Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 517 Chaos Faith in a Nuclear Wasteland World

The time-travelers walked like this while admiring the scenery after the nuclear apocalypse. They looked at the collapsed buildings and those that still had some things that might be words on the buildings. They all appreciated the once largest human beings. The gold content of doomsday weapons.

It is not that the time travelers have never used nuclear bombs. In a previous war to defend against the Tyranids, they had also seen an imperial world turn into a radioactive wasteland under nuclear weapons. They had also seen the world turn into nuclear waste. The nuclear winter of the earth world, but it is so intuitive to feel that a world with the ancient earth as the design background has become a wasteland, this visual impact is still relatively large.

"Oh my many nuclear bombs have been hit in this city? The Geiger counter is about to explode."

Hu Jin looked at the ruins around him and sighed to Wang Ming. The Geiger counter had not stopped ringing since they entered the city.

"There are obvious traces of a dirty bomb. The half-life of the surrounding radiation is very long. There are too many pollutants."

Wang Ming looked at the radiation index on the tactical eyepiece. He said to Hu Jin beside him that this city had obviously been hit by a dirty bomb. The radiation value on the surface had completely exceeded the range that organic life could bear. A If a human stands on the ground without any protective clothing, he will be eroded by radiation into a piece of rotten flesh within a few minutes.

"Okay, we don't need to move forward anymore. There is no need to look at the radiation index ahead."

Wang Ming looked at the data on the tactical eyepiece, and then issued an order to his team. They no longer need to move forward. This city has been turned into a dead city by nuclear bombs and cobalt bombs. Now they can only see Check to see if there are survivors underground, and you also need to confirm which city it is through the continental plate. If the city does not have a nuclear shelter facility or a deep enough subway, then the survivors are nonsense.

"Javier, Javier, do you hear it? It seems like the sound of humans walking around."

"Mikhail, please stop being suspicious. It's hard enough to be stationed here, and you have to tell me ghost stories every day. By the way, have you taken anti-radiation medicine?"

"Hit it, Mad, I said this station is too close and the radiation has seeped in. If it weren't for the anti-radiation medicine, we would have died long ago."

"Come on, Mikhail, are you just here for those extra bullets? If it weren't for those extra overtime pay, would you come to this place to see the radiation monster baring its teeth?"

In a subway station under the city, two people were wearing red federal military uniforms produced many years ago. They looked at the bright subway illuminated by various searchlights in front of them, as well as the various objects arranged on the subway tracks. Traps, as well as the radioactive mutant corpses stuck on various traps, the two of them chatted idlely.

"No, no, no, I am a soldier of the Red Federation, and I fight to protect my country."

The soldier named Mikhail looked at his comrades beside him. He patted the Medal of Honor on his chest, pointed to the red star on it, and then said to Havel.

"I was not a soldier before the war. I was forcibly recruited. I don't understand the glory of your soldiers. I just want to survive. I really don't understand. Why do we have to fight? Well, Isn’t it good to live? Those big guys are really the apostles of Satan..."

Havel looked at the medal on Mikhail's chest. He didn't have any idea about this thing. He was not a soldier before the war, he was just a farmer before the war. He really didn't understand why those big shots wanted to fight. , wouldn’t it be nice to plant some potatoes and raise some poultry? We must fight and destroy this world.

"The setting of a thousand suns destroyed human civilization. The sun turned into a nuclear fireball is the setting sun of mankind. Satan released the devil and let him use the sun to destroy the world. Hahaha, Javier, do you believe in the Metro Cult? Hahaha, laugh. It kills me, you should know that those people actually said that the subway was created by God, it is so ridiculous, as a materialist, I advise you to burn those things taught by the subway quickly, you are a bunch of fools."

Mikhail laughed at Havel, laughing at him for actually believing what those famous fools in the subway said. He was a materialist. Where did the devil come from in the world, that is, those capital gadgets who wanted to be great with themselves? The motherland is just at war. They only have their own interests in mind and don't care about the life and death of the people at all.

"you're right."

Havel thought for a moment, then nodded towards Mikhail. He took out a book and threw it into the fire next to him. Under the light of the fire, the book began to burn. On the cover of the book, a variant of the eight-pointed star of chaos is shining under the light of the flames.

"Is this the subway system... It's really dark, and it's not deep enough. Sir, can humans really survive here? Although the radiation index has been reduced a lot, it is still very dangerous."

On the subway track, a group of mortal auxiliary troops and two time travelers were walking in the subway. They looked at the surrounding environment through the night vision devices built into their helmets. As the team advanced, a mortal auxiliary army also Talking to a time traveler.

The Mortal Auxiliary Army expressed concern about the depth of this subway. He believed that this depth could not block radiation at all, and humans could not survive in such a place.

"Not necessarily, kid. Human beings will always find a way out for themselves. We saw some human corpses on the way here. There are definitely people in the subway system."

The time traveler looked at the mortal auxiliary beside him and said to him that he believed that human beings can find a way to survive anywhere. Even in the worst environment, human beings still have hope of existence.

"Sir, if this is indeed the case, we will definitely be able to find survivors."

