Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 546 The strange time and the answer to the lost city

Chapter 546 The strange time and the answer to the lost city

"Do you guys think this void city is a bit weird? It's deserted, not even a corpse, and there's a lot of blood. It's like something out of a horror movie."

Ye Fan looked at the surrounding environment and said to the traveler beside him.

"Even if it's a horror movie, we are the Astartes, they will only be afraid of us."

A time traveler looked at Ye Fan, and he said indifferently, for time travelers, everything has been seen before, even those things in horror movies, are subspace entities scary? They are The Astartes were powerful warriors who had experienced countless battles and were the sharp blades of the God-Emperor. How could they be afraid of these things.


While they were talking, several crooked figures suddenly appeared in the corridor in front of them. They looked at those figures, and then quickly raised their bolt guns.


A strange sound came from those figures, and the travelers also saw the appearance of those things. They were like humanoid creatures with countless corpses put together. They kept twisting the twisted limbs on their bodies and then moved toward them. The time travelers are coming.

"Hey, isn't this coming?"

The time traveler looked at Hu Jin, and then opened fire at the monsters. The bomb shot directly hit a monster. The monster's body was turned into pieces the moment the bomb hit it. The bodies of these monsters The strength is not that great. Its physical strength seems to be the same as that of a normal human being. At most, it is just disgusting and distorted.

These monsters did not put up much resistance under the traversers' bolt guns. After the traversers dealt with these monsters, they continued to move forward, but not long after they left, the monsters on the ground turned into The flesh and blood suddenly began to squirm continuously. After the squirming, the flesh and blood gathered together. After being combined, the flesh and blood directly transformed into a twisted humanoid monster with pale skin.

It writhed on the ground, as if it was adapting to its own body. After it adapted to its limbs, it began to run on the wall. It followed the traversers in the dark, and followed They move forward together!
The travelers did not notice this situation. They are now looking for the regional control room with a holographic projection map. Their task is to restart the facility, at least to allow the air in this void city to flow first.

And just as the travelers were moving forward, on the ceiling above their heads, a pale-skinned monster was staring at them. It looked at the travelers, and its sharp claws gripped the ceiling tightly.

In fact, the travelers including Wang Ming subconsciously ignored one thing, that is, how did these monsters fall to the ground in a gravity-free environment? This is an extremely unscientific question. matter.

"and many more!"

Ye Fan walked, and he finally calmed down. He recalled the scene where the monster appeared, and discovered this matter. He subconsciously looked at the ceiling, so he saw the thing hanging on the ceiling. monster.

He met the monster's eyes, and then the monster suddenly roared and rushed towards Ye Fan.


Ye Fan looked at the monster rushing towards him, and then slapped the thing on the wall. Although this thing looked scary, its physical strength was not high, just like a group of ordinary people who turned into monsters. Ordinary people.

"This really has gravity... Wait, this thing has no head, but it's still alive?"

Ye Fan and a group of time-travelers surrounded the monster on the ground. He saw that the monster without a head was still moving. He felt a little strange. This thing was not dead yet, and its headless body was still twisting. .

It has no head, but it is still roaring. This is not a hissing sound coming from its throat. This is also very strange. There is no air in this place. How on earth does it make a sound? It's not scientific.

"What the hell is this?"

Ye Fan looked at the excited pharmacist dissecting the monster, and he asked the pharmacist.

"I don't know, Captain, the body structure of this thing is almost the same as that of a human being, but its body's activity has not decreased. Its body is still alive. This goes against biology. It is not a subspace creature. "

The pharmacist looked at the monster in front of him that was still moving even though it had been disembowelled, and he said to Ye Fan in surprise.

"Well, let's see if you can still survive after breaking this thing into pieces."

Ye Fan took out a power hammer and smashed the monster into pieces with one hammer.

"No, company commander, this thing is still alive."

After Ye Fan beat the monster into pulp, the pharmacist checked the pulp on the ground. It was really strange that the pulp was still alive.

"With a flamethrower, I don't believe it. This thing can survive after being burned to ashes."

Ye Fan looked at the squirming meat on the ground, and he looked at a time traveler holding a heavy flamethrower. There is a solution to this kind of monster after all.

The flames of the heavy flamethrower were flying in the space, igniting the flesh on the ground and illuminating the entire space. The traversers looked at the flesh and blood burned by promethium on the ground with great interest. The twists of flesh and blood then gradually turned into ashes. "It's still moving, but it has obviously lost its active state."

The pharmacist looked at the ashes on the ground that were still moving without any external force. He was a little speechless. Before he traveled through time, he was a graduate student at Sichuan Medical University, but now he was very speechless about this kind of violation of biology.

"Forget it, forget about this, let's go directly to the control center and restart the device."

Ye Fan thought for a while, and then led the team directly to the control center. These things could not threaten them. Although it was very wrong and strange, the top priority now was to restart the space city.

"The call came in."

The perspective turned to Wang Ming. He was walking deep into the city with his team. Suddenly all the lights turned on. He looked at the lit up city around him and began to observe the situation inside.

All the facilities in the city are running, the air gradually returns to the vacuum environment, the gravity returns to normal, and with the restart of the automatic defense system, some sounds of fighting can still be heard in the city, which should be fighting. Iron Man is fighting something.

"Survivors...or those monsters?"

