Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 513 The Ancient Mechanicum Exploration Fleet

The Geiger counter kept beeping, and the radiation index continued to increase. Fortunately, the protective clothing worn by the boy was still intact, otherwise the radiation here could kill him instantly.

"It's such a big thruster, but it's just been hollowed out. The guys from the Science and Technology Association are so stingy that they always come here to loot those technological artifacts."

The young man looked at the ruins of a huge spaceship in front of him. He looked at the empty thruster nozzle on the ruins, and cursed the men in the science and technology society in his heart. Those guys were almost cutting off the life security of people like them. You are a No matter how many things the scavengers pick up, will the grave-digging troops with science and technology find as much? Others have finished digging, and when you arrive after all your hard work, there is nothing left.

The young man walked from the thruster position into the ruins of the spacecraft. He turned on the night vision function of his protective suit and began to explore inside the ruins. He walked around in the empty ruins, trying to find something inside the ruins. Technology will create technological creations that have not yet been discovered.

However, he didn't find much, and he only found a few batteries that had been used by technology. However, these gadgets could not be reused because the radiation had destroyed their structures.

"Shit! That damn shit that technology knows!"

The boy looked at the several batteries in his hand that were completely unusable, and he cursed angrily. At this moment, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from in front of him, and as three red light spots appeared from the darkness, a Wearing a red robe, he has mechanically modified limbs that even the robe cannot cover.

"Flesh, are you talking about us?"

The emotionless mechanical sound came from that thing, which frightened the young man to no end. He looked at the things in front of him with fear. The priests of the Science and Technology Association, this is the most frightening thing in the world. They are more... It's scary to think of those beasts, these guys won't even silence the dead.

There is a saying in this world that if you meet the priest of the Science and Technology Society, it is better to meet the beast in the wilderness directly. At least you can get real death from the mouth of the beast.

"My lords, I am just a little scavenger. Why do the adults of the Science and Technology Association care about me, a humble person who is insane due to radiation sickness and is not even suitable to be a servitor?"

The young man looked at the tentacle monsters in front of him, and he immediately gave in. He didn't want to turn into the mechanical cyborgs he had seen in the city. Thinking of this, he suddenly recalled the eyes of those cyborgs. , it was like a corpse.

The Science and Technology Association will indeed use corpses as servitors, but they will also use living people to do so. These inhumane guys do not regard civilians like them as human beings at all. They are just a group of machines with oil flowing in their bodies.

After the people from the Science and Technology Association heard what the boy said, they all stopped what they were doing. The implant of one of the members of the Science and Technology Association scanned the boy, and then they continued to walk towards the boy.

"Physically, there is not much radiation on your body. Your protective suit is very complete. You have not been affected by radiation. According to the Civilian Expropriation Act, you have been requisitioned by us. Your body will be even better under our transformation." Close to the deus ex machina."

The mechanical priest who scanned the boy said this while walking towards the boy.


As a young man, he looked at the mechanical priest in front of him. He repeated again a sentence that his father often cursed. He had asked his father before, what did this word mean?
His father told him that it means the excrement of an ancient animal that only exists in legends. It is a word that can be used to curse. However, neither his father nor he have seen that kind of animal. Know why an animal's feces can also be used to curse people.

The young man looked at the mechanical priest in front of him. He already knew his fate. He would be transformed by this group of people into a mechanical living corpse that was neither human nor ghost. He did not want this kind of fate, and he felt cruel in his heart. , and simply took out his weapon without doing anything else.

In this world, civilians can have their own weapons. The technological masters who manage this world will not care about this at all. They don't care that civilians have their own weapons, because those weapons cannot be used to overthrow them.

After the young man took out his weapon again, the mechanical priests of the Science and Technology Association did not step back. They looked at the simple firearm in the young man's hand and did not think that it would hurt them at all. In their opinion, that thing If you shoot at yourself, there is a high probability that it will explode directly.

"Bless me, bless me. If I can go back alive this time, I will bring you the best engine oil to maintain it."

The young man looked at the gun in his hand and thought crazily in his heart. He was completely desperate. He didn't think he could escape from the hands of these mechanical tentacle monsters. He knew that the gun in his hand was very important to those mechanical tentacle monsters. The armor on the priest's body was like a toy in a child's hand.

But he wanted to live, and he had to live. His father, who was suffering from radiation sickness, still needed him to support him. There was no way he would die here. If he died, the father who had raised him for so many years would starve to death at home.


As if he heard his prayer, after he pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand, the firearm that was modified from a weapon that was unknown many years ago actually fired without exploding. The chemical energy ammunition It was activated in the barrel of the gun, and its warhead flew towards the mechanical priest.


An unexpected thing happened. The bullet actually penetrated the head of the mechanical priest. This shocked the mechanical priest's companions and the young man. What surprised the mechanical priests was that the simple weapon The firearm could actually penetrate their armor. What surprised the young man was that he was clearly aiming for the chest, so why did he hit the head?

Quiet, weirdly quiet, except for the sound of guns penetrating armor, which still echoed in the empty space, everyone stopped.


This weird silence didn't end until the mechanical priest's body fell heavily to the ground. While the mechanical priests were still stunned, the young man used his fastest speed to run into the darkness in the ruins. He didn't know why the gun could penetrate the armor of the Mechanicus Priest, but he knew that he seemed to be able to survive, as long as he could get rid of the Mechanicus Priests behind him.

