Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 480 Plague in the Hive City

"Shoot! Shoot quickly! Hit them on the head, otherwise you won't be able to kill them at all!"

Just as the primarchs were fighting in the wilderness outside the hive, a primarch also appeared in the hive, a demonic primarch of Nurgle. It held the power of Nurgle and showed its loving fatherhood to the real universe. authority.

Countless residents of the hive city were turned into zombies of Nurgle by the virus. The law enforcers in the hive city continued to shoot and kill the walking zombies, but these walking zombies were still endless. No matter how many zombies were killed for the law enforcement, they were the same. The ammunition is consumed all the time, but the zombies will never be killed.

The law enforcers looked at the walking corpses approaching in front of them. Their morale was about to collapse. They had seen that many of the walking corpses were their neighbors or people they knew. They were afraid that they would also become... Monsters like these walking zombies.

"Protect those civilians and let them escape to the nest!"

Just when the law enforcers were about to collapse, a mortal auxiliary army suddenly appeared behind the law enforcers. Their plasma rifles cleared away the large swaths of walking corpses in front of the law enforcers like mowing grass.


The law enforcers looked at the mortal auxiliary troops. They knew who those people were. They were the troops of His Majesty and His Highness.

"Brothers! We are His Highness's army! We must protect the people of the God Emperor and the Protector!"

The leader of the Mortal Auxiliary Army held a power sword and a plasma rifle in one hand. He yelled at the soldiers, and the soldiers loudly answered their war cries at their leader.

"The stars are immortal!! Humanity will live forever!!"

The mortal auxiliary troops roared. Their precise shooting was simply not comparable to those of the previous law enforcers. Each of their shots could kill a large number of walking corpses. Every flash of the plasma rifle's light would kill A swarm of zombies turned into steam. The tactics of line infantry were very effective against the tide of zombies. The volleys of automatic weapons fire were very terrifying.

But just when the mortal auxiliary army was about to push back the zombie tide, the rotten Chaos Space Marines suddenly rushed out of the zombie tide, and their explosive bombs instantly shot at the mortal auxiliary army. Several The unlucky mortal auxiliaries were hit continuously by explosive bombs. Their defensive force field and armor were shattered by the explosion of the explosive bombs, and their entire bodies were instantly turned into blood mist and fragments.

But even in the face of the terrifying Chaos Space Marines, these soldiers still did not flinch. They kept shooting at those Chaos warriors, and the mortal auxiliary legion commander was now besieging a soldier with the regiment political commissar and his own guard squad. What about the Chaos Space Marines.

There are no cowards in the mortal auxiliary army. They all understand their mission. For the revival of mankind and for the great holy war of the God Emperor, they must dedicate everything they have to mankind.

The mortal auxiliary troops roared for the God Emperor, but at this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of the mortal auxiliary army. The figure spread its wings, and the mortal auxiliary troops were small under its wings. Just like ants.

Its breathing tube made a heavy breathing sound. It waved its scythe, and then waved it towards the mortal auxiliaries. Mortarion's scythe carried countless viruses and rushed towards the mortals in front of it. Auxiliary troops.

The mortal auxiliaries naturally knew what was in front of them. They knew that it was the demon primarch Mortarion who had fought against the 21st Legion more than once, but they did not have any fear of this fallen demigod. There was only one thought in their minds, and that was to kill the demon in front of them for the sake of the Lord Protector.

However, willpower was still no match for absolute strength. Mortarion stepped on the ashes and ichor that the mortal auxiliary troops turned into, silently waving the scythe and pointing towards the depths of the hive.

"The Daemon Primarch..., damn..."

In the hive city, the commander of the mortal auxiliary army who had retreated to the hive city looked at the battle report in his hand. He had a bitter look on his face. The Lord Protector was fighting with his brothers against the demonic primarchs. He had no high-end combat power at all. .

"Contact Captain Zhou Heng and the others, their help is needed here."

