinary empire, but If you were reincarnated into one of those hive worlds or a world where wars raged all over Cadia, it would really be more uncomfortable than death.

"In this universe, there is never peace, neither in life nor after death."

Hu Jin looked at the desperate time traveler and said calmly to him that in this desperate universe, all humans cannot have peace, because they also have souls, and all humans with souls will be affected by subspace. Moreover, humans cannot escape from the subspace. This is proved by the exorcism dead domain of the Necrons. It has shown humans the consequences of losing their souls. Humans without souls will eventually become walking zombies. Except for those soulless people, the entire galaxy Most human beings have souls.

Let me mention one thing here. Travelers also have souls, and their souls also have projections in subspace. However, it is very difficult to influence this projection. They are like a real projection. You can see Intangible.

This is the conclusion that the think tanks among the time travelers came to after observing their own souls and those of the time travellers. They are originally souls from another world. Although they have subspace projections in this universe, their souls are always alien. The soul of the world, although they cannot return to their world, the rules of their world still protect them.

"I'd better do the Operation Astartes. I'll guard this world for the XXI Legion."

The time traveler looked at the battlefield ahead and at the mortal auxiliary troops who had begun to attack the city. He finally told Hu Jin his future choices.

"Well, I will tell the boss after his fleet arrives."

Hu Jin nodded towards the time traveler, replied, and then continued to look at the battlefield ahead.

The perspective returned to the battlefield. The artillery strike of the Mortal Auxiliary Army had ended. All the Mortal Auxiliary Army had installed power bayonets on their plasma rifles, and then rushed forward amidst the roar of the political commissar for the Empire and the Emperor. to the city ahead.

Those cultists in the city who survived the artillery fire still wanted to resist, but as soon as these cultists appeared, they were shot in the head with precise bursts by the mortal auxiliary troops. Almost no cultists needed a second shot from the mortal auxiliary troops. Each cultist only uses one shot.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God! Let those cowards who pretend to be emperors see what courage is! What is a true warrior!!"

Just when the mortal auxiliary army was about to invade the city, a tall cultist leader suddenly ran out of their position. It looked at the mortal auxiliary army, yelled at the cultists behind it, and then rushed towards The mortal auxiliaries.

The cultists around it were also inspired by it and rushed forward with it. But at this moment, a plasma ammunition suddenly hit the head of the cult leader. For a moment, the cult leader who was still encouraging just now The cult leader of his followers was turned into a headless corpse.

The cultists who were inspired by the cult leader looked at the fallen cult leader, and their eyes suddenly became clear. Some even wanted to turn around and run away, but at this moment, the eyes of each cultist suddenly became clear. Suddenly a blood-red light appeared, and they suddenly roared like wild beasts. They put down the automatic guns in their hands, and then yelled crazily, "Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!" towards the mortal auxiliary troops. Rush away.

The mortal auxiliary troops looked at the suddenly crazy cultists. They didn't make too many moves. They just raised their plasma rifles and fired a volley that turned them into headless corpses. .

But just after the mortal auxiliary troops killed the cultists, the corpses of the cultists suddenly turned into pieces of blood mist, and an ominous roar came from the blood mist.

The mortal auxiliary troops looked at the blood mist. They didn't have any fear. They knew what it was. They had experienced this kind of thing in the hive battlefield. Wasn't it a demon? They have seen these twisted warp entities, and they know how to kill them.

The power swords were pulled out by the time travelers. At the same time, some mortal auxiliary soldiers also activated the power bayonets on the plasma rifles. They watched the red demons walking out of the blood mist one by one, and they rushed towards those demons fearlessly. , the power armor made a sizzling sound under the high-power operation. These sounds coincided with the sound of the power weapon's decomposition position operation, and a strange sizzling sound appeared on the battlefield.

But just as the sound rang out, a sound of cutting things also appeared on the battlefield. It was the mortal auxiliaries expelling demons. Khorne demons are not like other subspace underworld things. They are not Will use those subspace spells of the underworld, but will fight opponents one on one.

But their opponents won't tell them that much. In the eyes of the mortal auxiliary army, the Chaos Demons are just a group of beasts. Because of how terrifying they are, they can be killed. If one person can't kill them, then two people can kill them. If two people can't kill an individual, then three people will kill them until they are killed.

To be honest, the mortal auxiliary troops who have followed the time travelers have thoroughly seen the big scenes in this universe. They have fought demons and bugs, seen the destruction of the world, and also fought for the world with the former galactic overlords. You will not be timid when facing any enemy.

The demons were turned into pieces under the siege of the mortal auxiliary army and were exiled back to the subspace. They listened to the wailing of the demons after being exiled, but they did not feel anything. These sounds that can make ordinary people fall into crazy killings did not matter to them. No impact whatsoever.

You know, the mortal auxiliary army's ability to deal with demons is very powerful. The 21st Legion specially wrote a tactical report for the mortal auxiliary army to teach them how to deal with demons. "The Emperor's Proverbs" added The melee attack of power weapons has become the standard operation for the mortal auxiliaries to face the demons.

After solving these demons, the mortal auxiliary army continued to attack the city. The city's defense capability was completely gone. The mortal auxiliary army easily invaded the city. However, during the attack on the city, After that, brutal street fighting began. Those cultists who were not afraid of life and death continued to use suicide attacks to attack the mortal auxiliary army, but the explosives they produced were unable to explode the power armor of the mortal auxiliary army.

The cleanup operation of the cultists can be said to be very successful. Apart from the summoned demons, these cultists basically cannot pose any threat to the mortal auxiliary army. Even if these cultists use their own products produced in the local world, those similar to those from the World War II era. Even if an anti-tank gun hits a mortal auxiliary in the front, it cannot kill him. The defensive equipment on a mortal auxiliary is not just power armor.

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