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Chapter 471 Battle of Mers

"The horn of war has sounded, and the Lord Protector's world wants his knights to protect it!"

On the land of Mors, thousands of huge knight mechas stood on the ground. The Supreme King of the knight family looked at the knight mechas and the knights of his own family. He loudly told them about their mission. , as knights loyal to the Lord Protector, they have all gathered on Mers, and they will fight to protect the world of the Lord Protector.

"The Knight family, the Space Marines, the Titan Legion Titans with emergency support from twenty-seven Kharid IVs, and the entire world's orbital defense system should be able to hold on until the boss comes..."

Xu Chengheng looked at the knight mechas. He summarized the troops he currently had in hand. He still had a lot of troops in his hands. Several traversers from the industrial world around him had already gathered on Mers. Except for that one The company went to inform the boss that Morse's military power was now very powerful, but it was still too small to face Abaddon's black army.

"I hope the boss's support can arrive soon."

Xu Chengheng thought about it, and finally let out a long sigh. He really didn't have much choice. He was not Wang Ming. He didn't have a system. He couldn't add ships to the Mers fleet. He could only watch those ships sink. The fleet is waiting for Abaddon's arrival, and all he can do is fight on the ground.

"Father..., father..., are you there?"

At the same time, in the void, in the advancing Chaos Fleet, Abaddon on the Vengeful Spirit looked at the empty information in front of him, and it was talking to himself.

There is no one around it. Under its subconscious thoughts, no one can find it. Its will has been integrated with the spirit of revenge. The blessing given to it by the Chaos Gods has turned it into A being similar to Horus.

On the current Vengeful Spirit, everything has been changed by Abaddon's ideas, just like the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion are now fighting their "past", yes, it is the past, one by one Horu The Chaos Space Marines of the Sons of Si, the Luna Wolf Space Marines, and the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion all fought together on the Vengeful Spirit.

The sudden appearance of these troops made the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion very confused, and also made those eternal soldiers confused. They knew those people, those were their former comrades, and their former identities, but they are now But strangely, he started fighting with his past and his comrades.

At the same time, not only those strange Astartes appeared, but all kinds of demons also appeared on the Vengeful Spirit. The aggressiveness of these demons was too strong. No matter what they were, the Chaos Astartes Or mortal sailors who are cultists, these demons will kill them, and these demons do not seem to have much intelligence, just like a group of servitors that rely on automatic programs to operate.

Weird, this is the only word that can be used to describe the current Vengeful Spirit. Countless weird things are filled with the entire ship. The ship is filled with the shooting sounds of various weapons and the roars of demons, and in Deep inside the ship, waves of indescribable sounds were constantly ringing.

This spirit of revenge seems to be alive, and its countless internal parts seem to have become some kind of complex digestive system, and it is digesting everything inside it.

"We have arrived in the Mers galaxy, Warmaster..."

Just as the battle inside the Vengeful Spirit became increasingly bloody, a voice suddenly appeared in Abaddon's mind. It was the machine soul of the Vengeful Spirit, a "living being" who had become self-aware. thing”.

"Ah..., we're here..."

Just after Abaddon heard that voice, it suddenly came back to its senses. The moment it came back to its senses, all the weird things on the Vengeful Spirit disappeared, and the entire Vengeful Spirit changed again. Returning to their former appearance, these Chaos Space Marines fighting against the Daemons and Astartes also broke away from the battle in an instant. They looked at the empty cabin in front of them, their hearts full of doubts and confusion. They did not understand. How did those things appear, and why do these things that look like them attack them.

"Everyone, prepare to land in Morse."

Just when they were wondering about what was going on, the Warmaster's voice appeared on the ship's broadcast. They didn't have time to think about these things, and walked into the airdrop cabin according to the Warmaster's order. It wasn't that they didn't want to go to the airdrop cabin. The war commander went to report or inquire about the situation, but they were unable to do such a thing. Their bodies and minds seemed to be pulled by something, and they walked into the airdrop cabin consciously.

As the Chaos Space Marines of the Chaos Fleet entered the drop pod and then headed to the planet surface, there was only silence on the entire Vengeful Spirit. All the mortal cultist sailors died in the previous battle. , how could the mortal cultists withstand the battle between those demigods?

However, this silence did not last long. After a while, the cultist sailors who had become a ball of rotten flesh on the ground stood up from the ground. Their flesh and blood crawled from the ground to the point where they were almost mutilated. On top of the body, each mortal cultist sailor stood up staggeringly. They looked at their companions around them and their broken bodies. They did not say a word, but staggered back to their former working positions. , and then continued to perform his work as before.

Everything is so weird, but everything seems so reasonable, just like what happened on the Vengeful Spirit ten thousand years ago, countless weird scenes filled the ship, just like Horus. It was exactly the same when I was there...

"Here they come, the chaotic bastards are here..."

On the ground in Meers, Xu Chengheng looked at the light spots in the sky, and then issued orders to all the troops. First, the orbital defense system was activated. Countless firepower flew into the sky. At the same time, the planetary defense fleet hidden on the back of the Meers satellite also began to take action. Xu Chengheng knew that it was impossible for the planetary defense fleet to confront the black fleet head-on. He could only use This method can knock down one ship at a time, and it can hit all the firepower. Otherwise, these planetary defense fleet ships will be no different from large sampans.

"May the God Emperor protect them. Although they do not have the power of the Imperial Navy, they have the courage of the Imperial Navy. May the Holy Majesty bless them to be invincible..."

