Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 482: The aftermath and the handling of the empire’s top leaders

"So, you bombed that place?"

Wang Ming looked at Xu Chengheng, the leader of the Morse garrison in front of him, and asked him about the world that was destroyed by their use of anti-matter bombs.

"There is no way. The Imperial Navy has tried its best, but it still can't resist the footsteps of the Chaos Fleet, so we simply lure the enemy deep into the world and blow up the world. We can't leave anything behind for Chaos anyway, can we? And the boss, Mo Ers no longer has a fleet, this problem..."

Xu Chengheng looked at Wang Ming. He explained to Wang Ming why he wanted to destroy a world. There was no way around it. The Imperial Fleet of Mers was destroyed in this war, and even the Planetary Defense Fleet was gone. .

"Okay, I understand. I will solve the fleet problem."

Wang Ming looked at Xu Chengheng, nodded towards him, and then went to continue the preparation work. All the fleets stationed in the Morse Industrial World Group were gone. Now a complete defense system must be established for the emergence of this industrial star zone. The fleet is definitely needed, and the population on those planets also needs to be replenished. As for where the population comes from..., believe me, the hive world has never lacked population.

A large number of population transfer documents were released from Mors. All the people who had been transferred to Mors were transferred back to their home planet. At the same time, Wang Ming also arranged a large force for the Mors system. fleet, a huge fleet with the Queen of Glory as its flagship.

The appearance of this first Glory Queen-class battleship of the 21st Legion is also strange. When Wang Ming was arranging the fleet for Morse, he suddenly discovered a Glory Queen-class battleship in the system. The various decorations and paintings of the Glory Queen were exactly the same as those of the 21st Legion. Wang Ming even saw a huge golden statue built in his own image on the Glory Queen.

After Wang Ming saw all this, he was very confused. Why is this happening? Where did this ship come from? There is absolutely no such thing in the original world line. There is even no such thing in the original world line. The 21st Legion doesn’t even have one.

"There is definitely something wrong with this system. If there is no problem with Him, then there is definitely something wrong with this world line..."

Wang Ming looked at the complete set of preparations and battleships of the 21st Legion in his system. He had completely understood that there was definitely something wrong with this system. From the sudden death of the artificial intelligence when he just traveled to Cadia, to now it is getting more and more... The more bizarre the system mall became, the more everything started to go wrong. This is because Wang Ming still needs this so-called system very much, so he doesn't care about it.

Back to the topic, this Glory Queen-class battleship was named "Emperor's Dream". It inherited the name of a great battleship and also inherited the dream of an idealist. But in this era, Wang Ming hopes that it can have a sweet dream come true.

"It's finally here. Well, it really took nine hours."

Wang Ming looked at the two fleets in the sky. He looked at the terminal in his hand, and then walked towards the Thunder Eagle that took him to the star port.

"Wang Ming, what's going on? How is the war in Mers?"

In the star port, Guilliman and Fulgrim all arrived. The moment they saw Wang Ming, they began to ask Wang Ming about the situation of Morse. Regarding this matter, Wang Ming was very helpless. Yes, the war is over, but we are still asking about the situation.

"It's too late again...but this time I managed to keep it..."

Guilliman listened to Wang Ming's story. His mood suddenly dropped for a moment, and then returned to its previous state. He asked Wang Ming about his next plan. The Renaissance Expeditionary Fleet has always operated independently, and they have not I don’t know much about the specific circumstances of the expedition, but a large number of worlds on the revival expedition have restored contact with the empire, but no one has seen the revival expedition fleet, as if they don’t need supplies after recovering a world.

"I will return to Holy Terra next. Those high lords really have short memories."

Wang Ming looked at Guilliman and Fulgrim, and then handed them a bottle of wine. While telling them that he was about to return to Holy Terra to deal with the high lord, he took Wang Ming and handed it to them. The two genes that were a bit doubtful about their wine headed towards the Sun Fortress.

In Wang Ming's office, three Primarchs were sitting on special chairs. In front of them was a glass of wine as red as blood. At the same time, there was a holographic projection in front of them. In these holographic projections, Above, several people's heads are displayed, which look like those high lords, and red triangles are floating on several of the heads. Those are the targets that Wang Ming must kill. In Wang Ming's case, During the investigation by the agents of Holy Terra, these people were all involved in the assassination of Wang Ming. Except for the Minister of the Interior and the Grand Master of the Assassin's Court, these guys were all involved in this matter.

Among these people, what surprised Wang Ming was that there was actually a sage from the Mechanicus among these people. Wang Ming did not know this guy, but he did participate in the assassination of himself. In order to assassinate him, this guy Wang Ming, he used almost all his connections. He hoped to mobilize a Titan force through his eleven students in other forging worlds, but these students who had become senior priests in the forging worlds did not accept him. After receiving the order, they became aware of their former teacher's betrayal. They promptly reported the matter to their founding great sage and the empire, and this information was also collected by Wang Ming's spies.

"An army of Titans, hahaha, a whole army of Titans! What do they think? Are they so afraid of Chaos? Are they so afraid that I will become the next Horus!?"

Wang Ming retrieved the information about the great sage of the Mechanicum, and then drank the wine in front of him. He suddenly shouted excitedly to his two brothers. He told about the shamelessness of the high lord, and he told about himself. The disappointment of the high lords also speaks of the despair of this era.

Guilliman and Fulgrim listened to Wang Ming's words helplessly, but when Wang Ming said that the Empire was afraid that he would become the next Horus, the expressions of the two Primarchs changed instantly. Yes, they all know the importance of Wang Ming, especially Guilliman. The Emperor told him about Wang Ming's importance and uncertainty. Even the Emperor is not sure about Wang Ming's position. He knows Wang Ming will complete the mission of saving mankind, but it is completely uncontrollable for the empire. He may not become the next Horus, but some may become the next Sanguinius of the Second Empire era. Of course, this is just a reference. identity.

