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Chapter 493 The Dark Angels whose history was overturned by the time-travelers

Chapter 493 The Dark Angels whose history was overturned by the time-travelers

"My brother, my eldest brother, welcome you back to the Empire. You have been absent from this galaxy for too long."

Wang Ming looked at his eldest brother in front of him. He smiled and handed over his weapon. He was very happy that his eldest brother had returned. For the empire, the return of the Lion King would definitely expand the progress of the Renaissance Expedition. To be honest, The Renaissance Expedition has been advancing very slowly in these years. Although the speed of destroying the enemy is very fast, their subsequent processing and reform work has greatly slowed down the time. For this reason, Wang Ming and Guilliman also deliberately organized A group of members of the Reform Department followed the expeditionary force.

There are a very large number of these people, and most of them are members of the state religion. After Wang Ming requested the emperor to appear, these members of the state religion regarded Wang Ming's reforms as the emperor's oracle. There is no longer any dissent in Ming's reform plan. They feel that this is the path pointed out by the Emperor for mankind.

To be honest, this wave of brainwashing by Wang Ming is really outrageous. A miracle directly caused all members of the state religion to run out of their churches, and they now began to use their lives to contribute to the empire.

Back to the topic, after seeing Wang Ming, Lion King Lu Yu recalled whether he had seen his brother somewhere, but there was no impression of Wang Ming in his memory. He had not seen this brother. This was not him. any brother familiar.

"Father has never mentioned you...and you are not those two brothers. Who are you? Father's new creation?"

The Lion King looked at Wang Ming. He stared at Wang Ming's golden eyes. He just felt that Wang Ming and Khan were a bit similar, but he knew that he couldn't tell the rest. In his impression, the only brothers they had were those. And this guy who suddenly appeared made the Lion King full of doubts.

"Um... just take me as my name. I am my father's creation after you all disappeared. I was awakened in this era. Speaking of which, I am the youngest among you, hahaha."

Wang Ming stared at the Lion King, and then replied to him. In order to ease the atmosphere and avoid stressing the big cat, Wang Ming still knew a little about the Lion King's character. Although not too many, there were some among the time travelers. The Dark Angel players did some analysis on the Lion King's character on the way here, but they are still a little unsure about the current state of the elderly Lion King.

"Well, I understand, thank you for the weapon, my brother."

"The position of Warmaster is occupied by those who are capable. I think only Sanguinius is qualified for this position. Giving Warmaster to Horus is obviously a mistake made by our father."

"I see…"

Besides, if it was no longer possible, he would just ignore Guilliman. He had never dealt with Guilliman very well. As long as he became the Warmaster of the Empire, in this era, with his command ability and the Empire's army, he would definitely be able to defeat Guilliman. Those world saves from the Dark Side of the Empire.

The Lion King took the power sword from Wang Ming's hand. He had communicated with Zaborel for a while before and had a general understanding of the empire's situation. The Lion King, who was already a little numb after hearing the current state of the empire, now Suddenly he felt a kind of passion again. He looked at the size and appearance of Wang Ming's troops. This was obviously not what a battle group should have. This was a style only found in the Great Expedition era. The system of the battle group did not exist in Wang Ming's place. No matter it doesn't work, as long as he communicates with Wang Ming and finds the loophole in the toilet paper written by Guilliman, it will not be a matter of time before he rebuilds the Legion.

The Lion King looked at Wang Ming. He put the power sword in his hand on his waist, and then asked Wang Ming about the news about his brothers. Although he had communicated with Zaboril, he still felt that Wang Ming knew better. a bit more.

"Are Guilliman and the rest of our brothers still there? I need to return to Holy Terra to see my father."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, the Lion King looked at him and uttered a sentence calmly, but the meaning of this sentence was very intriguing, because Wang Ming had already told the Lion King his identity, a protector of the empire. What a prominent position, it is exactly the same as the Lion King's position above the Second Empire, and it is self-evident what the Lion King's title of Lord Protector represents.