Wang Ming looked at the battle in the distance. He made a gesture to the team, and then the team spread out over a large area. They needed information. They needed to know what was happening in this city.

Wang Ming took the lead and rushed to the location where the sound of the battle was the fiercest. He wanted to know what was worth dealing with like this.

In a building, several humans wearing federal fully enclosed power armor were hiding with their weapons. They watched in surprise as the fighting iron men walked past them, and then killed the flesh and blood monsters that were charging towards them. .

They don't understand why the automatic defense system that has not been operating for more than thirty years suddenly started operating, while all the facilities in the city seem to have resumed operation. You know, there is only one possibility for this kind of thing, and that is the regional The monster in the control room was killed, and someone restarted all the systems in the space city.

But that's impossible. Let's not talk about whether anyone has this ability. As far as they know, the survivors have no such plan. You know, under the oppression of those monsters, it is difficult for the survivors to eat enough. Who can I will go to the regional control room to restart the system. There is a terrible monster there. It is a twisted nothingness composed of thousands of corpses. It is the agent of the plague. No one dares to provoke that monster. These monsters are immortal.


And just as the survivors were thinking about it, a voice suddenly appeared next to them.

The survivors were so frightened by the sound that they almost jumped up. They immediately aimed their weapons at the source of the sound, but when they saw what was in front of them, they all involuntarily put down their weapons.

They saw the "god", a golden giant. He was wearing golden armor, and his body seemed to be emitting golden light. His face was like the most beautiful sculpture in ancient Greece. The moment they saw him, everyone Everyone felt a gentle breath, which was a feeling from the heart, just like the instinct of the human species.


The survivors looked at the golden giant in front of them and subconsciously said something they could not have said originally. God, although there are beliefs in this thing in the era of the Human Federation, they are just traditional religious beliefs. They, the Human Federation, The staff generally have no faith. They are a group of determined atheists who believe in science and reason, but now they have said this word that they have never been able to say.

"Tell me what happened here."

Among the team of travelers, Wang Ming looked at the survivors in front of him who were feasting on the energy gel carried by the travelers. He asked them what happened in this place.

"Are you the rescue team of the Human Federation? It has been thirty-eight years, do you know how we have lived!"

After hearing Wang Ming's question, several female survivors and several survivors whose psychological endurance had collapsed burst into tears. Several survivors even hugged the time-travelers around them and cried. Forget about the time-travelers hugged by the survivors. Those time-travelers hugged by a group of big men were really a little unable to hold on, but if they were crying so miserably, you couldn't push them away.

Although most people were a bit emotionally broken, there were still some calm people, the leader of the survivors, a middle-aged man. He was wearing a federal army power armor and had an identity tag on his chest. He was a former federal captain with the same rank as Captain Zhou Heng, but he was not a soldier in the bio-augmented army. He had only undergone some genetic enhancement surgeries and some implant modifications.

Under the narration of this federal captain, Wang Mingyu finally knew what happened in this space city.

After the Iron Man Rebellion began, this space city began to shut down all artificial intelligence, and then began to actively support the Greater Nebula region with all the forces it could supply. The city's garrison fleet was also transferred during that time, but just as they were supporting the Federation's war, a strange plague suddenly broke out in the city.

The first thing that started this plague was that a large number of humans began to have some hallucinations. They saw themselves dying, being killed by Iron Man or federal troops or even aliens. This caused all humans in the city to begin to suffer from mental weakness. , a large number of mental diseases also began to appear, the number of suicides began to increase exponentially, and those who died stood up after death.

After they stood up, they had lost human wisdom. They would only attack those who were alive. The federal troops in the city quickly took action, but they were surprised to find one thing, that is, these monsters They can't be killed at all. Even if their bodies are beaten into paste, the paste will quickly reassemble into a more mutated monster.

Under the constant killings of federal troops, those monsters gradually mutated into things that made the federal troops retreat steadily. Countless mutating monsters were killing humans in the city, and the humans who died, no matter what the reason Those who die due to causes will also join these monsters. This is what happens in this space city. The remaining survivors can only live in the shadows like mice. They do not dare to fight those monsters at all. Because even if those monsters are temporarily killed, those monsters will stand up in a more terrifying state.

"Okay, I probably understand."

Wang Ming looked at the federal captain in front of him. He already understood everything. There was definitely a chaos thing in this city that was affecting humans. As for whether it was a chaos artifact or some other subspace entity, he didn't know. Now we just need to find that thing and kill it. But there is still a small problem, that is, why it is only more than thirty years. You know, tens of thousands of years have passed since the Federation era. How can the time of this galaxy be possible? It's just that in the world that has passed for more than thirty years, this is unscientific, but Wang Ming does not dwell too much on this issue. After all, this is not the first time they have encountered such a thing.

For this void city, Wang Ming is determined to win. There are not many such complete federal facilities. This is an important archaeological discovery that can be given to those oil guys, and then more Titan pilots can be obtained from them. Although now The fleet is already training Titan pilots, but the training speed of those pilots is still too slow. For the time being, it still needs some experienced pilots to supplement, and this void city can also be used as a springboard, as a stable place to go to the solar system. The galaxy in the subspace channel can be used as a springboard to regain the Great Nebula area, allowing the light of mankind to return to the Great Nebula area, and allowing those human colonies that may still be alive to return to humanity.

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