Chapter 47 Training 1
On the seventh day after the battleship jumped into the subspace, Wang Ming woke up from the special bed of the original body. He looked at the electronic clock beside the bed, and he slept for 13 hours.

Wang Ming stared at the surrounding environment with his hazy eyes, and all he could see were the walls of the technologically-sounding room of the "Imperial Truth" and the exquisite power armor hanging on the walls.

"It really isn't a dream..." Wang Ming thought.

It was his first sleep in this world, since the Primarch's energy was high and the Warp was indistinguishable from time.

So Wang Ming went to sleep after working with the traversers for several days and felt tired. Maybe he slept for too long and he even felt a little unreal.

He had a dream, dreaming that he was fooled by the emperor and took the traversers to fight the bayonets with the space necromancers.

"It's too scary." Thinking of the countless space necrons in the dream, which he couldn't kill no matter how hard he tried, he shuddered.

Wang Ming got up from the bed, went out of the room after some simple washing, and walked to the deck of the transport hangar.

Because of its huge space, the transport plane deck has become a fixed activity place for traversers, and the traversers even set up several training facilities in it within a day.

The traversers dragged all the Thunderhawk gunboats and "golden age" air-space fighters in this area into the warehouse. The traversers transformed the cleared empty decks into bolter guns isolated by adamantine armor plates. Shooting range and individual small sparring compartments.

The traversers have been doing shooting and melee training on the deck these days.

"What's the situation?" Wang Ming looked at the transport plane deck in amazement, and under the guidance of Fulgrim, the traversers were neatly waving their unpowered power swords.

Fulgrim was not with Guilliman, but Wang Ming was on board the "Imperial Truth", Guilliman still had certain precautions against Fulgrim.

Perhaps it was because the psychological shadow Fulgrim had cast on him ten thousand years ago was too large, when Guilliman was talking with Wang Ming before the Terra expedition.

Guilliman implicitly expressed that he wanted Wang Ming to supervise Fulgrim, and he was worried that there would be some "problems" in Fulgrim.

In order to deal with Guilliman's words, Wang Ming agreed, but he did not supervise Fulgrim in any way.

Wang Ming just brought Fulgrim with him, sometimes Fulgrim could give him some effective advice, especially for the tactical command of the Astartes Legion.

You must know that Wang Ming, in order to allow the traversers to carry out effective tactical operations, he and the company leaders of the legion have read "On War", "Military Training Manual" and other military books no less than 10 times.

"What's the matter? Why did you suddenly start teaching them how to practice swords?" Wang Ming walked to Fulgrim's side and asked.

"When I was in Macragge, I noticed that they didn't have any fighting skills at all. I'm just idle, so I might as well teach them swordsmanship." Fulgrim said, looking at Wang Ming who was walking in front of him.

"Teach me, too. My fighting skills basically don't need to be improved as soon as possible." Wang Ming remembered the time when he was injured by Abaddon's power claw on Cadia back then. Hacking and slashing, he now needs to quickly improve his fighting skills.

"Okay, I will teach you one-on-one." Fulgrim agreed to Wang Ming's request to learn swordsmanship. Wang Ming took it to an empty deck and started teaching.

Neither Fulgrim nor Wang Ming wore power armor. They were wearing loose clothing made for the original body, and each held a training long sword made of composite materials.

Around them, the traversers surrounded them, watching Fulgrim's training of Wang Ming.

"If you want to quickly improve your combat skills, you need to accumulate experience in actual combat. I will try my best to teach you combat skills close to actual combat." Fulgrim said to Wang Ming, holding his training sword in one hand.

Listening to Fulgrim's words, Wang Ming nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay, let's start then."

The training started, and Fulgrim raised his training sword and rushed towards Wang Ming.

 Thank you very much, God of Slaanesh Paregal, book friend 20221020122144390, S Damo, 1A Shuxuan pavilion master, book friend 20220218183919589, second grade of Red Mansion Primary School, Arden Dawn, book friend 20200401171547284, Hundred Burial Cherry Orchid, Allied Death Squad 1 , Bernadette, Snow Iron Cat, Long Live It, Miao Xiaoyao Fengda, the rewards and monthly ticket support of all book friends, your support is my biggest motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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