Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 510 Alien Civilization Awakening with Psychic Power

Chapter 510 Alien Civilization Awakening with Psychic Power

The aliens have never felt that the universe is dark. They feel that aliens will have good relations with them if they appear. However, there have never been good people in the galaxy. Even Wang Ming’s 21st Legion fleet is the same. Their kindness is only to humans.

Regarding aliens, no matter how much they look like humans, they will not be soft-handed, just like killing chickens. Sometimes they don't even use thermal weapons, and just use close combat to kill them directly. Their bodies were torn to pieces, and countless stumps and broken arms were spread on the ground. The desperate eyes of the aliens before they died looked at the travelers on a broken head. They still didn't understand why these aliens People will invade them, why, they will die...

The galaxy is always dark. The war in the galaxy will never stop. All races are extremely racist. There is no so-called peace negotiation. Unless you have the strength to conquer the other party, negotiation is absolutely useless. Possible things.

Alien corpses were scattered throughout the void city. The out-of-control gravity system even caused alien corpses to float in the air. Everything that happened in the void city was known to the alien high-level officials. They angrily declared war on the civilization that launched an attack on them. But...but apart from the few travelers in the Void City, they never saw any aliens.

However, their fleet has also begun activities. In their understanding, if there are aliens in this galaxy now, then the alien fleet must be in their galaxy.

It's just that... it's really impossible to fight for the Federation's fleet with these primitive aircraft, even if the aliens have Chaos beliefs.

"Slaughtering these primitive aircraft with a single ship is the greatest contempt for the enemy, but I choose to respect the enemy, prepare as a team, turn off the anti-reconnaissance mode, and let the aliens see the powerful human fleet."

Wang Ming looked at the alien fleets outside the observation window. He looked at the small ships whose largest warships were not even one kilometer long and said in a joking tone.

It's just that his joke means that this alien civilization has been completely destroyed, and the alien civilization will see the technology that is like a god in their hearts.

"Report, there is no trace of the enemy fleet on the radar. Our technology may not be able to detect them. Please ask the high priest for a prophecy."

Scientific methods were not enough, so the aliens thought of their wizards, but just when they contacted the wizards, a huge fleet appeared in front of them. They looked at this huge fleet, they In the eyes of this fleet, those ships are like a group of ants.

"High Priest?"

The alien who just wanted to contact the high priest looked at the ships, shouted in confusion, and then a ray of light covered its body.

The human fleet just fired the first shot, but this first shot made Wang Mingdao feel a little alienated. They didn't use real weapons at all. The weapons used to hit the alien ship were all from the ship. A small laser cannon on the.

"Uh..., it seems like it's a bit overkill."

Wang Ming looked at the alien fleet that collided with the ion shield and was blazing with fire. He also murmured in his heart. Did he use too much force? Was it too much for the entire fleet to fight this kind of thing?

However, the fleet continued to move forward. At the same time, the alien fleet discovered the human fleet and began to attack the human fleet, but those attacks did not even cause many ripples in the ion shield.

Three thousand alien ships were reduced to a large piece of debris in three minutes in front of the fleet of the Human Empire. After dealing with these alien fleets, all the fleet officers felt like they were shooting mosquitoes with cannons. They had no idea about this kind of war. It feels like hitting some target ships. No, the target ships are much larger than those alien fleets.

Let's look at the alien's perspective. From the alien's perspective, the three thousand warships that symbolized the glory of their race were instantly reduced to ashes by the alien enemy's fleet. Their largest ship was even Even the smallest alien battleship cannot compare.

All the aliens who saw this war were in despair. They watched in despair that the three thousand warships of their civilization were reduced to pieces, and they watched in despair that their civilization was about to be destroyed. They wanted to pray to their gods, but they The gods ignored them, and their high priests longed for God's instructions, but God's response to them was a burst of laughter, a burst of ridicule, a burst of laughter at the changes, He likes the destruction of this race, which also represents a It likes this world to be occupied by humans, which is also a change.

As long as it is a change, then all changes are good and are what He likes. It is just the fate of a race. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. And if it is destroyed, is it not another change? And this change will bring about greater changes in mankind. This is what He likes, and this is the change He likes. Moreover, He has some arrangements for this race, and also allows mankind to be played with. , it will squeeze out the last value of this race.

However, those aliens were not in such a good mood. The enemy fleet had arrived at their doorstep. Their fleet was even destroyed by the enemy, but their so-called gods simply gave up on them. They no longer had any resistance. of power.

No resistance? That is absolutely impossible. During the crisis of genocide, those aliens burst into madness. They looked at the alien fleets in the sky and started their own resistance. Countless chemical energy rockets were destroyed by Sent to the sky, they flew towards the alien ships, but after those alien chemical energy rockets directly collided with the fleet's ion shield and exploded, the alien fleet was not destroyed at all. any harm. Their resistance had no effect. Human airdrop pods fell from space one by one. The aliens on the ground looked at the meteors in the sky. These meteors made them all feel the fear of death. At this time, as In a psychic race, a large number of psychic powers suddenly appeared in the individuals of the aliens. A large number of psychics appeared in this race, which caused all the aliens to burst into cheers. The aliens cheered for these aliens. The emergence of capable people, in their civilization, psychic people represent the gift of God. Their god has not given up on them, they love their god.

