Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 461 Arsenal World Ivanir

"Who is the blood sacrifice..., where is the blood sacrifice..."

In the orphan camp where the world of Tello III was established recently, a boy was lying on the bed. He listened to the voices in his head. His expression was extremely distorted. He wanted to yell, but he couldn't. The voices in his mind The voice was still asking him who was offering the blood sacrifice and where the head was being offered.

He suddenly remembered his father's prayer scene. His father lifted a person's head and placed it on a throne made of skulls. He was frightened at the time. He would never become like his father. , absolutely not!

"Blood sacrifice..., blood sacrifice..., blood sacrifice to the God Emperor!! Skull sacrifice to the golden throne!!"

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the things about the God Emperor taught by the national teacher today. He yelled, and then the voices in his mind disappeared instantly. He crossed the bed and sat up. He finally knew why those soldiers To kill his father, why should everything named Chaos be cleared away? He heard that voice, and he should have been contaminated by Chaos. Although the words in his mind disappeared, he still felt a He had a strange feeling of wanting to kill something with a knife. He felt like he was going to become a madman like his father. He didn't want to become one of those madmen, absolutely not!

"That's right! Angel! Lord Angel!"

The boy suddenly remembered the angels who taught in the orphan camp. He immediately rushed out of his room and looked for those angels.

"Lord Angel! I am contaminated by Chaos, kill me! I don't want to become a madman!"

In a small room in an orphan camp, a little boy sat on a chair. He looked at the Astartes Think Tank in front of him and shouted to him. The Astartes Think Tank ignored him and used He looked at him like he was an idiot.

"This child has no traces of Chaos pollution on his body, and he still has the soul of a devout follower of the state religion. What is going on?"

The think tank looked at the child. He stared into the child's eyes and asked the other think tank next to him with a puzzled look. As a think tank who often dealt with those contaminated by chaos, how could he not see the situation of this child? There are no signs of corruption in the soul, only some chaos power that is being swallowed by faith remains. This is normal in this world. Although they believe in the Emperor, the chaos power affects not only the cultists, but also this Even if the people of the world are not directly contaminated by Chaos, their souls will have more or less subspace energy. This is due to the characteristics of the human psychic race.

"Hmm... Is there something wrong with this kid? By the way, I remember that there seems to be an Agel in our group. His situation is quite complicated. Do you want him to come and take a look?"

"I think it's okay."

The two time traveler think tanks communicated for a while, and then contacted Agel, preparing to ask him to come and see the child's condition.

Ager's situation is also very complicated. When Wang Ming saw him for the first time, he noticed that he was different. He seemed to be blessed by two gods. Wang Ming knew one of them, that was the Emperor. Sir, as for the other one, although Wang Ming didn't want to admit it, it seemed that the person who blessed Agger was Khorne. Regarding this situation, Wang Ming did not deal with Agger immediately, but threw him to the second group. Inside, since this child also believes in the God Emperor, it is not a big problem, and he can also gain a strong fighting power.

Agger quickly arrived on the ground from the Sun Fortress. He was led by two time traveler think tanks to the room where the little boy was held.

"Brother Xu Chen, brother Chen Hao, is this the child you are talking about? I can feel his piety, just like me, he is a devout believer of the God Emperor."

Ager looked at the little boy in front of him. After looking at the little boy, he said to the two think tanks beside him.

"Well, the symptoms are indeed similar. How about putting him into the local garrison company that is just about to be established, and letting Agel take him while we are still here? I can't bear to kill a loyal child."

Xu Chen looked at Chen Hao next to him. He tentatively asked Chen Hao, if he was asked to kill an alien child, he would not blink an eye, but he could not bear to kill a human child who loyally believed in the emperor. This would make him Feeling extremely sad.

"Ask the group leader and boss. If it's not possible, just throw him into the state church for training and let him become a priest directly."

Chen Hao looked at his battle brother, he nodded, and said a more effective way. Since this child feels that he is contaminated by chaos, let him use his own body to purify himself. It was his own choice whether to undergo cruel training to become an angel, or to be eliminated in the training and then become an ordinary acolyte of the state religion or a soldier of the Atonement Corps.

Similarly, the time travelers also gave equal choices to all orphans in this world. Arenas were built one by one, and the second group's popular selection activities also began.

"This is the next world we need to go to. The reform activities in the world of Tero No. 3 will take a year. During this time, we can carefully plan the situation of this world, and conduct advance investigations due to the distance. It is estimated that it will take a year for the fleet to arrive, and we will be the same by then."

In the Governor's Mansion, Wang Ming looked at the leaders of the time-travelers in front of him. He told them the follow-up action plan. The world they were about to go to was very special. That world was called Ivanir, which was an empire's arsenal. World, this world has a huge amount of weapons storage, and it is responsible for the supply of weapons and equipment for the Astra Militarum in the entire surrounding star field. Although after the Astra Militarum of the entire empire has been re-equipped, the functions of the Ivanir world will be reduced. It has completely turned into a weapons and equipment storage warehouse, but there is not much news from the empire about the situation on it.

After the Great Rift unfolded, news about it was intermittent. Wang Ming was worried that this arsenal world would become the next Vraks. This was something he absolutely did not want to see. The kind of environment in Vraks was not something that traversers could not do. Fighting, but it is too troublesome, and the battlefield environment can easily cause some huge troubles. If this world's orbital defense system is not extremely complete, Wang Ming really wants to blow up that world directly.

"Boss, isn't this the next Vraks? But I think we can solve it. Then we can just pile them up and kill them."