"Human Federation Colonial World, Mining World, Icarus Nine."

At the same time, in the orbit of this world, the Sun Fortress was parked in the synchronous orbit of the planet. Wang Ming looked at the yellow planet outside the window, and he suddenly discovered something very interesting. This The world's mining industry is actually still operating, as can be seen from the black smoke on the side of the planet's continent, which is the black smoke emitted when the refinery is operating.

Human civilization in this world actually still exists, and they are still doing the work they did thousands of years ago. "It seems there are still our compatriots in this world."

Wang Ming looked at the yellow world and said to Hu Jin beside him. The industries in this world are still operating, which means that the humans in this world still have a relatively complete civilization. At least they still have a relatively complete civilization. Mining, right?

"I hope it won't be another crazy federal world."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming, and he thought of the Shute world. Sometimes an incomplete federal world is actually more reassuring than a complete federal world. At least because of technological regression and other reasons, they cannot resist. The human empire took them back by force.

"Probably not. They don't have anything like a planetary defense fleet. The void of this galaxy is empty and there are no man-made objects flying."

Wang Ming listened to Hu Jin's words and smiled at him, showing a reassuring smile. The scan of this galaxy had been completed by the fleet the moment it entered the galaxy. There was no man-made weapon in this galaxy. There are only some asteroids orbiting in the void.

"Let's go, let's take a look at that human civilization. It's best to peacefully reclaim the world."

Wang Ming patted Hu Jin on the shoulder, and then walked to the airdrop deck. Although the 21st Army Corps did not want to fight against human civilization anymore, if human civilization had the same attitude as Shu Te about this matter, then Wang Ming doesn't mind taking back this world by force.

The airdrop pods fell to the ground like meteors, and their landing site happened to be the largest ruins in the world, the ruins of the ancient battlefield between the Human Federation and the Iron Man.

"Ha..., ha..., we didn't catch up! They didn't catch up!"

The young man ran among the ruins. He looked back from time to time. He did not see the mechanical priests who were chasing him. This made him feel lucky. He was not killed by these inhuman things, but from He escaped from their hands, which must be the first time in this world.

At this moment, the young man suddenly saw something in the sky, which was a huge meteor group, and that huge meteor group was falling towards where he was.

"It's over, I'm dead today..."

The young man looked at the meteors falling in the sky, and his heart became desperate again. It was obvious that he had just escaped the pursuit of the mechanical priests, and now, these huge meteors fell in the sky. This was because he had to It's impossible not to die.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound behind him. He turned around and saw that the scene behind him almost scared him out of his wits. Among the ruins, he saw two people wearing red robes. The figure was dancing with its metal limbs like those of arthropods, rushing towards his position quickly.

"It's over. Misfortunes never come singly. This time I'm completely over."

The young man looked at the two figures in red robes and silently put the muzzle of the gun to his chin. No matter what happened this time, he seemed to be absolutely finished. If he gave himself a good time, he might die easily. a little.

Just when the young man was about to give himself a good time, the figures of the two mechanical priests suddenly stopped. They both looked up to the sky, as if they saw something that shocked them. They actually backed away slowly. For these inhumane guys, most things in this world are unlikely to have such a big shock to them.

"Is it a shooting star? They are also afraid of death."

The young man watched the movements of the two mechanical priests, and he also looked up at the sky. He thought it was because those meteors were about to fall, which made the mechanical priests feel scared. But when he looked up, he also knew why those priests felt scared. .

A huge house-like metal object slowly dropped to the ground, spraying tail flames. The young man dared to swear to his dying father on the hospital bed that he had never seen such a large aircraft in his life, even those The aircraft of the Science and Technology Association cannot be that big.

And the aircraft slowly landed between him and the Mechanic-Priest. The Mechanic-Priest and he both looked at the aircraft, and they both wanted to know what that thing was?
And just when they were looking at the aircraft, the aircraft actually opened slowly. After the huge hatch fell on the yellow ground, causing a splash of flying sand and rocks, a huge figure and several smaller figures appeared. , slowly walked out of the aircraft.

"It seems that the civilization of this world is not well preserved."

Hu Jin looked at the young man wearing protective clothing that had been patched countless times, and he said to Wang Ming beside him.

"Put on your helmet, the radiation index in this place is very high."

Wang Ming did not answer Hu Jin's words. He looked at the two mechanical priests in red robes, and then explained to Hu Jin that the radiation index here was very high, and asked him to put on his helmet. Although the New Astartes passed by It has been strengthened by twenty-two plus five surgeries, but the radiation dose here can still make them feel slightly uncomfortable, but the metal skin can still protect them.

"Oh, okay, hey, isn't this the Mechanicus? How can the Mechanicus exist in this world?"

Hu Jin put on his helmet after hearing Wang Ming's words, but Zhou Heng beside Hu Jin didn't care about the radiation at all. He looked at the two mechanical priests in red robes and asked Wang Ming with a puzzled look on his face.

"It should be the ones from the Mechanicus who forced the use of subspace navigation fleets without navigators. I didn't expect them to come so far away."

When Wang Ming heard Zhou Heng's words, he thought for a moment and then replied to Zhou Heng. The distance between this world and Mars is extremely far. It is absolutely impossible for the Empire's Mechanicus to reach here. The only explanation is, On this world, there was once a Mechanicus exploration fleet that landed before the establishment of the empire.

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