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Chapter 495 Invasion of Vashtor’s Territory

Chapter 495 Invasion of Vashtor’s Territory

"Brother, it seems you got a gift from our father."

Wang Ming looked at the sword and shield in Lion King's hand, as well as the plasma blaster at his waist. He already understood why it took so long for Lion King to arrive. After all, he was going to get the equipment given by the Emperor. .

"Yes, my brother."

Ryan looked at Wang Ming. He looked at the long sword in his hand, and then walked to Wang Ming's side. Behind him, a group of Dark Angels wearing black power armor also followed his Primarch to Wang Ming's side. , these are all former fallen angels. After Wang Xiaofa used carpet searches to find them, they were all thrown into Wang Ming's fleet. After that, he and Ryan went through a "father is kind and son is filial" After the exchange, they were reconquered by Big Cat's personal charm and became the Pardoning Angels. They were all pardoned by Ryan, although they had never betrayed the Empire.

After Wang Ming and Ryan reunited, they moved deeper into the world. Wang Ming still had a lot of ideas about this world. Afterwards, Caliban was rebuilt by Vashtor. There must be the power of Vashtor. Wang Ming wants to use the power of Vashtor in this world to open a subspace portal to Vashtor God's Domain, and then go and have a good visit to Vashtor. Shtor's Soul Forge.

At the same time, on top of the fleet in the void, the Dark Angels were airdropping to the planet surface together with the traversers. And just when the fleet was at its lowest strength, in the room where the Tuchucha engine was stored, a subspace The portal suddenly appeared, and then a demon composed of machinery and flesh and blood components came out of the subspace portal. He looked at the body controlled by Tuchucha's engine, and then walked to face it.

"Come with me, stop being controlled by these primitives, and I will reunite you with Plagueheart and Ouroboros."

The demon looked at the corpse controlled by the Tuchucha engine, and he spoke to it, but it did not respond to him. The corpse just looked at him and remained silent.

"Hehehe, Wa Banxian, we have been waiting for you for a long time."


On a twisted desert full of steam and steel, a twisted demon engine factory is operating. Countless souls are used as fuel for the soul furnace. Under the production of the factory, each demon becomes a powerful one. Demon engines, these demons have signed a contract with Vashtor. As long as they become demon engines in Vashtor's Soul Forge, they will come back to help when the Soul Forge is attacked, even if they come from different The evil gods are different, but they have already made a contract with Vashtor, and because of Vashtor's characteristics, they cannot break the contract.

And just today, they are about to complete this contract. On the production line of the Soul Forge, the demon engines just came off the production line. They rushed towards the intruders who invaded the Soul Forge, and the intruders' They looked very familiar, they were the Astartes from the Human Empire.

At this moment, Wang Xiaofa suddenly walked out with a group of time travelers. He looked at Vashtor, then smiled and said to him.

"Captain, the location has been determined and the sacrifice has been completed. We can go there. As for the Tuchucha engine, what do you think?"

Vashtor wanted to say something else, but as soon as his words came out, he was interrupted by the time travelers. A series of psionic spells appeared next to Vashtor. Vashtor looked at the psychic powers around him. Spells, he did not panic at all because of the threat of these spells. As a sub-space sub-god, he was relatively capable of dealing with these human psykers.

Wang Xiaofa smiled. He looked at Tuqiucha Engine with a terrifying smile, and then walked towards a subspace portal that suddenly appeared behind him. The same was true for the other time travelers. They were originally think tanks. After passing through After several brothers sacrificed themselves to find the divine domain of Vashtor, their family went directly to that place. Speaking of which, the rituals and spells were found from the Inquisition.

"Well, let's go. As for the Tuchucha engine, let it stay here for nothing. I believe it won't dare to go with Vashtor."

The only thing he feels now is that it's strange, why did humans find him here? This was something that shouldn't have happened. He originally thought that his plan was flawless, but now it seems that is not the case. At least Abaddon, who was cooperating with him, did not appear, and Vashtor did not know what happened to his ally. question? They have obviously made a contract.

Just when Vashtor wanted to kill all the time-travelers, a time-traveler suddenly ran up to Wang Xiaofa. He looked at Wang Xiaofa, and then said to him.

Vashtor did not expect that his ally Abaddon had been beaten back to the subspace by the time travellers, and was now looking at his badly destroyed black fleet with an angry face. How could he help Vashtor now? What about you?

Wang Xiaofa looked at the soul furnace in the distance. It was a twisted factory. It was composed of countless abstract concepts about casting and steel. Its appearance was completely indescribable. The twisted steel furnace, twisted mechanical production lines, and countless souls were used as fuel. , the abstract concept became an entity at this moment.

"Phew... blow them up."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the soul furnace in the distance. He looked at the time travellers beside him. There were a hundred time travelers around him. All of them were think tank time travelers who were brought here by the Emperor and had spiritual talents. You need to know their spiritual power levels. It's not low, these hundred high-level psychics are all gathered together, and the spells they release together are devastating. After receiving Wang Xiaofa's order, they began to cast their own spells. The spiritual light continued to flash among them, causing thunder and flames to be generated from the void. They rushed towards the enemy like violent beasts. Those demon engines were destroyed, the thunder shattered the armor of the demon engine, and the flames evaporated the inside of the demon engine. The demon engine composed of flesh and steel, under the attack of these dangerous psykers, was like a large toy. Their psychic spells wreak havoc.

You know, the psychics of the time travelers do not use their psychic talents to their fullest most of the time. Their psychic levels are too high. A high psychic level means that it is very easy to lose control. They simply cannot They didn't dare to overuse their psychic powers in the real universe, but in this Chaos God Realm where demons were everywhere, they were able to completely let go.

