Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 468 The terrifying subspace and the emperor-class titan of chaos

The tactic of Thunder Eagle jumping to help the Titans is still a very effective tactic in the hands of the time travelers. When they fought against the Chaos Titan Army before, the time travelers used this tactic to fight against the Chaos Titan Army.

Now, the time travelers have reused this tactic. Thunderhawks are flying in the air. They are rushing towards the Chaos Titans despite the close firepower of the Chaos Titans. They have only one goal, that Just hit the Chaos Titan. If you can hit the driver's cab directly, then immediately detonate the super melt bomb on the Thunder Eagle and reduce the entire Titan driver's cab to ashes. If you don't hit the driver's cab, then it will be Jump onto the Titan first, then detonate the super melt to try to cause maximum damage.

The plan went very successfully, just like the last time. The time travelers successfully landed on Titan. Even Wang Ming ran to a Chaos Warlord, killing the Titan guards while looking for the Titan's cab. .

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a 100-meter subspace crack suddenly appeared on the battlefield. The moment it appeared, the terrifying subspace influence affected all the imperial troops on the battlefield, first of all those Knight families, the machine soul of the knight mecha was instantly corrupted by the terrifying chaotic energy. The pilots of the knight family were also instantly killed by the corrupted machine soul. Their neural interfaces connected to the knight mecha instantly burned their brains. .

Then there are the Titans. The machine souls and captains of the Titans are wailing. Flesh and bones instantly grow on the metal bodies of the Titans. These evil powers of the subspace are affecting the things in the physical universe.

"Fuck...get out of here!!!"

Wang Ming was holding the twisted body of Captain Chaos, and he was covering his head with one hand. The golden flames in his golden eyes were constantly burning. At the same time, the eyes of the travelers also turned golden, and the invisible force connected them to Wang Ming. together.

"What a Chaos Evil God!! My Titan Army!"

With the appearance of golden flames around Wang Ming, Wang Ming's consciousness returned to clarity. He observed the battlefield through the big hole he made outside the Chaos Titan cab. This made Wang Ming completely furious. His Titan Legion The first Titan formation, as well as the knight families, all turned into huge flesh and blood mechas. Countless twisted flesh and blood grew on the knights and Titans. Twisted limbs that resembled human arms grew densely on the Titan Legion. On the body, they kept twisting and turning on the Titan, which made Wang Ming suffer from trypophobia.

"Titan Military, are there any knights alive? There is also a second regiment, report the situation."

Wang Ming threw away the twisted Chaos Titan captain in his hand. He stared at the sudden appearance of the 100-meter space rift, and at the strange light that seemed to swallow the soul, he sent a communication to his troops.

"Boss, there is nothing wrong with us, but... But the knights and the Titan Legion seem to be gone. The brothers just opened a knight, and there was only a lot of twisted flesh left inside."

Wang Ming looked at the subspace rift. He waited for a while and finally Hu Jin's voice came from the communicator, but it was only Hu Jin's voice.

"Go to hell!!"

After Wang Ming listened to Hu Jin's words, he finally couldn't stand it any longer. This was the first time that he had been tricked so miserably. There was an entire Titan formation, twenty Empire-made Titans, and five newly-produced Star-class and Protector-class ones. The Titan, as well as the knights of the knight family who followed him, disappeared so easily.

This made Wang Ming furious, and also gave Wang Ming a feeling of despair. He felt that the most powerful ground weapon of mankind, the God Machine of the Mechanicum, was so powerless in the face of subspace. In subspace Under that terrible pollution, except for special beings like them, no one could avoid the terrifying pollution of Chaos.

"Continue to fight, first take down these Chaos Titans..., God Emperor is on top!!!"

Wang Ming thought for a second, and then prepared to let the time travelers continue to deal with the Chaos Titans, but at this moment, an extremely huge thing suddenly came out of the rift in the subspace. This thing directly made Wang Ming exclaim. come out.

Wang Ming looked at the huge Gothic architecture on the thing, the blasphemous symbols on it, and the twisted body of flesh and metal. The feeling of powerlessness and despair in his heart could not be increased.