The mortal auxiliary army listened to the words of the traversers, he nodded to the traversers, and then answered to the traversers.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the front of the team. As the roar came, a chaotic sound of running also appeared in the subway in front. With the appearance of the sound of running, everyone They raised their weapons and aimed at the darkness ahead. The darkness in the subway system actually had no effect on them. Everyone had night vision devices on their power armor helmets, and they could clearly see what was ahead. Everything.

In the subway tunnel ahead, there are countless rat-like creatures as big as cats. From the large yellow tooth exposed outside the mouth, it can be seen that it should be a mutated animal of rat type. They came, chirping and rushing towards the troops. The black mass could almost make anyone who faced them despair. But to the mortal auxiliary army and time travellers, these things are nothing. At best, they are just some big rats. Plasma rifles and bolt guns soon started shooting at those rats, one after another. Plasma and explosive bombs hit the rats. How could these mutated creatures of flesh and blood survive the firepower of these thermal weapons? They were quickly evaporated before they even had time to scream.

Under this firepower, the rats were quickly evaporated. The rats at the end of the team also noticed something was wrong, and just when they were about to escape, plasma and explosive bombs completely ended their lives.

Creatures of flesh and blood have no resistance when faced with thermal weapons. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the unknown organizations that were burned to coke, this idea appeared in everyone's mind, but This idea actually doesn't work very well in this universe. After all, the Tyranids are still there.

After clearing the rat swarm, the team continued to move forward. On the empty subway, there was only the sound of their footsteps. Perhaps the mutated animals hidden in the dark were frightened by their powerful firepower. They almost didn't encounter them along the way. There was no big danger, except for the sudden attack by a mutated dog-like thing, which shocked the mortal auxiliary troops, and there was nothing else.

And the deeper they go into the subway, the more they find that there seem to be more and more traces of human beings, abandoned fortifications, a large number of human corpses and broken weapons. However, what makes them feel speechless is that these dead humans and fortifications There are a large number of gun holes on it, which are obviously man-made killings. These things all show that even if the humans in this world have reached this level, they are still fighting civil war for those pitiful resources.

"Sir, is that light in front of you?"

And just as they were moving forward together, at a corner ahead, they actually saw light. The light meant that there must be someone here.

"Everyone is prepared, talk to them first, and fire directly if there is any problem. Our mission is to recover as peacefully as possible, but recovery by force is also an alternative."

The two time travelers looked at the light ahead. After giving an order to the mortal auxiliary troops, they walked directly forward.

"Mikhail, I think you are right. I seem to hear footsteps right in front."

Javier looked at the subway tunnel ahead, and he said to Mikhail beside him. He didn't believe Mikhail's words before, thinking that their site should not be attacked by any force, but now they are indeed It was the sound of walking footsteps.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You can probably hear the loud footsteps on the ground. Hurry up, turn on all the searchlights, and then put that damn machine gun on me."

Mikhail looked at Harvey and noticed that Mikhail shouted, as a veteran who has experienced the world nuclear war, his combat experience is infinitely higher than that of a conscript like Havel. He stared at the subway tunnel in front of him with the AK 74 rifle in his hand, already aiming in that direction. As long as any creature appeared in his field of vision, he would shoot immediately.

People in the subway not only have to fight against creatures mutated by nuclear radiation, but also against their own kind. The competition for resources is everywhere in the subway. In this small space, all kinds of human nature It is vividly reflected that bullets, population, weapons and equipment, and the most important anti-radiation medicine are all things that people in the subway are constantly fighting for.

"People in front, listen up, we are human beings, let's talk and don't open fire."

Just when Mikhail's nerves were about to reach the point of nervousness, a voice suddenly came from the front. The speaker used a language they were familiar with, Russian, and even had a little flick of the tongue.

"It's a human being, not a radiation monster..."

After Javier heard that voice, he was obviously relieved, but Mikhail was not. He still held up the AK 74 rifle in his hand and stared at the subway tunnel ahead.

As a soldier, it is impossible for him to let down his guard just because of a word. Who knows who is on the other side? Are they those guys who betrayed the motherland, or are they the enemy's occupying forces?

And just as Mikhail was entering the subway tunnel, a huge figure suddenly walked up to them. It was a three-meter-tall giant wearing a thick armor painted with silver and gold. Both of them were surprised. Looking at the giant, they had never seen this thing before. Is it a new weapon of the enemy?

Just when they were about to ask questions, Mikhail suddenly saw a double-headed eagle with red as the background and gold as the main color on the giant's shoulders. When he saw this pattern, he immediately put down his weapon. , it is absolutely impossible for those Meika people to use this as a symbol. As a Red Federation person, he is familiar with this symbol.

"So your nuclear war happened thirty-eight years ago?"

In this small subway outpost, a mortal auxiliary soldier looked at the two disarmed mortal soldiers in front of him. He held a data pad and continuously recorded the information from their mouths.

"Sir, look at this."

And just when the local mortals were being asked for information, a mortal auxiliary suddenly walked up to a time traveler with a broken book that had been burned. He handed the book to the time traveler's hands, and then traveled through The reader saw something extremely familiar.

"Chaos Eight-Pointed Star? Is there a cult in this world?"

The time traveler looked at the book in his hand. He looked at the symbol on the cover of the book. It was a variant of the eight-pointed star of chaos adapted from the nuclear danger symbol. Although it had changed a lot, as someone who had fought against chaos, he didn’t know After so many time travels, he still saw the true nature of this thing at a glance.

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