Although there is not much problem with this thing, if it is true, then he is indeed disappointed with the empire. This disappointment will definitely lead to conflict with the empire, and with the things in Wang Ming's hands, the conflict is It will definitely be no less tragic than the Horus Heresy.

"But I will not become the next Horus, I cannot even become a traitor, my brothers, I will only do it for humanity!"

When Wang Ming talked about Horus, his eyes changed. It was a sad look. Horus, the Wolf God, was originally going to be the hope of mankind, but the Imperial Warmaster became the beginning of mankind's fall. By.

"Alas~, I will return to Holy Terra, then deal with those people and destroy all obstacles on the road to human revival." Wang Ming stared at his two brothers. He poured himself another glass of red wine. He deeply He sighed, and then said to his brothers.

"You won't be the next Horus, but you might be the next Sanguinius..."

Guilliman looked at Wang Ming. He thought for a minute, and then finally said this sentence. This sentence made Wang Ming and Fulgrim stunned. They did not understand what Guilliman said. the meaning of.

"Brother Thirteen, what does this mean? I don't have the ability like Brother Nine..."

Wang Ming looked at Guilliman in confusion. He didn't understand what Guilliman meant. How could he be the same as Sanguinius? He was not as perfect as an angel.

"No, it's Sanguinius above Macragge..."

Just when Wang Ming asked, Guilliman suddenly said something that surprised Wang Ming and made Fulgrim confused.

"No, no, no, I won't do this. Brother Thirteen, I don't know how to do it, I don't want to do it, and I don't want others to do it."

Wang Ming stared at Guilliman. He picked up the wine glass with a smile, and then took a sip of the wine in the glass. As the slightly sweet wine entered Wang Ming's mouth, Wang Ming finally became rational again. I understand what Guilliman means, but he will not become Sanguinius. Although he is only for mankind, this universe needs the Empire, otherwise mankind will definitely become like those countless intelligent races destroyed in the galaxy, and become those who disappeared in the galaxy. One of the civilizations in the galaxy.

"I hope so my brother."

Guilliman looked at Wang Ming, who also smiled, and then took a sip of the wine.

Fulgrim, on the other hand, looked at his two brothers in confusion. He really didn't understand what these two guys wanted to do. He knew what they said, but when they were together, he didn't understand. He knew Macragge, it was Guilliman's home planet and he had been there, he also knew Sanguinius, it was their brother, and what exactly did Sanguinius mean in Macragge? ?

"What encrypted calls are you two talking about?"

Fulgrim looked at Wang Ming and Guilliman, and then expressed his doubts to them. He could not understand the words said by the two brothers.

"Uh..., this, that, it's a long story, let Brother Thirteen tell it..."

Wang Ming looked at the confused Fulgrim, who finally realized the secret of the Second Empire. Guilliman also suddenly remembered the Second Empire, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Well, I'll tell you this question later. It's a long story. It's a long story... Well, Wang Ming, how did you arrange Mors as an important industrial world group in the empire?"

Guilliman rubbed his head in embarrassment and then changed the subject.

"I rebuilt the fleet of Morse, and then ordered the reconstruction of other worlds in the Morse industrial world group. Thirteenth brother, third brother, I need your troops. Morse needs a large number of troops, whether it is the second Eleven, or the Thirteenth Army, or the Third Army, Morse needs these troops."

Wang Ming also took this opportunity to say what he needed. He wanted support from other legions. Although it was possible for the time travelers to protect Mers, there were still too few. One regiment of time travelers could not protect Mers. Si, this war can be seen. Abaddon's Chaos troops are too many, and the Empire must station more troops here.

Moreover, Wang Ming also noticed something, that is, someone in the empire deliberately wanted Mors to fall into the hands of Chaos. He had previously issued a support order to the empire in the name of the Protector, but there was no response. When supporting the mission to Meers, it was not that the empire did not receive the star message, but that someone deliberately let the message sink into the sea.

"Well, let's discuss it next..."

Wang Ming's words brought the topic back to the topic, and the three of them immediately began to discuss this upcoming issue. While they were discussing, far away in the solar system, the place where the Mechanicus originated, on the red world, an unknown person appeared. In the well-known secret room, the sage who wanted to assassinate Wang Ming was constantly exchanging data with the meditator. The equipment around his secret room was constantly scanning the surrounding environment. He was guarding against some people, and he was afraid of those people. Man, he knows that those things he has done have been known by those people, he is afraid, he is uneasy, and he does not want to give up everything about himself.

"Those who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors dared to do this. Not only did they tell the empire about my plan to assassinate that man, but they also told the truth about my "achievements" to the star travelers, star travelers, these guys are absolutely They won’t let me go, not even the Foundry General can make them let me go…”

The sage unplugged the cable connected to the back of his head, and then thought of his students, and also thought of those Space Marine troops on Holy Terra that terrified the entire empire's top brass. This Space Marine troop The power is so great that no one can stop the trial or kill anyone.

"No, no, they didn't come. It's okay, it's okay. Damn Star Traveler, Damn Lord Protector, Damn Forging General. I just want the technology of the 21st Legion. Why do I have to let it go? What about me?"

The sage checked the detection results around the secret room, and then felt relieved. Nothing appeared around his secret room. He was still very safe. But at this moment, what he did not sense was a huge figure wearing The figure in black power armor did not know when he appeared behind him.

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