"Emperor-level Titan..."

Wang Ming looked at that thing, and he said these five words with a look of despair. He really didn't expect that this thing would actually appear here. This is a chaotic emperor-level Titan. The 100-meter The huge size, the twisted and terrifying flesh and blood on it, and the extremely blasphemous and terrifying firepower all gave Wang Ming a sense of powerlessness.

Even if he is a Primarch, he cannot cause any harm to this giant composed of machinery and flesh and blood that only appears in the ancient Terra mythology, but this giant can kill him easily.

"Fuck grandma! Just die. My immortality ability is used at this time. Everyone has it. Prepare for the annihilation battle. Annihilate the target Chaos Emperor Titan. Let these chaotic bastards see it. Chapter 20 The terror of a legion, avenge our fallen comrades!!”

At this moment, Wang Ming suddenly remembered what the Emperor once said to him. The Emperor said that they, the time-travelers, are the ones who know the most about this desperate universe. If even they are desperate, then the human civilization will also be in despair. There is really no hope. As time-travelers, they cannot despair. They are the last guardians of mankind. They must not fall, never. They will protect human civilization with everything they have, from Terra to the frontier of the empire. , they will protect human civilization forever.

"Yes! Battle brothers! Pick up your weapons. We are time travellers. We are the second group of star travelers. Follow the original body and chop up those chaotic bastards!"

Hu Jin and the time-travelers all heard Wang Ming's words. Hu Jin immediately yelled at the time-travelers. The moment he finished yelling, the time-travelers also tied themselves full of heat. They had already used His actions answered Hu Jin.

"Fleet, I am Wang Ming, let the atmospheric frigates on the Sun Fortress come down, we..." After Wang Ming heard Hu Jin's reaction, he nodded, and then contacted the fleet again, but he just said With one sentence, the communication frequency band was suddenly interrupted. At the same time, an extremely distorted and blasphemous voice appeared in the communication frequency band. The voice laughed at Wang Ming's powerlessness and Wang Ming's incompetence.

"The communication frequency band has been polluted. It seems that Chaos really wants to kill me completely this time."

After Wang Ming heard these sounds, he threw away his helmet with a calm expression. He would not be affected by these chaotic sounds, because he knew that these strange sounds were made to disgust him because chaos could not help him. .

After throwing away the helmet, Wang Ming could only see the huge Chaos Emperor Titan with his naked eyes. Looking at the huge Chaos Emperor Titan, he remembered the Emperor Titan in the fleet, the same Titan. , but one represents the Om Messiah’s personal visit to the mortal world, and the other is a twisted thing that is extremely blasphemous.

"Hoo, the emperor bless you."

Wang Ming looked at the Chaos Emperor Titan. He began to look for things that could be used in the system mall. Most of the things in the system mall did not do much damage to the Emperor Titan. Although some weapons could penetrate the Chaos Emperor. The shield and body of the Imperial Titan, but does the elephant care about the ants chewing on it?

As for the anti-matter bomb, although the power of that thing was great, in the case of the Chaos Emperor Titan, Wang Mingyu was not sure that it would be useful against something with such outrageous subspace characteristics.

"It should be possible to detonate it internally, to get inside the Titan?"

Wang Ming looked at the travelers on the ground who were taken away by a volcanic cannon fired by the Chaos Emperor Titan, and the travelers who were shot into fireworks by the Titan's close-defense weapons. He really didn't know how to get close to the Chaos Emperor. Super Titans, and what's even more troublesome is that other Chaos Titans and the corrupted Empire Titans have also moved. These Titans are slaughtering three groups of time travellers.

"Hahaha, psychic power! Emperor, help me!!"

Just as Wang Ming was looking at the battlefield and thinking about how to deal with the Emperor Titan, he suddenly heard a sound that echoed across the battlefield. He immediately looked towards where the sound came from and saw a Chaos War Dog in front of him. , a golden light flashed continuously, and a time-traveler think tank was exuding golden spiritual light. It looked like it was possessed by the emperor, but several time-travelers behind him seemed to be squeezed dry. From the looks of it, it is obvious that this is not the case. They just obtained some of the Emperor's power through sacrifice.