Suddenly, the commander of the mortal auxiliary army remembered a person, and he immediately asked the communications troops to contact Zhou Heng and the others. As for why he called Zhou Heng and the others, it was because he suddenly remembered a rumor in the army, Captain Zhou Heng. It is an ancient war machine that can even fight the Lord Protector.

In fact, there are many urban legends in the fleet. After all, the fleet is too big. There are tens of millions of mortals in the fleet. It would be strange if there are not some urban legends. Among them, Zhou Heng’s urban legend is The most widely spread rumor is that Captain Zhou Heng is an ancient war machine among the Mortal Auxiliary Army. This comes from the tasks Captain Zhou Heng performed. He is obviously just a captain, but he has a higher level than the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. power, this is very abnormal.

Moreover, some veterans of the Mortal Auxiliary Army still remember that during the Battle of Aix, Captain Zhou Heng carried out a long-term mission alone. You must know the situation in Aix at that time, and the demons began to form into pieces. After wandering around the planet, Captain Zhou Heng was actually able to complete his mission on such a battlefield and walked out among the demons unscathed. This was enough to prove that Captain Zhou Heng was definitely not an ordinary person.

The communications troop quickly passed the request for support to Zhou Heng, which made Zhou Heng, who was chasing the Tau, immediately stop what he was doing. He didn't even have time to go for supplies. He immediately sent the three old guys and Yili Si caught it, and then mobilized a Thunderhawk to go directly to the battlefield of the nest capital.

The Thunder Eagle flew at full speed and arrived in the nest in a short time. The commander of the mortal auxiliary army went to pick up Zhou Heng's team in person. However, during the time when Zhou Heng rushed to the battlefield, the mortal auxiliaries in the nest The army had already suffered three regiments of casualties, and the mortal auxiliaries were unable to stand up to a daemon primarch and its legions.

"I understand the situation, and I will solve it. The three of you will go with the Mortal Auxiliary Army to clean up the walking corpses. Rengar will follow me to kill the plague pig."

After Zhou Heng understood the situation, he took Rengar with him to find Mortarion. The commander of the mortal auxiliary army looked at the leaving Captain Zhou Heng, and he had already determined the authenticity of the urban legend. The urban legend is definitely true, and it is not an exaggerated legend. Captain Zhou Heng is indeed an ancient war machine. Maybe it was also made by the great and sacred God Emperor, and it is also a sacred creation of the God Emperor. "Wang Ming, I am stronger than you. You never thought that I would play tricks. When you were fighting our brothers, your rear area had been completely penetrated by me."

Mortarion looked at the wave of zombies surging in the hive. It laughed and said to itself, while the death guards around it just looked at it silently and did not say anything.

And just when Mortarion was laughing, an energy ray from a laser cannon suddenly appeared in front of it. Mortarion, who was immersed in his own joy, did not react at all. Mortarion was directly hit by the laser. The ray hit the head.


The energy ray of a laser cannon could not kill Mortarion. Mortarion did not even deflect his head. He only had some burns on his face. With the help of Nurgle's divine power, these injuries were restored instantly. , did not have any impact on Mortarion at all. Mortarion in turn became completely furious, and a mortal dared to sneak attack it.

The furious Mortarion roared, and then began to spread the virus. These viruses quickly spread through the air around Mortarion, passing through the void and buildings, and all mortals who encountered these viruses The corpses turned into pieces of pus.

And those native Morsian Planetary Defense Forces who dared to use laser cannons to attack Mortarion were instantly killed by these viruses. They didn't even utter a cry. The battle with Mortarion , this is actually not what these planetary defense forces should do, they should clean up the walking dead, but now the area where Mortarion is located is really unable to mobilize the mortal auxiliary army. The mortal auxiliary army is here In this area, we still have to fight the Nurgle demons hiding among the walking corpses. They really don't have many troops to mobilize.

Mortarion looked at the mortals killed by it, and it waved the scythe in its hand. It always looked down upon the weak.

"Stupid mortal, you dare to attack me even though you know it's useless."