Hu Jin looked at the information about the Ivanir world in front of Wang Ming. He smiled at Wang Ming and said. Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin like this. He shook his head and looked at Xiao Changqing, the leader of the Thirteenth Regiment. He said: This leader is still trustworthy after all, at least he is much more reliable than Hu Jin in some matters. "Um..., the original body, I think it won't matter if Ivanir really becomes the next Vraks. What Commander Hu Jin said still makes sense. Our biggest advantage is that we can't be killed and are endless. We don’t have to pursue tactics, it’s also good to be a bit reckless.”

Xiao Changqing looked at Wang Ming. He gave almost the same answer as Hu Jin, but it was different. Xiao Changqing at least analyzed everything and the feasibility of the plan. It was not a simple recklessness, but an analytical recklessness.

"Isn't this reckless? Sigh..., okay."

Wang Ming looked at the time traveler leaders in front of him. They really didn't have much to do about Vraks' situation. They could only conquer the world through large-scale war.

The work of the world of Tello No. 3 is in full swing. The feeling of transforming the feudal world is very strange. It is like rapidly improving the civilization level of an entire civilization. Watching those castles being overthrown and watching those high-rise buildings Rising from the ground, the travelers were very satisfied, as they seemed to be the embodiment of the Renaissance Expedition, bringing salvation and improvement to the backward and in danger empire.

The Planetary Governor looked at the newly built cities. She seemed to see the huge hives on other imperial worlds. Did her world also have the legendary hives?

"Is that the hive? My lord."

The planetary governor looked at the cities in the distance, and she excitedly asked Xu Zheng beside her.

"Um..., no, but it's almost the same. It's just that compared to the real hive, they are still too small..."

Xu Zheng looked at the planetary governor, and then explained to her the difference between a hive and a city. Compared with the hive, the city they built was still too small.

A real hive city is a giant building that can accommodate the survival of tens of billions of humans. It is also an artificial ecosystem. The time travelers currently have no idea of ​​building a hive city on the world of Tello III. They just built a series of hive cities. They are just huge cities. Although these cities cannot accommodate tens of billions of people like real hive cities, as huge super cities, they still have the ability to accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

Moreover, the population in the world of Tello III is not tens of billions, only about a billion. Among these populations, there are also a large number of Chaos believers who have been processed. The real population is estimated to be only one billion. These cities are facing tens of billions. With a population of 100 million, it is more than enough.

Groups of civilians entered the city behind with their few luggage. They looked at the steel buildings that were completely different from the shacks they once had. Their hearts were filled with gratitude to the Empire and the God Emperor. Thank you to the God Emperor and the Empire. Let them live in houses that only their former owners could live in.

Just as the reform of Troll III was in full swing, a fanatical religious sacrificial activity was going on in the world of Ivanir. Countless wailing mortals were dragged into the world by cultists one after another. On the sacrifice platform of the huge pyramid, they wailed and watched their bodies being disemboweled, but they could not struggle at all. The cultists who caught them were too strong. They looked at the civilians, crazy Laughing, they shouted to the Supreme Heaven and the greatness of their generals in resisting the empire.

"The empire is cruel and incompetent. Now they have collected all the taxes of our world ten thousand years from now. They are not giving us a way to survive. We must use the power of the God Emperor to let the empire know that we are the ones chosen by the God Emperor!"

The leader of the cultists, "General", looked at the civilians on the sacrificial platform. He spoke loudly to all the cultists. His voice seemed to excite the cultists, and all of them suddenly cheered. , and some of them were too excited and attacked each other directly. They roared like wild beasts. The "general" with the power sword looked at the scene in front of him. He waved his power sword, big Smiling and enjoying the benefits this sacrifice brought it.

The twisted blessings of the evil god kept appearing on its body, with one eye, two eyes, and three eyes. After a period of distortion, its body suddenly lost its human appearance and turned into a twisted and unknown person. The monster kept laughing toward the sky, and then with another terrifying twist, it turned back into the cult leader "General".

"My warriors, we are about to face the cruel fleet of the empire. We will sacrifice more traitors of the empire to the great God Emperor and get more blessings from the God Emperor!"

"General" looked at the cultists who were cheering crazily, smiled, and then yelled at the cultists.

"Kill the traitors to the empire and let God's blessings come to this world!!!"

After hearing the words of "General", all the cultists began to roar. Their voices were shocking. The same words appeared in the mouths of countless individuals. They will kill all the empires they think. traitors, and then sacrifice their bodies to the great God-Emperor in the High Heavens.

"General" looked at the cheering crowd, it could already feel the power, the infinite power and glory, they seemed to have it at their fingertips, as long as it continued to sacrifice, as long as it continued to spread the Chaos Sect, it would get everything in the world, and The gaze of the supreme god.

The "General" has gone completely crazy. Originally, it was not such a terrible cult leader. Everything came from the tithe notice from the Terran Ministry of Interior. From that day on, the situation in the arsenal world began to collapse. , the world of Ivanir does not produce any materials. People in the world of Ivanir have also contacted the empire, but they only got one answer. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Interior, the tithe calculation of your world is confirmed to be correct. Please pay your taxes as soon as possible.

This news from the empire made the people of Ivanir completely disappointed with the empire. They looked at the empire's attitude towards Ivanir, and then they looked at their warehouses full of weapons and equipment.

Until a warlord named "General" appeared on the world of Ivanir. With what he believed to be the revelation of the God Emperor, he led 90% of the world's population to declare that they would fight the empire to the end. , will not let the empire take away everything in their world.

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