Wang Xiaofa even saw an Alpha-level psyker using psychic spells in front of him to cut a giant demon engine not much smaller than the Reaver Titan in half. The power of these psykers was too great. It was too dangerous, and many of the time travelers lost control of their spiritual energy. The large amount of energy they extracted from the subspace directly went out of control in their bodies. They did not commit suicide directly, or were very frightened, but one by one He happily rushed directly towards the Demon Engine.

From the perspective of time-travelers, the self-destruction of psychic energy is just a matter of turning oneself into a human bomb to destroy the enemy. All one needs to do is to stimulate the psychic energy with all his strength, and then when the psychic energy is about to lose control, he can rush forward and hug the enemy to death together. That's it. How can time travel wars always be like this? They only need the result, the result they want. As for the process, it is up to them to do it themselves.

At the same time, in the real space, Vashtor was looking at the Tuchucha Engine in front of him without saying a word. He already knew the idea of ​​the Tuchucha Engine. It could not follow Vashtor away, otherwise it would be installed here. The anti-matter bombs in the room and in the body will explode instantly, and there is another thing. In order to prevent Vashtor from causing trouble, the time-travelers put two insurances on the Tuchucha engine. The three time-travelers are the second one. Insurance, they will keep an eye on Vashtor. As long as Vashtor is ready to dismantle those anti-matter bombs, they will immediately detonate the anti-matter bombs in their hands. Although Vashtor will not die by then, he wants to become a god. One of the important props is the Tuchucha Engine, which he will definitely never get.

"Hmm, interesting."

Vashtor looked at the Tuchucha engine in front of him. He seemed to have noticed something, and slowly uttered a sentence, and then left the room through a subspace portal, and the three traversers , did not feel relaxed because of Vashtor's departure, but continued to be vigilant for any possible sudden attack. They would stay here until safety was truly determined.

The perspective returns to the battlefield in the subspace god's domain. Wang Xiaofa led the traversers to fight against the demon engine. Wang Xiaofa himself did not participate in the war. He only served as a resurrection point. The rest of the battles only require think tanks. Just come, he is standing behind the think tanks, quietly watching the battle between the think tanks and the demon engine.

Wang Xiaofa now feels like watching a magical blockbuster. The spells in the hands of each think tank are like those immortal cultivators or archmages in Gu Terra's novels. Their spells can even be used at full strength. The terrain on the wilderness was changed, and explosions continued to rise above the wilderness. The huge demon engines roared and fell to the ground under these explosions. However, even though the traversers' psychic spells were so powerful, the demon engines' The quantity and quality are still good. The important thing is that they rely on the production line.

Demon engines are constantly coming off the production line one after another, and many demon engines that have signed a contract with Vashtor are constantly coming to support the battlefield. There are almost no demon engines on the battlefield to kill, and there is even a huge one like The demon engine of the Warlord Titan appeared on the battlefield. Its shape was like a huge twisted demon. Its body was made of steel and twitching flesh. It held a huge long sword burning with flames. Every time it was swung at the time traveler think tanks, there would be an exaggerated explosion on the ground, and after the explosion, the blood-red flames on the sword would burn the ground into a piece of glass.

Wang Xiaofa looked at the huge demon that was still attacking the travelers under the spell of the traveler think tank. He took a few steps back. As a resurrection point, he knew his importance and he could not join. In the terrifying battle of the think tanks, all he can do is to ensure that the time traveler think tanks have nothing to worry about. They just fight, while Wang Xiaofa will ensure that he survives as much as possible in this terrible battle.

"What the hell! Psychic rotation!! Release all the psionic power!! Damn it to me!!!"

Chen Jiuzhou, who was in the first group, suddenly roared on the battlefield, and then he felt comfortable. All the spiritual energy in his body rushed towards the demon engine as big as a warrior. The spiritual energy on his body shone like a sun. He The whole person is like a moving living sun, quickly rushing towards the Titan-level demon engine on the battlefield.


Wang Xiaofa looked at the crazy Chen Jiuzhou. He took out a powered engineer shovel from his waist that he got from the three Krieger brothers, and then quickly dug a hole for himself. He knew what Chen Jiuzhou wanted to do. , he has been very annoyed by the Titan-level demonic engine, and is ready to use all his psychic power to kill it.

You must know that Chen Jiuzhou is an Alpha-level psyker. The power of his psionic spells at full strength is completely unknown. Wang Xiaofa is worried that he will not be able to escape the attack range. , it’s better to just dig a hole to bury yourself, and rely on the Emperor’s blessing for the rest.

Just when Wang Xiaofa had just buried himself, a huge shock wave suddenly reached Wang Xiaofa's body from a distance. He felt this shock wave and kept praying in his heart, at least not to let himself die directly, even if he was half dead. , at least let him continue to be the resurrection point for his brothers.

"It's over?! Fortunately, he's not dead. Let's see if there are any missing parts."

Wang Xiaofa poked his head out of the soil. He looked at the battlefield that had turned into a big pit and the time-travelers who were constantly being resurrected around him. Then he began to check his body. Fortunately, Wang Xiaofa's modified power armor's defense The sex was still okay. Wang Xiaofa's body was not missing any parts, it was just that several precision instruments were destroyed by the shock wave of the explosion.

While he was checking his body, Chen Jiuzhou rushed out with the time travelers. They quickly ran towards the factory in the distance, and in the direction of the factory, there were more demon engines waiting for them. , and the owner of the factory, the so-called Chaos Demigod, is also waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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