Wang Ming looked at the Lion King in front of him. He had long expected that the Lion King would say this. He let out a long sigh, and then told the Lion King about the various events of the human empire over the past ten thousand years, as well as the approximate situation today. The situation and the situation between Guilliman and the other Primarchs.

Wang Ming looked at the Lion King and said something that made him a little confused. Do he want to be a war commander? What does this mean? Although I want to..., I shouldn't ask so directly.

The Lion King replied to Wang Ming. He did not directly answer the question of whether he wanted to be a war commander. Instead, he said that he had no intention of competing for the position of war commander, but the position of war commander needs to be filled by capable people. As for who is this capable person... As the great prince of the empire, the leader of the first legion of the empire, and the lion of the empire, isn't the result obvious?

"Sure enough."

"Um..., brother, do you want to be a war commander? You answer this question, and then I can tell you about the situation of our brothers."

According to a rather heretical theory, one that even divided the human empire, the so-called Protector of the Second Empire was the so-called war commander. After knowing these things, the Lion King's attitude towards Wang Ming was very thought-provoking. Well, as Wang Ming thought, he did not become furious after learning Wang Ming's identity and wanted to compete with Wang Ming. On the contrary, the Lion King behaved very calmly, just like a real old man. Generally calm and dignified.

"How did you know I was here?"

At this moment, the Lion King suddenly remembered something, that is, how did Wang Ming find him? Shouldn't his location be known to them? Coincidence cannot be justified. After all, the travelers were obviously waiting for him outside the jungle. "Psychic, my eldest brother, there is a psyker in my army who has extremely powerful prophecy ability. He discovered that something happened in Camas and saw your existence, so we came to find you. "

Wang Ming looked at Lion King, and he made up a little lie to answer Lion King. They had thought about everything before coming, the rationality of everything, and all the follow-up arrangements.

Kamath, the world destroyed by the Chaos War Gang Ten Thousand Eyes has returned to the Human Empire. As soon as the time travelers arrived in this world, they immediately started taking action. A large number of civilians were discovered and then gathered together. , everything that was not contaminated by Chaos has been placed. As for the Space Marine fortress occupied by the Chaos war gang, the traversers of the two regiments have been preparing firepower around it for three days. After seeing these terrifying After the firepower, they did not dare to show their heads at all, for fear that the Astartes would suddenly cover them with firepower.

"Brother, this is the fortress occupied by the Chaos Space Marines. Do you want to take a look at the battles of this era?"

Outside the fortress, Wang Ming and Ryan looked at the monastery of the Space Warriors in the distance. Wang Ming smiled at Ryan beside him and asked. He wanted Ryan to see the battle of the time travelers, and then discover this through Ryan's perspective. Side deficiencies.

"it is good."

Ryan nodded towards Wang Ming. He also wanted to see the difference between the Astartes tactics of this era compared to the Great Crusade era. Let him take a look at the progress of the Astartes Legion.

And just after Ryan said these words, Wang Ming also instantly issued an attack order to the traversers. In an instant, several laser cannons that had been aimed at the fortress started operating. There was no blessing ceremony, just the sound of electronic sounds. Launch reminder, this is a new technology, a laser technology from the Federation. As for the power of this can I say it? You know, the power of a laser is calculated by power. The power of this thing can be compared with Titan's volcano cannon.

As Ryan watched in bewilderment as several huge red lasers flew towards the fortress, in an instant, the former monastery of the Blood Angels was turned into a sheet of steam, bringing with it the Chaos enemy. They disappeared into this world together. Before they died, the Chaos Space Warriors in this world had passed the news about themselves to them through witchcraft. They were Chaos Warlords, but what they didn’t know was that their Chaos Warlords They are being attacked by the Third Fleet, and news about them has been lost.