When the fleet descended to the ground, the troops of various time-travelers withstood the crazy attacks of the alien troops. The aliens continued to attack the human troops. There were extremely many psykers in these alien troops, and their various spells continued Compared to the think tanks of the time travelers, these psykers are too weak to hit the power armor of the time travelers. The time travelers can even tear them into pieces with force against their spells.

It's just that although psykers are weak, but... it becomes very uncomfortable when there are more of them. They begin to concentrate their psychic power at the cost of their own lives and launch a fatal attack on the traversers, but the traversers Don't care, they also have think tanks, and their think tanks are much more powerful than these aliens.

Human spiritual energy turned into flames in the void, and they continued to burn the aliens into ashes. The time travelers looked at the wailing aliens mercilessly, and they did not have any emotional changes. For the human empire, kindness to the aliens It doesn't exist at all. Imagine that you are in a house, and there are a lot of cockroaches in your house. These disgusting things that you look at, after they become powerful enough to a certain extent, even want to rob you of your living space, then you will How to do it? Of course, they must be destroyed by all means. Although Wang Ming is a time traveler, as a human, he will do it more thoroughly, because..., he knows the history of the Tau, on a world forgotten by the empire, In just five thousand years, a civilization like the Tau appeared that dared to poach the empire. Wang Ming did not dare to take any more risks. He did not want to let go of any alien civilization and did not want another Tau Empire to emerge.

"Sure enough, the psionic race has become an organized psyker force."

Wang Ming stood on the planet. He looked at the battlefield in the distance, looked at the extremely gorgeous spiritual light, and all kinds of witchcraft and magic. He let out a long sigh. This race is indeed a spiritual race. Ah, and Wang Ming also saw their corruption, Tzeentch's corruption, and their spiritual awakening were all caused by Tzeentch. They are indeed followers of Tzeentch.

The think tanks of the time-travelers are constantly attacking the alien psykers. In terms of the psychic skills used in combat, the time-travelers can completely crush this group of aliens. The aliens just watch helplessly as their troops are being destroyed. The massacre of powerful psychic spells they had never seen before, and the desperate roars of a large number of alien psychics, even had some impact on the real universe. The gravity around them began to change, followed by a sudden rise above the ground. Large areas of thin ice formed.

As a strange spell was chanted, an alien individual suddenly flew into the air. The spiritual light on its body kept flashing. The aliens around it seemed to be sucked dry by it, and their bodies all quickly withered. As the alien began to undergo a huge change and grew blue feathers, the bodies of the aliens shattered, and then they all scattered in the wind.

"It has become a demon. It seems that this race has given many sacrifices to Tzeentch."

Wang Ming looked at the alien that had become a demon. A thin layer of ice suddenly formed on the ground around him, and many invisible blades instantly appeared around him. He stared at the alien that had become a demon, and gently raised his hand towards him. Got it.

As Wang Ming raised his hand towards the alien, those invisible blades rushed directly towards the alien. The invisible blade composed of these psychic powers also felt the alien. It also reacted, and the psychic power formed a line around it. It's a protective shield, but how can its ridiculous psychic power resist the psychic power drawn out by the Emperor's Dabi Kabuto? This is absolutely impossible.

Just like a knife cutting through butter, the invisible blade cut into pieces of the alien's shield. Its body was still changing when it was chopped into pieces by the invisible blade. Wang Ming looked at the alien fragments falling from mid-air. He continued to watch the battle between the time-travelers and the aliens.

In fact, there are also strong ones among the aliens. As a psychic race that believes in Tzeentch, it even has an Alpha-level psyker. However, this Alpha-level psyker destroyed three companies during the time travel. After twenty heavy fire attacks, he was killed by a group of time traveler think tanks due to spiritual energy consumption.

But overall, the advancement speed of the time travelers is not fast, because there are too many psykers of this alien race, as if psykers are awakening all the time, and these psykers will be killed after awakening. The high-level aliens entered the battlefield. Although they did not have many psychic skills, it did not prevent them from becoming a threat. The psychic powers of these guys were all kinds of strange, and some could even block a team of time travelers by themselves.

The aliens proved in this war how powerful and unstable a force composed of psykers can be. The strong combat effectiveness of the alien psykers does not mean that they are stable. One by one on the battlefield, one does not know when. It self-destructed. A large number of deaths among the time-travelers were caused by sudden psychic self-explosion while fighting these aliens.

They are not stable at all. Some powerful psykers even exploded some subspace rifts, and some twisted demons followed these subspace rifts and came into the real universe. You know, aliens cannot summon demons at all. And these wild demons actually became alien allies, and together they dealt with the hateful enemies that invaded their world.

But one thing they don't know is that they have actually signed a contract with Tzeentch, a contract that turns all of their own race into psykers, and then their souls return to Tzeentch after death. These things are also estimated to Only after they die will they find out in despair.

"For the sake of the gods, and for the sake of Emperor Nuha, drive out those invaders!!"

One of the alien filler babies looked at the human troops in front. It yelled at the comrades of the filler babies around it, and then rushed towards the human troops. The aliens around it also rushed towards it. The human troops and the psychic shields built by a large number of psykers blocked the human rain of bullets, but they did not block it for long. Just when they gathered and entered the distance where they could use psychic powers to attack the human troops, those huge human missiles The armored firepower opened, and the alien psykers were harvested like weeds under this firepower.

In fact, the aliens also have armored firepower, but you have to know that armored firepower is much more precious than these line-fillers. The senior executives of the aliens will not put precious armored firepower on this meat grinder battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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