The time-traveling priests of the Meers Garrison are praying to the navies of the Pseudo Planetary Defense Fleet. Although the navies of these planetary defense fleets are not the Imperial Navy, their courage is no worse than that of the Imperial Navy. They all know that they are bound to die, but they still They resolutely drove their ships towards the Chaos Fleet. The ships of the Planetary Defense Fleet were incomparable to the real navy, but they still fought without hesitation.

As the ships of the Planetary Defense Fleet flew towards the Chaos Fleet, the Battle of Mors officially began. Iron and fire are the themes of this war, as are sacrifice and loyalty. Countless loyalists will They died in this war, but they will use their lives to protect this industrial world that is very important to the entire empire. Their names cannot be counted, but their achievements are known to everyone.

"Everyone, prepare! The bastards of Chaos have landed on the planet. These bastards of Grox beasts want to destroy our world and the world of the God Emperor. We must not let them succeed!!!"

In the fortress area outside the main hive of Mors, the local Astra Militarum commander of Mors loudly recounted the mission of protecting Mors to the Astra Militarum. All the Astra Militarums heard the commander After saying these words, they also waved their weapons and answered him loudly. They will protect their world and the world of the God Emperor with their souls and lives. They are the guardians of Morse and the army of His Holy Majesty.

However, the war cannot be won by will alone. The gap between the strength and quality of the troops cannot be solved by will. Countless chaos drop pods broke through the firepower of the planetary defense system and landed directly on the planet. Above, although they will be discovered by the reconnaissance system of the time-travelers the moment they land, and then be surrounded by the Imperial troops, the quality of the Imperial troops is obviously unable to catch up with those of the Chaos troops. After all, the Chaos Space Marines of the Chaos troops are comparable to the time-travelers. There are too many of them.

There are also those crazy cultists who are not afraid of death. They number in the hundreds of millions. Although the orbital defense system destroyed most of the cultist drop pods, there are still many cultists who have entered the planet. , although their number is no longer 100 million, there are still tens of millions. This is the result of the desperate defense of the orbital defense system.

The war began to become extremely bloody the moment the ground battle started. Countless cultists attacked the Astra Militarum defense line. They fell to the ground one by one under the muzzles of the Astra Militarum's plasma rifles. Under the plasma The corpses of the cultists continued to evaporate under the ammunition, and blood mist filled the defense line. The disgusting burnt smell made even the Astra Militarum soldiers wearing fully enclosed helmets feel slightly nauseous.

At the same time, the Astra Militarum were also losing money. The close combat of the Chaos Space Marines was beyond the reach of mortals. Even though they had power armor, a power sword and plasma rifle each, and a large amount of anti-armor firepower, They still do not pose much of a threat to the Chaos Space Marines in close combat, and their movement speed cannot match the Space Marines.

Every time they fought against the Chaos Space Marines, they had to pay huge casualties to kill a Chaos Space Marine. The number of time travelers was still too small.

It is too difficult for nine hundred Primaris Space Marines to face the large number of Chaos Space Marines in the Chaos Fleet, not to mention the tens of millions of cultists. The planetary defense forces of Morse plus the Astra Militarum , with only 10 million, it has a lot of equipment advantages when facing tens of millions of cultists, but cultists are not afraid of death. No matter how powerful the morale and weapons of the Astra Militarum are, they are only mortals. Although their spirits are extremely tenacious, there are still too many chaotic underworld things.

For example, believers of Slaanesh. The appearance of these things on the battlefield is a psychological shock to all normal mortals. These things are really disgusting and twisted. They will wear a smile that looks like a lunatic, and then yell crazily. Shouting and rushing towards the Astra Militarum, believe me, when a normal person sees these madmen with crazy smiles when they die, your heart will definitely feel a huge nausea.

There are also cultists of Tzeentch and Nurgle. The former has a large number of warp underworld spells. They are both terrifying psykers. One of them may have the psychic power to destroy an entire battle line. Although these psychic powers The use of them is also very dangerous. They may explode at any time or be possessed by demons, and the latter are the spreaders of plague and corruption. The various viruses and plagues on them make the weapons and equipment of the Astra Militarum Corrupted, the plasma rifles malfunctioned in ways they shouldn't have, and the power armors jammed. The power armors that were supposed to protect the Astra Militarum ended up blocking the Astra Militarum's activities when faced with the cultists of Nurgle. A major obstacle, as for the cultists of Khorne... they are still the same reckless people.

The war spread from the sky to the earth. As the war progressed, there was finally a gap in the orbital defense firepower on the ground. This was the result of the joint efforts of the Chaos Cultists and the Chaos Space Marines. Although most of the battle results were achieved by the Chaos Cultists. Completed by the corpse of the cultist.

"Damn Abaddon... Why don't you think I didn't kill you ****!!"

Xu Chengheng looked at the flickers in the sky. He kept cursing Abaddon in his heart. He knew what those flickers were. Every flicker was the sinking of a Planetary Defense Fleet ship. Although they did not have an empire, The navy was as powerful as the God-Emperor's wrath, but they still fulfilled their responsibilities as a void navy.

"May their souls return to the Golden Throne for such an act of loyalty..."

Next to Xu Chengheng, the time traveler priest was praying. He was praying for all the imperial soldiers who died in the war.

"Yes, all loyal warriors will return to the Golden Throne, but praying to the Emperor is of little use now. We always need to solve the problem ourselves. He has more important things to do."

Xu Chengheng looked at the priest brother beside him, he smiled bitterly, and then walked to the command sandbox in front of him. He only hoped that Mers could hold on until Wang Ming came to support him, otherwise this industrial group that was very important to the empire would be completely destroyed.

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