Mortarion looked at the corpses that turned into pus and said contemptuously, but just when it said these words, a bomb and a plasma suddenly flew towards it from behind. Talion instantly turned around and blocked the attack with his scythe. It instantly discovered the guy who was attacking him. As soon as he saw this guy, Mortarion immediately recognized him. It had fought with him before. For once, that guy was an Immortal, and Mortarion couldn't kill the Immortal outright.

"Hello, plague pig, we meet again. You are more like a piece of shit than the last time we met. You are extremely stinky and have no honor or value. You are a disgusting giant that is emitting poisonous gas, polluting everything. Human eyes and souls are so damn disgusting.”

Rengar looked at Mortarion, waved to him, and then started to verbally attack Mortarion. The trash talking skills from Feng Fan were so outrageous, almost instantly. , Mortarion's defense was a little broken. It roared angrily, and even the breathing tube on its mouth seemed to explode. Rengar appeared in an instant, and at the same time, the death guards around it began to move towards Rengar. Ngar fired.

It's just that Rengar has more than one defensive force field generator on his body. It covers Rengar's body, three layers inside and three outside. Those explosive bombs can't penetrate Rengar's body at all. shield.

"I'm going to catch you, and then use the virus to torture your body and soul!!"

Mortarion roared angrily, and its wings flapped continuously. The wings drove its huge body up, and it rushed towards Rengar at a speed that even the Astartes could not see clearly, but just before Mortar The moment Rian was about to come into contact with Rengar, Mortarion suddenly saw Rengar smile strangely. That smile instantly gave Mortarion a bad premonition, but it knew It's too late.

A man, a man with the figure of an ordinary person, appeared beside Mortarion in an instant at a speed that surprised even Mortarion. He held a long knife flashing with thunder in his hand, which was A power weapon, its attack speed made Mortarion unable to react, and his long knife slashed directly at Mortarion.

Mortarion wanted to raise his weapon to resist his long sword, but it was too late. The giant scythe could only barely block the blade of his long sword, and this could only deflect the blade. Even if it was deflected, Mortar Half of Lian's body was still cut off by the powerful sword. You must know that this sword was deflected to his grandma's house. Captain Zhou Heng wanted to directly cut off Mortarion's head.


Captain Zhou Heng looked at Mortarion in front of him. He immediately wanted to hit him, but just when Zhou Heng wanted to hit him, Mortarion counterattacked. The huge scythe brought the virus and slashed at Zhou Heng. , this same attack hit Zhou Heng. The distance between the two of them was so close that Zhou Heng had no time to dodge.


Zhou Heng's chest was torn open with a large gash. He could already feel his nano-cells corroding and the nano-living metals rusting. He could already feel the terror of Mortarion's power. You must know that the Federation's military Super living metals are unlikely to show any oxidation even after ten thousand years, but just one blow caused these living metals to begin to decay. This is really outrageous.

However, Zhou Heng also took advantage of this opportunity and grabbed Mortarion's head without stopping. The nano-living metal on his arm quickly changed and reorganized into a firearm. This was his first time before. Seeing the sublight speed rifle used by Wang Ming, Zhou Heng put the muzzle of the gun against Mortarion's chin, and then directly pulled the trigger.

As a ray of light shot straight into the sky and flew into the deep space of the universe, Mortarion's headless body slowly fell to the ground.

"Ahem, cough, cough... I knew I should have replenished some panacea and living nanometals... But I think I won't die, Rengar! You still have..."

Captain Zhou Heng collapsed on the ground after killing Mortarion. There is no panacea in his body now. He didn't have time to replenish supplies when he came here, otherwise he wouldn't let Rengar To lure the enemy in for a sneak attack, he would have already gone to fight Mortarion face to face if he had complete supplies.

Just when he wanted to ask Rengar if he still had the panacea, Rengar already knew what he was thinking. After all, Rengar was a high-level psyker after all. He dragged Zhou Heng to a building and gave him a panacea.

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