Wang Ming looked at the golden psychic light on the think tank, and felt that he was about to do a big job. Wang Ming was not very clear about the think tanks of the time travellers, but he knew that there were several Alpha level psykers among them, maybe the second one. The chief think tank of the regiment is an Alpha psyker. A psyker of this level can use psychic powers to turn a Titan into two humanoid nuclear bombs in an instant.


Just when Wang Ming wanted to see the operation of the think tank, a huge explosion appeared directly in Wang Ming's eyes. The area where the think tank was located actually exploded. The huge explosion instantly covered the Chaos War Dog, and then Spreading around, psychic lightning and white psychic flames struck across the earth, burning the ground into glass.

"It exploded? What's going on?"

Wang Ming looked at the white ball of light that was like a nuclear explosion. His heart was full of confusion. What was going on? He was using his psychic powers and blowing himself up. Did he forget to bring the Emperor Tarot or something? land?

"Um..., but it seems that destroying a Chaos Titan is not a loss..., it is not a loss of a hammer! I have lost a Titan formation!!!"

Wang Ming looked at the big white psychic light ball. He couldn't hold it any longer. He picked up his power hammer and jumped directly from the Chaos War General. He fell on it like a bomb. There was a small explosion on the ground. Before the smoke dissipated, Wang Ming's figure disappeared again. The furious Wang Ming directly appeared a Chaos Titan. It was a former Protector-level Titan, but now it has It has turned into a monster covered with all kinds of disgusting flesh and blood.

Wang Ming rushed to the soles of his feet in an instant, and then activated the gravity weapon of the power hammer. In less than a nanosecond, Wang Ming's power hammer hit the soles of the Protector-class Titan's feet. , a thousand times of gravity was instantly added to the soles of the Protector-class Titan's feet. Then in a nanosecond, Wang Ming quickly turned off the gravity weapon of the power hammer, and then felt free from the influence of the gravity weapon. scope.

This is why only the Primarch can use this thing. Its usage is too extreme. He may be killed by his own weapons anytime and anywhere. If Wang Ming's reaction was not so quick, he would be killed in an instant. Crushed into a pulp by his own weapons.

After Wang Ming left, the legs of the Protector-class Titan were affected by the gravity weapon. Its structure was rapidly and continuously distorted. The pieces of armor could not withstand a thousand times its own strength and began to deform. In the end, the entire leg began to twist and deform, and then collapsed into pieces. The fragments did not seem to fall under normal gravity, but stuck directly to the ground and continued to twist into a piece of iron paper.

If a war machine like Titan loses one leg, it will lose its balance and fall to the ground. This is also a major principle of Wang Ming's war hammer against Titan. It is absolutely impossible for Wang Ming to truly destroy a Titan, but through Using physics methods, Wang Ming could still make a Titan lose its combat effectiveness.

"It's fallen. I'll give you another firework. Alas... rest in peace, our comrade."

Wang Ming looked at the fallen Protector-class Titan, then rushed to its edge and threw an anti-matter bomb to its edge. Wang Ming did not expect the anti-matter bomb to blow up the entire Protector-class Titan. Although the anti-matter bomb is powerful, the material of the Protector-class Titan is made from the Federation's advanced quark sorting technology. Its strength has reached a very outrageous situation. Whether there is an anti-matter bomb is still unknown. To be honest, If Wang Ming had known that Chaos would bring him such disgusting things, he wouldn't have put all the good things on the Star-level and Protector-level Titans.

But this is indeed not Wang Ming's problem. He really didn't expect that the evil god of subspace would hit him this time. That subspace rift, Wang Ming didn't even think about it.

At the same time, in the subspace, a twisted and ever-changing figure was running away from the pursuit of the big ball of light behind him, while looking at the battlefield where Wang Ming was with great interest. He was really happy to see this. It was a scene where a group of souls from another world were affected by the change. This change was extremely abrupt and it was really great. He was really very satisfied with his hand.

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