Ryan looked at the fortress that was turned into steam. He was confused. What could he say? There was no strategy at all. It was purely about crushing the enemy to death with superior firepower. Now the Astartes Are both legions and warbands so generous?

"How about it, brother."

Wang Ming looked at Ryan. He smiled and asked Ryan, "Everyone in Ryan is feeling a little numb. How is it?" What a hammer! He was going to be wiped out by heavy firepower in one fell swoop. They were a group of troops suppressed by firepower. How did he evaluate this? Could it be that this firepower is a bit unfocused. Move it ten centimeters over there. The Lion King can't do this micro-manipulation master's operation. Although as the Primarch, he can really command up to centimeters on the battlefield, but This is not how it works.

After the battle, the time travelers used their fastest speed to solve the chaos pollution in this world, various twisted monsters and aliens, as well as the mortals who were corrupted by the chaos pollution, Kamath After getting salvation from the 21st Legion, after solving all this, the 21st Legion began to set off. The fleet crossed the star sea and headed to the Fantasy Star Zone, which was a place that could allow the Dark Angel to break through. A place of defense, after all, in that place, a world that should have been destroyed long ago is quietly running in the void.

In a node galaxy of a subspace channel, Wang Xiaofa was leading a fleet to negotiate with another imperial fleet. However, this negotiation was not very pleasant, because in addition to having dozens of fallen angels in his hands, Wang Xiaofa also gave Dark The angels opened the box directly, and all the little secrets were exposed by Wang Xiaofa. However, the Dark Angels did not directly go to war with Wang Xiaofa's fleet, except that the fleet of the time travelers was actually larger than the Dark Angel's fleet. Even more advanced.

Moreover, Wang Xiaofa also expressed one thing to Azrael. All the 21st Legion knows about your little secrets. Even if you want to hide it desperately, you can defeat someone bigger and bigger than you. A complete legion? And there is one more thing, that is, your Primarch has returned and is now with our Primarch. Don’t you want to see your Primarch?

The Dark Angels are not fools. They know that the initiative in this matter is already in the hands of the 21st Legion. The 21st Legion knows everything about them, but there is nothing they can do to deal with the 21st Legion. Yes, the behavior of the 21st Legion is known to the entire empire. They don't care about anything. As long as they can revive the empire, they never care about gains and losses. They don't have the sense of honor of other Astartes chapters. Compared with the Astartes, they don't care about anything. The Stat Legion is more like a group of perfect soldiers. They will not do anything completely personal because of a sense of honor or other reasons. They also have feelings, and their kindness and compassion for mortals are what they have always shown. The feelings come out.

This is something that many Astartes Chapters don’t have at all, and they don’t care about any Astartes Chapters or the Empire’s top brass. There is a reason for this. After the emergence of the 21st Legion, various Chapters in the Empire They all made a certain analysis of it, and they found that what supported the 21st Legion in doing this was their original body and their force, the Terra Coup, the scourge of the original body, and those who had been killed several times. The high lords of Bo have all expressed the attitude of the 21st Legion towards the empire's top leaders. They don't care. All they care about is human civilization.

Facing this kind of legion, Azrael could only follow Wang Xiaofa's suggestion. In fact, this kind of suggestion was not what Azrael wanted. He was even very disgusted with it. At a certain moment, he even wanted to destroy it. The thoughts of the 21st Legion who knew their secret, but after all, they were surrounded by the fleet of the 21st Legion, so they had no choice at all, right?

The two fleets moved forward again, just like before. There was no difference. If the only difference was that there were a lot more star travelers on the Dark Angel's ships. These travelers were all under the control of Wang Xiaofa and Ah After negotiating, Zril came to help the Dark Angel. A large number of time travelers gathered at the location of the Tuchucha Engine. Just as Wang Ming planned, the time travelers were preparing to give the Chaos Demigod Vashtor a big blow. , you must know that most of these time travelers are think tanks with extremely high psychic levels.

(End of this chapter)

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